OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Joe Redifer

I've always said it like the word vague. Vaygz.
And you just KNOW he'd feel that what he did was a good thing, given the results. He'd feel that he saved the Turbo/PCE from being de-glorified by the existence of an FPGA or some shit. He'd feel the community is better off without it. OG hardware only. Who cares if the quantity is limited? That just makes owning one more 1337.
Quote from: ccovell on 03/06/2017, 04:16 AMI think that referring to that one complete jerk, among all of us, as "community" is totally wrong.
Yep. I even sent him an e-mail a couple of weeks ago apologizing for any hard feelings on behalf of the forum since I'm a mod here and also informed him that PCEngineHell is gone. According to his reply he was still kind of soured but we'll see.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
03/06/2017, 01:06 AM
Yes. Everyone with a Youtube channel got one.
Y'all pissed Kevtris off too much to care about the PC Engine/TurboGrafx. Yes, this forum. He told me. He says he might do it some day but the community has soured him greatly.
Good to see friend codes are back! Everyone loves friend codes! Why can't Sony or Microsoft get online right like Nintendo does???

Fast RMX sounds like a cool death sled racing game. Are there weapons or is it pure racing action?
Is Fast RMX a real game or digital only?
Downloaded. My Turbo's not hooked up at the moment, but can the Turbo Everdrive play .HES files? Or is this one of those things I need to relable to .PCE?
Just checked out this thread. Great approximation of the Genesis sound hardware! Where's the Turbo Everdrive-friendly file I can play on my own system? My Turbo is fantastic because it adds a layer of 60Hz buzzzz to the mix. Who doesn't love that? Not sure why it's not perfectly grounded or where the error could lie.
I pre-ordered the regular-ass edition. The special edition doesn't have anything I'd spend a total of maybe 2 or 3 minutes of my life looking at. The soundtrack isn't even the full soundtrack. Plus, I already have the full 2 disc soundtrack. Kind of mediocre for an Ys game, actually. Hopefully it will grow on me as I play the game.
Be thankful. If this had been able to be used early in the CD system's life, then games would be plagued with this nonsense like the Sega CD. Granted in Japan it would all be anime stuffs since that's all they know. I can appreciate animated, non-grainy cutscenes. But for me it's harder to appreciate when it's grainy video... at least when it's anime.
If some bored PCE coder wanted a simple yet extremely tedious project, he or she could take all HES files (including those from CD and SuperGrafx games) and compile them into a ROM complete with an onscreen menu that could be run on n Everdrive. I would love to just sit back and chill to tunes being produced by my real TurboGrafx instead of an emulator.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
02/09/2017, 02:39 AM
Why does an online store like the Wii U have a watch list? What are you watching? To see if someone buys it? Do they only have a limited number of them for sale?
I've never heard the Turbo/PCE do drums like that before, with so much bass. Usually they're pretty thin.
So what's the theory behind the PS2 version? Is it revisionist history?
Quote from: guest on 01/06/2017, 09:04 PMit's basically a subwoofer with a creepy cover that you sit on to get blasted in the ass by shouryukens .
Is it only for CD games? Because the PC Engine does not (or cannot) make sounds low and loud enough to be benefitted by a subwoofer. A high-fidelity sound chip it is not. Pretty much mostly midrange.
From everything I heard, MAGfest this year was garbage. Especially for a lot of the guests. They treated Brentalfloss like ass, kicking him out of his spot to show off his game with no explanation at all. Also The Completionist who they flew in to compete in some Megaman bullshit was not listed as a guest so they had no hotel for him and no pass. Also heard that the festivities were quite boring all around even if you weren't a guest.
Quote from: guest on 01/07/2017, 03:02 AMI'm gonna try adn figure out what Snining Force and Street Fighterm are.
Same species as "adn".
What are YOU gonna to celebrate?

