The Anime Thread: Finding Good Anime

Started by DragonmasterDan, 07/08/2011, 12:15 PM

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I wonder what was in the uncut versions.  Clearly to lazy to look up on google or an anime forum.


Quote from: Medic_wheat on 06/11/2016, 06:44 PMI wonder what was in the uncut versions.  Clearly to lazy to look up on google or an anime forum.
quite a lot was changed between the japanese and usa version.

some of them are:

1.Even though Sakura kept her name, her last name, which was originally Kinomoto, has been changed to Avalon.

2.Syaoran's name has been switched around to become Li Showron instead of Syaoran Li.

3.Meiling Li's name was changed to Meilin Rae, and Tomoyo Daidouji was changed to Madison Taylor.

4.Cerberus (Kero-chan) has been changed to Keroberus.

6.Yue's name was kept, but is now pronounced as "You-ay"

7.Eriol's new name is Eli Moon...and Spinel Sun's new name is...SPINNER?!

5.Sakura's friends, family members, and teacher's names have all been changed to sound more American-like. Nelvana wanted the names to be able to be pronounced by little kids watching the show.

Other Changes

6.The first episode of Cardcaptors began with the original episode 8, making us drop right into the middle of an ongoing story without any clue on what's going on. Episode 8 was the first episode in which Sakura's male rival/ally, Syaoran, was introduced. Eventually, they aired the first episode as part of a flashback during the Sand Card episode.

7.Meiling and Syaoran were originally cousins and fiancees, but Nelvana changed their relationship because they felt it wasn't appropriate.

8.The dubbed version is heavily edited, with a lot of scenes cut out and conversation being twisted around and changed.

9.Nelvana is not dubbing the Cardcaptors episodes in order. They're skipping around a lot, dubbing only the episodes they think would be interesting to the viewers. Originally, they were going to only air only 13 episodes; the 13 episodes with the most action and excitement.

10.To make up for skipping a lot of the episodes, they're adding in a lot of flashbacks of card captures in the episodes that they are dubbing, which takes time away from the storyline of that particular episode. (If they're going to add in all these dumb flashbacks, why not just dub all the episodes? Geesh...)

11.The relationship between Yukito (Julian) and Touya (Tori) is completely cut out.

12.There is no sign whatsoever of Li having a crush on Yukito.

13.Sakura seems to slightly have an attitude problem and seems like a brat in the dub.

14.Sakura, Li, Madison, and Kero's vices are much deeper and mature than their original voices, making them sound older than they seem. Sakura had a really cute, sweet voice in the original.


Just finish watching the 4th season of Sailor Moon Super S. This would be soooo much better without the filler crap and just cut to the main story.  When it works it just has you gripped and you find yourself compelled to watch the next episode as soon as the previous ends.  It's somewhat strange how a series that starts off somewhat clumsily and and whimsical and at times downright embarrassing but towards the end of the road it takes a turn and becomes terrifying and you are just gripped in this life and death struggle of a bunch of girls fighting to keep the loves and dreams alive from supernatural and alien forces that want to take the world down in terror!

I just started watching the 5th and final season Sailor Moon Stars and already the tone is just much darker and I anticipate with both dread and curiosity of how this is going to turn out as the enemies become more stronger and stronger and the girls lives and thrown into deeper peril and the strain on their relationship with each other.  Plus the ever overflowing optimism and compassion of the main protagonist in believing everything will work out fine in the end... will it end up being her downfall?

You do not want to mess with this woman!



What I found interesting even back then when Sailor Moon aired for the first time is the change in animation quality from one episode to another. It looks like several different studios must have had worked on different episodes. One of those studios has a pretty distinctive style, with rounder heads, less shading and more thin black lines to make up for the lack of shading. The second episode of the Galaxy Fräulein Yuna anime looks like being made from the same studio.

However, it clashes a lot with the character design and animation style I'm used to from the better animated episodes. Kind of like those episodes from the original SDF Macross that had been outsourced to other studios with lessee quality standards, but not THAT bad, to be honest.


anyone here ever watch violence jack? Im curious because the new Suda51 has inspirations from violence jack, so i think i will look into watching it


Quote from: guest on 04/12/2016, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 04/12/2016, 09:12 AMNow excuse me as I wear my a pair of panties with lace on my face like a super hero mask.
Like this?

Nice!  Had these babies since High School.  Missing Vol. 5, unfortunately.


