10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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What do you depise AT THIS MOMENT, literally....

Started by esteban, 08/29/2013, 01:03 AM

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Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 03/30/2015, 05:43 PMOverpriced snes and nes games. $25 for Mike Tyson's Punchout and $20 for Super Mario World fucking ridiculous on ebay.
It is ridiculous but it only seems to be getting worse :-/


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 03/30/2015, 05:43 PMOverpriced snes and nes games. $25 for Mike Tyson's Punchout and $20 for Super Mario World fucking ridiculous on ebay.
Nevermind eBay, I'm finding it almost impossible to pick something at a decent price locally as well. In my area it seems like there are hoarding resellers everywhere. One guy on Kijiji for example sells Game Cube Wave Bird controllers for $85, loose Pokemon games for $45, Smash Bros. 64 loose for $110? And has tons of copies. Really "grinds my gears".


Quote from: vmorr on 03/30/2015, 06:28 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 03/30/2015, 05:43 PMOverpriced snes and nes games. $25 for Mike Tyson's Punchout and $20 for Super Mario World fucking ridiculous on ebay.
Nevermind eBay, I'm finding it almost impossible to pick something at a decent price locally as well. In my area it seems like there are hoarding resellers everywhere. One guy on Kijiji for example sells Game Cube Wave Bird controllers for $85, loose Pokemon games for $45, Smash Bros. 64 loose for $110? And has tons of copies. Really "grinds my gears".
My local PlayNTrades sell Mario 64 for $40... when it can be had on ebay with little to no effort for $25.  ](*,)


Some Jehovah Witnesses set my dog off about 20 minutes ago and he only now calmed down.


Quote from: guest on 04/01/2015, 11:32 AM
Quote from: synbiosfan on 04/01/2015, 11:24 AMSome Jehovah Witnesses set my dog off about 20 minutes ago and he only now calmed down.
Did he at least find Jehovah God or score some free booklets out of the deal?
No but they only knocked once. 8)


Hating Nintendo right now for offering extra PAID characters for super smash bros and that fucking amiibo shit


I'm a Jehovah's Witness, does that mean you despise me?  :-k Seriously though, I'm sure you don't despise me, despite my religious beliefs.  We do the best we can to be respectful of others, but on the flip side of the coin, we're all imperfect, & some of us aren't as careful, or patient, etc. as others.  We look at it as a life saving message(restoration of a paradise earth, humans returning to a perfect state that Adam & Eve flippin' screwed up on, resurrection of loved one's, destruction of the tyranny, removal of sickness & death etc.), so it's important to us, but obviously you have the right & free will to disagree, so, no worries.

We just follow Jesus example & figure out ways(whether it be door to door or otherwise) to reach people.  We meet a lot of great people at the door that are really encouraging, some that even make the decision to become JW's themselves, & many who don't.  In fact, that's how my dad's parents became Witnesses back in the 40's.  One of the things that really bothered them was the teaching that people(including un-baptized babies) burn in hell forever, which we can't find a rational reason to believe in, in the Bible.  The whole hellfire thing just doesn't add up to us.  Just the fact that Revelation 20:14 says that "death & hell will be hurled into the lake of fire" tells us that the whole burning hell thing is made up, & that the lake of fire is just a figurative place(fire tends to represent destruction, not actual torment in the Bible)

Personally, since I'm not a morning person, I usually just knock, & don't even ring a doorbell till maybe 11, which is the time I'd love to sleep in to everyday, but, besides the door to door ministry, I also work for a living so....yeah, there's little sleeping in!  :D  Going door to door in general, is really fricken hard for most of us.  I have various social anxieties I struggle with, mostly due to being bullied quite a bit back in school, which varied from that fact that I don't celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc., but also cuz I was born with a cleft palette & lip, which makes me look a little funny, but not as noticeable after 7 surgeries.  So, yeah, I have a bit of a inferiority complex, but, the ministry is incredibly important to me, mainly cuz I care about people.  Whether my beliefs are right or wrong is an entirely different issue.  Even if it turned out I was wrong, I feel that at least what I was doing was for the right reason, which is love for people.

I apologize that they set the dog off.  I'll go out on a limb & guess that it wasn't on purpose, as, in my experience, it's annoying to have dogs start barking it up while I'm at the door.  Though, all the more so when we're talking with people at the door, cuz then it makes it harder to hear them, & them to hear us, etc.



Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/01/2015, 11:59 PMI'm a Jehovah's Witness...
You seem like a good person, whether you're right or wrong it doesn't change that.


