10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Your Gaming Library

Started by Medic_wheat, 01/29/2016, 10:20 AM

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So for the past few weeks I have been thinking about my game room. Primarily the fact that I had just completed the reorganization pace and labeling of my collection while I plan and get shelving made for my upstairs loft.

Because of my reorganization I was able to see exactly what I have where the majority of it was either in boxes at my storage unit apartment or parents house throughout my various jobs and moving prior to the pitches of my first house. This was partly a bad idea as my wife was with me playing with our son and often commenting on how she had not realized the number of games systems and so forth I actually owned lol. She then said that I shouldn't sell everything off. But she knows I have no plans to and was being more sarcastic then anything.

Through this process and possibly even more so once I have displayed and proper access to my games, comics, movies/tv and toys I was honestly surprised at the status of my collection. Not only at the size of it but more so the content. In the past few years it has grown sure but some of the items I now own and enjoy are things that honestly at one point seemed like an unattainable goal.

The varied selection of my games, systems, and general taste in entertainment has evolved greatly since I started as well. Being someone who grew up with Atari then migrated to Nintendo with the NES my 80s and 90s exposure to anything else was limited.

Sure I had the one vision who had a Genesis and I got to play sonic and the bloody mortal kombat. Or the other family member who had a TG-16 and I got to play Bonk. But apart from my first migration away from Nintendo with the PS2 (I really wanted a DVD player as a new college student) I hardly looked back.

However here I am in my early 30s and with in the past six years I have collected played and enjoyed Neo Geo MVS (really took me back to arcades as a teen), the vast Sega library from SMS through the Dream Cast (which I still activity look for Sega games on newer systems) as well as a short dance with Arcade PCBS and super guns.

I look at some of my games such as Snatcher, and Gate of Thunder or even say Metal Storm and think wow these games are extremely fun. Their cult status and ability to endure as fun games and impressive graphical feats for their time holds true.

I organize my comics and look at my more prized issues such as my ASM #1 (sure it looks like a dog ate part of it but it's mine lol) or the Vampirela #1 (Christmas gift from my father after my first deployment) and think wow.

I pick through the remains of childhood toys like my castle grey skull which have seen better days lol and wonder if my own 9 month old son will enjoy it when he is 4-5.

I bring all of this up and name drop a few of my personal treasures items for this reason. Who else here finds themselves taking a step back at their own collection of various collectibles and think wow. Fonding themselves in awe that they own certain items that they owned as a kid or where able to obtain much later that they at one point thought where outside of their reach. Either die to rarity, expense, or extravagance. I find myself being less and less envious of other people's collections at this point and finding more consent with what I already have. Maybe it is because there are fewer and fewer things on my "want list" or maybe I simply learned to be more appreciative of what I currently have without the need to run out and pick up the next interesting or fun looking game or collectible do dad I see or hear about in the latest episode of game sack or so forth.

Once I have my loft complete with shelving I will update the gaming evolution what ever thread. At the moment stacks of lowes boxes are not interesting lol.


So this will develop into one of those "post your collection/gaming setup" threads?

If so, my display/setup always seems to be in a state of somewhat complete/nowhere near complete. :P
I can post a few pics if that won't be seen as going off topic.

And yeah I'm also at a stage where I look at the collection I've amassed over the years and feel pretty good where it's at.


Quote from: Bloufo on 01/29/2016, 01:49 PMSo this will develop into one of those "post your collection/gaming setup" threads?
I honestly don't know.  We already have Nulltard's happy place thread.

I know after going through my own house and moving stuff around while getting ready for the birth of my second child in June I have a lot more video game shhtuff than I realized.  Do I like my library of games, sure thing, but when it gets a bit overwhelming you need to step back and reevaluate sometimes. 
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Not so much

Mind you this was just something I felt the need to put on "paper". After rumiiging through my entire collection. Something. I hadn't doe. In years because t was so fragmented in various locations and cities.

