I freaking wonder about employees at fast food joints.

Started by Mas, 06/25/2017, 08:00 PM

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Hear me out,
                    Went to a local McDonald's that I once worked at when I was 16. 25 years ago damn Thats hurting me now lol. But I go to the window for my food and she handed me my mocha latte and she says strawberry shake? I said no it was chocolate. She gets rude with a response and goes on and I see her see me takes the cover dumps half of the shake and adds chocolate. I had to leave and was in a rush and just got the shake and took off.
My wife was on lunch and I get her food and fries and sandwich was cold as hell and the Big Mac was all over the place inside.
The employees were all yelling playing around and managers were like 18 years and didn't care about what's going on.
The point is to all this is where did places like this and the employees and fast food joints lose the pride and care for food and customers. It's not only McDonald's it's ever where.

I just remember the customer service and the food was right and it matters when you took the job with pride. You went with pride and took care of people and made sure the food Orr product that your serving was good.
If anyone else has stories like this please feel freely to share. I'm sure I'm not the only one

Arkhan Asylum

This "max-level forum psycho" (:lol:) destroyed TWO PC Engine groups in rage: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook "Because Chris 'Shadowland' Runyon!," then the other by Aaron Nanto "Because Le NightWolve!" Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together... Both times he blamed the Aarons in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!



First: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
Second: Strawberry-Chocolate Shake sounds pretty good to me.
Third: Q: Who you gonna call? A: Gordon Ramsay


You sound like the old man that used to complain and yell at you when you worked there in the 90's.


Quote from: blueraven on 06/25/2017, 09:33 PMYou sound like the old man that used to complain and yell at you when you worked there in the 90's.
I had the same guy in 93. lol always bitching about something.

With other threads I know it's McDonald's but damn at least get the fries hot lol.


Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
This is the crux of the matter right here.  When you pay people like shit, they treat the job and everything associated with it like shit.  If you want people to care about the work they're doing, to care about the product being put out, and to just care in general pay them decently.  Stop giving CEOs, VPs and other upper management that do nothing millions of dollars in bonus' and use that money to pay your people properly, and these kinds of issues will go away.


Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
Second: Strawberry-Chocolate Shake sounds pretty good to me.
Third: Q: Who you gonna call? A: Gordon Ramsay
The funny thing is they passed a fast food minimum wage law in NY and now the fast food workers at McDonalds all make more than the nurses assistants at the hospital my girlfriend works at.  One of the nurses assistants actually recently quit her job due to this fast food wage gap.

To take this a step further, fast food workers in NY will get wage increases annually through 2021.  My first banking job when I left college with a 4 year degree will have paid less (even considering inflation) than a fast food job around 2019.  The wage isn't fantastic, but by 2021 it will be a decent wage, especially for a teenager or young adult.

When I traveled to Japan I saw a sense of pride by workers in all fields, including low level service jobs.  When I was growing up making pizza and dish washing and doing these types of jobs, I always gave it 100%.  This is something that I also see very little of now, which is quite sad.


Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 06:27 AM
Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
This is the crux of the matter right here.  When you pay people like shit, they treat the job and everything associated with it like shit.  If you want people to care about the work they're doing, to care about the product being put out, and to just care in general pay them decently.  Stop giving CEOs, VPs and other upper management that do nothing millions of dollars in bonus' and use that money to pay your people properly, and these kinds of issues will go away.
In a perfect world yes, but the top brass lining their own pockets and squeezing out the most profit possible are the real top priorities. They know most people will just keep eating at McDs anyway and there will never be a shortage of people willing to work there for minimum wage.


Anytime I'm unsure about my future, I end up working for a moving company temporarily. It's about the only way I can work full-time and earn a living wage without being tied down, plus there are tips (not the penis kind).  :mrgreen:

Anyhoo, my partner and I were moving someone out of town, and the job was going to be 10+ hours. I don't normally take lunch, but legally I had to. So we stopped at a Taco Bell on the way to our destination. This was the worst fast food place I have ever been to. I spent my entire 30 minute lunch break standing in line and waiting for food. I was third in line! WTF?!

