Accidental Sale

Started by bob, 08/09/2017, 01:39 PM

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Just a story I felt like sharing and maybe this will prevent somebody else from being careless like me.

I have a list of 10 or so games that I want to find locally.  Real common stuff that pretty much isn't worth the shipping it would cost to get from ebay.  This also gives me games to look out for at thrift and flea markets.

Anyway, one of those games was Atari 2600 River Raid.  After about a year (maybe more) of searching around locally, I finally found one for $1 about a month ago.  Great.

A couple weeks ago, I worked a flea market and set up a booth with a friend to get rid of some house stuff after a spring purge we did.  I had a box of spare Atari stuff that I brought for the sale.  One of the small 2600 consoles, some accessories, games I have in triplicate (at least), and some joysticks.  This box has kind of been my "catch all" for any atari crap I got that I didn't want.  Well, one day, I had put ALL of my joysticks in this box for some dumb reason.  The box sold.

I went to play river raid today and realized I didn't have any joysticks.

I am usually very organized with my cords/AC's/controllers/etc. and I can't believe I didn't put two sticks aside.


Organization is critical when you're a hoarder. It's kind of a catch 22 because most people with tons of stuff are disorganized (like myself). I'm pretty sure the same thing has happened to me, except I haven't realized what it is I accidentally got rid of lol
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/09/2017, 02:55 PMOrganization is critical when you're a hoarder. It's kind of a catch 22 because most people with tons of stuff are disorganized (like myself). I'm pretty sure the same thing has happened to me, except I haven't realized what it is I accidentally got rid of lol
I am far from a hoarder, i try to keep it lean.  I think that's why I consolidated all the controllers in the one box.  At the time, I wasn't planning on selling it.  The stuff was just sitting there.  Then come flea market time, I said "well, I don't need any of this stuff".  All my other accessories are stored away in an organized box.  Just a misstep on my part.  ugh


I accidentally sold my silver DOL-001 Gamecube and kept a junkier condition silver DOL-101 Gamecube, still annoyed about that.


I use a feka controller anyway, because 2600 sticks are poopy.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: guest on 08/09/2017, 03:06 PMI use a feka controller anyway, because 2600 sticks are poopy.
Indeed. Some 2600 games can take on new life and become almost playable once you have a controller that isn't absolutely terrible.


Quote from: guest on 08/09/2017, 03:06 PMI use a feka controller anyway, because 2600 sticks are poopy.
part of the fun is negotiating those joysticks.  they add an element to already very deep gameplay.


Quote from: bob on 08/09/2017, 03:02 PMI am far from a hoarder
The first step to getting clean is admitting your hoarding tendencies!


If you are going after Atari sticks, just skip the originals and go with aftermarket ones...

Slik Stik

StarFighter: (good stick, although the one in this pic looks like it was shit out by a bear)


I've done this twice with the same game BTW - Bonk's Adventure.. Still haven't figured out what happened with the 2nd one... but I think it was in an Express that I sold...


A hoarder doesn't accidentally sell shit. They rarely sell anything. He's obviously the much more popular "regurgitator" who got to buying and selling so furiously fast that he sold every one of his Atari controllers in a blinding haze of low end commercial vomiting.

The regurgitators drive me crazy, but at least the shit makes it back into circulation. Several of my friends are functional regurgitators. It's possible to live an almost normal life with this condition. Their friends will all have to learn to keep good complete Street Fighter or Bomberman setups around because regurgitators can't be depended upon to own anything they owned two weeks ago when they had every Street Fighter and Bomberman game and controller ever released and all the systems to run them. That was days and days ago. They are into Vectrex and tape decks now. Oh shit, wait, now it's GI Joes and NES. Oh well, that's better than that phase of buying bicycles too small to ride and burnt out JAMMA boards. I hope I'm paying attention if he gets back into Neo Geo and wiskey again. That was a fun month.