Hey PD, I didn't know that about ya. Interesting, especially that you're long time bosom buddies with Old Rover. ;) Just likely avoid certain subjects I bet. Heh.

My 2 cents: The problem with door to door type solicitation is typically the fact that the people doing it lack charisma and are annoying - they may be passionate but are simply wrong for the job. Just like a shitty telemarketer calling you at home and pestering to sell you on something only in their case it is salvation via Le Jesus. There are Latter Day Saints in my neighborhood and what they do is send out their prettiest gals I noticed... Bit of a different strategy that one. Heh-heh.

Anyway, I see you felt the need to apologize for this to him but it is what it is. If you're gonna market something, whatever it is, send out people with charisma not awkward, annoying types lacking in social skills. Being well meaning, passionate is not enough. At the very least, know when no means no as far as when a person declines interest.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/01/2015, 11:59 PMI'm a Jehovah's Witness, does that mean you despise me?  :-k Seriously though, I'm sure you don't despise me, despite my religious beliefs.  We do the best we can to be respectful of others, but on the flip side of the coin, we're all imperfect, & some of us aren't as careful, or patient, etc. as others.  We look at it as a life saving message(restoration of a paradise earth, humans returning to a perfect state that Adam & Eve flippin' screwed up on, resurrection of loved one's, destruction of the tyranny, removal of sickness & death etc.), so it's important to us, but obviously you have the right & free will to disagree, so, no worries.

We just follow Jesus example & figure out ways(whether it be door to door or otherwise) to reach people.  We meet a lot of great people at the door that are really encouraging, some that even make the decision to become JW's themselves, & many who don't.  In fact, that's how my dad's parents became Witnesses back in the 40's.  One of the things that really bothered them was the teaching that people(including un-baptized babies) burn in hell forever, which we can't find a rational reason to believe in, in the Bible.  The whole hellfire thing just doesn't add up to us.  Just the fact that Revelation 20:14 says that "death & hell will be hurled into the lake of fire" tells us that the whole burning hell thing is made up, & that the lake of fire is just a figurative place(fire tends to represent destruction, not actual torment in the Bible)

Personally, since I'm not a morning person, I usually just knock, & don't even ring a doorbell till maybe 11, which is the time I'd love to sleep in to everyday, but, besides the door to door ministry, I also work for a living so....yeah, there's little sleeping in!  :D  Going door to door in general, is really fricken hard for most of us.  I have various social anxieties I struggle with, mostly due to being bullied quite a bit back in school, which varied from that fact that I don't celebrate Christmas, Easter, etc., but also cuz I was born with a cleft palette & lip, which makes me look a little funny, but not as noticeable after 7 surgeries.  So, yeah, I have a bit of a inferiority complex, but, the ministry is incredibly important to me, mainly cuz I care about people.  Whether my beliefs are right or wrong is an entirely different issue.  Even if it turned out I was wrong, I feel that at least what I was doing was for the right reason, which is love for people.

I apologize that they set the dog off.  I'll go out on a limb & guess that it wasn't on purpose, as, in my experience, it's annoying to have dogs start barking it up while I'm at the door.  Though, all the more so when we're talking with people at the door, cuz then it makes it harder to hear them, & them to hear us, etc.

I used to read Awake and Watchtower all the time because Witnesses paid weekly (or more) visits to my mom. She is Roman Catholic, but she enjoyed Bible study and developed a friendship with the lady. Also, since my mom was a "safe zone", our home became a de facto training ground for Witnesses who were just beginning missionary work (door-to-door). This meant that there were always 3-4 folks visiting my mom.

So, I was already staunchly atheist by this time (high school), but I thought it was hilarious that my living room was a JW Reading Room 2+ days a week.

Also, I actually am intrigued by religion, but I simply like to study it from a sociological perspective. So, even though Awake and Watchtower are not particularly earth-shattering, I enjoyed analyzing the contents...how did these publications try to make religion relevant in the 90's? What messages were emphasized?

When I moved to Southern California...I spent some Saturday mornings talking to Mormons and Witnesses making the rounds...just like my damn mom, except she wanted to explore her spirituality, and had no interest in doing so.

So, needless to say, I felt bad when I stopped talking to the elderly couple who used to stop by.

But I still read the copies of Awake and Watchtower they left in the door handle.

They knew.


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/01/2015, 11:59 PMI'm a Jehovah's Witness, does that mean you despise me?
No, but you don't sound like the typical assclown.  Most of the J.W. peeps that've showed up on my doorstep were pushy, annoyingly persistant, and condescending, arguing that only their interpretation of the bible could possibly be correct.