Speaking of anime, and sorry if I missed another thread about it, but has anyone seen the new Voltron on Netflix yet?  I watched a bit of it and it's not bad but IMO they dropped the ball on the music.  No sign of the original theme I loved so much as a kid, now it's semi-generic sorta fantasy/movie type stuff.  They also made a Pidge into a girl.  I don't know why but that upsets me, but it does! I guess I just don't like the source material tampered with too much.  On the upside they got that guy who played the manager from Flight of the Conchords and the werewolf leader from What We Do in the Shadows to be the voice of Coran, which is sweet.  Princess is no longer white bread, I guess your mileage may vary on that.  I wasn't too bothered by it but again I prefer the original models.  Looks like a design more out of Lunar or similar (has more of a 90's-ish feel than an 80's one to me).  The lions looked a little more menacing in the original, I think, which is preferable to me.  Voltron's design is mostly the same though I think it was missing the crest on it's chest and the star belt.  Biggest change that I noticed was in the face.  The new one is more squared off and has a frown.  I kinda prefer the DSL of the original, plus I love that 70's/80's/Giant Robot/Glam Rock look it had going on.  None of that remains.  The Robeasts so far have been alright, no complaints, feels like daikaijuu stuff which I like.  They used to get dropped off in giant coffins (awesome) and now it's a box and sorta coffin shaped but a little less descript.

I read a few reactions online and it seems like a few people are disappointed in the joining sequence.  I think it's mostly the same but the key element again was the music for me, and with that missing it doesn't have the same feel.  They also cut the "dynatherms connected/megathrusters are go/etc/and I'll form the head" stuff which I always thought was pretty awesome.  The majority of the other comments were from those freaks who want to make the characters into yaoi couples. (Same people ruining Fire Emblem (devs included)).  They scare me, so that's all I saw.

Overall, there is a bit more depth to the writing so it has that over in the original in most cases (except for pidge!) and it's probably worth a look if you were ever a fan of the original.


Quote from: munchiaz on 06/14/2016, 08:44 AManyone here ever watch violence jack? Im curious because the new Suda51 has inspirations from violence jack, so i think i will look into watching it
I only watched the infamous chainsaw torture scene that floats on Youtube. Was enough for me, even though I've got no issue with other brutal human dismemberings, e.g. MD Geist. It's just that I can't stand watching somebody being tortured.


I know I am late to the party but I am having a great time watching Full Metal Alchemist with my daughter (12 years old) and she really likes Cowboy Bepop (I'm rewatching it).   

She is giving Record of Lodoss War a chance, too...but I don't know if she likes it as much as I did.


Quote from: Digi.k on 05/18/2016, 05:19 PM
Quote from: johnnykonami on 10/06/2015, 04:15 PMI agree that Anime had a totally different feel back then.  We had a little club and got new freshly taped shows as they aired for a while, and even though there's been a handful (pretty rare actually) of new shows that have come out in recent years, all of my favorites (including themes) are from yesteryear.  Cyberpunk, horror, giant robots, demons, etc. etc. etc. vs. now the cute and bubbly Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC summoning fare of late.  I admit my favorite of all time is Urusei Yatsura though, which is pretty cute and bubbly.  But great!
I am actually trying to watch all 190+ episodes of the TV series right now and currently up to 35 so some ways off.

Watching this today I really miss this kind of animation although I can see imperfections and rough bits here and there which is what I think gives it that charm.  The show is really bizarre to say the least and the pacing feels forced at times as in it flows to quickly and there is a lot to take in.  Each show is around 25 mins but they never seem to drag.

The japanese voice acting is superb and while the stories and supporting characters feel a bit insane at times if you stick to it you might find you end up craving to see more episodes.
I've no doubt the influence this anime show had on video games and sci fi anime at that time.
 I love the 80's music in this and somehow I feel this show had influenced a lot of the music you hear on pc engine CD-Rom tracks and some of Konami's crazier games such as Parodius...cute girls, aliens, space ships, japanese cultural references and underworld folklore all in one show...

Try and get it if you can. They don't make em' like they used to.
I picked up the first 25 volumes on DVD inexpensively a few years back. After about 15 episodes they get kind of repetitive. But I love that 80s animation


oh if you folks are into demon slaying, blade runner-esque vistas and an all female cast of of devil hunters look out for Silent  Mobius. 

I am a huge fan of Kia Asamiya's work and been collecting his stuff over the years.  There are two short movies and a 26 episode tv series (released many years after the movies) which you could check out.  I had no idea that the movies got western release and completely forgot about them over the years.  So I was extremely surprise and happy to have found the first movie released by Bandai for fairly cheap on US import.  The 2nd movie however is a lot more harder to come by and pricier too...