I guess my intent is to discuss and talk about where you see your collection is at currently where you where at when it stated and lastly those top few items that are your prize and joy.

A top 10 items you can't belive you own sort of thing.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 01/29/2016, 10:20 AM... Who else here finds themselves taking a step back at their own collection of various collectibles and think wow.
I've been known to look at my stuffs from a 3rd person view. I'm usually drunk and it's late, I'll be winding down for the evening and I'll stop and look at my shelves or cabs in the garage. I'll think to myself, "wow, never thought I'd have this many games". Of course, in the sober morning, it's more like "fuck, all this shit that breaks all the time!" But repairs and maintenance is half the fun for me.

I do make it appoint to have all my shit out and accessible to play. No bins in my attic or boxes at the parents house for me. So I have a very accurate, visual idea of how much I have.
TG/PCE Collection.
"Booze should be a choice, not a privilege" -KCDC (The FP)


I do this every once in a while. People who constantly sell everything to only buy it again later never can. They screw themselves out of it. I very very rarely sell anything.

Recently I was moving some stuff around in my house and I came to some of the same conclusions, but mostly I'm just glad I was there to hoard these things organically at their original price and enjoy them in their original context. I would never buy Panzer Dragoon Saga, the Rez 12"s, or anything Turbografx *today*, if I were someone who never owned them in-period and had to shell out 8x the money for them.

I recently scanned some old otaku crap to share on Facebook. Original sketches by Kawamori, Kitazumi, Sonoda, etc. Getting these sketches today would be hugely problematic, nearly impossible. The cons are just too big.

It does surprise you when you haven't been able to go through it all in years. That's what it's for. If you saw that stuff all day every day you'd be sick of it.


It's nice having games and hardware that you bought when it first came out 20 - 30 years ago.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


I still have my CIB Zelda II from 1989. Still has my original save game, too.
Quote from: VenomMacbeth on 10/25/2015, 02:35 PMGentle with games, rough with collectards.  Riders gon riiiiide.


Quote from: Gentlegamer on 01/30/2016, 01:32 AMI still have my CIB Zelda II from 1989. Still has my original save game, too.
Now that is amazing.

Not sure what I like more. I am leaning more to the save file still being there from when you where a kid.


Quote from: guest on 01/30/2016, 12:36 AMIt's nice having games and hardware that you bought when it first came out 20 - 30 years ago.
For me mostly my toys are what remained. Very few of my games from the NES remained.

It wasn't until the PS2 that I just kept everything and stopped reselling it to game stores for the next shiny thing.


I didn't start collecting till 99 so I have very few original toys and games that didn't leave in yard sales/trades/eBay.  But since I started to collect, I've sold very little from my collection. My main regrets are getting rid of a few sega CD/Saturn/ps2 games and some magic cards. I've been fortunate to get a lot of games cheap from weekly thrift/yard sale/pawn/flea market stops. But now space is becoming an issue. My collection is about 2000 games which honestly is not that much of an issue for space. However my collection of toys on top of that makes it difficult to organize without looking like an episodes of hoarders is going to occur at my house. Thundercats, He-man, GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars, Marvel. So I'm going to have to dump them soon at some point I'm guessing. One thing that has helped for space that I saw from other collection videos is to install floating shelf's along the ceiling. Looks clean, cheap, and you can store a lot of stuff.


My brother broke all my toys, so I'm actually pretty low on those. I only buy stuff that's actually good, and I usually only buy complete. Also, I'm cheap. This keeps the collection pretty small. I have maybe 20 Transformers but 17 of them are totally rad.

I don't have much GI Joe stuff. The Larry Hamma fever dream was fun for a nine year old me but it's just completely insane to me now, like Mein Kamph II or something. Enough is enough.


I met Larry Hamma when I went with my friend to a GI Joe convention. Had him sign an 85 Snakeeyes file card.  I dont want any more toys outside a few MOC things. But if I'm at a flea market and I see a bag of 80's toys for 2.00 I can't resist.