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 06:27 AM
Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
This is the crux of the matter right here.  When you pay people like shit, they treat the job and everything associated with it like shit.  If you want people to care about the work they're doing, to care about the product being put out, and to just care in general pay them decently.  Stop giving CEOs, VPs and other upper management that do nothing millions of dollars in bonus' and use that money to pay your people properly, and these kinds of issues will go away.
This is only partially true. It turns out that money isn't the biggest factor in worker happiness. Ultimately, it comes down to management. With a manager who praises employees and gets to know them on a personal yet professional level, you can have an environment where the worker bee doesn't hate going to work. If the employee likes his environment, he'll work harder and better. Not all fast food restaurants are terrible places. I'd like to see an experiment where you go to every McDonalds in a 10-mile radius and see what the good/shit ratio is.

Personally, I'm a firm believer of paying someone what they're worth. Ultimately, if a touch pad can replace you, you're not worth paying a living wage.


Yep, blame management.  Some places are good while others are shit shows; the only thing that changes is the management - they all work with the same wages, same food, same procedures, etc.

Those that want to blame wages seem to forget that it's never been a great paying job.  25 years ago (a.k.a. OP's good ol' days) the minimum wage was $4.25, which adjusted for inflation would be about $7.50 today; today's federal minimum wage is $7.25, though many states make it even higher, and McDs supposedly sets their starting pay at $1 over minimum.  If anything these jackholes are paid better than ever, but their entitlement attitudes are shit and the people in charge allow it.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: crazydean on 06/26/2017, 09:20 AMAnytime I'm unsure about my future, I end up working for a moving company temporarily. It's about the only way I can work full-time and earn a living wage without being tied down, plus there are tips (not the penis kind).  :mrgreen:

Anyhoo, my partner and I were moving someone out of town, and the job was going to be 10+ hours. I don't normally take lunch, but legally I had to. So we stopped at a Taco Bell on the way to our destination. This was the worst fast food place I have ever been to. I spent my entire 30 minute lunch break standing in line and waiting for food. I was third in line! WTF?!

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 06:27 AM
Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
This is the crux of the matter right here.  When you pay people like shit, they treat the job and everything associated with it like shit.  If you want people to care about the work they're doing, to care about the product being put out, and to just care in general pay them decently.  Stop giving CEOs, VPs and other upper management that do nothing millions of dollars in bonus' and use that money to pay your people properly, and these kinds of issues will go away.
This is only partially true. It turns out that money isn't the biggest factor in worker happiness. Ultimately, it comes down to management. With a manager who praises employees and gets to know them on a personal yet professional level, you can have an environment where the worker bee doesn't hate going to work. If the employee likes his environment, he'll work harder and better. Not all fast food restaurants are terrible places. I'd like to see an experiment where you go to every McDonalds in a 10-mile radius and see what the good/shit ratio is.

Personally, I'm a firm believer of paying someone what they're worth. Ultimately, if a touch pad can replace you, you're not worth paying a living wage.
All the kindness, encouragement and positive management in the cosmos will not compensate for the fact that a person cannot afford doctor, rent, utilities, bills, medicine, transportation, etc.

I agree that we need management that genuinely respects the workers.


However, management, in and of itself, cannot solve this fundamental problem (we need $$$ to survive).



To the OP, find out who the franchise owner is and complain to them.
There is one McDonald's I frequent (for tea and my youngest to get chicken nuggets), and they are the one of the best fast food places I've ever been to. Rarely get my order incorrect, pay attention to me when I order, pay attention to me when I pay, and pay attention to me, and repeat my order back to me correctly, when I get my food.

As for the living wage/doing your job correctly, it is partially BS. In the past 5-10 years, I've worked at Walmart as a second job. both times, I got paid barely above minimum wage. My day job pays me very well. This was extra money for an additional vacation one year, and the other time was money to get things updated/fixed to sell our house.

Each time I worked there for the 6 months or so, I went in to work. I didn't really even need to be there, but the extra money was helpful for the time being. But while I was there, I sucked it up, didn't bitch, and did my job. I'd see a lot of other employees walking around, grumbling, chatting with each other, and not doing their jobs. I just didn't understand it.

