RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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Messages - Keranu

Hi cosmos, I only see one order listed under your email address (#38) for two copies... I'm assuming Rover combined both into your first order to give an extra spot for the pre-order bonus item.
Hey I actually kind of like Gaia! Still have yet to beat it.
Off-Topic / Re: drunk threadfe
10/08/2012, 08:23 PM
I think Josh is wasted, dudez!
I finally beat Blood Gear a couple weeks ago after several unsuccessful playthrough attempts for the past 10 years! Definitely a hidden gem, at points it can feel a little lackluster, but there's nothing bad you can say about it really. Mechs, cool weapons, side-scrolling gameplay with RPG elements, what more could you want?
"Bikini Girls is no game, but experiences with it are never devoid of challenge: sifting through dozens of horrific images for an undistorted photo of a decent-looking lady can be a grueling process indeed." Haha!
General Gaming / Re: Ouya? Oh, nah.
10/08/2012, 12:45 PM
Quote from: motdelbourt on 10/07/2012, 09:59 PMIf there were a couple of awesome exclusives, or if it were an ideal way to play some Android game I'd pick one up. As a main console that I'd spend a lot of money on, no thank you.

It's not hard copies of games that I care about at all, since I'm not much of a collector and there's really no practical reason for hard copies of anything anymore. I just want to be able to play my game 20 years from now if I feel like it. I don't want to find out that company Y ended the contract with company X and now I can't play my game/watch my movie/whatever anymore. Or that company Y either went belly up or was bought out and shifted in a new direction, which is what is going to happen here.
So far, Horn looks like a console quality Android game worth buying a Ouya for
. Other that, we're stuck playing Angry Birds and Doodle Jump blown up to scale on a TV :(
I would LOVE to play a consolized Street Rod! We could do a sweet 9-bit recoloring job on it to make it look like a real console game.
For what it's worth, I too have met TurboJosh on a few occasions and one of the first traits about him that rubbed on me was his "fatherlyness." He's a great guy, one of the coolest I've met from these forums.
General Gaming / Re: Ouya? Oh, nah.
10/04/2012, 04:32 PM
I like the Ouya concept, I might buy one if there are enough console quality Android titles worth playing on it (not very optimistic about that, lol). I don't think it will take off, but it definitely sends a strong message to the game industry about consumer rights and indie development that I can stand behind.
Still waiting on the first batch of bonus discs to arrive in the mail. I haven't heard much from Rover lately, but he's been looking for a new lightscribe burner to finish the remaining discs. If anyone would like just the copy of the game sent to them, please let us know and I'll get it out to you immediately.
Quote from: NightWolve on 10/03/2012, 09:25 PMHonestly, I get surprised when I learn that somebody actually appreciated the Xak III project, in addition to about the dozen or so people that I've already counted and what not... ;) I dunno, the translation work has no heart to it and I'm not proud of that project but it was a path to Ys IV, so it was good for something!
Back when the Xak III project started, there were barely (if any?) CD translations available. Not the most attractive title, but it was definitely a worthy accomplishment.
Anyways, agree with my philosophy or not, I really do want to see if there are any recent pedo posts by Regal. I warned him and he respectfully told me he would shut up about it... maybe there's hope for the poor sap afterall :P . I don't care how bad the offense is, anyone deserves a second chance in my book.

I'd appoint more mods if I could, but sadly as Joe found out, I cannot. Until then, I shall always remain the Dan Hibiki of forum moderators!
I do love RegalSin! I have no shame in admitting that.

It's also common sense that you don't put out a fire with gasoline. The point I am trying to make in this thread is that there's only so much moderators can do for the community, there is just as much responsibility placed on the members to keep the peace around here too.

Quote from: guest on 10/03/2012, 04:23 PMThere's a big difference between regal making hundreds of worthless, off-topic posts and a usually helpful, contributing member going off on the occasional tangent or continuing a discussion after it's morphed from the original topic; and there's an even bigger difference between using racial/sexual slurs (expressly forbidden by the rules) and someone cursing (merely not recommended).
Don't forget this rule: "Foul language in the form of insults directed towards other forum members may result in a ban."
I warned RegalSin about pedophilia on September 9th, so if anyone can find any pedo-related posts after that date, your wish is my command :) .

Otherwise I don't do bans, I'll leave that to the other mods. The only reason I'm making an exception for RegalSin is because it may become a liability issue for Aaron/PCEFX if authorities get involved.

If I were to strictly follow the rules and ban people for derailing topics and refusing to keep "cursing at a minimum", I don't think any of us would be posting here right now :P . Yes I'm a stubborn son of a bitch, but many are aware that I'm the joke mod around here!
My post still stands: if RegalSin has made any recent pedo posts, notify me of them and I will ban him. As far as I know, he's cut it out since I sent him a PM about it but since I only read maybe 5% of the forum I wouldn't really know.