Shame a pc engine game never materialized.
The TV series starts of cool but somewhere halfway it seems like they began to run out of money as the quality begins to fall a bit but don't let that put you off.



Silent Möbius.


The list grows.


I watched Silent Möbius back in 2002 on TV. To me, back then it made the impression of being a spiritual sequel to Bubblegum Crisis. I wasn't very fond of both Asamiya's visual character design as well as the story, but it held my interest until the end of the series.

On another note.
I'm watching the SDF Macross TV series for the second time on DVD. Still very entertaining.



I got a copy of Project A-Ko 3 (first pressing, not the "Dual Disc"). It's a great series, but we probably know all that. What I found interesting was a sorta promo real at the end all in Chinese, with digitally censored boobies to go with it.

Also, a music video for the closing theme where the two idols are wearing super baggy acid washed overalls and dancing around a farm...

That place, actually.

I love 80s anime. I really do.

I also got EP3 of a short lived OVA (probably there is a manga) called Shakotan Boogie. I bought it because I never saw it before. Bosuzoku style low riders, basically. A lot like Initial D, just a decade earlier and nowhere near as good. It doesn't seem to be listed at yet. It's amazing that we're still uncovering unlisted LDs even now in 2016 with something like 60,000 known releases.

Also, I have my own copy of Angel's Egg now. :) My word that movie is absolutely unique. A masterpiece.



Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/08/2016, 05:31 PMAlso, I have my own copy of Angel's Egg now. :) My word that movie is absolutely unique. A masterpiece.
I've forgotten about that anime


Somewhere on Youtube I saw an HD transfer of Angel's Egg. It was obvious when I saw it that anyone who saw this movie only in SD hasn't really seen the movie yet. Its a decent LD, but still just an LD. There is so much detail in this movie that's been hidden since 1986 and only now being seen.

The HD one I saw didn't have English subs, but really there's almost no dialogue and none of it makes sense anyway, don't worry about it.


Angels egg looks absolutely beautiful. It's certainly a film that would drive many people up the wall. I love it though. It's a movie you can just sit in. Why won't Oshii do anime anymore? I know his later output is pretty hit or miss, but almost all his live action films are terrible.


OK, I don't think I have ever seen Angel's Egg...the title fete only doesn't ring a bell.



The new Berserk anime is pretty good. I would say a step above the movies, but not as good as the original anime.


Quote from: Arbitern1 on 07/09/2016, 08:42 AMAngels egg looks absolutely beautiful. It's certainly a film that would drive many people up the wall. I love it though. It's a movie you can just sit in. Why won't Oshii do anime anymore? I know his later output is pretty hit or miss, but almost all his live action films are terrible.
I don't know if there's any financial interest in movies like his currently. Even Ghibli is on theatrical hiatus these days.


I've been a fan of Berserk for a long time.  I saw the original anime back in high school and loved it.  I later read the manga and enjoyed it as well.  Yeah, it kinda meanders off and nothing happens for about 10 years worth of issues, but that's a whole other thing.  I saw the movies and thought they were okay, I guess, though at least a bit pointless as they were covering the same material as the old anime but I wasn't of the opinion that they were substantially better and they left out a lot of content.  I was hoping the new anime series would be really good, but after 2 episodes I've found the new Berserk series rather disappointing. 

One of the reasons that I like the print version so much is because of how well drawn all of Miura's artwork is.  There's tons of detail everywhere and the action sequences look really good.  Then you have the stylized brushwork sometimes used to demonstrate that Guts is quite insane which I'm quite unsure how it will be portrayed.  As for the story, it seems they skipped past my favorite arc after the original anime ended.  Rather than the Forest of Lost Children arc they went right into the aftermath.  Who knows, maybe they'll go back and animate it later? 

I still intend to watch it but so far it isn't what I hoped that it would be.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: seieienbu on 07/10/2016, 03:53 PMI've been a fan of Berserk for a long time.  I saw the original anime back in high school and loved it.  I later read the manga and enjoyed it as well.  Yeah, it kinda meanders off and nothing happens for about 10 years worth of issues, but that's a whole other thing.  I saw the movies and thought they were okay, I guess, though at least a bit pointless as they were covering the same material as the old anime but I wasn't of the opinion that they were substantially better and they left out a lot of content.  I was hoping the new anime series would be really good, but after 2 episodes I've found the new Berserk series rather disappointing. 

One of the reasons that I like the print version so much is because of how well drawn all of Miura's artwork is.  There's tons of detail everywhere and the action sequences look really good.  Then you have the stylized brushwork sometimes used to demonstrate that Guts is quite insane which I'm quite unsure how it will be portrayed.  As for the story, it seems they skipped past my favorite arc after the original anime ended.  Rather than the Forest of Lost Children arc they went right into the aftermath.  Who knows, maybe they'll go back and animate it later? 