Also, I'm not a fan of how they discourage interaction with outsiders, shun those that leave the church, and cover up perverts (not that they're any worse than catholics or any other religion, really).
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: SuperGrafx on 02/09/2015, 09:44 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 02/08/2015, 07:57 AMMy mum said dinner at 1pm. I'm here its 1pm. Dinner is not ready.
Who the heck eats dinner at 1pm??
Well, except for the elderly...that's what they call the early bird special.
Well here in the South Dinner is at 12 or 1pm, Supper is served in the evening.


Quote from: guest on 04/02/2015, 12:09 PM
Quote from: SuperGrafx on 02/09/2015, 09:44 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 02/08/2015, 07:57 AMMy mum said dinner at 1pm. I'm here its 1pm. Dinner is not ready.
Who the heck eats dinner at 1pm??
Well, except for the elderly...that's what they call the early bird special.
Well here in the South Dinner is at 12 or 1pm, Supper is served in the evening.
Well said


In response to the JW related post on the prior page. My prolonged experience with JW's..... (and apologies in advance if any of it seems jumbled, it is a lot to recall)

My ex-in laws, WA and Virginia Burse, currently located in in South Carolina, are JW. WA was an elder or whatever at his prior kingdom hall. I don't know if he is at the current one. For about 5 years they constantly sided with and helped cover up the abuse my ex and her then husband committed on my kids. They lied in court during our divorce, and to DHS and the police after the divorce. I lived 3 hrs away, and on my weekend visits and summer visits the ex in laws would help clean the kids up and all so everything would look normal when I or my mom picked the kids up.

Only after my ex-wife managed to burn her own house down did my ex-mother in law finally have a change of heart and did what was right, and informed me as to what all was going on mid 2k5 (drug use, physical abuse, burglary).

I took back custody of the kids and started contacting the schools they attended prior to get records and found out from them that school staff reported my ex to DHS often for abuse and neglect (No one ever notified me of this, DHS or otherwise). After a bit of time more details emerged from my kids, they told my family in detail as to what all had happened to them. Way more then what my ex mother in law was evidently aware of.

While I wont get into the gritty details of all of the abuse, needless to say my ex fled the state because the police were contacted, she and her husband failed a polygraph, and warrants were then issued. My ex-inlaws moved out of state to avoid any embarrassment with people they knew, basically leaving my side of the family to be the ones to pick up the pieces. My ex-wifes husband was in jail for something unrelated when he took the poly test and failed, so he was kept in jail and prosecuted successfully fairly quickly.

During the next 6 years or so my ex mother in law and I stayed on what I felt were good/peaceful terms (we didn't argue), and I let the kids visit her during the summer in the spirit of just trying to patch things up and let everyone heal and move on. During this time she did send JW's she knew that were in our area to kinda sorta spy on us. If we didn't return a phone call from her in like 24 hrs, we'd have some JW knocking on our door the next day, or leaving a note on our car asking if things were ok. I just kind of humored it all because it was mostly harmless.

Over the years I spent time trying to track my ex down. Found out she was in New Jersey. Reported her location but she fled the area quickly. Later on I found out she was staying with family on her fathers side here in the south in 2011. My ex-inlaws did not divulge info to that side of their family about her warrants, etc. until my ex-wife had started some mess there with an aunt or something.

They also did not inform me she was there until after the supposed mess had occurred and my ex was captured (a family member ratted her out after they found out about the warrants). My ex mother in-law told me they did not know she was there until right before she was caught and extradited back to Arkansas in late 2011. I found out much later during trial preparation in winter 2012 that my ex in-laws knew she was there with family for quite a few months. They had been knowing quite a bit more about her whereabouts then they ever let on to law enforcement.

At any given time my ex was there, her mother or father could have called the cops and informed them of her location, or inform me, but didn't. Due to my ex mother in laws reluctance to do the right thing, my ex got to stay on the run for much longer then she should have.

Also, the summer in 2012, before the preparation for the upcoming trial, my kids went to visit my ex-in laws. My son came back depressed and angry from this visit. It took him a few months basically before he opened up as to why. Ended up my ex-mother in law tried to pressure him constantly to stay in Georgia, and also to not testify against his mom, and that my ex mother in-law and my sons aunt had taken great liberties to talk shit about me, all sorts of lies and crap.

I played it cool and tried to just take the high road. I informed the in-laws that the kids would be staying with me next summer, partly due to my daughter having summer school, which was true, but also stated my son wanted to stay this time and look for a summer job (he didn't). Basically just making excuses for why they needed to stay with us the following summer.

