10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Sneek Peek: PC-FX Devotional Film

Started by PCEngineFX, 12/10/2008, 11:15 AM

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Heya guys,

I wanted to give you a sneek peek at my new PC-FX devotional film currently finishing up production to get your feedback on it.  It is an entirely live-action film showing off the PC-FX and games, shot in HD 1080i to be released very soon.  I currently only have a 720p Windows Media version encoded which you can download here:
Please note that I still have a lot of post-production left to do on the video (going to add more titles, tweak scene cuts, etc).  Enjoy.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

Very nice!  I love the production values and you made great use of the dolly.  Did you build it yourself?  If not, where did you get it?  The shots of the actual products were perfect, especially with the added blur done in post.  I probably wouldn't add too many titles to that, but I'm not sure what you are thinking of adding, so maybe it will be good.  The music is great and goes perfectly with the action.

Of course I have comments from my point of view:  The only thing I thought felt a little weird was watching the TV with the images playing on it.  It seemed kind of disembodied to me.  It would be great if the PC-FX was somehow in those shots, as if it were the device providing the source video.  If possible I would use a 4:3 screen since it is a console designed for a 4:3 era.  It looks like a promotional piece, but that TV... dunno.  Just seems weird.  Maybe some direct feed video instead.  Also, how about showing some gameplay instead of just the cartoons?  Any system with a CD drive can play cartoons.  Show more of what makes the PC-FX special.  I have never used a PC-FX so to me it seemed like you were just showing off the intro cartoons.

Some parts of the playback seemed a bit choppy, probably because of the WMV format.  Do you plan on offering Quicktime H.264s as well?


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/10/2008, 03:24 PMVery nice!  I love the production values and you made great use of the dolly.  Did you build it yourself?  If not, where did you get it?  The shots of the actual products were perfect, especially with the added blur done in post.  I probably wouldn't add too many titles to that, but I'm not sure what you are thinking of adding, so maybe it will be good.  The music is great and goes perfectly with the action.
Thanks for the feedback Joe - for the PC-FX and TV scenes I used a tripod on a dolly....the dolly is homemade which I made a long time ago (just a square wood platform with skateboard wheels that roll on tubing).  For any of the game box shots I used the dolly for forward/back movement, while the camera was attached to a professional 8ft long jib arm for vertical movement.

As for additional titles, I was thinking of adding the title of each game in English during the shots of the game box.  This would allow people who don't know what game it is to know what they are looking at.

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/10/2008, 03:24 PMOf course I have comments from my point of view:  The only thing I thought felt a little weird was watching the TV with the images playing on it.  It seemed kind of disembodied to me.  It would be great if the PC-FX was somehow in those shots, as if it were the device providing the source video.  If possible I would use a 4:3 screen since it is a console designed for a 4:3 era.  It looks like a promotional piece, but that TV... dunno.  Just seems weird.  Maybe some direct feed video instead.  Also, how about showing some gameplay instead of just the cartoons?  Any system with a CD drive can play cartoons.  Show more of what makes the PC-FX special.  I have never used a PC-FX so to me it seemed like you were just showing off the intro cartoons.
Interesting point there Joe about watching the TV.  My feeling when creating the video is that anyone can do direct-feed, but to make this video stand out from the rest of the devotional videos out there I had to step up the production values, which meant a live-action moving camera at all times.  I can see why this may be strange as it probably hasn't been done before (?...at least I've never seen a devotional done like this).

I thought about using a 4:3 TV... and it would have been a lot easier instead of having to format all of the FX intros to 16:9 like I did... but I like the fact that even though I'm paying tribute to a classic console, there is a symbol of modernism to the video as well (HDTV, as well as the video is in HD).

One other thing that you brought up is the game footage.  Yes, I was just showing off the intro videos.  I have been thinking a lot about this and have decided to film game footage for some of the videos...that should make it a lot better.

Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/10/2008, 03:24 PMSome parts of the playback seemed a bit choppy, probably because of the WMV format.  Do you plan on offering Quicktime H.264s as well?
The video should play back perfectly smooth on any modern PC, but I think what you are seeing is stuttering of the video when I move the camera too fast (this is due to the slow-motion effect).  I will be fixing all of the stuttering for the final video and will be offering the video in every format on Earth :)
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


I'm also going to change the final shot to have ALL of the FX games (not just the box ones) with the PC-FX in the center.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

Yeah, ALL of the games would be cool.

I have a Mac and Macs aren't good friends with WMVs.  It only stuttered when panning over the boxes overhead, I assumed because everything onscreen was moving at once and it might have been tough to update that using the WMV codec on a Mac.  I can probably transcode that into a Quicktime if I have a super-high quality version.  I'll try with the version I downloaded.

Also, I love how everything is always in motion and I agree about your point on the direct feed, but I was thinking more of a 3D After Effects (or whatever you use) type of motion where it wouldn't just be the video sitting there playing, but maybe a whole bunch of them moving around simultaneously in 3D space, like a camera pan or whatnot, similar to how your real camera moves.


