I Purchased Sapphire!

Started by TurboHuC6280, 06/22/2005, 09:49 AM

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It always blows my mind when people try to think up reasons for why stuff didn't make sense in Transformers (like where Optimus's trailer goes when he transforms, I remember reading some ULTRA nerd's theory on "dimensional pockets" about that).  The cartoon had gaping plot holes and some of the most retarded writing ever, but it still ruled when I was a kid.  Now it's pretty much unwatchable.

The movie on the other hand is the best movie of all time.  Period.


Good you know the vast details better then me,I dont keep all that locked in memory.
And the toon,as it was,was a tv ad for the toys for the US.It was created for the US first,to market the toyline,which was actually a toyline by Takara originally.They eventually pushed the stuff in Japan.I have alot fo the episodes we didnt get after our g1 over here ended.
The pretender stuff they got episode wise was pretty cool.Japan won in the end toon wise.


Actually, Transformers in Japan was originally comprised of 2 lines, Microman(consisting of toys like Megatron, Reflector, Soundwave, & other household-esque items) & Diaclone(consisting of cars/trucks like Optimus, Ultra Magnus, Sideswipe, etc).  

I actually like the whole pocket dimension thing, it's kind of neat, if you want to get technical, which I tend to do.  Even still, we laugh we when see the trailer disapear, it's hilarious!  I actually still love the cartoon, even with all the millions of flubs.  It's one the best cartoons from the 80's, & I enjoy it more the all the current Transformer cartoons, with the exception of Beast Wars, which near the end of Season 1 got REALLY good.  

The current shows are made in Japan, with the latest made by Gonzo.  But Takara isn't going to have a main TF line for awhile, & Hasbro is looking to bring the shows back to the US, which will be a good move, IMHO.  Ofcoarse, the live action movie comes out in 07, which will/should raise the TF's status to that of Star Wars & Star Trek.


Arg,a live action movie?????
No way,god I hope not.
Yea I used to have the Walter P.38 original Megatron that was brown before the Transformer release. He didn't have the silencer or anything. Got it off ebay way long ago,and sold it for good amount locally here. I think the release date for it was 78-79. basically looked the same except for the color. I'm still impressed with the Megatron toy, any release, as the gun is very close to the real thing detail wise.


Yeah, I have the re-issue of Megs, which they were only able to re-release in Japan, due to the US having higher standards for toy guns.  

When it comes to the movie, I think it's going to rock.  The robots will be CGI, with the humans & surroundings being live action.  And it's being written & co produced by Transformer fans, with Steven Speilberg as Executive Producer.  They're still working out the kinks, & they listen to the fans, which is great.  Don Murphy & others involved in the project talk with fans via Don's message board, so with all the feedback they get from fans, the less likely it's going to suck!


I worry none the less.If it strays from the old stories,I wont care about it.I liek the old G1. I dont care to see Megatron as a G2 suck ugly green tank.
I want to see everyone as they were.Not just that,but Im tired of doing the 2 year wait thing,getting super hyped for 2 years,and being depressed after finally seeing a  flik.
Voice wise,it would be hard to get the old talent together too,and Im used to those voices.Chris Latta i sdead,has been for a couple years now I think,so who ever does StarScream would have to be new,and I dont think they could do the same quality.Ill wait,forget for that matter,and if the movie gets done,comes out,we will see then if its any good.Till then I wont hold my breath.


Binaltech/Alternators rock.  Although I have my reservations for some of the chars.

Wheeljack is my fav from that line so far.  For some reason he just looks badass.  Even though Grimlock is the same mold, he doesn't look as stone cold as Wheeljack.

Maybe I should break out TF:TM soundtrack again.  :)

I video capped my JPN re-release LD and have it on my HD right now.  19GB of TF goodness.  haha!