I think a lot of it has to do with the entitlement attitude, and kids nowadays (yes I'm old) not understanding the value of a dollar.

I was raised to do a job to your best ability. No matter what you are doing, if someone hires you to do a job, you do the damn job. I don't care if you are digging a ditch, or sitting in a corner office with 100 employees under your leadership. You do your fucking job.




Quote from: esteban on 06/25/2017, 09:25 PMFirst: McDonald's should pay a living wage.
This sounds nice and virtuous and all, but isn't practical. First, what the hell is a living wage?

Its just part of life that some jobs are more valuable than others. Were supposed to pay burger flippers $20 an hour? What about teachers, who start out at roughly that? We value a fast food position more than the person teaching your child?

Fast food jobs are not meant to be long term careers. If you want better pay, and a rewarding job, go learn a skill and a trade.

Management giving up pay and bonuses, won't make a bit of difference. mcdonalds employs 345,000 according to google. if you assume 10,000 are at corporate salaried, that leaves 335000 at restaurants. Google has the total pay of the CEO at 15 million, If he donated 10 million of that to employee pay, that would work out to $29 more a year per employee, or $1 and change more a pay check.

What you would ultimately end up with is $15 big Mac "value" meals.


Quote from: mitsuman on 06/26/2017, 11:07 AMI was raised to do a job to your best ability.
I don't get the double standard here. While on the one hand, I do value a good work ethic (which definitely opens up doors), I think it's equally important, if not more so, for companies to treat their employees well. The two now cliche truths about minimum wage is that 1) you get minimum work for it, or else the company gets rich at their expense, and 2) it means the company couldn't pay you any less.

That said, automation will kill off these jobs. When that happens, hopefully people will stop bitching about employees, who literally do not make a livable wage, and start focusing on the corporate culture that not only allows this behavior, but encourages it through shitty practices.


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 11:33 AM...I think it's equally important, if not more so, for companies to treat their employees well.
Not disagreeing there.

Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 11:33 AMThe two now cliche truths about minimum wage is that 1) you get minimum work for it, or else the company gets rich at their expense, and 2) it means the company couldn't pay you any less.
Minimum wage is there to keep the company from paying you less, it is a minimum wage they are allowed to pay.

Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 11:33 AMThat said, automation will kill off these jobs. When that happens, hopefully people will stop bitching about employees, who literally do not make a livable wage, and start focusing on the corporate culture that not only allows this behavior, but encourages it through shitty practices.
Again, no disagreement there. Corporate culture needs to be torn down (I type this as I'm on an iMac at my desk in my office in a nice office building doing work for a big corporation).


Quote from: mitsuman on 06/26/2017, 11:47 AMAgain, no disagreement there. Corporate culture needs to be torn down (I type this as I'm on an iMac at my desk in my office in a nice office building doing work for a big corporation).
Corporations aren't bad---the current legal structures that allow them to foster shitty behavior with impunity is what's bad. No idea how to fix that, though, since money = speech in the US (and, let's be honest here, money = votes just about everywhere).


This thread sure took some turns.

Also Zeta  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 11:33 AMThat said, automation will kill off these jobs. .
Automation is going to kill off a lot of jobs within the next few decades. There are already robots who can learn to do simple tasks simply by showing them how to do it once. This is going to eliminate the need for many manufacturing jobs. The biggest thing holding up self-checkout right now is the old people who can't figure out how to work the easiest machine in the world. Or, they just want to talk to somebody because they can't work the internet machine and bitch on online forums like the rest of us. They will die off soon, and self check-out will become standard. Self-driving cars are no longer in the future. They're fucking here now. It won't be long before taxi/uber/lyft drivers are out of work as well as truckers.

This cycle is nothing new. The working class is always replaced with machines. This is what we do as a species. We get better at shit. That doesn't mean we should keep jobs around just so people have something to do, though. It means that we all need to make ourselves invaluable to society, so we don't find ourselves without a purpose.


