10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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PCEWorks is back to making passable bootlegs and lots of them

Started by CrackTiger, 12/18/2016, 09:27 AM

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IMO you can't say one type of bootlegging is ok and then for whatever reason another is not ok, at the end of the day it's all using someone else's IP to sell something you don't own the rights to.
So taking into account what I just said at the end of the day there's no difference between the repro hucards sold on this site and Tobias's bootleg stuff.

I'm not a fan of Tobias myslef mostly because I love fan translated games, and what he is doing is putting in jepardy translations in the future. He should of contacted the translators first and asked permission and offered a cut of profits. That is my ONLY issue with him, I couldn't give a fuck about anything else TBH. If dipshit idiots want to spend dollars on his energy drinks, collectors coins or panties that's up to them, I don't care.

More my point though is I find it jarring when people are pissed at Tobias mainly just about him bootlegging yet are fine with the bootleg hucards on this forum, they're both bootlegs! just the difference is one person is friends with people on the forum so gets a pass.
Quote from: some block off youtubeIn one episode, Dodongo c-walks out of a convenience store with a 40 at 7:40 AM, steals an arcade machine from an auction, haggles in Spanish for a stuffed papa smurf to use as a sex toy, and buys Secret of Mana for a dollar.


the tobias crap is worse than the hu cards partly because of the motive.  the pce works stuff is aimed at the collectard mentality who want pretty packaging to fap to on the shelf.  most of the people that buy it are peobably never going to fire them up because they dont want to take thier duo out of the box.

as for the hu's, to me, it seems like they were being created for the sole purpose of people playing them, sans emulator, who might not otherwise have a chance.  the cases are totally different with no flashy coins or stupid crap like that.  most of the work went into simulating the huc itself accurately.  for that i applaud.


Quote from: gynt on 12/20/2016, 10:24 AMas for the hu's, to me, it seems like they were being created for the sole purpose of people playing them, sans emulator, who might not otherwise have a chance. 
Just get an everdrive if you want to play the games. Both PCE Works and the HuCard bootlegs pander to collectors


Unique looking bootleg HuCards with commercial game roms on them is strictly a collectarded thing, just several tiers below Tobias' products.

I love the novelty of being able to have authorized homebrew projects on dedicated HuCards and having them in a homemade case. It's cool that at a game show people might come across a PCE setup playing HuZero on a HuCard and ask what the hell is going on.

Anyone who just wants to play commercial game roms can buy a TED for the price of a couple bootleg HuCards.

I understand how someone might feel if they end up with all but a few TurboChips and would like the novelty of putting something inside of their Sparky labeled novelty cases. But I'd rather put a homemade stickers on a few copies of Gunboat or Falcon and have them in those cases, as they'd actually look and feel like the real deal.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


It's amazing how many people still say there's zero difference between the repro hueys and the stuff Tobias has done.  This bullshit has been discussed how many times now, with the same issues being brought up each and every fucking time, yet some chucklefucks continue on with the simplified (and naive) drum beat of "It's all bootlegging!  It's identical!!!"

Seriously, it's not hard to see the difference between a profit margin of 10-20% and one of 1000%, in selling translation hacks and homebrews only with permission and selling anything you can get your hands on, or in selling things that're obviously unoriginal and selling things that are only distinguishable if you know what to look for and are advertised as legitimate.

As for this latest round of booties, I don't mind 'em too much.  Assuming they all have the logo on the disc and manual back cover (not all of 'em are shown), they're easy enough to distinguish as repros; even the sealed ones, seeing as the shrink wrap isn't even close.  Still, that only applies to the disc and manual, as someone could easily pass off the back insert and spine as originals.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I wrote a post, but then deleted it. Pretty much what NecroPhile said. Also, there is difference in people who do bootleg for the community, usually respect the community (don't take stuff from the community without permission), and those who claim respect or for the community - but are solely in the profit for it. I'm not saying one is illegal and the other is not, disregarding the legality of even having roms/rips of games you don't own - on your PC or emulation device, but there is a difference in motive here. And I don't think this whole black and white perspective of it's "all bootleg", is representative at all of the issue. Maybe that difference doesn't mean anything to you personally, but it's something that should be acknowledged. I mean, it gets to the core of all this - motives, and the effect and implications of those motives.



The whole point of this thread is the fact that "new bootlegs" are being sold with no indication as being a bootleg. So, anyone either new to pce or a veteran could have no idea that they are buying a boot if it's new.  This should be known to anyone regardless of how they feel about buying bootlegs or not.  It is not fair if someone comes along and has no idea they're buying a pceworks boot and want a legit copy.  If I can stray at least one person away from buying a boot (especially from Tobias) that wants a legit copy, but give 10 others that don't care and just want to collect it is a win in my book.