Quote from: bob on 08/09/2017, 03:45 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/09/2017, 03:06 PMI use a feka controller anyway, because 2600 sticks are poopy.
part of the fun is negotiating those joysticks.  they add an element to already very deep gameplay.
Dealing with the default Atari controls are a large part of why I didn't like the system as a child.  I'd definitely recommend going for aftermarket controls now that you need new ones.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Yeah, I don't remember an immovable, fully rubber coated, octagonal joystick with no knob in the arcade versions of any of those game. It wouldn't be as bad though if there were because then at least the weight of the machine would work for you. On the 2600 you just have that puny base to hold meaning that you genuinely need strength just to tell (what looks a lot like) Pac Man to go left.


I sold all of my old Lego sets a while ago.  I had planned on keeping one set, which was the oldest, and  meant something to me.  I was also sort of valuable because of its age.  When I sold the last of my sets, I was down to the smaller stuff that was difficult to sell individually, so I sold it off as a lot to one guy.  I forgot that the set I planned on keeping was in the box and now it's gone forever.  He got a pretty good deal too, because it was priced for the smaller less valuable sets.  :(
Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


How the hell does a person keep track of their Legos by set? Are we collectarding that shit now too?


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMAre we collectarding that shit now too?
It already is.  (Sets in the lego world generally mean the different models/all models in a given play world.)

The general although not always correct rule followed in that world is that legos are worth at minimum what they cost to buy new in store, so they never really lose value.  <- for your viewing pleasure
NW: Hey, I made it on this psycho's Enemies' List, how about that ?? ;)
BT: Look at how the fake SFII' carts instantly sold out and were immediately listed on eBay before the flippers even took possession. Look at Nintendo's overpriced bricks. Look at the typical forum discussions elsewhere. You can't tell most retro gamers anything!


I'm a Lego hoarder.

Just kidding, it was more like ten years ago when I got my hands mainly on late 80s / early 90s Space and Technic stuff, at a time when prices were lower. Good thing I'm not into Lego Star Wars, it would drive me mad.
Also, my better half is into swooshing spaceships and making laser guns go 'pew pew' just like me, those old space sets are too much fun play value than just for sitting on a shelf collecting dust.
At the moment, I'm trying to rebuild that big ol Blacktron R/C buggy lookalike into a big heavy armored attack spaceship.

Shameless plug:


to me, lego were always just blocks.  i didnt have any connection to specific sets.  i do remember the Fabuland line as those were the ones i loved as a kid.


That lego site is neato.  I enjoyed browsing through old sets, seeing which ones I think I had as a kid.

I still have 'em all stored away, as well as some more recent ones sitting on the dvd shelf - namely some tiny Star Wars ships, a dozen or so Simpsons mini-figs, and the TARDIS set.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Lego has been collectarded for decades. Have you been living under a rock this whole time?


Aparently. Since birth, to me, Lego sets, or any building block sets, were sold that way to give you something nice to build, to show you some ideas of how to use the blocks, etc. Then you pull it all apart and then bricks into the mass heap. I keep the books but rarely ever build the same thing twice. Sometimes I leave it built (Technic F1 or Creator VW Bus) but I always chose my sets based on the idea that I want some of the bricks in this set to add to the overall heap so I can make crazy 8 passenger helicopters and mad max dune buggies and shit.

I'm so glad I didn't have the internet to tell one how to think back then. Set Collecting sounds like a hobby for chubby mouth breather kids with above average income and below average IQ. The Gen Xers that collect mint boxed Tamiya RCs (never scale, too challaging) and hella expensive vintage west coast BMX. It's not my thing, never was. It's a shame that something as legit and universal as Lego is now stuck in the same dumb mentality as so many other things.


Some Lego collectibles are insane.

My neighbour approached me and asked if I had Lego from my younger days, said he was looking for the Star Wars characters. At work I googled what they were selling online for, and some of them were selling well over $100. For a single lego person! So it probably gets way more expensive from there for like sets n stuff
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Not Legos, but the Competition Pro is a very nice Atari Joystick. For the 7800, I chiefly use this.


