The Legend of Xanadu Dub Project - Auditions Wanted

Started by SamIAm, 04/07/2017, 10:45 AM

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Quote from: elmer on 06/28/2017, 02:44 PM
Quote from: seieienbu on 06/28/2017, 01:33 PMLol, I take it that's what's in the manual pages that are folded backward so you have to open them yourself.  It's been like 20 years and I never did open that.  Every time I look at the book I've been a little bit curious but I've never wanted to actually cut the pages apart.
Yep, just unfold it carefully ... then get out a very large magnifying glass!

The detail in there is great, and it's a real help.

I just can't imagine people seeing all of the tower, or getting all of the items in it, without using a map. You'd have to have an incredible memory!

Did you actually manage to finish the game without it?
:lol: I wish.  This game has been on my bucket list for decades now.  In college I was able to read stuff well enough to figure out what people wanted me to do and got several chapters in.  I had to take a break for a while for whatever reason that I don't recall.  When I went back to it some years later I had to start over and I got stuck in the second chapter iirc. 

This probably doesn't count, but I did finish it with a save file I downloaded just to watch the ending a few years ago.

I have beaten the much more straightforward sequel twice if memory serves.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: seieienbu on 06/28/2017, 03:39 PMThis probably doesn't count, but I did finish it with a save file I downloaded just to watch the ending a few years ago.
Hahaha ... nope, that definitely doesn't count!  :lol:

If you've not spent hours/days fighting your way up that darned tower, you're still just an amateur-gamer!  :wink:


I'm glad things are going well! At first, I was disappointed that I couldn't participate (my Mic decided to break at the WORST possible time), but it may be for the best. I have trouble doing voices besides my own standard anyway. I'm now just happy that Sam got the publicity and talent to make this the best possible dub it can be.

Can't wait to see and hear the final results, Sam! That will definitely be a day long remembered! :D
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Quote from: Arjak on 07/01/2017, 02:05 PMAt first, I was disappointed that I couldn't participate (my Mic decided to break at the WORST possible time), but it may be for the best.
I never got to hear the old dub, but I hope that everyone had fun making it!

We got amazingly lucky with all of the VO and Stage actors/actresses coming forward, and I'm so sorry for everyone that was a part of the old dub and got knocked-out this time around, I know it must be really disappointing.  :(


In the Dub casting email a couple of roles are still pending, do you have voice actors in mind for those parts?
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


One of the pending roles is the Grandfather who narrates the intro. Although we have one back-up for him who sounds quite good, we're continuing the search for a genuine old-guy actor. Our back-up understands and is sympathetic to the situation.

The other one, for the Chapter 3 Sister, is just a case of an actress who hasn't responded to our emails offering her the part. We'll give her about another week.

The "private" listings are all filled.


Just read through the email thanking me for participating. Kind of already guessed that I won't get a part but I'm not not bothered by it, especially since it looks like you guys got some real awesome talent for the project. I was also happy to see that one or two of the actors/actresses I contacted about the project at the beginning of the auditions actually got cast as a few characters.


Quote from: LentFilms on 07/02/2017, 08:29 AMJust read through the email thanking me for participating. Kind of already guessed that I won't get a part but I'm not not bothered by it, especially since it looks like you guys got some real awesome talent for the project.
Both SamIAm and I feel bad for everyone that we know from here that wanted to be a part of the translation, but just didn't make it into the final cast list.

One thing that we're thinking about doing is to get volunteers from here to record themselves to be in the big crowd scenes that are in LoX1 (when the Capital of Ishtaria goes dark, and magic stops working), and in LoX2 (at the beginning, when Areios returns to the Capital).

Everyone's recordings would be mixed in to provide the background of all the people talking.

That would be a way to allow everyone that has supported the translations for so long to be in the games, at-least in a small-but-important way.

QuoteI was also happy to see that one or two of the actors/actresses I contacted about the project at the beginning of the auditions actually got cast as a few characters.
Thanks for doing that, it obviously helped a lot since we've included them in the final cast!  :wink:

You'll have to PM me the names so that I can thank them, personally.


I got my copy of The Legend of Xanadu and I thought I'd go ahead and scan the tower map that elmer mentioned for anyone that doesn't have the game or the poster it came with.



Gonna be that guy again but how has the dub been coming along? Was a voice for Areios's Grandfather ever decided on? Just curious to know if there are any updates worth sharing.


I am gonna join you in being that guy. What Elmer and Sam are pulling of here can be compared to only to Working Designs Arc the Lad collection or Growlanser Generations.