Quote from: guest on 12/20/2016, 01:03 PMI'm glad these were offered to the community at an affordable rate https://www.pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=20020.0
This link was blocked by my work's spam filter, wat?


Quote from: geise on 12/20/2016, 02:36 PMThe whole point of this thread is the fact that "new bootlegs" are being sold with no indication as being a bootleg. So, anyone either new to pce or a veteran could have no idea that they are buying a boot if it's new.  This should be known to anyone regardless of how they feel about buying bootlegs or not.  It is not fair if someone comes along and has no idea they're buying a pceworks boot and want a legit copy.  If I can stray at least one person away from buying a boot (especially from Tobias) that wants a legit copy, but give 10 others that don't care and just want to collect it is a win in my book.
Yes. That's correct: helping just one person makes it worthwhile. We can't save a fucktard from being a fucktard, necessarily, but someone who is simply ignorant can (potentially) be helped.



Quote from: guest on 12/19/2016, 03:23 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/19/2016, 03:08 PMI'm actually more pissed that some fag was selling bootleg Everdrives at PRGE than I am about Tobias.  Anyone who buys his shit knows they're buying bootlegs (unless they're retarded). 
Bootleg everdrives? Ive never heard of this...
You can buy them on places like AliExpress.  The board design is the exact same as Krikzz', but supposedly the build quality isn't as good from what I've been told, and the software is different (and supposedly inferior).


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/19/2016, 10:32 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/19/2016, 07:16 AMThe vast majority of the people who comment on my videos are awesome, but there are also a few people who need to pull a plastic bag over their head and go to sleep.
Anyway at least try to have fun with the shitty comments instead of getting angry at them. I had a dude who was saying how the PS2 trounced the OG Xbox in every conceivable way. That was fun for me.
Honestly, I don't even give a shit about people's (in my opinion) wrong opinions.  I get plenty of that, but if someone wants to talk about how bad the Genesis sucks, then that's their thing.  What I can't stand are people who want to correct the facts stated in my videos with alternate ones pulled out of their asses. 

Not long ago someone left a comment on my PSX launch video saying simply "The Playstation launched in 94, bro."  Now it's true that it launched in Japan in 94, so maybe he was talking about that, so I just responded with "Did you watch the video?"  Because of course I said that it came out in 94 in Japan, and then in 95 here.  HOLY SHIT he responds with a fucking TIRADE.  Something to the effect of "OF COURSE I WATCHED IT YOU FUCKING IDIOT BUT I REMEMBER BEING AT THE MALL IN 94 AND SAW IT FOR SALE BECAUSE THEY WERE PUTTING IT UP AGAINST THE SATURN.  FUCK YOU, YOUR STUPID AND SHOULD STOP MAKING VIDEOS."  I mean, honestly.  The Playstation launch is very well-documented.  There's nothing to even argue about.  But this guy went on and on with not just me, but other posters.  Like he just refuses to believe that it game out when it did because he has this memory of being like 10 years old or whatever and seeing something in a mall somewhere.

Just a couple of days ago, I got called a "cocksucking fag" because at one point in the same Playstation launch vid, I referred to the system as the "PSX".   This kid says something like "The PSX is a product that Sony released in the early 2000's.  God I hate it when people mix that up."  So I just informed him that we did indeed call the Playstation the "PSX" back in the day (I think after the PS2 had been announced), and he goes on to inform me that "he's 24 (lol) and had owned a Playstation his whole life, I'm a fag, etc."  I tell him to explain why in the late 90's IGN's Playstation website was "psx.ign.com", then.  That shut him the fuck up.

I think it would be awesome if a bunch of YouTube content creators got together and wrote a book on what it's like dealing with commenters.  I think it would be a fun read.

Joe Redifer

People mistake their memories as facts. I have a friend who writes articles on movie releases and he's very into heavy research. He often gets feedback about how someone remembered watching a 70mm print at a drive in the year before said movie came out when in fact the movie didn't even have 70mm prints. Memories change. NOBODY has perfect memory. It's all faulty. That's why we document things. Memory is not evidence. Of course there's no convincing people of this. "No but I CLEARLY remember it". No, you clearly misremember it.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/20/2016, 09:12 PMPeople mistake their memories as facts. I have a friend who writes articles on movie releases and he's very into heavy research. He often gets feedback about how someone remembered watching a 70mm print at a drive in the year before said movie came out when in fact the movie didn't even have 70mm prints. Memories change. NOBODY has perfect memory. It's all faulty. That's why we document things. Memory is not evidence. Of course there's no convincing people of this. "No but I CLEARLY remember it". No, you clearly misremember it.
Sure... It's called Mandela Effect lol


Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/20/2016, 04:54 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/19/2016, 03:23 PM
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 12/19/2016, 03:08 PMI'm actually more pissed that some fag was selling bootleg Everdrives at PRGE than I am about Tobias.  Anyone who buys his shit knows they're buying bootlegs (unless they're retarded). 
Bootleg everdrives? Ive never heard of this...
You can buy them on places like AliExpress.  The board design is the exact same as Krikzz', but supposedly the build quality isn't as good from what I've been told, and the software is different (and supposedly inferior).
Most of the ones on eBay are fakes too.