I almost always just built my own stuff and had fun with it. Lego was like, the best damn thing ever when I was 7-12.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMHow the hell does a person keep track of their Legos by set? Are we collectarding that shit now too?
I was referring to a "set" as the box and everything that came with it when it was new.  I never mixed up my Legos as a kid.  I would build all of my sets at once and play with them for a week or so, and take them apart and put them back in the box until the next time I wanted to play with them.  It payed off too because most of my sets sold for 4 or 5 times what they cost new (and I didn't pay for them anyway because I was a damn kid).
Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


Quote from: turboswimbz on 08/09/2017, 08:08 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMAre we collectarding that shit now too?
It already is.  (Sets in the lego world generally mean the different models/all models in a given play world.)

The general although not always correct rule followed in that world is that legos are worth at minimum what they cost to buy new in store, so they never really lose value.  <- for your viewing pleasure
That's a pretty cool site.  I might have to look through that later and see what I remember.
Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


Fuck yeah it was. I was always working on planes, helicopters, cars, snowmobile kinda things, hovercraft, VF, etc. I loved GI Joe and anime and whatever and was always trying to do kickass shit like that. I had a "swamp skier" phase, actually. This was of course...maybe 1982-1987. I still remember building the things to the size of Lego dudes and the balancing act that requires. You learn why everything in Legoland is a single seater really quick, and while it seems trivial to make your truck interior one brick longer or wider it comes with all sorts of ramifications that eventually send you back to the usual style unless you have something really important gimmick-wise to pull off. When you do "sets" you miss a lot of this.

Recently I've started buying big sets and building them with my girlfriend as a thing to do on the weekends. My kid is only 2 so doesn't have much use for real Lego just yet but when he does he's getting a huge mountain of shit day one. When I break all these fuckers down the pile will not be small. I'd wager probably...maybe 16 cubic liters of Legos? Something like that. I can't even remember exactly because these have been piling up for years. I actually have a second one of those NYC brownstone apartment block things since it went on sale after I got the first. We got that treehouse, the corner deli, the lighthouse with the grampus, a big VTOL jet, a ferry, a race team with transport semi, lots more. It's going to be awesome. :)

I'm still keeping the Technic F1 and the VW bus of course. :)

I need to get that overpriced Ferrari set with the wind tunnel. It seem to include an engine on a stand hooked to a dyno, which provides the totally unexpected and unlikely opportunity for me to buy a Lego set that depicts what I do for a living. That's probably not going to happen again.


Quote from: TDIRunner on 08/10/2017, 03:11 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMHow the hell does a person keep track of their Legos by set? Are we collectarding that shit now too?
I was referring to a "set" as the box and everything that came with it when it was new.  I never mixed up my Legos as a kid.  I would build all of my sets at once and play with them for a week or so, and take them apart and put them back in the box until the next time I wanted to play with them.  It payed off too because most of my sets sold for 4 or 5 times what they cost new (and I didn't pay for them anyway because I was a damn kid). 
That' fucking depressing. I'm surprised you told that to anyone outside of maybe group therapy for collectards.

"No, I never learned how to do anything except follow instructions. I did this all the way to the point of selling them for profit decades later. I'm a good boy" [vapes own piss]


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/10/2017, 03:31 PMFuck yeah it was. I was always working on planes, helicopters, cars, snowmobile kinda things, hovercraft, VF, etc. I loved GI Joe and anime and whatever and was always trying to do kickass shit like that. I had a "swamp skier" phase, actually. This was of course...maybe 1982-1987. I still remember building the things to the size of Lego dudes and the balancing act that requires. You learn why everything in Legoland is a single seater really quick, and while it seems trivial to make your truck interior one brick longer or wider it comes with all sorts of ramifications that eventually send you back to the usual style unless you have something really important gimmick-wise to pull off. When you do "sets" you miss a lot of this.

Recently I've started buying big sets and building them with my girlfriend as a thing to do on the weekends. My kid is only 2 so doesn't have much use for real Lego just yet but when he does he's getting a huge mountain of shit day one. When I break all these fuckers down the pile will not be small. I'd wager probably...maybe 16 cubic liters of Legos? Something like that. I can't even remember exactly because these have been piling up for years. I actually have a second one of those NYC brownstone apartment block things since it went on sale after I got the first. We got that treehouse, the corner deli, the lighthouse with the grampus, a big VTOL jet, a ferry, a race team with transport semi, lots more. It's going to be awesome. :)

I'm still keeping the Technic F1 and the VW bus of course. :)

I need to get that overpriced Ferrari set with the wind tunnel. It seem to include an engine on a stand hooked to a dyno, which provides the totally unexpected and unlikely opportunity for me to buy a Lego set that depicts what I do for a living. That's probably not going to happen again.
Just doing the sets is like paint by numbers/doing a coloring book instead of making your own painting. Sure it will probably look nice and be easy but...what's the point?