Quote from: "PCEngineHell"I worry none the less.If it strays from the old stories,I wont care about it.I liek the old G1. I dont care to see Megatron as a G2 suck ugly green tank.
I want to see everyone as they were.Not just that,but Im tired of doing the 2 year wait thing,getting super hyped for 2 years,and being depressed after finally seeing a  flik.
Voice wise,it would be hard to get the old talent together too,and Im used to those voices.Chris Latta i sdead,has been for a couple years now I think,so who ever does StarScream would have to be new,and I dont think they could do the same quality.Ill wait,forget for that matter,and if the movie gets done,comes out,we will see then if its any good.Till then I wont hold my breath.

I know what you mean.  I know that it will be a redux of G1, & Megs will be a tank, though I doubt he'll be green.  I'm 100% he'll be his G1 colors.  It's sounding like Soundwave will be a helicoptor maybe, but either way, he'll have his Casseticons for sure.  There's still a chance that they'll make him a tape player or something, but, sometimes things have to be changed for the practicality of todays' world.  I say make him an MP3 player with memory sticks or something like that.  We'll see.  Arcee is supposed to be a part of the Autobot cast, but, there's been an uproar of sorts about her being in it, so, they might just change that.  I think Shockwave is a part of the con lineup, not sure what they're going to do him as.

Actually though, the toy line that comes after Cybertron, might be interesting to you.  Megs is gonna be a gun, & apparently, though not real looking, looks pretty badass from what I hear.  The other one that has been seen, is Starscream as an F15 I believe, which he is supposed to look pretty sweet as well.

As for the voices, they REALLY want to get the original voices!  But that doesn't mean they can.  Like you said, Chris is dead.  Though it might be possible for the guy who did Terrasaur to imitate his voice.  Apparently, he was friends with Chris, & taught him how to do the voice.  He played as Starscream taking over Waspinator in Beast Wars, did an ok job, but that was 10 years ok, maybe he's improved by then!  Also, Scatman Crothers, who did Jazz, is dead.  And I believe Jazz is one of the Autobots slated for this movie.  I'd say the 2 most likely candidates to actually be used in this movie, are Peter Cullen(he was G1 Optimus & Ironhide) & Frank Weller(he was G1 Megs, Soundwave, Galvatron, Wheelie, & a bunch of others).  We'll just have to wait & see.  I'm keeping my hopes semi high, mainly cuz I know the producers are listening, & I also know they can't just do a straight rip of the exact same G1 story.

Yeah, the Alt's rock, I have all of the ones released so far including Prowl.  The next wave includes Sunstreaker & Skids.  I'm a little bummed about Skids, since they included flames on the sides of the car, but, oh well, I'll live.


What res did you choose to capture the LD in?Cripes thats alot of space used up.I cant believe it got that high.What player did you use also,as I was wondering,and what capture card.I was thinking maybe 12 gigs tops,past 15 is pretty big for one LD both sides captured.Depending on the setup I bet the transfer looks wonderful from the sound of it,prob much betterthen the original dvd US release yeilded.


DVD just does not look like film.I hate DVD with a passion.
If I want artifacts Ill do a divx rip of a LD.


Quote from: "Emerald Rocker"I see reason; that's better than some people.

Kind of unrelated, but here's a cool article on why Rodimus Prime kicks Optimus's elderly ass:
Oh man, I forgot about this silly trash that Nick wrote. I think I inspired him to write it, because we were discussing cartoons in general, and I mentioned that Grimlok (sp?) was annoying nine times out of ten and that Rodimus had NUTHIN' on good ole Optimus.

Optimus = John Wayne
Rodimus = Wayne Newton

Rodimus, as a character, has some neat attributes and qualities, but he just isn't in the same league as Optimus.

You and Nick have no respect for your elders :)

For fans of 21 Jump Street (top 30 best tv theme songs of all time, by the way):
Rodimus was to Optimus as Richard Grieco was to Johnny Depp


It's funny you mention John Wayne, as that's who Peter Cullen modeled his character after!


I got to admit though,that little piece he wrote had me laughing my ass off. It was pretty distorted,but funny as hell. I just kept laughing and laughing. It also proved my point about what I said about Rodimus copping out. He even admits Rodimus used the Dinobots all the time,and was quick to hand the Matrix over. And actually,I think the darkest hour was when the space spores/red dust crap was driving everyone mad,all over the universe.And who saved the day,Optimus Prime.


how about closing this thread since it turned into shit.

or open a seperate transformer-thread?