My ex mother in-law freaked out and started attacking me verbally via email and to my kids on the phone, lying about me and other shit, so in the end I told her I knew everything she did during the kids last visit and we had quite a bit of words. Her justification for her actions were because "people are not perfect".

Needless to say my son was not allowed to go back and visit them alone until he turned 18 last summer, so that he would not be stuck out there totally in their care during any visit, at their mercy, like a minor would be. He would be legally responsible for himself as an adult. My daughter is under the same restriction, not until she is 18 unless my ex in-laws come here and visit her supervised, which my ex mother in law is not interested in doing.

During the falling out I had offered them to visit the kids as long as it is supervised. Instead of coming here to visit the kids, they went and visited their daughter in prison. Due to that my kids only kept in touch with them fia cell phone until my son turned 18. My ex in-laws and I no longer speak now at all after that mess. All respect has been lost. Regardless, I don't talk about them and their stupidity in front of my kids.

I just kind of moved on from the situation. This is the first time I have really mentioned it to anyone in quite some time since these days I consider it a WA and Virgina Burse family issue. I no longer have to deal with them on any level, nor am I obligated to do so.

Also I should state this, just for the sake of disclosure. My ex opted out of having a trial and plead guilty. She is in prison for a long duration. During preparing for the trial that never happened, my ex was submitted to a mental health screening, because she was going to attempt to plea not guilty by reason of mental defect/insanity. During the interviews held with her, which I have access to the records of, she had stated that she was physically and sexually abused by her father. She stated her mother knew of the abuse:


I should also note my ex wife is a pathological liar who will burn you out of spite, and lie about you for just about any reason, so it is difficult to put much stock into what she said. This is the same ex who lied on the stand saying I beat her all the time when we were divorcing to try to get a sympathetic ear with the judge, so I have a hard time believing anything she says. If what she says is true though, then it kind of goes hand in hand with what you always end up reading about, jehovah witnesses linked with sexual abuse coverups and other issues.

In addition, because I feel like tacking these links on to give some insight into my ex-inlaws way of thinking:




And for lulz:



WOAH, that's quite a tale, Mike, though I knew some of it when I asked you for help/advice regarding my situation with XSeedGames... You mentioned you were in a tough spot with your ex and what it took to get custody of your kids, etc.

Actually, I have on-topic thoughts to add here myself, besides despising Tobias, XSeedGames is back front and center! They recently picked up licensing for "Ys VI The Ark of Napishtim" and I am trying to find out if they are attempting another sneak/cheat job. You see, one of my projects with my former criminal ex translator was in fact Ys 6 but we quit when Konami did the PS2 port. The script was translated up to 9X% and he's been sitting on it since 2006, even hoped on his Twitter account years back that Xseed would license the PC version so he could "sell them another script."

What the disgusting criminal doesn't tell you was the months of work hours that I went through to extract the Japanese text and upgrade my translation software to handle new conditions of 1,500 separate text files. I would've cancelled the project if I couldn't come up with a technical idea or design change to handle this new scenario and then projects like Felghana and Ys Origin would never have happened for him to have more scripts to profit off of my back...

I need someone who is on speaking terms with either Thomas Lipschultz of Xseed or Jeff Nussbaum to find out if they took that nearly complete script he has with my software or not. If they're using another professional translator then it's none of my business, only the prior 4 scripts matter that they already cheated me on, but I need to find out either way. They're not gonna do it again right in front of my face even after I called them all out on it!

SkyWelse or anyone that speaks to these people, I need your help to get this confirmation... Before I make a speech on my site, I wanna have my facts before opening my mouth.


Quote from: guest on 04/02/2015, 10:53 AM
Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 04/01/2015, 11:59 PMI'm a Jehovah's Witness, does that mean you despise me?
No, but you don't sound like the typical assclown.  Most of the J.W. peeps that've showed up on my doorstep were pushy, annoyingly persistant, and condescending, arguing that only their interpretation of the bible could possibly be correct.

Also, I'm not a fan of how they discourage interaction with outsiders, shun those that leave the church, and cover up perverts (not that they're any worse than catholics or any other religion, really).
Do I despise you, were you the one knocking on my door? That's who annoyed me. :)

The only reason I know the person was a jw was because they left a flyer.

Also what NecroPhile said.

I just read your post Prof...speechless.


I must say, Paranoia's post certainly was a catalyst for change!