I remember making spaceships and shit, and having my own intergalactic war. Good times.

Oh and my 7-12 comment, I don't think anyone would take it poorly but I didn't mean to imply that legos are only for children. That's just when I really got into them a long ass time ago. Sadly, I don't have many anymore. I gave most of them away to nieces and nephews though, so they saw a lot more use again, which is great.


Yeah, I never held on to the boxes, I might still have my old LEGO magazines somewhere.

I probably had the most fun with the late 90s sets, but maybe that's just cuz it was what was new when i was a kid.
I remember getting a couple 50 gallon buckets of legos courtesy of my grandparents as a kid because they were my uncle's when he was a kid, that was a good day :)
Even as a kid though, I hated having to sort through EVERYTHING any time i wanted a specific piece.
so my mom bought a bunch of these little rubbermaid containers meant for shoes, I'm pretty sure my legos are still color sorted at her place......

for me though, lego started to fade around the time i started high school, which is just as well because that's around the time they started with this monstrosity of a bad decision:


Quote from: bartre on 08/10/2017, 06:15 PMYeah, I never held on to the boxes, I might still have my old LEGO magazines somewhere.

I probably had the most fun with the late 90s sets, but maybe that's just cuz it was what was new when i was a kid.
I remember getting a couple 50 gallon buckets of legos courtesy of my grandparents as a kid because they were my uncle's when he was a kid, that was a good day :)
Even as a kid though, I hated having to sort through EVERYTHING any time i wanted a specific piece.
so my mom bought a bunch of these little rubbermaid containers meant for shoes, I'm pretty sure my legos are still color sorted at her place......

for me though, lego started to fade around the time i started high school, which is just as well because that's around the time they started with this monstrosity of a bad decision:
Lol, is that the team america world police Lego set?
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Lego is too big to ruin, or has been so far. While it may seem like the once great company has been reduced to an action figure line, what with all the licensed shit and the "easy assembly" stuff, and "blind pack minifigures" being pretty much the antithesis of Lego, IMHO, but really they still also make, in addition to that, a ton of other really cool stuff. Stuff that isn't slathered in Hollywood comic book bullshit and let's you make your own stories.

Gundam is the same way. There are soooooooo many products coming out every week, many of them very cheap or dumb, but the good stuff is always coming too.

Btw, those Lego magazines really were awesome. So many great ideas. Nothing in them came from a set though so those set collector guys would probably need to up their dosage for a month if they ever saw one.


Lego sites and Youtube channels that I highly recommend:

Futuron of my Youth
Blog revolving around late 80s/early 90s Lego space

Lego car blog
Mostly about custom car creations done with Lego

Covers all things Lego from the early years up to recent releases. Including reviews on every item on the classic space line, as well as the occasional Technic review. Honest guy that isn't ashamed of criticizing a product for flaws, and also does a lot of custom builds for his Lego city.

Sariel's Technic Workshop
Does in-depth Technic reviews and some custom Technic creations.

Blakbird's Technicopedia
Website on more Technic stuff, mainly old things from the early days of Technic up into the late 90s.

I wish this custom creation would have been made as an official set:
To bad it didn't stand the approval process on Lego ideas.
Now where the hell are the inventory list and instructions for this one?


Am I the only one that doesn't get Lego?'s the most overrated toy and I don't understand how the brand now touches everything.



Yeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/10/2017, 03:34 PM
Quote from: TDIRunner on 08/10/2017, 03:11 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMHow the hell does a person keep track of their Legos by set? Are we collectarding that shit now too?
I was referring to a "set" as the box and everything that came with it when it was new.  I never mixed up my Legos as a kid.  I would build all of my sets at once and play with them for a week or so, and take them apart and put them back in the box until the next time I wanted to play with them.  It payed off too because most of my sets sold for 4 or 5 times what they cost new (and I didn't pay for them anyway because I was a damn kid). 
That' fucking depressing. I'm surprised you told that to anyone outside of maybe group therapy for collectards.