Also, Ys 1 will be 30 on June 21
After Burner will be 30 on July 17
Phantasy Star will be 30 on December 20
Metal Gear will be 30 on July 13
Contra, Mega Man, Street Fighterm R-Type AND FRIGGIN' WONDER MOMO will all be 30 this year. Wonder Momo, guys!!!
Snining Force will be 25 on March 20
Ecco the Dolphin will be 25 on July 31
Final Fantasy 7 will be 20 on January 31
and most importantly Fez will be 5 on April 13
Anyone try contacting Larry Aldrich and Associates? With a name like that, they've gotta be hella exciting.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/25/2016, 04:43 PM
There is a lot of material we could cover for future installments. A lot of people are recommending Sonic Genesis for the GBA. I've never played it as after Sonic 1 I never really cared about Sonic games with the exception of Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast. I look forward to being impressed with the 32-bit GBA's adaptation of the 16-bit game. So many potential dumb blast processing jokes.
Quote from: guest on 12/24/2016, 06:16 AM1) We're charging you for parts, labor, time-spent-3Dprinting-because-jesus-christ-the-things-print-slow.
2) We're also charging you for BRAND NEW GAME THAT WE SPENT ALOT OF FREE TIME ON, to encourage us to bother continuing to do that.
I seriously hope nobody gives you shit for charging or (gasp) making a profit for your goods and not offering a downloadable ROM for free (which you offer a demo with Santatlantean anyway). You are producing a marketable good that not only has costs, but the time investment is nothing without reward so your profit is perfectly acceptable. You're not passing off repros as originals and selling them for an inflated value so I can't imagine anyone would give you shit, but this is the internet... I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but if there are readers of this forum who would criticize Atlantean costing money, well... let's fight!
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 12/20/2016, 06:38 AMThe stunner works very well. Considering it doesn't have a sync input like a guncon I was surprised at its accuracy.
I've never noticed an increase in accuracy with the Guncon compared to the Stunner or Light Phaser. Not sure why it needs the composite video. Can it work without plugging that in?
People mistake their memories as facts. I have a friend who writes articles on movie releases and he's very into heavy research. He often gets feedback about how someone remembered watching a 70mm print at a drive in the year before said movie came out when in fact the movie didn't even have 70mm prints. Memories change. NOBODY has perfect memory. It's all faulty. That's why we document things. Memory is not evidence. Of course there's no convincing people of this. "No but I CLEARLY remember it". No, you clearly misremember it.
Played through the translated Saturn version. Recorded most of my gameplay. Played with the Stunner. Very enjoyable game. Highly recommended.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/19/2016, 07:16 AMThe vast majority of the people who comment on my videos are awesome, but there are also a few people who need to pull a plastic bag over their head and go to sleep.
Welcome to the internet. Anything you do will attract stupid comments. People like to moan about how awful Youtube comments are. Or how awful Facebook is. Neither of those things are at fault. What's awful are just people in general, especially when they can comment from the comfort of their keyboards. Forums are just as dumb as Youtube comments, and those are just as dumb as Facebook, Tumbler, etc etc etc. The internet in general is just dumb because anyone can comment. Only smart people should be allowed to comment. Like me. But of course everyone thinks they're smart. Anyway at least try to have fun with the shitty comments instead of getting angry at them. I had a dude who was saying how the PS2 trounced the OG Xbox in every conceivable way. That was fun for me.
But are there US versions? Ys 8 still doesn't have a US version and as far as I know nothing announced. Xseed will probably release it after the PS5 comes out. They translate one word per day.
I'm curious as to why extra controllers are sold. Do ANY PS4 games have local split-screen multiplayer? Any at all? Well I guess if they break then it's good to be able to get another one, but is there even such a thing as "player 2" any more?
I remember listening to CD tunes on my TurboGrafx-CD from the Turbo's RF output. It's all in mono of course since no RF jack on any console ever has been in stereo (though technically they could).
General Gaming / Re: My youtube channel
11/29/2016, 03:52 PM
I fell asleep during that video. :)
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
11/29/2016, 03:51 PM
Quote from: Grooveram excited to play RE4 again. I want to ask about the control options. What control option on the PS4 works well for you?
It was Xbox One but I don't remember what controller setting it was, exactly. Maybe the 3rd one? It still wasn't perfect.
A friend of mine made this GIF a while back and posted it in a Facebook chat. I have downloaded it and re-uploaded so that PCEFX can enjoy, because it is timely.