People also have to stop giving trolls energy to feed off of, that is exactly what keeps them going in the first place. If I were to ban every troll here it would only encourage them to keep coming back again and again like Nintega. Yes they are assholes, but talking like an asshole back is only adding fuel to the fire.

One other thing that has bothered me about this forum are the so called "veteran" members that won't give newbies a chance to stick around. We were all once n00bs, there is no reason to bark at them if they aren't aware of PCE etiquette or don't know how to use the search tool, etc.. etc... Just cut them some slack, OK?

The reason I don't read most of them forum is not because of these trolls or n00bs, but because of the general attitude of some of the members that have been around here for years. It's gotten as bad as the Neo-Geo forum.
I have warned Regal Sin weeks ago. If he ever starts the pedo stuff again, someone let me know and I'll ban him. Otherwise I'd hate to ban the guy, he's hilarious. I don't know how anyone could possibly be offended by his random moon language babble!
A Xak III dub would be cool since you can work with Nightwolve again like Ys IV. A full Snatcher localization would be awesome, but definitely lower priority.

I like PD's idea of localizing games that were intended to make it over shores, but failed. We must fulfill NEC and TTi's long lost promises!
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/29/2012, 07:35 PMYes, 2.  I had forgotten about that.  I did make an effort to try both forms when I originally fell off the bridge at the waterfall.  That's awesome that there are so many combinations of possible voiceovers at that point and slightly beyond.  They all worked great.
Haha, I also tried every combination! Hudson paid great attention to fine detail in Dawn of Ys.
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 09/29/2012, 04:39 PMI haven't beaten the game yet but I am still enjoying the hell out of the english dub.
It's like playing the game for the first time all over again for me!
What was the game listed as "TURBO" in the first receipt?
My favorite part about Mysterious Song is restarting the game and checking out the bonus galleries every time I unlock something new. Normally I don't care too much about this kind of stuff in other games, but it's really fun for a TG16 game!

It may not be as fancy of a homebrew as something like Pier Solar, but it has it's own charms. We're making progress with our indie tools and skillsets all the time in the PCE world ;) .
Off-Topic / Re: Caption Contest
09/26/2012, 06:21 PM
Steven Spielberg premiering the re-opening of the Jaws ride at Universal Studios Florida
Good idea. I updated the main page with hyperlinks now, but there are still a few missing and some of them aren't very game specific (like the Eponasoft titles). If anyone has more precise links post em here.
I think that mode 7 opening alone would be impossible to emulate on PCE. Better off porting SNES games from scratch than trying to hack and emulate them.
I agree with Nightwolve. Besides, even if we do do a pressing (wow, how cool is it to say "do" two times consecutively?), we'll have to wait for a text translation update from Nightwolve anyway, so that gives us plenty of time to think about these things before we even consider the possibility of replicating Ys IV.
Quote from: NightWolve on 09/25/2012, 06:37 PMDeuceBag did the same thing essentially, but with a commercial, for-profit entity/corporation, XSEED! He secretly sold the Felghana script (3 others after) in 2010, 6 months of secrecy just about, and he got 100% of the credit, 100% of the profit (whatever was paid to him), was never heard from again, didn't have a single thing to say to me ever since, just playing stupid basically and projecting as if he had done all the work himself in a vacuum (that was after 8 years of knowing him and ~5 of working together). In both cases, they effectively claimed 100% stake in the end result, even though neither of them would've had anything in their miserable hands to sell to the public, let alone to a corporation, etc. So, the point is, those two individuals can burn in hell and not only would I NOT ask for their permission, or give a damn what they thought, I wouldn't share a single penny of the earnings with them!
Lol, "DeuceBag". In all seriousness though, I hadn't heard about him selling out like that... what a shitty thing to do! To be honest I never did like that guy on RIGG, he had a nasty attitude and a sharp tongue.
From my experience with pressing MSR, funding money for such projects is a piece of cake around here. We may not have the biggest retro community around, but we have enough loyal fans that will eagerly support projects like this. I couldn't believe we raised over $200 from donations in just one day for only a MSR check disc... the internet is an amazing tool indeed!

Guess it goes without saying that I'd gladly chip in for a Ys IV dub repro  :mrgreen:

By the way, do you guys think that if Nightwolve and co won't repro the dub that someone else like Care4Data might come in and beat everyone else to it (regardless of what the readme says)?
When I run patcher now it says "ERROR: ISO does not match valid file size!" . But after taking Bernie's advice and putting the files themselves directly in the root patch folder, it works! That's good enough for me! :D

I did a quick test on Ootake and everything is in English: the text, the redbook, and the ADPCM! Outstanding work, gentleman! Give yourselves a good pat on the back for me!