Quote from: crazydean on 06/26/2017, 12:14 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 11:33 AMThat said, automation will kill off these jobs. .
Automation is going to kill off a lot of jobs within the next few decades. There are already robots who can learn to do simple tasks simply by showing them how to do it once. This is going to eliminate the need for many manufacturing jobs. The biggest thing holding up self-checkout right now is the old people who can't figure out how to work the easiest machine in the world. Or, they just want to talk to somebody because they can't work the internet machine and bitch on online forums like the rest of us. They will die off soon, and self check-out will become standard. Self-driving cars are no longer in the future. They're fucking here now. It won't be long before taxi/uber/lyft drivers are out of work as well as truckers.

This cycle is nothing new. The working class is always replaced with machines. This is what we do as a species. We get better at shit. That doesn't mean we should keep jobs around just so people have something to do, though. It means that we all need to make ourselves invaluable to society, so we don't find ourselves without a purpose.
Otoh everyone could kill themselves and Earth would be better off.


Quote from: crazydean on 06/26/2017, 12:14 PMThe biggest thing holding up self-checkout right now is the old people who can't figure out how to work the easiest machine in the world. Or, they just want to talk to somebody because they can't work the internet machine and bitch on online forums like the rest of us.
Or when the buggy new-fangled machine thinks I need to bag an item that is sitting in a bag, or if I am purchasing alcohol.  I always need one of them whippersnapper clerks to come help me out with that too....
Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!



What was I expecting, suggesting that we should value different types of labor.

Silly me!

It makes much more sense to allow corporations to continue to exploit my neighbors, my friends, my sons, my daughters.

Oh, what's that?

You aren't personally affected by this? You don't know anyone who is personally affected by this?

Oh, in that case it *certainly* is OK to fuck me over—or fuck 'em over—'tis the American way!

This is the path to a better society—exploiting people for maximum advantage—and pretending to be ignorant about the problems created.

Thank you for clarifying that.

I feel better already.


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 12:25 PMThank you for clarifying that.
It would help to know what was clarifying. I didn't really get this in the responses that followed your post (about which I do not disagree).  :-s


The fact of the matter is that minimum wage isn't what it used to be.  It hasn't adjusted with inflation, hell most people's salaries haven't adjusted with inflation.  The best minimum wage has ever been was in the 1960s when it had a purchasing power around 11.50 today (1968's minimum wage of $1.60 adjust for inflation is $11.48).  I mean you guys get that effectively people working these jobs are making SIGNIFICANTLY less money than people doing those jobs in 1968. 

While fast food jobs or say custodial work isn't ideal or highly skilled, the people who work those jobs still deserve to make a wage they can live on.  The fact of the matter is that a nation can't survive on just white collar jobs, and people need to be doing the menial crappy jobs.  Paying these people a livable wage isn't going to cause McDonalds or any of these other places to go out of business.  They can absolutely afford to do so, they just need to stop treating these companies like their CEOs personally piggy bank. 

I don't know if this image will show up being from the washington post but here's the link to it if not.  https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2014/09/It-pays-to-be-a-CEO-in-the-U-S-The-ratio-between-CEO-and-average-worker-pay_chartbuilder.png&w=1484


*EDIT* I should note that data is from 2014, and the ratio is only going up in the US, last I heard I think it was around 400x now. 

It's absolutely ridiculous the CEO to average worker Ratio in the US.  It is unlike any other first world nation and is more inline with a 3rd world nation. 

The life blood of any nation is the middle class, and we should be doing what ever we can to protect it, to raise as many people out of the poor and lower classes into the middle class.  Paying people a livable minimum wage is a giant first step towards that. 

I don't think this is entitlement or anything of the sort, its just people wanting a fair pay for a days work.


Ugh...that chart makes me sick. I'm thinking about staying in bed the rest of the day with a bottle of rum.



Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 12:25 PMHa!

What was I expecting, suggesting that we should value different types of labor.

Silly me!

It makes much more sense to allow corporations to continue to exploit my neighbors, my friends, my sons, my daughters.

Oh, what's that?

You aren't personally affected by this? You don't know anyone who is personally affected by this?

Oh, in that case it *certainly* is OK to fuck me over—or fuck 'em over—'tis the American way!

This is the path to a better society—exploiting people for maximum advantage—and pretending to be ignorant about the problems created.

Thank you for clarifying that.