Also: damn. Some seriously crazy stuff.


Damn Professor, to say that sucks would be an understatement!  It sounds like some of the stories my dad told me of now ex-JW's that he dealt with as an elder over the last 50 years.  Those kind of people eventually fall apart completely.  In his experience, sometimes it takes a few decades.  ](*,) There's even some now that I'm suspicious of, but, I can't read minds, though, sometimes I'd like to be a fly on the wall to take these types down.

From personal experience, the few I know involved in abuse were totally taken care of, & the bastards responsible for said abuse are rotting in prison.  One friend of mine in particular, she was being abused for several years by a "JW" I'd say at the time, was in his mid 40's?  In general, I always had a bad feeling about the guy, he came off to me as arrogant & mean spirited.  Even still, it was shocking to find out what he was doing to my friend.  But, the police were called, he was jailed away, & he was disfellowshipped. 

Offhand, my dad knows personally of an abuse case back in the 80's that turned out to be totally false.  So, unfortunately false charges happen too.  It's completely screwed up, but it doesn't seem to matter what organization a person is involved in.  One way or another, there's going to be perverts that either work there way in, or develop a perversion while a part of that organization.  No matter what, I personally look forward to a time when none of us are plagued by any kind of abusers, rapists, etc. 

Infact, someone close to me, who will remain nameless, was raped years ago by guy(not a JW) who likes young looking girls in general(usually goes after underage girls).  He was stalking her for months, & manipulating her.  He raped many young girls, most of which were afraid to come forward because of his threats.  Even now, he's still not away forever for the crimes he commited.  I went with her to court a few months ago, because he's playing games, trying to get out the where he's been holed up.  I think the case is going to resume again next week, but, he keeps finding way to stall it.  While at the courthouse, I found out he was temporarily there, & a large part of me wanted to rip him a new one!  I don't know how I would've reacted if I had to walk past him, but, he was in a special area isolated from other prisoners. 

Nulity, to answer your question.  I don't feel like it has, but, we all make decisions.  I'm sure there are JW's that wouldn't bother to be a part of a forum, or make games music etc.  Ultimately, we are taught to be careful with association whether it be in or outside the congregation.  I would say that all humans are an amalgamation of everything we experience in life(aside from genetics), both good & bad.  Everything we taste, touch, smell, hear, see, I think it's all in the back of our minds, forever a part of us.  And even then, everyone's reaction to things in life is going to be different, due to the various experiences that differed from one person to the next.  Personally, I think everyone, JW or not, should be careful with their association, though it's obviously up to each individual to make that choice. 

I made some bad choices in association back around 96, & based on my actions....was not a JW for a while.  The stuff I ended up getting into, well, I don't think I'd be alive today if I continued on that coarse.  I was removed from the congregation, & I found that to be beneficial, as it really woke me up!

As for JW's in general, some parents allow some after school activities, some don't.  Sometimes it's just a matter of how much time it takes up, & not just from spiritual activities.  But there are also parents that are just plain stricter(or slightly nuts) than others.  I don't want any kids, but I can see, it's like a balancing act in many respects, which is one of the reasons I don't want kids.  As for JW kids reading computer books, well, we do read them.  A few of my friends do programming for a living, I went to ROP & learned to built PC's(I did "ok" at it, but I wasn't awesome possum).

Yeah, as far as isolationism, I'd say it seems the same to me in general over 38 years of life.  I asked my dad, he felt like it's the same as it was back into the late 40's when his parents became JW's.   I feel like if we were true isolationists, we'd be living in caves or maybe on some special island drinking our own special blend of Kool Aid or something :lol:  I'd say we're like the first century Christians, who still lived & worked, etc. amongst the Jews, Romans, Greeks, etc., but also preached about the kingdom.

For me, I was always raised with what I call a "prepare for now & later" attitude.  You keep yourself spiritually & physically in shape as if Armageddon was coming a month from now, or 50 years from now.  We gotta earn a living, take care of our families, but also be capable to help others, whether they are JW's or not.  We're all capable of getting ahead of ourselves, partially do to wanting the world conditions promised in the Bible, & are told to watch for the "season" of when the end would be.  But, Jesus also said no one knows the day or the hour, not even him(at least not at that time while on earth).  So to me it, like a lot of things in life, requires balance.  Honestly, if we knew the year/month/day.  I feel like there could be a tendency to slack off spiritually until the last minute, at least in my case.  I feel I would probably slump off & be like "Armageddon is coming next month, I better get my act together & look busy because Jesus is coming!" :D

Anyways, the "prepare for now & later is how my parents raised me & my bros, & others I know were raised the same way, but then there are ones that I feel weren't raised with the "prepare for now, prepare for later" mentality. 

