10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - DragonmasterDan

Quote from: JapanTokei on 08/12/2010, 09:26 AMlol, that's exactly my situation Dragon!  living in Asia means small Apts.  Aside from my freq played games, all my goodies are inside a giant suitcase and closet... my daydream is to have a kick ass big gameroom like Sparkys once I get back to the States.
I have a storage locker and a closet with literally thousands of games, beyond stuff I frequently play almost everything is in boxes due to lack of space. I attempted to shelf every NES game to no avail, I ran out of space in shelving which takes up the entire wall. I'm within double digits of a complete US NES collection but when I ran out of wall space I greatly lost interest in finishing it.
I don't have nearly as much Turbo stuff, but I collect quite a bit. I have a complete collection of one system. And am closing in on another with a rather huge library. And yeah, at a certain point it does lose that novelty, especially when you run out of space to display stuff and are forced to put things in boxes just to adequately store them.
TZD used to send out flyers with their orders that included price lists as well as the one on their site. I still have some of them.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 08/09/2010, 07:20 AMWhat was the serial port used for?  And could one mod one of these new ones to have one?
It was used for downloading action replay codes or save files to and from the device.

Added in edit: And I am not aware of a way to mod it.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/08/2010, 07:45 PMWow, awesome. I think that's exactly what I paid for mine when they first came out a long ass time ago.
Yep, they no longer have the serial cable port on the more recently made ones though. Also keep in mind, Saturn cartridge slots suck. Getting carts to work properly can be a hassle.
Quote from: Mathius on 08/05/2010, 11:35 PMI would love to get a switch installed, but like you said, I may not find anyone willing. And the $$ is an issue since I bought the Saturn from fellow forum member jeffg, and then a few games off eBay.
NCSX still sells them brand new. http://www.ncsxshop.com/cgi-bin/shop/EMS-ARP3.html
General Gaming / Re: JVC X'eye anybody?
08/07/2010, 08:16 PM
Quote from: Roy The Sunderer on 08/07/2010, 08:00 PMThanks for the info, Dan. It would just be cheaper for me to get the Sega CD and 32X then. I would still need my Master System handy since my Genesis is a model 2. I liked the idea of using the AV cables and only one AC adapter, the back of my TV is already a big enough mess.
Yeah, I only dig out the master system on select occasions.

I have one 32X, and it's hooked to a tower of power (model 1 Genesis, Model 1 Sega CD, and a 32X) which requires THREE AC adapters.

Generally speaking for Gen/Sega CD gaming I use the CDX 99% of the time.
General Gaming / Re: JVC X'eye anybody?
08/07/2010, 07:40 PM
Quote from: Roy The Sunderer on 08/07/2010, 07:08 PMHey Dan, I was toying around with the idea of picking up an X'Eye or CDX to save some room that my Genesis and Master System are taking up. Are the Power Base Converter and 32X compatible with both of those?
The Power Base Converter is only compatible with the model 1 Genesis. In Europe a Power Base converter for model 2 was released, but due to the lack of popularity of the Master system over here, it stayed in Europe.

Added in edit: As far as the 32X goes, It's compatible with the X-eye, but I don't believe it works with the CDX. Also the X-eye is pretty big, you wouldn't be saving much room with it.
General Gaming / Re: JVC X'eye anybody?
07/30/2010, 12:36 PM
Quote from: Fatality on 07/29/2010, 11:58 AMYo DragonmasterDan, would you be willing to sell one of your X'eye to me? Please :mrgreen:
Not really looking to sell either of them, especially considering I only have one power adapter.

They're a real problematic system as far as reliability goes and I feel fairly fortunate to actually posses what appears to be a fully working one.

The first system I purchased "broken" and with some tape to hold down the CD door open and close button I was able to "repair" it. This particular system is picky with discs, won't read backups I've made of discs no matter what the situation is.It only plays glass mastered discs, and because of the aforementioned CD door issue, you have to put a disc in and close the CD door prior to powering on the system so it doesn't spin out of control.

The other one I purchased at a goodwill without cables, controller or anything. While less aesthetically pleasing due to sticker residue and scratches, it seems to operate perfectly which surprised me considering the horror stories I've heard about the system reliability.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 07/29/2010, 09:58 PMI've fixed duos that had trouble reading by adjusting the potentiometers.

Here's how I have done mine....

Removed the top half of the system shell.  Remove the magnet from the disc lid.
Tape the drive closed switch so that the system thinks the drive is closed.