I feel better already.
Mcdonalds thrives off selling cheap shit food. Raise wages, and they'll be forced to raise prices. No one is gonna pay for it, when they can cook a real burger at their home for a comparable price. Mcdonalds would shutter it's doors soon after. Then again, that might be the best scenario.

No one is forcing your friends, neighbors, whoever to be exploited by McDonald's. You can always better yourself by learning a skill, and getting a better job.


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 02:29 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 12:25 PMHa!

What was I expecting, suggesting that we should value different types of labor.

Silly me!

It makes much more sense to allow corporations to continue to exploit my neighbors, my friends, my sons, my daughters.

Oh, what's that?

You aren't personally affected by this? You don't know anyone who is personally affected by this?

Oh, in that case it *certainly* is OK to fuck me over—or fuck 'em over—'tis the American way!

This is the path to a better society—exploiting people for maximum advantage—and pretending to be ignorant about the problems created.

Thank you for clarifying that.

I feel better already.
Mcdonalds thrives off selling cheap shit food. Raise wages, and they'll be forced to raise prices. No one is gonna pay for it, when they can cook a real burger at their home for a comparable price. Mcdonalds would shutter it's doors soon after. Then again, that might be the best scenario.

No one is forcing your friends, neighbors, whoever to be exploited by McDonald's. You can always better yourself by learning a skill, and getting a better job.
Thank you for clarifying that.

Clearly, the millions of dollars in profit (as a corporation) generated every quarter, which is achieved *after* the executives have already been  handsomely compensated (in the millions of dollars)...clearly, none of this money could be passed on to the workers.

Thank you for clarifying that.

We are surely on the path to Greatness.


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 03:00 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 02:29 PM
Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 12:25 PMHa!

What was I expecting, suggesting that we should value different types of labor.

Silly me!

It makes much more sense to allow corporations to continue to exploit my neighbors, my friends, my sons, my daughters.

Oh, what's that?

You aren't personally affected by this? You don't know anyone who is personally affected by this?

Oh, in that case it *certainly* is OK to fuck me over—or fuck 'em over—'tis the American way!

This is the path to a better society—exploiting people for maximum advantage—and pretending to be ignorant about the problems created.

Thank you for clarifying that.

I feel better already.
Mcdonalds thrives off selling cheap shit food. Raise wages, and they'll be forced to raise prices. No one is gonna pay for it, when they can cook a real burger at their home for a comparable price. Mcdonalds would shutter it's doors soon after. Then again, that might be the best scenario.

No one is forcing your friends, neighbors, whoever to be exploited by McDonald's. You can always better yourself by learning a skill, and getting a better job.
Thank you for clarifying that.

Clearly, the millions of dollars in profit (as a corporation) generated every quarter, which is achieved *after* the executives have already been  handsomely compensated (in the millions of dollars)...clearly, none of this money could be passed on to the workers.

Thank you for clarifying that.

We are surely on the path to Greatness.
Well when you make the economics work, let me know. As I said, they could dump tens of millions more into pay, and it would make no real individual impact. When you have over a quarter million employees, money doesn't spread far.


Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: Nulltard on 06/26/2017, 03:41 PMThe economics worked (from what I've read) back before Reagan when the tax rate was higher on the top tax brackets.  There was no financial benefit to raping the workers; employers could choose to pay themselves big bucks and pass most of the money back to the government or they could choose to avoid the tax by reinvesting in the company/employees.
So you're saying trickle down was more of a golden shower?
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Not really. My mom has one employee, and to service him , those bitches must spread really far.




The point is that their pay doesn't matter.  Even if you deleted the top seven positions (the peeps listed in their SEC filings) and distributed their pay ($41m) to the burger flippers, they'd only get $6.33 in each pay check.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


if you flipping burgers is the only thing you have to offer this world

kill yourself


The future is now...

I remember reading that article, or something similar back when it happened. When you force the hand of large corporations to spend more money, they will find ways to cut corners, cost, and jobs. This is going to be their answer to $15/hr fast food wages.


McDonald's makes a profit in the BILLIONS every quarter.