I've replaced the file with an updated one I exported last night.  It is still not 100% done yet but I'm getting very close (still need to add a end title & credits and fix the slow-motion stuttering).
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

NICE!  The end shot was brilliant with the PC-FX in there surrounded by all of the games.  It really puts a really nice cap on the video.  The gameplay footage was great as well.  I bet most people don't even know there were shooters for the console.  That music is so perfect, where is it from?

By the way, my transcoding into Quicktime was successful if you are interested in hosting both WMV and QT versions.  All I'd need is the big gigantor file to compress from.  Or you can probably find a way yourself as well.


Glad you like the changes!  I think the video is even better with those additions.  The song is by Ayumi Hamasaki called "Rainbow".  Here is her official music video for the track:

I can compress to any format from my setup so don't worry about encoding it.  I'll have quicktime, ipod, psp, wmv, youtube, HD and any other version I can export to ready to go.

I think I have one more evening of shooting tonight - I have an idea of adding a shot of the PC-FX laser turing on and hitting the camera which I think will look really cool....we'll see.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

Yes, the video is definitely better.  The laser shot sounds cool, I just hope it doesn't burn out any pixels in your CCD.  Then again I doubt it is strong enough to do that.  I am just paranoid about pointing my camera at overly bright things for that reason.

The ONLY part that seems to drag (and this is very minor) is the game with the green menus since not much is really moving around.

EDIT:  I like your video better than hers.  Hers almost won when it got close to girl-on-girl action with seemingly identical twins, though.  If only they had followed through...


After review here at work, this could be the final edit.  I'll be watching it again when I get home, but I think i'm pretty happy with this as it stands.  You can view this edit here:
Changes include:
-Tweaked the "Presented in HD" title
-Tweaked all color correction & blur settings for all scenes for consistancy
-Smoothed out shots which were choppy due to the slow motion-effect
-Added ending title
-Added ending credits
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

I like it, but something seems to have changed... maybe it is my imagination.  I am talking about the cut-on-beat that I thought was at 3:28 in this video... it seems to be gone.  It is a pretty powerful beat and a cut/transition would do wonders there.  I swear it was in the previous versions, but maybe I am having a crack withdrawal or something.  :)

The only other gripe would be the audio in the credits.  It is grating.  Sounds like a raped MP3 streamed over Realmedia. :)

Other than that I'd say it is perfect.


Ok this is the very final edit.  I've changed the following:

-Tweaked timings for vertain scene cuts to match better with song beats
-Tweaked opening PC-FX logo animation
-Added a few extra scene fades
-Replaced audio in the credits to something less grating :) (I was using a sub-par MP3 before)
-Tweaked fades of titles in the credits
I plan on making this version live on Monday so watch for it in all formats....
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer


Except maybe for the typo noted below:


The word "not" should be inserted.

It was probably like this before, but I never really read it close.  Oh well, easy fix.  I hope you didn't
already export a dozen different copies and upload it to Youtube, etc.

People are gonna love this.  Where are Keranu and Nat?


CRAP!  I must have read that a dozen times and still didn't catch that typo.  I did start upload it to various sites (YouTube won't take it) but will re-export again with the change.  I'll probably make the video live on Tues or Wends to give me more time to prepare the marketing for the video...

And yah, wonder where Nat and Keranu are...Keranu posted on my public thread so....?
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

YouTube won't take it?  Why not?  Maybe try uploading a 854x480 version to them instead of something crazy-insane like 1920x1080.  :)


It is due to the music, that's why.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

How do they know?  Do they have some dude listening to everything that gets uploaded?  If it is some sort of computer detection thing, maybe apply some sort of silent filter to the audio to confuse it.


Yah they have a audio & video computer screening app which does a really good job at identifying copyrighted material (and in this case, the music label that owned the track has choose to reject all uploads).

Oh and I will be posting up the announcement thread here in less than an hour.
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]


// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]

Joe Redifer

What were the quality issues with the 480p MP4?  I didn't try that one, but I did try the 720p MP4 and it seems kind of stuttery, much moreso than the WMV.  Did you leave "reoganize frames" (or similar) enabled during the encode?  That can do it.


In case you're interested, here are some other versions:

lost: joeredifer .com/PCFX/ThePCFX_ipod.m4v (iPod) (should also work flawlessly on the iPhone) - 84 MB
lost: joeredifer .com/PCFX/ThePCFX_720p.mov (Quicktime 720p) - 216.6 MB
lost: joeredifer .com/PCFX/ThePCFX_480p.mov (Quicktime 480p) - 116.2 MB


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/14/2008, 04:22 AMPeople are gonna love this.  Where are Keranu and Nat?
I'm here, but my time on the board lately has been really limited. I didn't even see this thread until just now, heh. Anyway-- looking forward to watching this Aaron, sorry I wasn't around to give feedback during the development stage. I'll post what I think in the public thread after I get a chance to watch it.
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Remembrance: The NEC Console Legacy Film has just been released...

And I just updated the main pcengine-fx.com page with both films (yay I'm not lazy anymore!)
// Aaron Nanto | The Ultimate Resource for NEC Console Information!
Papa PCEFX 1997-2020 [Retired]