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Ten years ago today I.....

Started by DragonmasterDan, 01/12/2015, 11:00 AM

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Ten years ago today I joined some web forum about PC Engine, PC-FX and TurboGrafx 16 games. And I'm happy to say that I'm still posting on a semi-regular basis. How long have you been on this forum and what brought you here?


I've been here nine years now, and I came to ask what my games are worth, where to find teh dealz, and to determine if Magical Chase is worth it.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


About ten years here, also, Dan. Though, I take breaks here and there, and lurked for a while, prior to joining. I recall getting e-mails from the Turbolist, but different e-mail address, and was never quite sure how to participate in that, and later on, during a break, I didn't care.

Aaron, I am glad you keep this going. At least for historical, purposes!

*edited to add a word, so I could form a complete sentence!
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


5 years in march

You can blame chop for bringing me here.


I wanted to learn how to best collect for the Turbograhix.

To rebuy "my childhood games that I stupidly sold as a kid."  They are Magical Chase, Bonk 3, Syd Meads Tearaforming, Legend of Tommy Hero and Ca-dash.

To sell my  Turbograhix games at over ebay prices to "help out fellow collectors"

Go nuts and buy a full set proudly exclaiming how this achievement validates my existence and how euphorically happy I am....I will then sell the set 2 months later #see above^

Find other collectors who enjoy masturbating to VGA sealed games.  Start a circle jerk group.

Finally to purposely never join douphile...EVER!


Quote from: MrFlutterPie on 01/12/2015, 12:05 PMI wanted to learn how to best collect for the Turbograhix.

To rebuy "my childhood games that I stupidly sold as a kid."  They are Magical Chase, Bonk 3, Syd Meads Tearaforming, Legend of Tommy Hero and Ca-dash.

To sell my  Turbograhix games at over ebay prices to "help out fellow collectors"

Go nuts and buy a full set proudly exclaiming how this achievement validates my existence and how euphorically happy I am....I will then sell the set 2 months later #see above^

Find other collectors who enjoy masturbating to VGA sealed games.  Start a circle jerk group.

Finally to purposely never join douphile...EVER!
Mr. FlutterPie. You're not quite in the, "Old Boy" club, like us... Nulltard, he's there, somehow there, since he setup that country club, without many attendees.

Nulltard, he puts, "New" folks through the, "Water Wiggle" and, "Mr Bucket" Gauntlet". Good chap, there... Good, chap...
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I'm still a noob but my reasons for being here are worth mentioning. 

I have always kept my old gaming systems and played them frequently picking up "new" games here and there.  I heavily got back into "retro gaming" about 4 years ago.  I had been on a few automotive online forums previously and noted there was really only one that wasn't full of B.S. and drama.  I have been a member on that forum for about 12 years now.  I loved the NES and Genesis so I started lurking on Nintendoage, Segaage, Sega-16 and Famicom World.  I tried it but I couldn't stand the lack of intelligence on a lot of those forums as well as the "mine's bigger than yours" drama.  I figured gaming forums would not be my thing.

In my search for old consoles I didn't own growing up I started reading about the Turbografx 16.  I eventually purchased one and started enjoying it.  I originally came here for some technical information.  At first I was sad that I had to join rather than lurk.  However, Bernie pointed me in the direction of the info I needed.  Since I was signed up I started researching about games and reading posts. etc.  I realized that many of the people here were pretty cool and had a similar sense of humor to my own.  I started getting more active and can truly say this is THE BEST video game forum on the net.  It's not without some typical whining and such but nothing like I've seen on other forums.  It seems being a lover of NEC hardware takes a more "sophisticated" taste.  Thank you all for being awesome.
"You CAN'T prove Nulltard/DoxPhile caused ANY harm/damage/sabotage to PCEFX!! You have NO evidence he poached ANY members for his own failed PC Engine forum/site or was a conniving destructive saboteur! ZERO, ZIP, NADA!!! Nulltard did nothing wrong!"


Quote from: Desh on 01/12/2015, 12:15 PMI'm still a noob but my reasons for being here are worth mentioning. 