I use an audio CD since it is always reading and you can easily test the full range of the laser, plus the audio feedback is useful.  Place the audio cd in the unit and put the magnet on top of the spindle to hold the CD in.

Once the CD is running (or at least trying to) I go about adjusting the Pots.  Some might say not to adjust them while the unit is running, but I didn't destroy two systems doing it this way.

I used a small phillips head screwdriver to adjust the pots.

I started with the VR102 and VR104 pots.  Those two seem to have a narrow adjustment range where the CD drive will spin at all.  Once those are adjusted such that the CD is spinning and the laser is at least attempting to read, I move on to the VR101, 3 and 5.  You may have to do minor tweaks to VR102 and VR104 after adjusting VR101,3 and 5 to ensure that the laser will read the entire CD.  Sometimes you'll get the unit to work but only up to about halfway through the CD before the laser has trouble finding the track. 

VR101 seems to help with the noise of the unit (and when its out, the laser will be very loud and audio will cut out) 
VR102 has a small (maybe +/- 15 degrees) range in which the laser will read a disc at all. 
VR103 seems to also help noise level, but isn't as extreme as VR101. 
VR104 similar to VR102, but has a slightly higher range, and affects laser focussing on tracks further out on the disc.
VR105 seems similar to VR103 in results, but if its too far off will cause read errors.
Here is a picture of the final adjustment positions of the 5 pots in one of my duos.  It seems to be different for each laser.  There is one side of the pot adjusters that seems different, I use that as a reference.  Any other questions, please ask.
The potentiometers on mine just seem to be tiny little holes, not like regular screws. How easily do they rotate?
In playing a CD game earlier today on one of my Duo's the game skipped for a while between loading. I could hear the CD making seeking noises, after a certain point I gave up, hit run and select and went back to the BIOS screen. Tried to start the game again, nothing. Tried other CDs, nothing, just disc load errors.

This Duo has replaced caps and the laser was working fine prior to this. I went through the trouble of re-seating it inside the Duo.

I'm guessing this might be a problem with the potentiometers losing synch trying to read a scratched disc, but does anyone have any ideas?

Added in edit: it's not the games either, I tested them in my other Duo and they're loading.
payment sent.
Quote from: chany60126 on 07/23/2010, 05:18 PMHey guys, is there is a viable replacement for the standard AC adapter for the Express? Instead of the original NEC adapter, I was wonderin' if there is something from Radio Shack or Amazon that we could use as well.
I know the Lynx AC adapter works, but it may be a slightly higher voltage.
Quote from: MaximumRD on 07/23/2010, 12:05 AMBeing completely new to the world of NEC consoles I have much to learn before I will be diving in which is why I joined here. I figured I would tackle this one first because in general I feel I have enough handhelds and I am not really one to use them on the go anyways. I do admit I always thought the TurboExpress/PC Engine GT was pretty amazing compared to other handhelds of the time. I was still curious about what the members here think of them in general, opinions, comments, stories. Is it particularly rare compared to the other NEC consoles? Many problems with them? Compatibility issues? Any info appreciated, I am here to learn!
The screen compared to any other handhelds of the era is so much better as far as refresh rate and clarity that it blows anything from its era out of the water. Until the GBA SP or Micro we hadn't seen a better screen.

With that said, there are consistent problems with TEs/GTs and leaky or failing caps. I've owned 3 of them before getting one with changed out caps. The few I've seen in the wild all seem to have dimmed screens and failing (or failed) sound. There are a lot of hardware problems and finding an unmodified fully working model is almost unheard of this many years later.

As far as compatibility problems, there aren't many major issues as long as you're happy playing single player Hucard games that only use two buttons. There are a few games with multiplayer capability that can use the link cable, but it pales in comparison to the total number of multiplayer hucards that work using a regular console.

If you can find a working one (or repair a broken one) they're worth picking up.
General Gaming / Re: JVC X'eye anybody?
07/21/2010, 10:46 AM
I have two of them, they're decent. I like the fact they take normal RCA cables.

In general I prefer the CDX due to its size. Overall though the X-eye is a nice Sega CD/Genesis combo. They do have a high defect rate though and for a system that's rare to begin with that's a problem.