I still intend to watch it but so far it isn't what I hoped that it would be.
I sat down and watched the original anime again. God damn thats a hell of a lot better than the movies and the new one. Even with the cheesy intro music its definitely one of my favorite anime series.


I really liked the intro; the Engrish is quite charming.  I also liked the song Forces and was quite pleased to see it make it into the new series.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


So FINALY desired to pick up the Ranma 1/2 blu Ray sets with the idea of buying two sets a month until I have all 7 sets.

Now Amazon had these ranging between $25-55 a set for some time.

However I now see it must be OOP?  Because people seem to think Set 1 & 4 are now $250 and $150 respectively for those two individual sets.

Well guess I snag the reasonable ones still going for $35 for 2-3 and 5-7 over the next few months and wait and see if set 1 & 4 go back to a reasonable price.

I did attempt to do some searching and found hat Walmart is sold out, and one internet based Japan company who had set one Viz media release with English dub for $45 new set one. I bought it last night however I got a cancelation notice today that the set was no longer avilable.

I do see one full set on eBay 1-7 for $270 whoever they state it only has English sub no sub. Sent a question to confirm if it is the reason A NA copy of the bluerays however no response as of yet.

Anyone here happen to have or see set 1 for the original MSRP of $45?


Used to be a massive anime fan when it first came to the UK... Akira of course!!!

Some of my favs are just the wierd shit... But to be honest it kind of explains me as I love all the weird Japanese stuff... Think I was born in the wrong country!! Lol...

Some of the stuff i watched ( haven't really watched anything new since I watched the entirety of naruto... All 250 episodes of the original series in about 3 days... )

Full metal alchemist - awesome twist on the whole alchemy thing..  Kind of clever but still almost kid friendly
Trigun -loved it..  Well animated but a little confusing towards the end... But then pulls it together quite nicely
Beck Mongolian chop squad - great overview of the series... God if you like jrock
Cowboy bebop -need I say anything more??? I still almost wet myself when I hear the intro music!!!
Elfin lied - very odd but still quite good..  Kind of alien experiments and psychic gore.. 
Doomed megalopolis - 3 part ova.. Very old school manga quite disjointed but good if you can overlook that...
Gyver - I loved it even though I watched mutronics and giver dark hero before watching it! Typical alien armour hero stuff!
Aik for the top 2 - was the second 'series' for the gunbuster stuff..  A bit silly in places but loved it anywy...
Big o - I love big robots.... Nuff said...
Gunfam.... All series before seed... Gundam is amazing..well... I think it is anyway.... I really enjoyed all of the series i've seen up until seed... Seed looked too new and shiny... Put me off... But again... Giant robots!!!!
Bleach was good up until he first major filler.... Not sure what episode it was but it was me weird child girl thing...
Initial d was also pretty awesome... Only watched up until 4th stage.... I believe its still going...
Ergo proxy started well... But then got shit towards the end.   

I enjoyed the version of deadman wonderland.... Manga was loads better though...

I decided that reading manga was better than watxhjg the anime's.... Mainly as voice acting in Japan is stupid.... All girls sound the same...  All heroes that aren't kids sound the same and it can be via ryvdistracting from the storylines..   Plus the anime's skip of r a lot of stuff...

As I said I watched nearly 100 episodes of filler shit for naruto before switching to the manga... Much more entertaining and more fluid and relevant storylines....

As for anime films I would agree with everyone on Grave of Fireflies... Possibly one of my favourite gibli films although it's a bit difficult to watch..

Perfect blue is an amazing and well done psychological thriller..   The first time you watch it it seems a little odd but by the end of the film your hooked!!!

I also enjoyed ninja scrolls... Again... Bit twisted but good...

There's also a lot of stuff if you've read the manga it makes the film better..   Appleseed is awesome..  If you now the background.... If not its a little like you've been dropped in the middle of something that hasn't quite been explained properly...

Battle angel alita was also good... But again there was sooooo much more to it in the manga ...

There's loads I've watched that I can't remember...  But I know Venus wars was good.... Sky blue ( I think) was really a good story but a bit weird with the 3d elements thrown in. 

Evangelion is great... I have seen a weird porn twist which put me off for a long time but I came back around too it...  Definitely watch the newer ending as the original was done under time constrains and was a bit weak....

Samurai champloo is awesome....