Quote from: LentFilms on 09/12/2017, 09:55 AMJust curious to know if there are any updates worth sharing.
Yep ... Burning Man was awesome again this year, but bloody hot (record temperatures, I believe)!  :wink:

Quote from: LentFilms on 09/12/2017, 09:55 AMGonna be that guy again but how has the dub been coming along?
After losing all of August and the first two weeks of September to my little trip, I'm trying to catch up with the world and find that out myself.

It looks like things have really slowed down during the last couple of months with the cast's Summer commitments getting in the way.

On top of that, it looks like poor SamIAm's time has been severely restricted due to the realities of life with a wife and a very young child.

I've had to manage developers in his situation before, and I'm not-at-all surprised that he's had far less free time than he used to enjoy as the bachelor that he was when we started translating games.

Now that my time is open again, I'll be looking to add whatever help I can in getting this all pulled together.

Quote from: LentFilms on 09/12/2017, 09:55 AMWas a voice for Areios's Grandfather ever decided on?
I think that we'll be going with the gentleman who has already recorded an excellent performance of the lines for us.

His voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.

There's never any mention made in the game that the character really is Areios's Grandfather, and it's not important to the story (it's the only time that you see him), so I have no problem with him being Areios's Dad or even a Village Elder.

Having said which ... if we somehow run across an actor with an old voice, then it would be nice to keep the same audible-age as the original Japanese actor.

Quote from: dejan07 on 09/12/2017, 12:19 PMWhat Elmer and Sam are pulling of here can be compared to only to Working Designs Arc the Lad collection or Growlanser Generations.
The dub is a huge amount of work, and honestly, I'd really recommend that translations avoid doing one, if possible, it's just too big a commitment unless the leads involved can dedicate almost-fulltime work to it.

I'm absolutely amazed at what Burnt Lasagna and his Ys IV dub team achieved!  :shock:  =D>


So glad you had a fun and safe trip! It hasn't been the same without you sir.  [-o<



Thanks for the update Elmer! Happy to hear you had a good trip and I hope Sam is doing alright with his family.

Quote from: elmer on 09/12/2017, 02:10 PMI think that we'll be going with the gentleman who has already recorded an excellent performance of the lines for us.

His voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.
If this is the same actor we spoke about through PM than I think the part is in good hands, he can do a great "old man" voice. But even if he sounds a bit younger than you wanted, or that the original Japanese sounded like, I don't think it would be a good idea to alter any of the graphics to make the character look younger. I don't think it would make the performance more convincing and it could potentially ruin the look of the original artwork.

Quote from: elmer on 09/12/2017, 02:10 PMThe dub is a huge amount of work, and honestly, I'd really recommend that translations avoid doing one, if possible, it's just too big a commitment unless the leads involved can dedicate almost-fulltime work to it.

I'm absolutely amazed at what Burnt Lasagna and his Ys IV dub team achieved!  :shock:  =D>
Yeah, my brother pretty much spent the better part of a year doing almost nothing else with his free time except work on that dub. It is indeed a lot of work. All the more reason your dub project is so impressive, I can't imagine what it must be like creating a dub for two games at once.

Keep up the awesome work guys :)


Quote from: elmer on 09/12/2017, 02:10 PMHis voice is a little bit younger than we'd like to have as the ancient Grandfather figure, but there's no problem in changing one palette color in the intro graphic a little and making the picture of him look a tiny bit younger.

There's never any mention made in the game that the character really is Areios's Grandfather, and it's not important to the story (it's the only time that you see him), so I have no problem with him being Areios's Dad or even a Village Elder.
Didn't you say something along the lines of not wanting to alter the original game's vision or something like that? Or at least, wanting to alter as little as possible...
A little arrow on the menu or a slightly better-looking map screen is one thing, but changing one of the characters is going a little too far I'd say...

Sorry, I don't wanna impose my opinion or anything, but it's just something I felt was worth saying...
Keep it up!


Quote from: Michirin9801 on 09/14/2017, 10:55 PMDidn't you say something along the lines of not wanting to alter the original game's vision or something like that? Or at least, wanting to alter as little as possible...
Yep, and that's why the change almost-certainly won't be made, even if the voice sounds a little bit younger than the original.

I imagine that SamIAm would have an honest-to-goodness heart-attack if I actually went ahead and changed the hair-color!

Quote from: Michirin9801A little arrow on the menu or a slightly better-looking map screen is one thing, but changing one of the characters is going a little too far I'd say...
OTOH ... to play Devil's Advocate ...

He never says that he's Areios's Grandpa, Areios never refers to him as Grandpa, nor even ever mentions that he has any living relatives.

We have no idea at all what his actual age is. Heck, we don't even know what Areios's age is!!!

Nothing in what "Grandpa" says is specific to him being a close family-member.

It's a matter of absolute irrelevance.

What "vision" is there in his hair being whitish-pink instead of brownish-pink? What difference would it make?