Does it matter,we turned this thread to shit long before the Transformers subject came to light.


Haha that's like the 30th guy who has popped in for a one post "please close this thread or else I'm going to start crying!".


Yea really,what does it matter what we are talking about here,at least we are talking about stuff we care about. If he doesnt like it,he can always go elsewhere???
I know it is off the subject,but crap man,cant let anyone get away with knocking Optimus,saying Rodimus was better.
Thats like saying Robocop 3 was better then 1 or 2.


TODAY's NEWS: I was at library with my daughter today (a cute librarian reads stories for the kids on tuesdays and wednesdays) and what do I see on the "Just Arrived" table? TRANSFORMERS: The Ultimate Guide. Hardcover. Gorgeous. I don't feel bad, the kids are too young to remember Transformers :).  I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but man, it looks great.

Quote from: GUTSHaha that's like the 30th guy who has popped in for a one post "please close this thread or else I'm going to start crying!".
hahahahahahhaa. seriously.

Quote from: PCEngineHellYea really,what does it matter what we are talking about here,at least we are talking about stuff we care about. If he doesnt like it,he can always go elsewhere???
I kno wit is off the subject,but crap man,cant let anyone get away with knocking Optimus, saying Rodimus was better.
Thats like saying Robocop 3 was better then 1 or 2.
Robocop 1 is one of my faves. Excellent. I was at a Presbyterian Youth Group when I saw R1 and we nearly crapped our pants (my friend's dad was/is a minister, and the Church was one of the few VCRs we had access to). I don't know if I mentioned it here, but my friend and I saw the most twisted movies with the Youth Group (Last House on the Left, Serpent and the Rainbow, etc.) The advisor let my friend pick the films and we'd occasionally get a "bad" film by "accident". The advisor was kool and always said, "Don't let it happen again."  Anyway, I avoided the Robocop sequels until a just month(?) ago when R2 or R3 was on TV (w/ commercials). There was a drug called "Nuke" and a little kid was evil drug pusher.... it was amusing, for sure, but it was trash next to the original. I'll rent it, to see it properly, but I can't even believe the series veered off into a cesspool. R1 had great potential for one sequel, at least (think Alien --> Aliens, not that R1 is as good as Alien, but it's up there, IMO).

Are we off-topic again? Don't worry, I can steer us back:

So, this Robocop sequel I saw has this AWESOME scene that took place in an arcade. The arcade was portrayed as a hangout for derelicts and losers and gangsters (I'm not sure if this film came out before the Lieberman anti-Night Trap crusade, but it sure fits the moral panic of the times).

Anyway, I've mentioned elsewhere that I loved Data East's Robocop game. It was easy, I could 1 CC it. Well, naturally, all of the arcade cabs featured in this scene are Data East games! I wish I could remember some of the titles, but my memory fails me at the moment. Being the nerd that I am, I actually ran up to the TV screen to get a better look at the arcade cabs (they were being smashed and thrown around)... it sucks being senile. Seriously. I need some gingko biloba (sp?), stat.

EDIT: Bad Dudes was definitely one of the games! Maybe Cabal? Probably a Robocop cab...


I have the Ultimate Guide!  It's written by Simon Furman, who pretty much wrote all the best of the TF comics back then.  He also helped with a few episodes of Beast Wars, & has been HEAVILY involved in almost all the current Transformer comics.  Including the upcoming Beast Wars comic that comes out next year, which I personally can't wait for, since it'll tie it in more with G1.  If no one here knows, Beast Wars, is in the future of G1, as is Beast Machines.....though, Beast Machines, most fans like to look at it, as either a bad dream that Optimus had, or an alternate future, with all the techno organic stuff.


Haha Robocop 2 was awesome I thought, not as good as the first but a damn cool movie.  I loved the arcade scene, I did the exact same thing you did (get closer and try to figure out what games were being smashed), I remember my roommate at the time was all "FUCK you are such a nerd dude!".  