"No, I never learned how to do anything except follow instructions. I did this all the way to the point of selling them for profit decades later. I'm a good boy" [vapes own piss]
I'm so sorry for making you feel sad.  But if I have a choice between being a "Lego collectard" (didn't even know they existed before today) and an ass hole who makes fun of kids who enjoy playing with Legos, I will choose to be the "collectard" every time.  I hope the rest of your day is less depressing. 
Maybe, just once, someone will call me "sir" without adding, "you're making a scene."


Pro tip:
QuoteHow to buy LEGO sets when you're over twice the suggested age

To get an extra kick out of buying Lego when you're over twice the suggested age, follow this procedure:

    1. Go into the toy store and walk up to the Lego shelf.
    2. Wait until a little kid comes up to the shelf.
    3. Watch the kid carefully considering which set he should spend his hard earned money on.
    4. Pick out three sets right in front of the kid.
    5. Watch his shock and jealousy. Enjoy the moment.
    6. Slowly walk to the counter and pay for your sets.


PCEFX needs a lego category
For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Quote from: NoSexGex on 08/11/2017, 01:10 PMPCEFX needs a lego category
Lol, I misread this at first and though you were saying the PC-FX needed a Lego category.  All I could think of was LEGO Pia Carrot and Lego Dating Sim/Visual novels.
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


Quote from: guest on 08/11/2017, 03:06 PMLol, I misread this at first and though you were saying the PC-FX needed a Lego category.  All I could think of was LEGO Pia Carrot and Lego Dating Sim/Visual novels.
That sounds fucking awesome!
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/11/2017, 09:37 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.
That would be me so I wouldn't criticize that. I'm not really criticizing anything exactly. I was just saying you might be so mechanically innept that Legos don't even appeal to you to have in the first place, let alone sell later.

I just wonder what kind of human sees Legos and doesn't instantly see two things: 1) one of the greatest examples of industrial design in human history and 2) a way to build some really cool things you've been dreaming about your whole life.

Serious question: on a scale of 1-10 how handy would you say you are? Can you replace a light switch? Do your own brakes? Use scissors? What I mean is, *do* you do anything like that, not can you theoretically pull it off? When your lawnmower doesn't start do you just throw it away, fix it, or pay someone to fix it? Can you solder a simple electronics kit together?

I'm trying to figure out if you're beyond Lego or beneath it, I guess. You're clearly on some other level.


Quote from: TDIRunner on 08/11/2017, 11:15 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/10/2017, 03:34 PM
Quote from: TDIRunner on 08/10/2017, 03:11 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/09/2017, 06:34 PMHow the hell does a person keep track of their Legos by set? Are we collectarding that shit now too?
I was referring to a "set" as the box and everything that came with it when it was new.  I never mixed up my Legos as a kid.  I would build all of my sets at once and play with them for a week or so, and take them apart and put them back in the box until the next time I wanted to play with them.  It payed off too because most of my sets sold for 4 or 5 times what they cost new (and I didn't pay for them anyway because I was a damn kid). 
That' fucking depressing. I'm surprised you told that to anyone outside of maybe group therapy for collectards.

"No, I never learned how to do anything except follow instructions. I did this all the way to the point of selling them for profit decades later. I'm a good boy" [vapes own piss]
I'm so sorry for making you feel sad.  But if I have a choice between being a "Lego collectard" (didn't even know they existed before today) and an ass hole who makes fun of kids who enjoy playing with Legos, I will choose to be the "collectard" every time.  I hope the rest of your day is less depressing.   
Yes, there are only two people who buy Legos. Those who love them too much to ever open the boxes and those that keep them around for YEARS without ever building anything but the fire truck on the box exactly as it was depicted eventually selling them for profit with zero missing pieces. There is no in between. Nobody actually uses their imaginations to build things. That's just a myth. What next? People playing Sim City without a walk through?