ChuChu Flamingo

Quote from: guest on 12/20/2016, 09:17 PM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/20/2016, 09:12 PMPeople mistake their memories as facts. I have a friend who writes articles on movie releases and he's very into heavy research. He often gets feedback about how someone remembered watching a 70mm print at a drive in the year before said movie came out when in fact the movie didn't even have 70mm prints. Memories change. NOBODY has perfect memory. It's all faulty. That's why we document things. Memory is not evidence. Of course there's no convincing people of this. "No but I CLEARLY remember it". No, you clearly misremember it.
Sure... It's called Mandela Effect lol
This timeline has many differences, I just want back in the Berenstein bears timeline.


Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: ccovell on 12/22/2016, 10:40 PM*Berenstain*
He's referring to the AVGN alternate reality video, I think.   lol.   

on the topic of repros and crap, here's a Venn Diagram of the differences


I don't see the point in either type of repro. 

Tobias' repros can be made by oneself with a printer and a CD basically.   You lose the "pressed CD" thing, but we've discovered how/what to use so that CD-Rs aren't shit-tier.  So, the only thing he has a knack for is making really cool boxes/stupid shit to go with the games and entice jackoffs to buy them up so he can buy more upscalers.

The HuCards started as a "ohman we can get Magical Chase" sort of thing.  But now, we are unfortunately wasting the materials on stupid shit like black Keith Courage cards and combo-cards for people to post pictures of on Facebook and go "OMFG GOT ME A REPROS, lol #GAMING".

To be 100% honest, the Hueys are a tad overpriced, and people buying those things for 50$+ or whatever are dumbshits.  You can spend 20$ more and buy an Everdrive, and play all the same crap.  How bad do people really need things on a shelf?   

If you really need shelves of game cases, just get a bunch of empty CD cases and put sparky's stickers on the spines.   I assure you, the placebo effect will kick in and you will enjoy just playing everything on your Everdrive.

The HuCard repros aren't legit.  They're fake.   neat, but fake.  People saying "finally finished my collection" as the result of buying a bunch of fake HuCards are dinguses.   You didn't complete anything.   

The upside to the HuCards is that they're "made by us".

Tobias is an outsider, and he's a dick.  Had he not been a giant dick, people would not be up in arms about the guy.

I also personally feel pretty "wtf?" when I see people jacking off over repro hucards and shelling out $$$$$$$$$ for them, while passing up on Atlantean.

... and then those same people message me asking for Atlantean when I am sold out.    The fake HuCards have become a bit of a distraction.

People really have mostly resorted to just posting pictures of all the stupid shit they buy, followed by maybe a title screen of the game.   I don't think half these people play a goddamn thing.

I don't need to see 40 different people posting the same picture of a HuCard repro they bought.

I don't even need to see people posting REAL ones they bought.

We all know what a fuckin copy of Bonk looks like.  We're not that retarded.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Arkhan Asylum

Also, before someone says "oh but you charge $$$$ for Atlantean.  you can't talk."

1) We're charging you for parts, labor, time-spent-3Dprinting-because-jesus-christ-the-things-print-slow.
2) We're also charging you for BRAND NEW GAME THAT WE SPENT ALOT OF FREE TIME ON, to encourage us to bother continuing to do that.

2 is the important part.   That's the justification.  You're basically paying us for the fact that we (as a team) spent tons of our free time to give you a new thing to play with.  If people weren't willing to pay for these once finished, I can assure you, I would not focus on them as much as I do.   Part of the fun of this is making the physical things, and going to conventions to setup and show them off, talk to people, and sell them.  It's a nice feeling to be rewarded for a fuckton of effort.

If all of that wasn't a thing, I would still make the games, it's just, I've got a cabinet of games that basically fall out on me everytime I open the doors as a result of focusing on making games and dicking around with this stuff.   Getting to those games for my enjoyment would be cool.  So, I would spend *less* of my free time making games.   Everyone being willing to participate encourages me to try and finish stuff sometime this century.  This sometimes means I don't get to play games as much.