Would Star Wars be a different story if Uncle Owen's hair was blonde instead of brown?

Quote from: Michirin9801Sorry, I don't wanna impose my opinion or anything, but it's just something I felt was worth saying...
Keep it up!
You absolutely weren't imposing your opinion, and it was worth saying.

I've tried the hair color change, and I actually think that it looks damned good.

But, as-you-say, it feels like a step-too-far, just like some of the other things that we've tried-and-rejected.


The topic looked like it was in danger of leaving the first page so I decided to bump it. How goes the dub guys? If there isn't any news worth sharing, I apologize for the update begging.


Quote from: LentFilms on 11/17/2017, 08:16 PMHow goes the dub guys?
It keeps on moving forwards ... but at a very slow speed.  :roll:

Both SamIAm and I have been distracted with Real Life (tm), as have a lot of the cast.

But, on the positive side, SamIAm has sent the core cast some early mixes of a number of the LoX1 scenes so that they can hear very-roughly what things are going to sound like.  :D

They clearly point out to me that I'm going to have to do a *LOT* of messing around with the timing of the visuals in order to make each scene sound natural and not like it was assembled from a bunch of separately-recorded cuts (which it is, of-course, being assembled from).  ](*,)

To my great sadness, there's not a hope-in-heck that the dub will be done and released this year.


And not is posible , out one version, only subs, and in future dub version?.
Long time out, only dub version is a big risk, the important is a version subs in english out...
It is not the first time that by staying more and more and more, in the end unexpected things happen and it is never completed.


Quote from: ashrion on 11/21/2017, 01:59 PMAnd not is posible , out one version, only subs, and in future dub version?.
I'm not sure that we're using the same language here. In my head, "subs" refer to subtitles ... i.e. adding subtitles to the cutscenes.

We cannot technically do that in the LoX games and run on a regular PCE.

Dubbing is our only choice to have the games run on a normal console.

The translated-games themselves have been basically-finished for nearly a year now, and could be released in a week or two (maybe a month or two with a full beta-test cycle).

Both SamIAm and I have complete toolsets for patching the games from the original CDs, and he has my complete source code for the toolsets.

If one of us got run over by a bus, the translated games could still be released.

I don't see much danger in these translations totally disappearing. The worst that would happen is that they'd be released with the original Japanese cutscenes, and SamIAm's very-professional-looking dub script.


Sorry to hear that things have slowed down but I guess that is to be expected with the holidays season upon us. Again, keep up the awesome works guys and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the States.


I'm oddly unsurprised that this portion is taking a super long time.  You've got cool hackers and sweet translators doing their thing and stuff is going great.  Then you've the task of dubbing over and matching voices while organizing a hundred people into doing recordings.  Tangentially related to both tasks but as it isn't directly related to either of your skillsets I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow wind up spending more hours between you on this than either the hacking or translating of the games.

I'm always excited to read the threads on these games but even when there's no updates that's not a problem.  Take your time, please.  It's been over 2 decades; as much as I want to play these games I think I can wait a little bit longer.  Thanks for putting in all of the work.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: ashrion on 11/21/2017, 01:59 PMAnd not is posible , out one version, only subs, and in future dub version?.
Long time out, only dub version is a big risk, the important is a version subs in english out...
It is not the first time that by staying more and more and more, in the end unexpected things happen and it is never completed.
I understand your concerns and with most groups I would agree. It's a massive project. This isn't their first rodeo though, they'll get it done. It's a 20 year old game, so I can wait.


Dubs are indeed quite an undertaking. When I was translating only the printed dialogue in the text boxes, it was just me and a bunch of plain text files. Later, when I was play-testing and editing via emulator, it was still a very contained thing that I could stop and start very easily, all by myself.

With a dub, there is both a lot more communication to do and a lot more to process along the way. I won't even get into all of the particulars. Anyway, things are moving forward. Thanks for checking in on us.  :)

I really, really wish I had met elmer about seven years ago. God, I had time then...


As always, I'm impressed looking forward to this and if PCe star sherrif ever gets released.


I can see where you're coming from. Just hacking/translating the written dialogues is literally nothing compared to the VA, unfortunately - which I'd assume is one of the reasons why not too many PCE-CD have been fan-translated up until now. There are some CD games which have subs for all the VA (vide Dragon Knight 1 and 2), but they're few and far between.


Quote from: wyndcrosser on 12/07/2017, 10:19 PM... and if PCe star sherrif ever gets released.
Heh, I'm not holding my breath.
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I'm doing it again (sorry) but how are things coming along with the dub?


I've been looking forward to this for some time


Quote from: LentFilms on 03/03/2018, 05:08 PMI'm doing it again (sorry) but how are things coming along with the dub?
Sooner or later, it will be finished.