NightWolve, you have female LDS missionaries in your area?  I knew they existed, but, always thought they were just an urban legend :lol:  Seriously though, I've never seen one in my life, so that's kind of a trip!  As for charisma, I think I understand your point, but, it's really about all of us, young & old, etc. we all do the preaching work.  I'd guestimate roughly 40% of us are not people that were raised JW's.  At least that seems to be the case in general when I go to church in various area's.  We're all formerly Catholic, Lutheran, Atheist, Buddhist, Wiccan, etc.  So far, the door to door work, as difficult as it can be, stills shows signs of people interested in our beliefs.  That'll probably change someday I'm sure as this world continues.  However, personally, studying the media, & the way things are in regards to religion as a whole, I just can't imagine religion lasting another 10-20 years.  I know for some 100 years, we've been saying there will be an attack on all religion, but, back then, practically everybody went to church every sunday.  Now, in general seems to be drying up.

As for us being charismatic, I have a tendency to not trust people that are charismatic.  I just always have a funny feeling about them, so I can't totally relate to that.  And there are definitely times when some of us just don't get it when no means no.  There's probably times when we rely more on facial reactions & body gestures.  Plus though, there are people who have initially said no, but then changed their mind, whether it be recent, or years & years later, so to say the least, humans are intriguing in regards to what appeals to them at different stages in life.


SERIOUS: The cuter the man/woman, the more likely I am to listen to them preaching at my door. Sorry, but I don't deny the power. No, not the power of God. Or god. But the power of a cutie.

Let that be the religious lesson of the day.




Back in my college days, a couple of Jehovah's witnesses stopped by my house and I told them I didn't have time that that moment to partake in a dialogue with them, but they were welcome to return at dinner, when me and my 3 roommates would all enjoy their company.  Surprisingly, they came back and we had a really good discussion over dinner.  I don't think any of us had a change in spiritual beliefs when they left, but at least I came out of it with a better understanding of where everyone was coming from and maybe a better definition of what I believed.  It's an experience that's stuck with me for roughly 20 years now.


I despise this mosquito that is bugging me


Quote from: NightWolve on 04/02/2015, 08:39 PMSkyWelse or anyone that speaks to these people, I need your help to get this confirmation... Before I make a speech on my site, I wanna have my facts before opening my mouth.
Hi Nightwolve, I asked Tom for you and he said that they hired a different third-party contractor and retranslated the game from scratch. They didn't use Deuce as a translator for this.



Office butts, oh wait I have said that before. Uhh Office butts. :P


Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/13/2015, 02:48 PMOffice butts, oh wait I have said that before. Uhh Office butts. :P
You mean when your cheeks go numb? Or when the canyon is humid, and you just want it to be arid? Or both?


I hate when (1) I want coffee but (2) I don't want to wake the house with the coffee grinder.


Since instant coffee (I have it for emergencies) sucks my left one, I think I'll have to make tea.

Update: JEEZUS*, WHO USED UP ALL OF MY GODDAMN TEA? WHY? WHY? Who has forsaken** me?

* Obnoxious
** For Paranoia_Dragon

UPDATE to UPDATE: I absolutely DESPISE the fact that my wife purchased a closetful of faux-science tea concoctions (improve your memory! sleep longer! be more active with less sleep!) and did not bother to replenish my BASIC TEA. Which is comprised of...tea.


Quote from: esteban on 04/18/2015, 07:01 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/13/2015, 02:48 PMOffice butts, oh wait I have said that before. Uhh Office butts. :P
You mean when your cheeks go numb? Or when the canyon is humid, and you just want it to be arid? Or both?


I hate when (1) I want coffee but (2) I don't want to wake the house with the coffee grinder.


Since instant coffee (I have it for emergencies) sucks my left one, I think I'll have to make tea.

Update: JEEZUS*, WHO USED UP ALL OF MY GODDAMN TEA? WHY? WHY? Who has forsaken** me?

* Obnoxious
** For Paranoia_Dragon

UPDATE to UPDATE: I absolutely DESPISE the fact that my wife purchased a closetful of faux-science tea concoctions (improve your memory! sleep longer! be more active with less sleep!) and did not bother to replenish my BASIC TEA. Which is comprised of...tea.
Lack of tea is Unacceptable.