I never bothered to see part 3 since it was PG-13 AND had ninjas in it, I bet Keranu would love it though.


Quote from: "GUTS"Haha Robocop 2 was awesome I thought, not as good as the first but a damn cool movie.  I loved the arcade scene, I did the exact same thing you did (get closer and try to figure out what games were being smashed), I remember my roommate at the time was all "FUCK you are such a nerd dude!".  

I never bothered to see part 3 since it was PG-13 AND had ninjas in it, I bet Keranu would love it though.
Oh yeah, I said R2 was totally entertaining... it just isn't a bonafide top 10 movie like R1, IMO.

So I was watching R2? Damn, R2 must be a masterpiece compared to R3. Why the hell are ninjas in it?  Sounds like the TNMT turtles movie with Vanilla Ice in it: corny!


Yeah you saw part 2, I've never seen part 3 but I remember Robocop with a jet pack fighting a ninja in the trailer, it was horrible looking (though it might be worth watching now though just for cheese factor).  It's like they finally realized that kids made up 3/4 of the people who loved Robocop and were making a movie for them, but it backfired because kids didn't want a pussy PG-13 movie, half the fun of watching Robocop was seeing all that R rated violence you weren't supposed to be watching.

I'd say Paul Verhoeven is one of my favorite directors, he just has so many classics.  Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Basic Instinct, etc.  I've never seen The Fourth Man but I hear it's awesome too, I need to rent it.


Quote from: "GUTS"Yeah you saw part 2, I've never seen part 3 but I remember Robocop with a jet pack fighting a ninja in the trailer, it was horrible looking (though it might be worth watching now though just for cheese factor).  It's like they finally realized that kids made up 3/4 of the people who loved Robocop and were making a movie for them, but it backfired because kids didn't want a pussy PG-13 movie, half the fun of watching Robocop was seeing all that R rated violence you weren't supposed to be watching.

I'd say Paul Verhoeven is one of my favorite directors, he just has so many classics.  Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers, Basic Instinct, etc.  I've never seen The Fourth Man but I hear it's awesome too, I need to rent it.
Paul Verhoeven is indeed the man. I actually have lots of  fun watching SHOWGIRLS, so I even like his flops.

I saw one of his really early movies... I think it was called "Soldier of Orange" or something like that. Rutger Hauer was in it. It was really kool and it was filmed in Europe. This was before Verhoeven went Hollywood, if I recall correctly. I'd say it's worth checking out. It's not a Hollywood film... but it's great. Here's a gauge: if you liked Das Boot (great movie!), then I think you'll like this movie. No, they don't have anything to do with one another.... but the gritty drama comes through in both. No glam. No super-polished glossiness.

Tangent: So I was at an ASPCA charity event in LA a year or two ago (hey, there was a fashion show with scantily-clad cuties -- I was sitting right next to the runway and saw EVERYTHING up close :) ). Anyway, to raise money they have a "silent auction" with items that were donated. Naturally, the film studios didn't want to donate any quality films, just the stuff they can't sell, so there was a beautiful SHOWGIRLS DVD boxset. I was the only bidder for the entire day. $10. YAY!

But then some dude came in at the last minute and upped the bid. I circled round the room and upped my bid... right behind his back!

Of course, he noticed my new bid, and was looking around. I tried to be covert, but I'm sure he knew it was me. So, there we were, with a few minutes left, both of us lusting for SHOWGIRLS.

I had to circle the room once more and up his bid yet again... he relented and I got the box set for $20.