A lot of things happened both at home and at work, and I've had to do some re-prioritizing in my life. I think elmer has a lot going on that he didn't at this time last year, too. Anyway, we're still in touch with all of the actors, and really, it's just a few large parts that need doing.

Thanks for checking in. It's always nice to see people interested in the project. :)


Thanks for the update Sam, it sounds like you and elmer both have a lot going on in your personal lives right now. I wish you guys the best and I look forward to hearing/playing the results of your work eventually.


I've been looking forward to this for a long time. I hope we see something soon.


Yes, thanks for the update/hope

Very excited about this!


I'd love to be one of the dub voices for this.


The dubs are already taken care of.  Tryouts were maybe some 10 months ago, & there ended up being some professional voice actor's who are going to lend a hand for free!  I wanted to be in the game as well, but it's also really cool that there's professionals involved, bitter sweet if you ask me! :derpcat:


Quote from: ParanoiaDragon on 03/20/2018, 11:06 PMThe dubs are already taken care of.  Tryouts were maybe some 10 months ago, & there ended up being some professional voice actor's who are going to lend a hand for free!  I wanted to be in the game as well, but it's also really cool that there's professionals involved, bitter sweet if you ask me! :derpcat:
Yes that is very exciting! I'd definitely rather it be more Ys Book 1&2 than Dragon Slayer: LOH haha


I kinda dug dragonslayers cheesy dialogue.  :cry:

soooo that sounds rather promising, coming soon then??

I'm like a little kid with these two, I've been wanting english versions since I had a turbo back in the 90's


Believe me, we all are like kids in a candy store wanting these games in english, but we gotta wait, no matter how many decade....err years it takes!   :derpcat:  Seriously though, I have faith in this project, it'll be incredible when it's totally done!  A lot of blood, sweat, & tears is being put into it.


by the way, I just wanted to offer my services to any translating group that would like a spanish translation. I'm a native speaker and a translation project is just the kind of thing that would help keep my skills sharp.


As you guys are waiting for Xanadu series Tom and his team have finished english translation of Last Bible III a Super Famicom RPG by Atlus.  Give it a chance!


Last Bible is pretty cool actually. Neat battle/recruitment system



I imagine they decided to include AnEarth Fantasy Stories into the mix and publish all 3 games at once. They are silent because they know how mindblowing will it be.

This is total speculation on my part though, don't take it seriously.


Sorry folks, we've been quiet for a long time.

The dub is moving forwards, but at a glacially slow pace.

SamIAm gets very little time to work on it now that he's the father of a young child. That's just Real Life (tm) getting in the way of hobbies, no matter how much we both want to get this all finished and released.

If you're a parent, then you know that's just how it's got to be.


Elmer haven't denied my theory so the hope of RPG trilogy still lives!  [-o<


Good to see some action on this project still.


any chance there could be a text only release, and then perhaps a dub release at a later date when ready?


I said that a long time ago, of course not f*cking the case, the reality, losing months and months and months maybe years because of the folly of doubling it, that if anything happens and the translation is lost, when we could already be playing for a long time .

I would not mind paying to be able to play it in English at least, and I will not play, I will pass it on, but in the end it is repeated a thousand times, it covers more than what is possible, and things end badly. It starts very well translating the zeroiger, then something much more ambitious is done and then we put in doubles, result, lost absurd time, risk of leaving, and when it is not for one thing it will be for another

There are also simple things, I do not want dubbing in English, I want the voices, PROFESSIONALS, MADE BY PROFESSIONALS AND IN THE LANGUAGE WITH WHICH THE GAME WAS CREATED, THAT FOR ME IS RESPECT, the mania of bending things that do not have to be bent, it seems an insult to the original work.

If I can lift 50kg well I do not get to lift 200kg because I break and go to the hospital and talking about aneath de emerald, in short, I appreciate the effort, but if you count the times to do this, projects have never finished ...

And not only that without the folly of dubbing, as well as the xanadu s they would have done, so if the anearth or the emerald are two of the best rpg in 16 bits, but hey, at the end of the year I will come back here, and it will be, we are very slow and we continue advancing ... or, a virus has entered us and we have run out of translation ...


Wow, how NOT to motivate/encourage/support a fan translation team!!! Thanks much Ghost of RegalSin...  :roll:

Reminds me of what Gideon Zhi was dealing with on Twitter not that long ago, swarms of impatient bitter brats with an uppity entitlement complex...


Holy crap, dude. So what you're saying is that those of us who do not speak or read Japanese we should just deal with it? The original work still stands strongly for purists, but people like me in the above category can only benefit by a well done, professional translation/dub. If you take time to research the team behind this project you will see many professional coders and professional voice acting talent.