I am sorry, but passing some of that $$$ to the workers would MOST FUCKING CERTAINLY make a difference, especially considering the folks working at McDonald's fryers and soda dispensers are in the lowest income bracket (where even seemingly small changes in salary are, proportionally, a significant percentage increase).

ALSO: In case you haven't figured this out, I am using "McDonald's" as a "catch-all" category for enormous groups of exploited workers—WalMart employees deserve a living wage, too.   

et cetera

Don't worry, I know what some folks will say:


This is why America is the greatest country! Instead of being honest about inequality, we spend lots of time and energy rationalizing inequality.




Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 04:50 PMCORPORATIONS CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY A LIVING WAGE.
Steak N Shake does now, or is closer to it than most other Fast food chains. Costco is also taking care of their employees. A few exceptions to the rule.


In-N-Out compensates decently for a fast food burger joint from what I hear too


I don't know how accurate this list is, but McDonald's fry cooks aren't (comparatively) underpaid.

Best Paying Fast Food Jobs

1. In-N-Out Associate: $11.17
2. Panda Express Counter: $9.01
3. Chipotle: $8.78
4. Panera Cashier: $8.40
5. Noodles & Co. "Ambassador": $8.31
6. Jamba Juice Team Member: $8.29
7. Chik-fil-A Team Member: $8.16
8. Dunkin Donuts Cashier: $8.21
9. Five Guys Crew: $8.07
10. McDonald's Fry Cook: $8.07

They're comparing cooks and cashiers, though, and since they didn't put up all their data, it's hard to judge the accuracy here.


Quote from: esteban on 06/26/2017, 04:50 PMMcDonald's makes a profit in the BILLIONS every quarter.

I am sorry, but passing some of that $$$ to the workers would MOST FUCKING CERTAINLY make a difference, especially considering the folks working at McDonald's fryers and soda dispensers are in the lowest income bracket (where even seemingly small changes in salary are, proportionally, a significant percentage increase).

ALSO: In case you haven't figured this out, I am using "McDonald's" as a "catch-all" category for enormous groups of exploited workers—WalMart employees deserve a living wage, too.   

et cetera

Don't worry, I know what some folks will say:


This is why America is the greatest country! Instead of being honest about inequality, we spend lots of time and energy rationalizing inequality.

Bring the data or STFU.


Quote from: Nulltard on 06/26/2017, 06:31 PMI agree. Post the numbers that prove corporations can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.
Well I think I've posted more numerical logic than anyone else.


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 06:55 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 06/26/2017, 06:31 PMI agree. Post the numbers that prove corporations can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.
Well I think I've posted more numerical logic than anyone else.
1. You mentioned CEO pay cut. You did not mention any other sources of revenue.

2. Costco has less revenue than Wal-Mart (by billions), yet pays its employees more and still makes a profit. If Costco can do it, so can Wal-Mart.


I'm the Wind, Baby!


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 07:11 PM2. Costco has less revenue than Wal-Mart (by billions), yet pays its employees more and still makes a profit. If Costco can do it, so can Wal-Mart.
Costco is the freak example in the corporate world, but agreed
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or Ryleystuartreynolds@gmail.com up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 06:55 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 06:31 PMI agree. Post the numbers that prove corporations can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.
Well I think I've posted more numerical logic than anyone else.
Actually no you haven't.

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 01:04 PMThe fact of the matter is that minimum wage isn't what it used to be.  It hasn't adjusted with inflation, hell most people's salaries haven't adjusted with inflation.  The best minimum wage has ever been was in the 1960s when it had a purchasing power around 11.50 today (1968's minimum wage of $1.60 adjust for inflation is $11.48).  I mean you guys get that effectively people working these jobs are making SIGNIFICANTLY less money than people doing those jobs in 1968. 

While fast food jobs or say custodial work isn't ideal or highly skilled, the people who work those jobs still deserve to make a wage they can live on.  The fact of the matter is that a nation can't survive on just white collar jobs, and people need to be doing the menial crappy jobs.  Paying these people a livable wage isn't going to cause McDonalds or any of these other places to go out of business.  They can absolutely afford to do so, they just need to stop treating these companies like their CEOs personally piggy bank. 