I have always kept my old gaming systems and played them frequently picking up "new" games here and there.  I heavily got back into "retro gaming" about 4 years ago.  I had been on a few automotive online forums previously and noted there was really only one that wasn't full of B.S. and drama.  I have been a member on that forum for about 12 years now.  I loved the NES and Genesis so I started lurking on Nintendoage, Segaage, Sega-16 and Famicom World.  I tried it but I couldn't stand the lack of intelligence on a lot of those forums as well as the "mine's bigger than yours" drama.  I figured gaming forums would not be my thing.

In my search for old consoles I didn't own growing up I started reading about the Turbografx 16.  I eventually purchased one and started enjoying it.  I originally came here for some technical information.  At first I was sad that I had to join rather than lurk.  However, Bernie pointed me in the direction of the info I needed.  Since I was signed up I started researching about games and ready posts. etc.  I realized that many of the people here were pretty cool and had a similar sense of humor to my own.  I started getting more active and can truly say this is THE BEST video game forum on the net.  It's not without some typical whining and such but nothing like I've seen on other forums.  It seems being a lover of NEC hardware takes a more "sophisticated" taste.  Thank you all for being awesome.
Desh, Sorry, but my NES sits on top of a SUPER BETA, and that NES has an original dustcover. Super Beta, still functions, too.

It's to the Water Wiggle, and Mr. Bucket's Balls, "Gauntlet", with ya, for being in the wrong thread, posting such a long post!
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".



Quote from: cjameslv on 01/12/2015, 12:30 PM...was 25...good times
Not a good enough response. Expect this:
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I joined only recently, but I am a long time PCE/Turbo fanboy. Got my first (used) Turbografx in 1990. Bernie showed me the forums on facebook and I promptly joined. I knew this place was here, but was never a big forum guy (with the exception of the forums and I barely posted there anyway). But this seems like a good crowd of knowledgeable and passionate folks and I'm glad to be here. :)


Sarumaru... September, 2014, this thread... Where is Nulltard, and his hose...
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I wish I knew about this place earlier. Still, it's been a great two and a half years, even in that short period of time I feel like I knew you guys since a very long time.
Gaming since 1985


Quote from: esadajr on 01/12/2015, 01:26 PMI wish I knew about this place earlier. Still, it's been a great two and a half years, even in that short period of time I feel like I knew you guys since a very long time.
What's that, Nulltard's Caddyshack country club? OK, the hose;
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


I have always been here......


I'm going on 5 years.  Came here for the techie info, stayed for the lulz.
[Sun 23:29] <Tatsujin> we have hard off, book off, house off, sports off, baby off, clothes off, jerk off, piss off etc


Came here for the tech stuff, and ended up being one of the best go to techs here.


I re-joined with this account in October 2005, so I'm nearing the big 10 year anniversary, however I initially created my account "TurboSage" back in 2002.  I remember attempting to log back in and couldn't remember my password so I just started fresh.  LOL

Here's the type of threads i started as an attempt to start conversations...

Anyway, I was just looking to talk Turbo with anyone that was willing to listen.  That's about it.
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I just recently joined. I think I may like it here, but some members are rude.

Quote from: JoshTurboTrollX-16 on 01/12/2015, 04:40 PMI re-joined with this account in October 2005, so I'm nearing the big 10 year anniversary, however I initially created my account "TurboSage" back in 2002.  I remember attempting to log back in and couldn't remember my password so I just started fresh.  LOL

Here's the type of threads i started as an attempt to start conversations...

Anyway, I was just looking to talk Turbo with anyone that was willing to listen.  That's about it.
I didn't know you were TurboSage. I remember that moniker. Ha!


I joined here March 2006 :O


Quote from: Nulltard on 01/12/2015, 05:03 PMI joined up in October 2012 to spam DoxPhile and give Mr.Fulci something to......