Hey, the money was going to a good cause.

check out the silly bonus items in the boxset. I've never used this stuff, though I'll probably have fun downing shots of soymilk with the glasses. :)


Oh man, the first Robocop movie IS THE SHITZA! God damn I love it!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Wow,alot passed since I mettioned Robocop.
Well, here we go:
1.I have both cuts of RoboCop on laserdisc.I have the normal one,and the Criterian CAV edition.My friend still wonders why I keep the full screen normal cut,my reply:"Its fucking Robocop 1,you cant buy that for a dollar!"
2.I have Robocop 2 on laserdisc also.The movie script was done by Frank Miller.Most of the offbeat humor and mood from part 1 was maintained,which anyone who has posted here will confirm Im sure.
3.If you pay close attiention to some of the Prime Directives in Robocop 2 you will see one of them that says something about avoiding Orion Board Meetings as a prime directive.There were even funnier ones that you were not supposed to notice,but you need either the dvd or a LD player with screen pause feature memory for CLV disc to see them.
4.Robocop 3 just plain sucked ass,along with the TV show,and the new movies made in Canada. The ninjas in 3,I mean come on,in one of the scenes they leap off the floor and bounce around.The "concrete" floor bounces.It was so badly/poorly done.Robert Burke played Robocop,another poor choice.He was ok in Thinner,but thats another story.
5.Robocop 2 arcade game is kinda cool too.Its not perfect,but still violent,and you get to crush a guy in a truck with Robos bare hands.I'll buy that for a dollar!
6.Robocop rocks on Laserdisc more then on dvd.The sound fx  that use deep bass stand out way stronger then the dvd cuts.
7.Cool warped movies:1.Naked Lunch 2.VideoDrome 3.Hardware 4.Tetsuo The Iron Man 5.Dellamorte Dellamore AKA Cemetary Man 6.Hidden.
8.Soldier of Orange was wonderful.Great WW2 flik,esp for its time.
9.I loved Showgirls too!!! It was great to see Kyle Maclachlan in something other then a David Lynch project.


Cemetary Man was fucking awesome, I had the hugest boner for that chick that was in it for ages (can't remember her name now, but she was ULTRA hot).


I'll have to see Cemetary Man if you two liked it so much :)

I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch. Then he got the movie as soon as it was on video.

The funny thing is, I wouldn't have finished watching Naked Lunch if it weren't for the fact that my friend was giving me all the biographical / historical background on the dude who wrote it for the longest time. That's when I was a kid, I'd have to see it again to see if I feel the same way.

The same thing happened with the Ed Wood movie. Same friend got me to see all of Wood's movies and read some bios on him. I was psyched to see the Burton (?) film. Man, that movie was lame. If it weren't for all the biographical / historical info that I learned prior to seeing the movie, then I don't think I'd have finished watching it.


I liked Ed Wood.I own it on laserdisc.Ed Wood was infact the essense of the movies he made.And it captured the timeline really well.


Ha I liked Ed Wood, but mainly cause I'm a huge Depp fan.  As a movie it was ok, without Depp I probably wouldn't have liked it even though it was Burton movie (who I usually love minus Planet of the Apes, ugh).


Quote from: "stevek666"I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch.

lol WILLIAM S BURROUGHS  :shock:  :shock:

he's an amazing writer.  sorry this just made me laugh.

his books are great and he did some interesting work with popular musicians (peter hook and kurt cobain come to mind)
currently playing:
PCE - Raiden
SNES - Chrono Trigger
DC - Fast Striker



Quote from: "ElSeven"
Quote from: "stevek666"I like VideoDrome a lot more than Naked Lunch. My friend read the book and was all into Ginsburg or whoever it was that wrote Naked Lunch.

lol WILLIAM S BURROUGHS  :shock:  :shock:

he's an amazing writer.  sorry this just made me laugh.

his books are great and he did some interesting work with popular musicians (peter hook and kurt cobain come to mind)
hahahahaha. Well, all those folks are a blur to me now. Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs... they all worked together and helped each other. Kerouac and Ginsberg helped edit and revise bits and pieces of Ginsberg's stuff into what ultimately became Naked Lunch... so they deserve some credit too :). I was more into Kurt Vonnegut's stuff at the time, personally.