Quote from: esteban on 04/18/2015, 07:01 AM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 04/13/2015, 02:48 PMOffice butts, oh wait I have said that before. Uhh Office butts. :P
You mean when your cheeks go numb? Or when the canyon is humid, and you just want it to be arid? Or both?


I hate when (1) I want coffee but (2) I don't want to wake the house with the coffee grinder.


Since instant coffee (I have it for emergencies) sucks my left one, I think I'll have to make tea.

Update: JEEZUS*, WHO USED UP ALL OF MY GODDAMN TEA? WHY? WHY? Who has forsaken** me?

* Obnoxious
** For Paranoia_Dragon

UPDATE to UPDATE: I absolutely DESPISE the fact that my wife purchased a closetful of faux-science tea concoctions (improve your memory! sleep longer! be more active with less sleep!) and did not bother to replenish my BASIC TEA. Which is comprised of...tea.
Have you ever tried white lion tea?  I am addicted to that stuff right now. Its very basic, no false marketing. Just good tea. I think the name of the one i have now is something like green passion.


WILDFRUIT: Agreed. Situation is unacceptable.

GALAM: White Lion? Ha! At first I thought you were referring to "White Rose" (a grandma tea) and were trading me. :)

I will have to see if I White Snake* Green Passion is available at local store.

*for music thread participants.


i have only gotten it on amazon after i had it at a restaurant.



I really despise doing laundry.  Particularly the sorting and folding part.



Quote from: guest on 04/19/2015, 06:38 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 04/19/2015, 06:18 PMHmm today
Just today? Man, I want some of your meds!
Sheesh, me too, where can I get some of dem' fixer uppers!


Quote from: SuperGrafx on 04/19/2015, 06:16 PMLaundry

I really despise doing laundry.  Particularly the sorting and folding part.
I just realized I would have to sneak past sleeping kids to get clean clothes for today.

Instead of doing that, I am doing the laundry at 3:00 am.

I dare not wake the slumbering demons.




Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Spring time,pollen comes out and my allergies give me hell  :evil:
Wii U:Progearspec


I hate when people see your downtime as a challenge to get you up and going.

When I say,

"I'm not doing anything this weekend,"

that's not a fucking request for someone to try and get me to do something. Granted, if I'm invited to something I would probably enjoy, I'll politely decline the invite and that'll be the end of it. But if I'm offered a chance to pluck swollen ticks off of livestock, I'll issue a firm rejection followed by an assault on the offender's throat with the chiseled end of a rusty crowbar. And that's usually the end of it as well. But sometimes, I'm rebutted with,

"You said you weren't doing anything."

That's the whole fucking POINT. I don't want to do anything. Monday through Friday, for me, is spent doing things, many things, a lot of which I don't want to do but have to. The weekend is quite commonly the only bastion where I have the opportunity of being free of obligations. When I wake up on Saturday and Sunday, there are times where I want an itinerary as empty as a police precinct in Detroit. If 'nothing' is on my to-do list, then damn it, consider that list complete. I don't care if I'm asked to help drag disintegrating corpses from a swamp in mid July, or attend a party where I'd be able to squirt whipped cream on the smooth, supple perineums of high class strippers. When I say, "I'm not doing anything," I'm NOT doing anything.

As for the party with the strippers... yeah, I'd make time for that.
My past-life would've surely led to our demise, and I had left it not a moment too soon. Our escape, though dangerous, had gone well. The train ride, sunlight, and passing snow-covered pine trees came together in a flickering show of our bright, new future together. Her head rested on my shoulder as she soundly slept to the gentle rocking of the passenger car. We felt freedom. We felt peace.


Quote from: pc_kwajalein on 04/26/2015, 06:48 PMI hate when people see your downtime as a challenge to get you up and going.

When I say,

"I'm not doing anything this weekend,"

that's not a fucking request for someone to try and get me to do something. Granted, if I'm invited to something I would probably enjoy, I'll politely decline the invite and that'll be the end of it. But if I'm offered a chance to pluck swollen ticks off of livestock, I'll issue a firm rejection followed by an assault on the offender's throat with the chiseled end of a rusty crowbar. And that's usually the end of it as well. But sometimes, I'm rebutted with,

"You said you weren't doing anything."

That's the whole fucking POINT. I don't want to do anything. Monday through Friday, for me, is spent doing things, many things, a lot of which I don't want to do but have to. The weekend is quite commonly the only bastion where I have the opportunity of being free of obligations. When I wake up on Saturday and Sunday, there are times where I want an itinerary as empty as a police precinct in Detroit. If 'nothing' is on my to-do list, then damn it, consider that list complete. I don't care if I'm asked to help drag disintegrating corpses from a swamp in mid July, or attend a party where I'd be able to squirt whipped cream on the smooth, supple perineums of high class strippers. When I say, "I'm not doing anything," I'm NOT doing anything.