Added in edit:
I thought I'd elaborate on the high defect rate. The systems are known to have both leaky caps and there's an issue with the drive door pinswitch that leads to problems.
Quote from: guest on 07/19/2010, 05:07 PMall of the above- the dude that owns them buys pretty much everything that he can get his hands on Lynx related.  I'm not even sure what his name is (Lynx guy), but his son (Kevin) and my boys get along pretty well.  We meet up every year at MGC and the kids play pretty hard!
I bought a copy of Zaku from him.
Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 07/19/2010, 12:15 PMhere is the crappy lil vid I did before the show- lol
I saw you also got the Zaku video up. Awesome
Great meeting everyone today, and sorry for being so damn talky!
Quote from: henrycsc on 07/06/2010, 06:32 AMLOL, yeah, I hear ya.  I am buying a lot of stuff - trying to make up for lost time - figure I'll get a better deal buying in bulk.  :)
That one's not on my radar though.  Not yet, anyway.  Has anyone documented what was actually used inside the kiosk?
The Kiosks had an NEC brand CRT TV.
Does it have an actual NEC brand TV like the old Kiosks did?
Quote from: Keranu on 06/26/2010, 09:04 PMChrono Trigger sucks.

Great visual style, great game design overall. Well paced, great music.
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 06/26/2010, 08:10 PMCF2 isn't a CT or Lunar grade game on any level. The ONLY good thing about CF2 are the cutscenes. They are very good. Compared to the rest of the US library they are 10/10 (probably 8/10 in the Japanese library).

Everything else about the game is D+ or worse. Some can say that "the story" is really good, specifically the ending, but the good parts of the story are all in the cutscenes. Everything great about CT happened with no cutscenes.

The rest of CF2, the maps, the dungeons, the music, the gameplay (especially the gameplay, barf) is lame as hell. It makes Dragon Quest 1 look like Dragon Quest 5.

As for the enemy graphics...they are brown and lame just like the towns and the maps. I would argue that even Zork 1 has better enemies...and it doesn't even have graphics.
The story, pacing and localization of CF2 is decent for a 16-bit RPG. But I agree, it's not a CT or Lunar grade game in any way.
Quote from: Keranu on 06/26/2010, 03:44 PMI think the overworld graphics in Dragon Slayer's kick CF2's butt. CF2 could've looked phenomenal though with some touch ups.
CF2 isn't exactly a Lunar or Chrono Trigger like masterpiece of visual style. But the character design, town design and existence of cutscenes beyond the intro and ending make it miles ahead of Dragon Slayer.
Quote from: Keranu on 06/26/2010, 03:06 AMThe acient debate has resurfaced.

I vote Cosmic Fantasy 2. It had it's share of ugly and generic looking enemies, but for the most part they were a whole lot more creative than Dragon Slayer's cast of goons.
Definitely Cosmic Fantasy 2, not just the enemy designs, but in general has a better aesthetic style to it.
Quote from: turbogrfxfan on 06/24/2010, 09:09 PMWhats wrong w it?
It's slow, bad level design. Lack of powerups. It's not anywhere near as fun as the original Air Zonk.
I've been playing Super Air Zonk. I'm still very disappointed with it.
Any good suggestions for cleaning old PC Engine controllers? I got one recently and the buttons stick a bit and the D-pad is a tad less responsive than brand new. Any good dis-assembly and cleaning suggestions?
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 03:20 PM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/12/2010, 01:42 PM
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 11:36 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/12/2010, 09:36 AM
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 01:33 AM
Quote from: agt_dale_cooper on 06/11/2010, 09:16 PMFrom the picture, appears you have the correct style bit.
DON'T understand it's ability to open a Genesis game.
Are the screws in the Genesis the same as the screws in your Duo?
Got anybody local to you that handles such matters?  Try Craigslist, if present for your vicinity.
Don't know what to tell you, unfortunately...strange.
I went to my local Play N Trade since they can repair anything, even retro. The repairs guy confirmed that it was definitely the wrong bit since it is not keyed in properly compared to the screws on the Duo. He even tried to open up an n64 system, but no dice. Too bad he couldn't find his gamebit. The screws on my Duo are the same ones as the Genesis carts. What a headache... Where did you buy your gamebit from??

Play N Trade's generally have trouble doing repairs for systems they either don't have an outside vendor to repair or are not in their guidebook.

Added in edit: After consulting a friend of mine who was employed at one. Most of what they do internally at his store is simple NES 72 pin connector swaps. Everything else they were sending out to a vendor. It's on a franchise by franchise basis apparently.

I'm guessing you went to the one next to the movie theatre in Downtown Elmhurst?