Quote from: "mike"I liked Ed Wood.I own it on laserdisc.Ed Wood was infact the essense of the movies he made.And it captured the timeline really well.
Man, this movie just didn't do it for me. I often find documentaries on famous folks to be far more fascinating than dramatizations, and Ed Wood is a perfect example of this, for me. 9 times out of 10, I can't stand dramatizations... they just seem so hokey and don't do justice to their inspiration. Exceptions:  Mommy Dearest, some made-for-tv movie on Leona Helmsly (sp?) I saw years ago...

Quote from: "guts"Ha I liked Ed Wood, but mainly cause I'm a huge Depp fan. As a movie it was ok, without Depp I probably wouldn't have liked it even though it was Burton movie (who I usually love minus Planet of the Apes, ugh).
Oh man, Burton did that Apes movie? I love Depp. I'll watch a film just for him, so I know what you're talking about. Except some horrible movie about in which he was an astronaut who came back to earth "different" (an alien invader?) -- and his wife is pregnant now. The concept is great (from an old Twilight Zone that has been recycled in at least one movie from the 70's)... but I've avoided the film.

EDIT: Astronaut's Wife? Something like that.


I actually REALLY liked Planet of the Apes, I before that, I HATED Marky Mark, just because he was a wack rapper, & would show off his muscles & crap like that.  But I thought he was alright in it.  I'm still waiting for the sequal, which'll never come I suppose :cry:


Yea,Planet of the Apes was ok,but man I hate Markey Mark and his funk bunch acting.I loved that movie he was in where he was a psycho,and he does this awesome flip out of a window and gets killed.I often wish this would really happen to him for real,but I know its just hoping against hope.


I used to call them Farky Fark & the Munkey Bunch.  Blech :P


I have figured it out now,the true origin of this Sapphire! ! !
Call it a wild hunch,but I bet its real origin begins with Chris Ray and Dion Dakis the "Big Tymers".
What prob happened is after getting their asses bitch slapped around the NeoGeo world for being bootleggers of the worst kind,they moved out of the country,and started bootlegging oops,I meant "re-releasing" Blodia,Patlabor,and other games for the Pc Engine.Since they were new to the Pc Engine world,they didnt know nobody played Blodia and others of equally suckyness.Upon being informed of this by bad sales in Thailand,and China,they came across a copy of Sapphire,and because it reminded them so much of Blazing Star,they decided to do another "official" release like they did with Zupapa
and KOF 2000,and in the same manner decide to offer "correct" colored booklets,a real obi spine with "correct" colors,and "corect" Arcade symbol with out the silly dot pattern.They prob got "exclusive" rights to the game from Hudson,for European release,which would explain the appearence in Germany.
Where are they now you ask? ? ?
Prob doing all the packaging jobs and shipping for Bullseye Video Games,which would explain why you guys didnt get your stuff.




SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM (If you want peace, Prepare for war)
SI VIS BELLUM, PARA MATRIMONIUM (If you want war, Prepare for marriage)


I perfer the original  Planet of the Apes then the remake :P

Get your hands of,off me! You god damn dirty apes!
Wii U:Progearspec


I Purchased Sapphire!

For real. From Mindrec.

I couldn't pass up a deal that good and its not much more than I was paying for PC Engine games back in the day($230 for SFIICE + Kisado, $150 for Dracula X).

I just hope that it didn't sell within the last day and a half since I heard back from BT about it.

It looks like I'll probably get to buy a Neo Geo cabinet within the next few days as well. :D

I still want to get one of these "reprints" to play though.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


How long ago was 'back in the day'?! I only paid $80 COD for Dracula X back in '93.


Quote from: "CrackTiger"I Purchased Sapphire!

For real. From Mindrec.

I couldn't pass up a deal that good and its not much more than I was paying for PC Engine games back in the day($230 for SFIICE + Kisado, $150 for Dracula X).

I just hope that it didn't sell within the last day and a half since I heard back from BT about it.

It looks like I'll probably get to buy a Neo Geo cabinet within the next few days as well. :D

I still want to get one of these "reprints" to play though.
Wasn't Mindrec only selling Sapphire for like $200? I remember seeing it and thinking how good of a deal it was, but I had to skip.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


man, i was really hoping this thread would never be brought up again, but...

