Neo-Geo roms on humble bundle.

Started by technozombie, 12/08/2015, 09:43 PM

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I thought this was pretty cool, and cheap to boot.


It appears as if these roms are possibly using stolen emulator code. Something I think is kind of strange considering their legit roms but I guess the same thing happened with the NeoGeoX. Maybe SNK just doesn't give a shit. Here is a Neogaf post on it:



emulators are free and SNK hasn't done shit it 10 years.


Well most emulators aren't free to sell. It is much like the debate about selling other people's translations


Quote from: technozombie on 12/09/2015, 07:39 AMWell most emulators aren't free to sell. It is much like the debate about selling other people's translations
I also am considering picking this up because all of the funds can go to charity, so it's a tax write off in addition to helping out a good cause. The playability through a browser is another incentive, I am going to try to play the demo with my arcade stick through a browser, and if that works, I am buying in.

Humble bundle is rad, donating money to charities is the best way to add to the pile of shit I don't need, especially digital shit I don't use. False sense of validation, it's so sweet.


I bought them before I knew about the emulator issue. For me it was a cheap way to be legit on a bunch of roms. Apparently you can take these very roms and use them in Mame.



That's really great news. I do feel much better about the purchase.


If you want to give away $20, then just give away $20. I don't see why throwing in Geo ROMs, ROMs we all downloaded 15 years ago, ROMs that originate from the same torrent I got them from should greese anyone's wheels. I guess I'm glad it does, but...why?

There was an article on Cracked several years ago that promoted a theory that in the future the only product bought and sold anywhere in the world would be "bullshit" once robots eventually take over all the important stuff. I'm a little on board with that theory nowadays, I have to say.


I try to support things I like. I listen to a lot of music on YouTube and when I find the rare musician/band I like, I make it a point to buy their music. This is no different.


Its not like that at all. First off, all this money is going to charity. They aren't going to make another Art of Fighting because you gave them $20. Secondly, SNK as we knew it during the Geo era is long long long gone. If they did get your $20 they'd use it to fund a mobile phone game where you try to earn more points by looking up Athena's skirt than you get for looking down Shermie's cleavage.

It would be like trying to support Jimmy Hendrix by subscribing to Spotify. 1) he's dead, 2) Spotify doesn't pay.


It's 22 games for $10 I don't know why you keep saying 20. Also you can choose how much you want to go the company or to charity. If you put it all for charity then why the hell not pay for them? Lastly, you're wrong. Like it or not they are making something beside a mobile game.

Psycho Punch

At least you can have legit rom images of games so its not that bad
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He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


with all the games that it comes with, the 10 dollar donation is well worth it


Picked this up myself, I like being able to just go log into Humble Bundle and download them when I want them. It is annoying that they added several logos that you can't skip before you get to actually launch the game though. So far I've only really played the golf game and I'm surprised to see myself so into a sports game but it should also be fun to play The Last Blade again.