In any event, I bought the correct gamebit from Nintendo Repair Shop online.
Yep, I went to Play N Trade in Elmhurst, it's only a half mile from my house. The guy who does repairs, Steve, has worked with gamebits before. He seems to know what he is talkin about. He is excellent at soldering stuff as he has fixed many RROD for 360s. I will probably seek his advice on how to solder since I have never done that before. The guys there are awesome.

I will look into the nintendo repair site after I email the peops (ncsx.com) who sold me the wrong gamebit. I think.
There is a label on the baggie where gamebit came that says 22-1150. Did your gamebit have a similar description?

I've bought from NCS many many many times. Not usually had a problem. My gamebit (I bought two different ones from Nintendo repair shop at the time) literally arrived in a regular envelop in a tiny baggie with an invoice.

Added in edit:As far as that play N trade goes. I like the people there. I never find much product I want there however. Whereas I've had better luck finding retro stuff I want at some of the other Play N trades in the area. Cool people there though. I've been there 20-30 times, some of the employees recognize me there by now.

The downside to that Play N Trade is the location. Living only a half a mile from there is one of the few ways to actually get to that play n trade since downtown Elmhurst has practically no parking. I usually park all the way down by Hamburger Heaven and just walk whenever I go to that one.
The Elmhurst Play N Trade is pretty good. They get some good stuff from time to time. I go there at least once a week since bank is right across the street. I am astonished to hear that you park all the way by Hamburger Heaven. You should park at the Chase/Walgreens parking lot right in front of the store. Chill out at Walgreens for a bit just to play it safe. I have found some pretty nice finds at Elmhurst PNT. In fact, I picked up Splatterhouse 2 and 3 for a combined $20 about a month and a half ago. The only other PNT i've been to is in bloomingdale right in front of Stratford mall, but I believe that one closed. Which ones do you like??

On a side note, I was surprised to see that the Microcenter carries 4.5 gamebits!! They are Out of stock but I'll visit the one in westmont and see if they'll order one for me.

The parking by Walgreens is always full, I've had to park in the multi level parking which is only available certain hours closer to the train tracks a few times.

The Bloomingdale play n trade is terrible as far as what retro stuff they get, I work almost directly across the street from it and am there frequently, it's still in business (I saw a thing on Craigslist saying they were closed but they're still there) but it's not really visible from Gary Avenue and most people don't know it's there). As far as Play N Trades go, The better ones are Naperville, and North Aurora. I've also had good luck with Batavia.

In general People Play Games and Videogames etc have better product anyway.

But yeah, Elmhurst PNT is a nice store and it's much better than bloomingdale. But I've not had good luck finding stuff there.
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 11:36 AM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 06/12/2010, 09:36 AM
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 01:33 AM
Quote from: agt_dale_cooper on 06/11/2010, 09:16 PMFrom the picture, appears you have the correct style bit.
DON'T understand it's ability to open a Genesis game.
Are the screws in the Genesis the same as the screws in your Duo?
Got anybody local to you that handles such matters?  Try Craigslist, if present for your vicinity.
Don't know what to tell you, unfortunately...strange.
I went to my local Play N Trade since they can repair anything, even retro. The repairs guy confirmed that it was definitely the wrong bit since it is not keyed in properly compared to the screws on the Duo. He even tried to open up an n64 system, but no dice. Too bad he couldn't find his gamebit. The screws on my Duo are the same ones as the Genesis carts. What a headache... Where did you buy your gamebit from??

Play N Trade's generally have trouble doing repairs for systems they either don't have an outside vendor to repair or are not in their guidebook.

Added in edit: After consulting a friend of mine who was employed at one. Most of what they do internally at his store is simple NES 72 pin connector swaps. Everything else they were sending out to a vendor. It's on a franchise by franchise basis apparently.

I'm guessing you went to the one next to the movie theatre in Downtown Elmhurst?

In any event, I bought the correct gamebit from Nintendo Repair Shop online.
Yep, I went to Play N Trade in Elmhurst, it's only a half mile from my house. The guy who does repairs, Steve, has worked with gamebits before. He seems to know what he is talkin about. He is excellent at soldering stuff as he has fixed many RROD for 360s. I will probably seek his advice on how to solder since I have never done that before. The guys there are awesome.

I will look into the nintendo repair site after I email the peops (ncsx.com) who sold me the wrong gamebit. I think.
There is a label on the baggie where gamebit came that says 22-1150. Did your gamebit have a similar description?