Congrats on your Sapphire purchase Black_tiger!
If you're looking for one of those care4data bootlegs they seem to be getting mixed into the rest of the flea-Bay auctions and the temporary price drop they created in the Sapphire market is starting to disappear.
good luck.
Topic Adjourned.


Quote from: "Bonknuts"How long ago was 'back in the day'?! I only paid $80 COD for Dracula X back in '93.

It was the same year it came out.

Back then there weren't many Canadian friendly importers and beggers can't be choosers.

I don't remember if that particular game was from the place I'd order from in Toronto or Japan Video Games. If it was Canadian, it'd be the equivelant of $100 U.S.

I know that I had to wait months to get ahold of one since they were "hard to stock due to popularity".
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: "VestCunt"man, i was really hoping this thread would never be brought up again, but...

Congrats on your Sapphire purchase Black_tiger!
If you're looking for one of those care4data bootlegs they seem to be getting mixed into the rest of the flea-Bay auctions and the temporary price drop they created in the Sapphire market is starting to disappear.
good luck.

Thats the real reason I bought this, because you won't be able to buy a legit copy anymore unless the seller knows what the bootleg looks like.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: "Keranu"
Quote from: CrackTigerI Purchased Sapphire!

For real. From Mindrec.

I couldn't pass up a deal that good and its not much more than I was paying for PC Engine games back in the day($230 for SFIICE + Kisado, $150 for Dracula X).

I just hope that it didn't sell within the last day and a half since I heard back from BT about it.

It looks like I'll probably get to buy a Neo Geo cabinet within the next few days as well. :D

I still want to get one of these "reprints" to play though.
Wasn't Mindrec only selling Sapphire for like $200? I remember seeing it and thinking how good of a deal it was, but I had to skip.

It was $250. I would've bought it right away, but I'm coming off of a crazy shopping spree that I tell myself, week after week, is finally over.

I first found out about the Sapphire at Mindrec the day after I bought $165 worth of goods from a japanese seller, a boxed wireless PCE set and a bunch of other stuff.

Anyways, the good news is that I just sold my Wrestle War arcade tonight for almost what it'll cost me for a Neo Geo cabinet with 2 games.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


$250 is still great ;D .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Keranu"$250 is still great ;D .

If I can get ahold of one of those bootlegs, I'm going to put up a page with quality scans of each highlighting the differences.

Until I do get one or the collector's price comes down, I'll still be playing my cdr copy in the meantime.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: CrackTiger
Quote from: "VestCunt"man, i was really hoping this thread would never be brought up again, but...

Congrats on your Sapphire purchase Black_tiger!
If you're looking for one of those care4data bootlegs they seem to be getting mixed into the rest of the flea-Bay auctions and the temporary price drop they created in the Sapphire market is starting to disappear.
good luck.

Thats the real reason I bought this, because you won't be able to buy a legit copy anymore unless the seller knows what the bootleg looks like.

Yep, i don't think you'd ever be able to tell for sure by looking at a photo on ebay as the color difference on the cover is pretty slight.  what i would recommend would be asking a prospective seller to send you a scanned picture of the game disc.  the inner ring of the bootlegs is pretty large and should to easy to distinguish, even from an online photo.
Topic Adjourned.


I just bought a sealed bootleg and hopefully it'll be here in about a week.

I've also received the real Sapphire and even without seeing the bootleg I can say that its instantly obvious when you're looking at the real deal in person.

As soon as I get the bootleg, I'll start scanning them in and put the comparison on a web page.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Thread necromancy powers, activate!  :-"

So I've got a bootleg sapphire. I just played it for the first time (arcade card arrived!) and it is indeed awesome.
But I'm slightly confused on how to play it.

The attract mode shows the players attacking stuff with their options. This seems to have something to do with the select button, but the options do odd things when I try it. How exactly do you control them?

Also, what are the differences between the fighters? the weapons seem to be interchangeable, so is the only difference what you start with? or am I missing something?

Anyway, great game from what I've played so far. Hooray for bootlegers, 'cuz the more people who get to play this, the better :)