Go back to studying for your actuary exam.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 03:40 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/11/2017, 09:37 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.
That would be me so I wouldn't criticize that. I'm not really criticizing anything exactly. I was just saying you might be so mechanically innept that Legos don't even appeal to you to have in the first place, let alone sell later.

I just wonder what kind of human sees Legos and doesn't instantly see two things: 1) one of the greatest examples of industrial design in human history and 2) a way to build some really cool things you've been dreaming about your whole life.

Serious question: on a scale of 1-10 how handy would you say you are? Can you replace a light switch? Do your own brakes? Use scissors? What I mean is, *do* you do anything like that, not can you theoretically pull it off? When your lawnmower doesn't start do you just throw it away, fix it, or pay someone to fix it? Can you solder a simple electronics kit together?

I'm trying to figure out if you're beyond Lego or beneath it, I guess. You're clearly on some other level.
Since buying my house two years ago, my lone attempt to do my own handy work was to change the light bulb in my ceiling fan.  I broke the ceiling fan that day, which needed to be replaced.

...when my father asked me to go to the store and pick up a set of allen wrenches a year ago and I came home with a regular wrench set, I have never seen such a look of disappointment.

Put me in front of a spreadsheet and give me some data you want analyzed and I will run circles around most anyone.  I always finish in the top 5 percentile on any standardized test.  Tell me to build something and I'm fucked.  Serious answer, 2.


I can't believe that folks don't mix sets together into a huge bin of Legos. The entire point of Legos is to build bigger and better things.

My kids love them now (6 year old twins, 13 year old) and I love 'em.

The only thing I have from when I was a kid is a tiny red storage box...late 70's or early 80's.

Legos are $$$$ new, but hand-me-downs and parents dumping stuff at garage sales = affordable.



Quote from: esteban on 08/13/2017, 08:30 PMI can't believe that folks don't mix sets together into a huge bin of Legos. The entire point of Legos is to build bigger and better things.
I did this as a child.


Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/11/2017, 06:25 PM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 03:40 PM
Quote from: TheClash603 on 08/11/2017, 09:37 AM
Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2017, 09:31 AMYeah, well, he's in finance or something IIRC so aparently it can get worse than putting your Legos back into the little plastic baggies and selling them on eBay decades later.
Correction, I am of the hoarder variety that you spoke of earlier, I haven't sold anything in quite some time and I continue to hold on to everything from my childhood.

You may criticize that if you wish.
That would be me so I wouldn't criticize that. I'm not really criticizing anything exactly. I was just saying you might be so mechanically innept that Legos don't even appeal to you to have in the first place, let alone sell later.

I just wonder what kind of human sees Legos and doesn't instantly see two things: 1) one of the greatest examples of industrial design in human history and 2) a way to build some really cool things you've been dreaming about your whole life.

Serious question: on a scale of 1-10 how handy would you say you are? Can you replace a light switch? Do your own brakes? Use scissors? What I mean is, *do* you do anything like that, not can you theoretically pull it off? When your lawnmower doesn't start do you just throw it away, fix it, or pay someone to fix it? Can you solder a simple electronics kit together?

I'm trying to figure out if you're beyond Lego or beneath it, I guess. You're clearly on some other level.
Since buying my house two years ago, my lone attempt to do my own handy work was to change the light bulb in my ceiling fan.  I broke the ceiling fan that day, which needed to be replaced.

...when my father asked me to go to the store and pick up a set of allen wrenches a year ago and I came home with a regular wrench set, I have never seen such a look of disappointment.

Put me in front of a spreadsheet and give me some data you want analyzed and I will run circles around most anyone.  I always finish in the top 5 percentile on any standardized test.  Tell me to build something and I'm fucked.  Serious answer, 2.
Great. Being this accurate just means I'm going to be an even more prejudice asshole in the future.


For a good time, reach out to this wily KKKFarm-crankcaller at (780) 717-9274 or up in Alberta, Canada!
His last crank-voicemail: "Gimme a call back when you can. This is Ryley by the way... *giggles*"
He then followed it up with 8 WEEKS of ~DAILY calling! BAN ON SIGHT!!!


Giant bin of Legos FTW!