I don't know if this image will show up being from the washington post but here's the link to it if not.  https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2014/09/It-pays-to-be-a-CEO-in-the-U-S-The-ratio-between-CEO-and-average-worker-pay_chartbuilder.png&w=1484


*EDIT* I should note that data is from 2014, and the ratio is only going up in the US, last I heard I think it was around 400x now. 

It's absolutely ridiculous the CEO to average worker Ratio in the US.  It is unlike any other first world nation and is more inline with a 3rd world nation. 

The life blood of any nation is the middle class, and we should be doing what ever we can to protect it, to raise as many people out of the poor and lower classes into the middle class.  Paying people a livable minimum wage is a giant first step towards that. 

I don't think this is entitlement or anything of the sort, its just people wanting a fair pay for a days work.
How can CEOs and business not go out of business in other Countries without paying their CEOS 350X the average worker's, but American companies can't afford that?

Besides, trickle down economics DOESN'T WORK.  Money doesn't flow down stream, it never has.  Giving a CEO, 3 VPs, and some other higher management hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses does nothing, that money doesn't go back into the economy.  Giving the working class, 7 bucks more an hour instead would see our economy blossom.  Because the majority of it would be spent.  You need to give the middle class money to spend it, to keep the economy happy and growing.  But the CEOs of American business are too fucking greedy to see or understand this.  Instead they're just slowly pushing us into collapse.


Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 08:51 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/26/2017, 06:55 PM
Quote from: Nulltard on 06/26/2017, 06:31 PMI agree. Post the numbers that prove corporations can't afford to pay their employees a living wage.
Well I think I've posted more numerical logic than anyone else.
Actually no you haven't.

Quote from: Johnpv on 06/26/2017, 01:04 PMThe fact of the matter is that minimum wage isn't what it used to be.  It hasn't adjusted with inflation, hell most people's salaries haven't adjusted with inflation.  The best minimum wage has ever been was in the 1960s when it had a purchasing power around 11.50 today (1968's minimum wage of $1.60 adjust for inflation is $11.48).  I mean you guys get that effectively people working these jobs are making SIGNIFICANTLY less money than people doing those jobs in 1968. 

While fast food jobs or say custodial work isn't ideal or highly skilled, the people who work those jobs still deserve to make a wage they can live on.  The fact of the matter is that a nation can't survive on just white collar jobs, and people need to be doing the menial crappy jobs.  Paying these people a livable wage isn't going to cause McDonalds or any of these other places to go out of business.  They can absolutely afford to do so, they just need to stop treating these companies like their CEOs personally piggy bank. 

I don't know if this image will show up being from the washington post but here's the link to it if not.  https://img.washingtonpost.com/wp-apps/imrs.php?src=https://img.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2014/09/It-pays-to-be-a-CEO-in-the-U-S-The-ratio-between-CEO-and-average-worker-pay_chartbuilder.png&w=1484


*EDIT* I should note that data is from 2014, and the ratio is only going up in the US, last I heard I think it was around 400x now. 

It's absolutely ridiculous the CEO to average worker Ratio in the US.  It is unlike any other first world nation and is more inline with a 3rd world nation. 

The life blood of any nation is the middle class, and we should be doing what ever we can to protect it, to raise as many people out of the poor and lower classes into the middle class.  Paying people a livable minimum wage is a giant first step towards that. 

I don't think this is entitlement or anything of the sort, its just people wanting a fair pay for a days work.
How can CEOs and business not go out of business in other Countries without paying their CEOS 350X the average worker's, but American companies can't afford that?

Besides, trickle down economics DOESN'T WORK.  Money doesn't flow down stream, it never has.  Giving a CEO, 3 VPs, and some other higher management hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses does nothing, that money doesn't go back into the economy.  Giving the working class, 7 bucks more an hour instead would see our economy blossom.  Because the majority of it would be spent.  You need to give the middle class money to spend it, to keep the economy happy and growing.  But the CEOs of American business are too fucking greedy to see or understand this.  Instead they're just slowly pushing us into collapse.
Well y'all post the numbers that make sense then. Cause tens of millions across a quarter million employees dosent add up to shit. No matter what marxist dreamland you live in