Your country club, Nulltard.......
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: MrFulci on 01/12/2015, 01:22 PMSarumaru... September, 2014, this thread...
Interesting, for whatever reason, this prompted me to see if I'd ever been registered here before and apparently I was. I used to be Dandy-J here but rarely ever posted. Completely forgot about this place, and returned with my original pseudonym. It was interesting for me to find that out :P Here's my old profile here (apparently):;u=1961


I signed up a touch over 5 years ago after having a PCE fire lit under my ass from a trip to Japan. I proceeded to not post anything for another year and a half. :lol: I've learned a huge amount since signing up, and I still learn lots all the time here. I've got an account on a few other retro forums, but I think all my posts there amount to "wtf is PCEFX down?!" :lol:


It'll be 10 years in may, feels like longer though.  Originally started in the Magic Engine forums, but then signed up here & gradually migrated over with Nod, Lord_Cack, & Keranu.


almost 4.5 years here...... holy shit.

Kinda joined to see about finding the like 6 games i knew about at the time.
then i decided to go to MGC, and realized you guys aren't all cocksuckers.

...most of you are just rimjobbing.


Will be 9 years end of May this year.  I knew about this place since it started, but back then I didn't care for forums much.  I started my account here because I was needing to bring my Duo sound back to life.  D-Lite's old sound thread and other members "later" input were a huge help in restoring my Duo to it's new found glory.  Stayed around and I am glad I did.


Been here about seven and a half years. My God, has it been that long...?
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


I never had a Turbo growing up but I had a Turbo Express, go figure.  I had some very common games save for Jackie Chan but I never played it that much.  I always wanted a turbo and wanted to get into some games that I had ignored back then.  I figured this was the place to learn about the system and it's games.  After coming here I learned a lot and finally confirmed that the TG16 was in fact, 8-Bit.  It's been all down hill since then but I enjoy this community as most people really here are serious and I love the Home Brew idea's coming up.  Also now that Joe has abandoned Sega-16 this is the only place I can see him post so there is that.

The 16-Bit Era is by far my favorite era of gaming.  I am glad that we had 3 (4 if you count the Neo but who does) competent systems that are all different from one another vs the exact same things today.
Quote from: PCEngineHellI already dropped him a message on there and he did not reply back, so fuck him, and his cunt wife.


Ten years ago... I was probably pooping. Not everyone does, but everyone should, its supposed to be really good for you. Explore Pooping.

Anybutt, I think this covers why I'm here. End of Febbeb will be mine anniversary, yah? Yah! Yay! No one cares! Maybe! Yay again!


I joined in April of 2011 though it feels like I've been here forever. I constantly refer to you guys to my wife as "someone from the forums..." and she knows exactly what forum I'm talking about. :)


also about 10 years now in the forums, but knew about the pcefx site since end of the 90s.
what brought me here? now that's obvious, isn't it? :) - home of your individual PC Engine collection!!
PCE Games countdown: 690/737 (47 to go or 93.6% clear)
PCE Shmups countdown: 111/111 (all clear!!)
Sega does what Nintendon't, but only NEC does better than both together!^^
<Senshi> Tat's i'm going to contact the people of Hard Off and open a store stateside..


This site was around in the late 90s?

I just recall, during my TG-16 super-happy-fun-time, of 04-06, when I unboxed my stuff I stored away at the start of the 00s, eventually ending up here.

I still remember that day, just sitting, and then thinking, "Let me dig back out this TG-16...."

Tatsujin, you're here less time than me? Hose, for you....
"Damnit, Beavis, put that away. You're not supposed to have your _____ out when you're cooking".


Quote from: Tatsujin on 01/13/2015, 12:18 AMalso about 10 years now in the forums, but knew about the pcefx site since end of the 90s.
what brought me here? now that's obvious, isn't it? :)
It's obvious that you had no other choice, other than to obey! :D


I joined in Early 2008, but trolled without signing up for an account for a few years before that. I also had an email address registered on the TurboList back in like 2000, and it still farts an email to me every so often.

My first post was about a Broken Duo that I had... who knew that it would lead to so many years of repair threads, work and troubleshooting in PCEFX (RIP), Risingstuff, Neo and Sunteam_paul's respective chatrooms!

It's been real, and its been fun, guys. I'm pouring one out to the cats who didn't make it to this point.
And thanks to all of you for your help.