As for the party with the strippers... yeah, I'd make time for that.
I am with you 120%. :)

I don't have enough free time, ever. I savor any minute I get.


Quote from: pc_kwajalein on 04/26/2015, 06:48 PMI hate when people see your downtime as a challenge to get you up and going.

When I say,

"I'm not doing anything this weekend,"

that's not a fucking request for someone to try and get me to do something. Granted, if I'm invited to something I would probably enjoy, I'll politely decline the invite and that'll be the end of it. But if I'm offered a chance to pluck swollen ticks off of livestock, I'll issue a firm rejection followed by an assault on the offender's throat with the chiseled end of a rusty crowbar. And that's usually the end of it as well. But sometimes, I'm rebutted with,

"You said you weren't doing anything."

That's the whole fucking POINT. I don't want to do anything. Monday through Friday, for me, is spent doing things, many things, a lot of which I don't want to do but have to. The weekend is quite commonly the only bastion where I have the opportunity of being free of obligations. When I wake up on Saturday and Sunday, there are times where I want an itinerary as empty as a police precinct in Detroit. If 'nothing' is on my to-do list, then damn it, consider that list complete. I don't care if I'm asked to help drag disintegrating corpses from a swamp in mid July, or attend a party where I'd be able to squirt whipped cream on the smooth, supple perineums of high class strippers. When I say, "I'm not doing anything," I'm NOT doing anything.

As for the party with the strippers... yeah, I'd make time for that.   
=D> =D> =D>
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: pc_kwajalein on 04/26/2015, 06:48 PMI hate when people see your downtime as a challenge to get you up and going.

When I say,

"I'm not doing anything this weekend,"

that's not a fucking request for someone to try and get me to do something. Granted, if I'm invited to something I would probably enjoy, I'll politely decline the invite and that'll be the end of it. But if I'm offered a chance to pluck swollen ticks off of livestock, I'll issue a firm rejection followed by an assault on the offender's throat with the chiseled end of a rusty crowbar. And that's usually the end of it as well. But sometimes, I'm rebutted with,

"You said you weren't doing anything."

That's the whole fucking POINT. I don't want to do anything. Monday through Friday, for me, is spent doing things, many things, a lot of which I don't want to do but have to. The weekend is quite commonly the only bastion where I have the opportunity of being free of obligations. When I wake up on Saturday and Sunday, there are times where I want an itinerary as empty as a police precinct in Detroit. If 'nothing' is on my to-do list, then damn it, consider that list complete. I don't care if I'm asked to help drag disintegrating corpses from a swamp in mid July, or attend a party where I'd be able to squirt whipped cream on the smooth, supple perineums of high class strippers. When I say, "I'm not doing anything," I'm NOT doing anything.

As for the party with the strippers... yeah, I'd make time for that. 
I feel like you must not be married.


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 04/26/2015, 09:50 PMI feel like you must not be married.
No kids either. Its pretty damn sweet.
My past-life would've surely led to our demise, and I had left it not a moment too soon. Our escape, though dangerous, had gone well. The train ride, sunlight, and passing snow-covered pine trees came together in a flickering show of our bright, new future together. Her head rested on my shoulder as she soundly slept to the gentle rocking of the passenger car. We felt freedom. We felt peace.


Every time a Home Advisor commercial ends it has a doorbell ring that sets my dog off. Bloody annoying.


Renting a room for 4 months out of town while I'm working a coop term; the carpet felt more like a sand pit. Vacuumed it over 3 times. How do people live like this?


People who put a make offer button on ebay and then refuse reasonable offers.


Anitbiotics that screw up your gut biome and stick you on the toilet for a couple days, ughuuuuuuuu.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)



Quote from: pc_kwajalein on 04/27/2015, 09:06 AM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 04/26/2015, 09:50 PMI feel like you must not be married.
No kids either. Its pretty damn sweet.
I don't have any kids, either.  But at my age, I can't imagine not being married.  I'm too old to be out on the dating scene.  I got lucky and met my wife when we were in college, though...


Quote from: NightWolve on 05/04/2015, 10:51 AMToo much information... :/
Dude it was horrrrible, there's is nothing worse than being on edge for got knows how long while you're constantly worried about being hit by "Damn! I thought it was just a fart" syndrome.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)