Now if we can get this baby produced on replicated discs with authentic packaging someday.... <droolz>
I always thought the same thing about the Turbo too.
I put my rip (with Nightwolve's translated patch applied) in the Patch folder as the text file indicates. When I run Patcher.cmd and press a key, it says "Checking ISO integrity... File Not Found" and then goes on to unpacking the APE files. Then after awhile it stops and says "Cannot auto detect audio track file names! you will have to manually copy the audio tracks over from the 'patch' folder. Press any key to continue with ISO patching" . I click a key again and a bunch of lines saying "Error: Cannot open '02 Ys IV - The Dawn of Ys (HCD3051-5-1116-R1P)(J).iso' : The system cannot find the file specified." and afterwards says "The patching process is complete!"

I've tried moving the wavs from the patch folder into my Ys IV rip folder and renaming the files to match the rest of the them but I get the same problem. My rip is also the HCD3051-4-1108-R1F version that the readme recommends, so why would Patcher.cmd be looking for the other version?
Quote from: esteban on 09/24/2012, 09:13 PMThis is a wonderful day :pcgs:
I told my mom today was the best day of my life because of this!

Still figuring out how to get this patch to work in the mean time.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaah the suspense is killing me!!!
I don't have the actual usernames listed in the order log and I don't suppose customers would be too thrilled about having their full names or email addresses listed publically :D . Oh well, doesn't bother me so if anyone wants to know their order # just PM me or post here.
Quote from: kazekirifx on 09/23/2012, 09:42 PMFamitsu also commented that "the gameplay has a very satisfying feeling of high speed." "Having many different ways to attack enemies, including using teammates abilities, is fun." "The story and scenarios are very enjoyable." "The user interface is very simple to use, and it is good as a beginner's action RPG." "Special attacks are very easy to execute." "The game's system and story are a good match." "It's fun to gradually uncover the map of the foliage ocean." "The game pulls you in and makes it hard to stop playing." However "the graphics can be a bit weak in some places."
But what about the music!? We're talking freaking Ys here!
Perfect timing, I'm about to finish Blood Gear and then I can move onto playing this most triumphant dub!

EXCELLENT! <air guitars>
Quote from: mrhaboobi on 09/24/2012, 05:37 AMnothing arrived so im pretty sure im in the bonus land :).. looking to move house in a few months ( end Nov ) so if you think i wont get something in the mail till then let me know and i can update my address ;)
You're order #42, qualified for the bonus item! Yours should be getting shipped soon, hopefully this week, but it will take a couple weeks to reach New Zealand.
Wait until you get X-Fire, Ice & Thunder!
Quote from: kiketonto on 09/23/2012, 07:33 AM
Quote from: Keranu on 09/20/2012, 12:17 AMallyourblood: You are qualified for the bonus item (you're order #73). Unfortunately that means you have to wait until the second batch of bonus discs are ready :(
Mine received but not with bonus disc. May I have my copy layer?
Sorry, you weren't one of the first 100 orders eligible for the bonus item. :( (You were order #192) We do plan on producing more bonus items in the future, so you can try again then.
You're all welcome :) . Thanks for ordering!
Off-Topic / Re: Woooohooooo!!!!
09/21/2012, 07:10 PM
That's the best news I've read all week -- congrats, Bernie and Jimilee!
Quote from: guest on 09/21/2012, 02:38 PM
Quote from: Keranu on 09/20/2012, 12:17 AMallyourblood: You are qualified for the bonus item (you're order #73). Unfortunately that means you have to wait until the second batch of bonus discs are ready :(
Keranu can you check what # I am?


Quote from: RegalSin on 09/21/2012, 03:24 PMI am still waiting for my shipment, I pre-ordered it.
You're #93, so you can either wait for the second batch of bonus items to arrive or choose to have just the game shipped now. Let me know which you'd prefer!
allyourblood: You are qualified for the bonus item (you're order #73). Unfortunately that means you have to wait until the second batch of bonus discs are ready :(
I know I've had my fair share of experied products growing up that my pops would buy at discount and I'm still alive in mostly one piece :P . The white sludge doesn't sound good, should probably avoid drinking any with that in it. :S
Quote from: esteban on 09/18/2012, 12:34 AM
Quote from: hoobs88 on 09/17/2012, 09:18 PMWho did the voice acting for the characters? I seem to recall there being auditions on the forums but I couldn't find the thread and no credit is given to them in the manual.
That's the "mystery" in MSR! You have to figure that out. :pcgs:
By beating the game! :D

Some voice actors I know off the top of my head: Odonadon as Grimm, Paranoia Dragon as Spear, uhh Nod's wife as Ryanna I think? Oh and TurboSage/Star/Josh as Tiger.
Quote from: guest on 09/15/2012, 12:29 AMThat is amazing...

Dogs are loyal.. I have a Jack Russell and that little punk stays by my side always.... and hates when I leave the house.  Ya get attached to them and visa versa... Thanks for sharing wolve
I have a 11 year old, 40lbs Jack Russell terrier. Those dogs are too smart for their owners.
Read that the other day. Dogs are the greatest!
Yup, I want one. Add my name to that there list.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: China Warrior Raffle
09/14/2012, 05:36 PM
Yessir I want in on this bitch too!
Pretty sick, is there a file available for download?