I've bought from NCS many many many times. Not usually had a problem. My gamebit (I bought two different ones from Nintendo repair shop at the time) literally arrived in a regular envelop in a tiny baggie with an invoice.

Added in edit:As far as that play N trade goes. I like the people there. I never find much product I want there however. Whereas I've had better luck finding retro stuff I want at some of the other Play N trades in the area. Cool people there though. I've been there 20-30 times, some of the employees recognize me there by now.

The downside to that Play N Trade is the location. Living only a half a mile from there is one of the few ways to actually get to that play n trade since downtown Elmhurst has practically no parking. I usually park all the way down by Hamburger Heaven and just walk whenever I go to that one.
Quote from: chany60126 on 06/12/2010, 01:33 AM
Quote from: agt_dale_cooper on 06/11/2010, 09:16 PMFrom the picture, appears you have the correct style bit.
DON'T understand it's ability to open a Genesis game.
Are the screws in the Genesis the same as the screws in your Duo?
Got anybody local to you that handles such matters?  Try Craigslist, if present for your vicinity.
Don't know what to tell you, unfortunately...strange.
I went to my local Play N Trade since they can repair anything, even retro. The repairs guy confirmed that it was definitely the wrong bit since it is not keyed in properly compared to the screws on the Duo. He even tried to open up an n64 system, but no dice. Too bad he couldn't find his gamebit. The screws on my Duo are the same ones as the Genesis carts. What a headache... Where did you buy your gamebit from??
Play N Trade's generally have trouble doing repairs for systems they either don't have an outside vendor to repair or are not in their guidebook.

Added in edit: After consulting a friend of mine who was employed at one. Most of what they do internally at his store is simple NES 72 pin connector swaps. Everything else they were sending out to a vendor. It's on a franchise by franchise basis apparently.

I'm guessing you went to the one next to the movie theatre in Downtown Elmhurst?

In any event, I bought the correct gamebit from Nintendo Repair Shop online.
Quote from: kattare on 05/21/2010, 04:43 PM
Quote from: nat on 05/20/2010, 10:31 PMDungeon Explorer.

Also, at least one of the Bomberman games (maybe all?) doesn't work like this either. It'll appear to work in a test like the one kattare described, but if you press a button then you start controlling someone else's avatar while the button is pressed or something to that effect. Long story short: it doesn't work in any kind of playable fashion.
Has anyone done testing to figure out the cause?

- A flaw in the official NEC extension cables?  (perhaps intentional, forcing the purchase of 5 extensions instead of 1?)
- A limitation of cord/signal length?

How does the problem manifest itself on DE?  Maybe I could do some testing with an official vs. unofficial (homemade) cable and see if the problem persists...
I've seen basically the identical problem, but the issue was the turbo/duo tap rather than the extension cable.
Quote from: Mathius on 05/21/2010, 01:57 AMAre those T-shirts still on the market??? =P~
I think those are the original T-shirts sold out of the booklet that came with the TG16.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Did I miss this one?
05/20/2010, 11:35 AM
There's a ton of them on ebay. They;re rare in terms of actual numbers, but widely available brand new.
Quote from: Duo_R on 05/17/2010, 10:37 PMBump - still looking for a good deal on one of these (or any of the retro joypad series).
I bought a neo-geo one from ToTotek and it didn't work properly, so be wary if you do get one.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/18/2010, 08:54 PMSerpents Kiss?  What is that, & what system was it for?
It was a PC RPG (Windows 95 I think). Due to problems with supporting windows (for such a small company) it wound up getting cancelled a ways in. The same fate struck the Working Designs localization of PC Lunar.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/18/2010, 02:02 AMHmm, no mention of Cosmic Fantasy 3 or Goemon.  I'm sure there were a few other titles that they had in the wings that aren't mentioned, probably cuz they didn't get far enough into the process, or maybe there's legal reasons?
I don't think either localization was completed.