Joined here back in 2005 damn how time fly's by.Which makes me really feel old by this point  :shock:
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: TR0N on 01/13/2015, 02:20 AMJoined here back in 2005 damn how time fly's by.Which makes me really feel old by this point  :shock: 
Yep, you know you feel old when you clearly remember a day 10 years ago.


LOL I don't remember the day vividly when I signed up.  Haha!  I do know it was while I was at work. :)

BTW Tats you're only 5 days before me.


Quote from: blueraven on 01/13/2015, 01:50 AMI joined in Early 2008, but trolled without signing up for an account for a few years before that. I also had an email address registered on the TurboList back in like 2000, and it still farts an email to me every so often.

My first post was about a Broken Duo that I had... who knew that it would lead to so many years of repair threads, work and troubleshooting in PCEFX (RIP), Risingstuff, Neo and Sunteam_paul's respective chatrooms!

It's been real, and its been fun, guys. I'm pouring one out to the cats who didn't make it to this point.
And thanks to all of you for your help.
I am glad to see you're back and doing well.


Quote from: geise on 01/13/2015, 08:17 AMI am glad to see you're back and doing well.
Maybe le caw can finish up that LoX guide?
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: geise on 01/13/2015, 08:13 AMLOL I don't remember the day vividly when I signed up.  Haha!  I do know it was while I was at work. :)

BTW Tats you're only 5 days before me.
Lol, I know I was at work when I signed up too.  But it took me like a month or something to get approved I think.  I signed up because I was so confused about all the hardware configurations and wanted to know what I should get.  :D
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: geise on 01/13/2015, 08:17 AM
Quote from: blueraven on 01/13/2015, 01:50 AMI joined in Early 2008, but trolled without signing up for an account for a few years before that. I also had an email address registered on the TurboList back in like 2000, and it still farts an email to me every so often.

My first post was about a Broken Duo that I had... who knew that it would lead to so many years of repair threads, work and troubleshooting in PCEFX (RIP), Risingstuff, Neo and Sunteam_paul's respective chatrooms!

It's been real, and its been fun, guys. I'm pouring one out to the cats who didn't make it to this point.
And thanks to all of you for your help.
I am glad to see you're back and doing well.
:D Thanks, geise!!

Quote from: guest on 01/13/2015, 09:35 AMMaybe le caw can finish up that LoX guide?
Yes! We had discussions of this last night :)


This account has been here a few months shy of 10 years. I had an account prior but don't remember the username, and had not logged into it for quite some time, so I made this one and have kept it since.
Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Quote from: OldRover on 01/13/2015, 01:17 PMThis account has been here a few months shy of 10 years. I had an account prior but don't remember the username, and had not logged into it for quite some time, so I made this one and have kept it since.
You old account was registered to "tvsportsfutbol" and you posted a FAQ for Gateball.



Quote from: esteban on 01/13/2015, 01:56 PMYou old account was registered to "tvsportsfutbol" and you posted a FAQ for Gateball.

Wasn't that the game you wanted to see on Gizmondo?


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 01/13/2015, 01:58 PM
Quote from: esteban on 01/13/2015, 01:56 PMYou old account was registered to "tvsportsfutbol" and you posted a FAQ for Gateball.

Wasn't that the game you wanted to see on Gizmondo?
:) Absolutely.


I joined this site back in 2010 after hearing about this place from a local acquaintance of mine, alexsduo. I had owned a Turbografx since the middle 2000s, but I wanted to know more about the games and also needed my Turbo Duo recapped.

I visit here with the same frequency since day 1. I admit that I have always hung out much more in the PC Engine chat rooms, but I do join in on threads now and then. I have met so many amazing people here in person.


Haha!  The Gizmondo.   [-(


It going to be 3 years in July for me


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 01/13/2015, 07:23 AM
Quote from: TR0N on 01/13/2015, 02:20 AMJoined here back in 2005 damn how time fly's by.Which makes me really feel old by this point  :shock:
Yep, you know you feel old when you clearly remember a day 10 years ago.
Memory is fuzzy at this point  :oops:
Wii U:Progearspec


Quote from: Bernie on 01/12/2015, 04:14 PMCame here for the tech stuff, and ended up being one of the best go to techs here.
when in doubt, hairdryer.