I can't say I really agree with seeing HuCards of like, Hana Taka Daka going for 45$, or a 2fer card with Neutopia 1 and 2 going for like 50+$ when it takes hardly any time to assemble one of those, and nobody reproing it had any hand in the programming part.   They should cost less.   

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


LOL! I got kicked out of "Turbob Xpress" facebook group today because some guy couldn't understand why I don't have praise for Tobias. The ignorant dick didn't even know PCE works was selling MM1 updated CD; he only thought they gave away free discs. The ignorance of some people. Confronted with it, he doesn't care because he got a copy - that's all the matters. That if I cared, I should have pressed them myself! I know Tobias is doing more shit than taking community stuff, but I doubt people will care either way. A PSA will probably fall on deaf ears.


Quote from: TurboXray on 12/24/2016, 03:07 PMLOL! I got kicked out of "Turbob Xpress" facebook group today because some guy couldn't understand why I don't have praise for Tobias. The ignorant dick didn't even know PCE works was selling MM1 updated CD; he only thought they gave away free discs. The ignorance of some people. Confronted with it, he doesn't care because he got a copy - that's all the matters. That if I cared, I should have pressed them myself! I know Tobias is doing more shit than taking community stuff, but I doubt people will care either way. A PSA will probably fall on deaf ears.
I know. I just want to believe that some folks will transcend their ignorance.

At this point, it seems that even hoping for 5% of the ignorant to become "enlightened" is too generous...

Still, I can't give up on those 5% :)

Arkhan Asylum

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Joe Redifer

Quote from: guest on 12/24/2016, 06:16 AM1) We're charging you for parts, labor, time-spent-3Dprinting-because-jesus-christ-the-things-print-slow.
2) We're also charging you for BRAND NEW GAME THAT WE SPENT ALOT OF FREE TIME ON, to encourage us to bother continuing to do that.
I seriously hope nobody gives you shit for charging or (gasp) making a profit for your goods and not offering a downloadable ROM for free (which you offer a demo with Santatlantean anyway). You are producing a marketable good that not only has costs, but the time investment is nothing without reward so your profit is perfectly acceptable. You're not passing off repros as originals and selling them for an inflated value so I can't imagine anyone would give you shit, but this is the internet... I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but if there are readers of this forum who would criticize Atlantean costing money, well... let's fight!

Arkhan Asylum

Mostly idiots on fb.   Ive also had people bitch about no free shipping, or expensive shipping.

.... to international locales.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!

Arkhan Asylum

Also, I saw where two dipshits basically made fun of Bonknuts for being miffed about Tobias lifting his Megaman stuff.

It's a shitshow.

The PCE scene has turned into a trainwreck, thanks to Facebook, and selfish gamers

EDIT:  The post was deleted,or they hid it from me.   Either way, bunch of fuckups.   
I wonder if they post here.   Does Jordan Bayless post here?

If so, he's a dick. 

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: guest on 12/25/2016, 11:14 PMAlso, I saw where two dipshits basically made fun of Bonknuts for being miffed about Tobias lifting his Megaman stuff.

It's a shitshow.

The PCE scene has turned into a trainwreck, thanks to Facebook, and selfish gamers

EDIT:  The post was deleted,or they hid it from me.   Either way, bunch of fuckups.   
I wonder if they post here.   Does Jordan Bayless post here?

If so, he's a dick.
Why are people this fucking stupid?

I can punch Jordan in the face for you irl if you need. I'm 90% sure he does not post here fwiw.

Arkhan Asylum

He could use a good punch in the mouth to be honest.

It takes a special kind of stupid to do the shit he and another dude were doing.

Basically it went like
"anyone who talks shit about PCEWorks is getting punched in the face"
Bonknuts chimes in about how shitty that is because stolen work, duping, lying, profiteering, etc.
Jordan basically says whatever, fuck you, I got this disc for free, you stole Megaman anyways so it's OK

It's like "what"

and then Jordan and the other dude basically jerked each other off and high fived each other while making fun of the entire thing.

This shit is pretty much what will ruin the PCE scene
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I believe we talked about it before and I tried to explain why PCE works is evil and he should just burn cdrs. He doesn't even really like PCE though tbh.

Arkhan Asylum

Quote from: Gypsy on 12/26/2016, 12:13 AMI believe we talked about it before and I tried to explain why PCE works is evil and he should just burn cdrs. He doesn't even really like PCE though tbh.
so what you're saying is, he's a douchebag poseur , leeching free shit and being a tool to people who give a shit about the scene.

Oh ok.