Added in edit: Here's three more games WD worked on but didn't complete that aren't listed. Serpents Kiss, Lunar for Saturn and Lunar for PC.
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/17/2010, 08:17 PMMan, I'd really like to see actual footage of the games.  IIRC, whatever Shirley bro. I talked to, said that World Heroes didn't come out, cuz they figured the Arcade Card was coming, & that World Heroes 2 would hinder sales of World Heroes 1.  But, King of the Monsters 2, according to him, absolutely required the Arcade card because of all the data onscreen, I think he said it had to reload every other screen, or something to that effect.
Interesting, I remember Working Designs old webpage listed two SNK Duo ports as completed but not published. Maybe I should dig through archive.org

Added in edit: Found it http://web.archive.org/web/20051230103953/www.workingdesigns.com/About_Nav.htm
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 05/16/2010, 07:35 PMI wonder what it said under the Snatcher art, I also wonder if the World Heroes & King of the Monsters 2 for Turbo, were just the Neo Geo versions, or the actual Turbo versions!
Those may have been the Turbo versions. Working Designs licensed several arcade card games, those two I believe included under the assumption the arcade card was coming to the US.
Quote from: kattare on 05/14/2010, 02:18 PMHeh, I gotta give the guy credit for tryin' tho.  How many other folks just throw away stuff like this?
I ruined a Turbo Express (it wasn't lighting up anyway) and several game gears trying to soder.
I remember at Summer CES 93 TTI was showing off a baseball game (on a coregrafx rather than a TG16 or Duo), one of the Raxanmbers among other unreleased (in the US stuff). I spent a good amount of time at their fairly decent sized booth both in 93 (and the year before in 92).
Quote from: guest on 05/08/2010, 04:07 PMThat's the point - the original PCE version is unbroken, so why not just play it?
Because it's not in English?
Quote from: hoobs88 on 05/04/2010, 02:13 PMI have 100 hours of vacation time. I might have just found something to use some of those hours on.
It's a Saturday, so if you're in the general area it won't require a day off for most people who work a M-F type job.
Quote from: chany60126 on 05/03/2010, 11:50 PMHey Guys,

for all of those who live near the Chicagoland area, I coridially invite you all to an event that I will be co-hosting called Turbo-Fest. We will have dozens of T-16 games available for free play. Best of all, there will be T-16/PC Engine tournaments throughout. The featured games will be Battle Lode Runner, Bomberman 94 and R-Type. The winner of each tournament not only gets to take home a Turbo-Fest t-shirt, but also a copy of Chris Bucci's Turbo Views that he generously donated to us. It would be great if you guys could make it. Here is our site.


The event will take place July 17th in Lombard, IL at the Heron Point Convention Center. It is part of a retro-gaming convention called the Video Game Summit. There will be many people selling retro games and many other tournaments for other consoles as well. Arcades will also be present. This is the website to the Video Game Summit.


Admission is $3, but the price is well worth the admission. Entrance into our tournaments is 100% free. There is no profit in it for us as we don't make a dime off of this. We are just trying to share our passion for this system. We would love to meet fellow T-16 enthusiasts such as yourselves. :)

I know I am posting this in the wrong thread, but I just couldn't resist. I am very enthusiastic about this event. If you have any questions, please let me know.
I've gone to the Video Game Summit the past few years, this year will be no exception.
Unfortunately, you're not going to find accurate numbers unless someone with inside knowledge at NEC chooses to share them. TRST (Toy Retail Sales Tracking) only tracked certain retail chains during that time period. And those numbers are likely lost to time and partly inaccurate.

Sales tracking wasn't as complete (and even today it's still not complete) as it is today.
Quote from: kattare on 02/24/2010, 05:36 PMGot your PM, glad I could fix it for ya.  Lemme know if you'd like the caps done on #2 down the road.

I may, #2 isn't experiencing the problem consistantly (maybe only half the time I plug it in does it experience the problem). But I may.
Wow, the guy who did the character art in Yo Bro and Camp California?

It's like having the guy who designed Superman 64 sign an N64.
Got my games last night, well packaged. Brand new in good shape.
PCE/TG-16|CD/SGX Discussion / Re: Ys 3
02/15/2010, 01:35 PM
Have you played Faxanadu or Popful Mail. Ys 3 is like those games. If they are your cup of tea you'll like it. I like Popful Mail (US Sega CD) more but Faxanadu less.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/01/2010, 01:41 PM
Quote from: D-Lite on 02/01/2010, 01:06 PM
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 02/01/2010, 11:31 AMIt just says "please insert disc" on the one I swapped the laser on
Does it "click", like the laser gives it a try and can't focus?  Then it almost definitely is a pot problem, though the caps can easily be problematic.  Do you see and corrosion/fluid around the caps or any IC?
I didn't notice any corrosion. I've also successfully changed out Playstation and Dreamcast lasers. But it could be a pot problem. I may wind up seeing if anyone on here would want to take a look at it.
Would taking a picture of the inside of Duo #1 help?