Damn that blower works pretty well. I don't see any snow anywhere!
Quote from: Groover on 11/18/2016, 12:47 PMPat has talked about having a complete US Turbo collection.
He has a complete US HuCard collection. Err... sorry. TurboChip. He has no interest in the CD games. When it comes to the Turbo, he's pretty boring. Oops, did I say "When it comes to the Turbo"? Feel free to omit that part of the sentence. :)
Does Pump Up the Jam from Technotronic count?
I had never heard of him until he began to decompose.
Quote from: MotherGunner on 11/09/2016, 05:44 PMLeave it up to Democrats to force people to get out there and vote, and cry like little bitches when people actually did!
They saw it as a challenge. Lose to an election that's almost assuredly handed to you. How could anyone lose to Trump??? They found a way. Probably could have won with Bernie but we'll never know. Hillary's supporters certainly didn't help with their marginalizing and mocking of non-supporters. And now they are at it x10. Great game plan.
Cool. Except that it's on the 3DS. That part sucks. Console version, please.
Ted Dibiase should run next time.
^Great frame grab. The girlfriend is for later.

We didn't gain massively from the video. Nobody ever really does. These videos don't get a ton of views. We did see an increase for a couple of days but it wasn't massive. I certainly won't complain about being included but what they showed is not what I'd show uninitiated viewers right away. Instead, they picked one episode, downloaded it and pulled clips from the middle and end of it.

Honestly videos like these are better for smaller channels. AVGN? Yeah everyone knows who he is. These videos should feature smaller, more unknown channels.
Quote from: guest on 11/04/2016, 03:53 PMFuck watchmojo, worst top ten list whore channel of all times.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
11/01/2016, 04:38 AM
What if I vote for the opposite of your candidate?
To my knowledge that's just how Facebook works these days. Facebook "pages" are a waste anyway. Say you have 1000 people who like your page. You post an update. Do all 1000 people see it? Nope! Most won't even get the chance unless they go visit the page on their own. Maybe a couple hundred will see it. Facebook then prompts you to "boost your post" with $$$ so that others who like your page can see it. Or you can sponsor the post with even more $$$ so it shows up in people's feeds who don't even like the page.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
10/29/2016, 03:18 PM
I despised that episode with Picard and the retarded alien. But it is indeed fun to make light of.

Oh, and...
WTF??? Why is the bottle some anime girl? Who thinks this shit up?  Even worse, who enjoys it? JFC we need a new genocide.
I believe I said elsewhere but I'll say again:

They're not rich. They do not get speaking fees at conventions. And I highly HIGHLY doubt Pat and Ian split anything 50/50. I'd be surprised really if Pat gave Ian even 30%. But it's fair as Pat does most of the work. But yes they do pull in multiple thousands per year just off of Youtube alone.
Quote from: guest on 10/25/2016, 02:18 PMHe completely sucks at splatterhouse... Talking shit about the music
OK wait... what? He talked shit about Splatterhouse's music? Them's fightin' words! I love the music in that game.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
10/19/2016, 08:28 PM
Quote from: elmerI was/am a "pro".
What is a "pro"?
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
10/19/2016, 12:14 AM
Why would you have an NDA with Nintendo? That is most interesting.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
10/16/2016, 04:08 AM
No just RGB.
If you're using the GB Player then component video is overkill unless you use something like Swiss to force 240p. There's also another player that can be loaded from the memory card that can do the same thing. In that case yeah, component cables are great! EDIT: Yeah that one you mentioned: GameBoy Interface is what I was talking about. I don't see any improvements in that vs the GameBoy Player disc forced to 240 though.