Yeah, punch him.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


That Jordan guy sounds like a grade A twat.

PS - I love the venn diagram.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 12/25/2016, 11:14 PMIt's a shitshow.

The PCE scene has turned into a trainwreck, thanks to
Quote from: guest on 12/25/2016, 11:49 PMHe could use a good punch in the dick to be honest.

It takes a special kind of stupid to do the shit he and another dude were doing.

Basically it went like
"anyone who talks shit about PCEWorks is getting punched in the face"
Bonknuts chimes in about how shitty that is because stolen work, duping, lying, profiteering, etc.
Jordan basically says whatever, fuck you, I got this disc for free, you stole Megaman anyways so it's OK

It's like "what"

and then Jordan and the other dude basically jerked each other off and high fived each other while making fun of the entire thing.

This shit is pretty much what ruined the PCE scene


I had hoped that this thread would have some uplifting stories about ignorant folks finding The Truth.

...about a wise prophet harnessing the PCE bible as a beacon of peace, love, and enlightenment....



Quote from: SamIAm on 12/19/2016, 07:19 PMTobias, on the other hand, is a person who has looked causing harm in the face and said to himself "Eh, fuck those guys."
That had me LMAO, well played!  :lol:

Arkhan Asylum

I'm all for the *quality* of PCEWorks stuff.

But, people really need to stop running around the internet with their dicks out going OMFG PCEWORKS IS AWESOME LOOK AT THIS STUFF.

while leaving out that they got the shit *for free*.

It just makes more shelf candy whores go


and run to buy shit.

If he wasn't such a dickbutt, none of this would be that bad.  As it stands now, he's a disingenuous fuckpump.
This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 03:05 AMI'm all for the *quality* of PCEWorks stuff.

But, people really need to stop running around the internet with their dicks out going OMFG PCEWORKS IS AWESOME LOOK AT THIS STUFF.

while leaving out that they got the shit *for free*.

It just makes more shelf candy whores go


and run to buy shit.

If he wasn't such a dickbutt, none of this would be that bad.  As it stands now, he's a disingenuous fuckpump.
Next up, Atlantean SCD release by PCEworks.



Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 01:33 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 12/25/2016, 11:27 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/25/2016, 11:14 PMAlso, I saw where two dipshits basically made fun of Bonknuts for being miffed about Tobias lifting his Megaman stuff.

It's a shitshow.

The PCE scene has turned into a trainwreck, thanks to Facebook, and selfish gamers

EDIT:  The post was deleted,or they hid it from me.   Either way, bunch of fuckups.   
I wonder if they post here.   Does Jordan Bayless post here?

If so, he's a dick.
Why are people this fucking stupid?

I can punch Jordan in the face for you irl if you need. I'm 90% sure he does not post here fwiw.
Irl? So you are in or near KS?
Yeah, are you as well?

Psycho Punch

Quote from: TheClash603 on 01/03/2017, 08:04 AM
Quote from: Psycho Arkhan on 01/03/2017, 03:05 AMI'm all for the *quality* of PCEWorks stuff.

But, people really need to stop running around the internet with their dicks out going OMFG PCEWORKS IS AWESOME LOOK AT THIS STUFF.

while leaving out that they got the shit *for free*.

It just makes more shelf candy whores go


and run to buy shit.

If he wasn't such a dickbutt, none of this would be that bad.  As it stands now, he's a disingenuous fuckpump.
Next up, Atlantean SCD release by PCEworks.
Speaking of which, how many KBs does atlantean use? Any special mapping? I have the damn game but it never occurred to me to ask arkhan directly
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Quote from: guest on 01/03/2017, 02:18 PMSpeaking of which, how many KBs does atlantean use? Any special mapping? I have the damn game but it never occurred to me to ask arkhan directly
I bought the download ... and it runs fine in Mednafen, so there's no weird mapping going on.

It's a 512KB HuCard.

And it was built with HuC ... it's easy to tell that from the bank mappings.

IIRC Arkhan has previously said that he converted a lot/most/all of the code from C to assembly, but the overall structure is still very "HuC".


Wow. Pantsu edition? That's a real thing and not a joke?

Quote from: TurboXray on 12/18/2016, 06:52 PM(Also, please read the following in Laurence Fishburne's voice. Thanks).
What right do you have to anything?... and not justify it with bullshit, to make your conscience feel better.
This post was epic, thanks Lawrence, I mean Bonknuts.

Also I feel your pain in having been ripped off. I really enjoy your version of Megaman if it's any consolation prize. :)

Arkhan Asylum

Atlanteans a 512kb rom.  Its still structured like it was built with huc because it was.

The layout never changed.  Just the code contents where needed.

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!