I remember xxxholic being good but I can't remember if that was the anime or the manga... And it isn't porn related... It was magical stuff... No idea why they chose The name

Couple of odd ones I've enjoyed... Suzuka... Cheesey love story based around athletics...  Air.... Odd kind of story where a drifter befriends/ looks after a tween/ teenager...

Many many more.... Generally read the manga these days as it seems easier to get through..   bakuman was a great manga about drawing manga.. I've heard the series is quite good...

Gantz was pretty amazing.... But only 25 episodes... Manga was solo much better but it got turned into 2 live action films.... All worth watching!!!!
Anyway.... Booze.... Me... Not good mix
... 2 am here... Bah....


Let's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.


Been watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fantasy and sci-fi.This show is directed by yoshiyuki tomino of gundam fame,so yeah you will have characters die randomly out of nowhere  :lol:
Wii U:Progearspec


And this, ladies and gentleman, is why I don't use cute girly anime avatars on the web. I'm a guy, after all:

QuoteWhy Do Anonymous Twitter Trolls Use Anime Avatars?


Quote from: guest on 08/10/2016, 04:56 PMAnd this, ladies and gentleman, is why I don't use cute girly anime avatars on the web. I'm a guy, after all:

QuoteWhy Do Anonymous Twitter Trolls Use Anime Avatars?
Normally I don't complain about off topic posts but this article was so directionless and lame I'll make an exception.


Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PMErgo proxy started well... But then got shit towards the end. 
Yeah pretty much. I had high hopes for it too.

Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
This got me thinking about when I quit bothering to even check the new anime each season in Japan. I'm thinking around 2011 was when I just gave up. I vaguely pay attention to US releases and use that as a quasi-filter now. Lately I've been rewatching a lot of older oavs.

Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fantasy and sci-fi.This show is directed by yoshiyuki tomino of gundam fame,so yeah you will have characters die randomly out of nowhere  :lol:
I remember this being decent. 7/10 material or so, but it's been a long time and I am biased positively towards mecha.

Did you actually managed to get all the dvds btw? Vol 11 and 12 are pretty hard to find. I torrented that shit.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/10/2016, 09:01 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/10/2016, 04:56 PMAnd this, ladies and gentleman, is why I don't use cute girly anime avatars on the web. I'm a guy, after all:

QuoteWhy Do Anonymous Twitter Trolls Use Anime Avatars?
Normally I don't complain about off topic posts but this article was so directionless and lame I'll make an exception.
I think you woke up on the wrong side of the bed :)

It was a decent article.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/10/2016, 09:01 PMNormally I don't complain about off topic posts but this article was so directionless and lame I'll make an exception.
Thank the author, not me.


Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
This got me thinking about when I quit bothering to even check the new anime each season in Japan. I'm thinking around 2011 was when I just gave up. I vaguely pay attention to US releases and use that as a quasi-filter now. Lately I've been rewatching a lot of older oavs.

Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fanta
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PMErgo proxy started well... But then got shit towards the end. 
Yeah pretty much. I had high hopes for it too.

Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fantasy and sci-fi.This show is directed by yoshiyuki tomino of gundam fame,so yeah you will have characters die randomly out of nowhere  :lol:
I remember this being decent. 7/10 material or so, but it's been a long time and I am biased positively towards mecha.

Did you actually managed to get all the dvds btw? Vol 11 and 12 are pretty hard to find. I torrented that shit.
Wii U:Progearspec


Did I mention I found Grave of the Fireflies tedious to watch?

Quote from: TR0N on 08/11/2016, 02:06 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
This got me thinking about when I quit bothering to even check the new anime each season in Japan. I'm thinking around 2011 was when I just gave up. I vaguely pay attention to US releases and use that as a quasi-filter now. Lately I've been rewatching a lot of older oavs.

Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fanta
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PMErgo proxy started well... But then got shit towards the end.   
Yeah pretty much. I had high hopes for it too.

Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fantasy and sci-fi.This show is directed by yoshiyuki tomino of gundam fame,so yeah you will have characters die randomly out of nowhere  :lol:
I remember this being decent. 7/10 material or so, but it's been a long time and I am biased positively towards mecha.

Did you actually managed to get all the dvds btw? Vol 11 and 12 are pretty hard to find. I torrented that shit.
lost in quotation.


Quote from: guest on 08/11/2016, 05:53 AMDid I mention I found Grave of the Fireflies tedious to watch?
That's a shame, since it is a great film.

Not enough sex/motorcycles/tits/magic/guns/tits/jidaigeki/vampires/supernatural cocks/pre-pubescent girls/Squirtles/anthropomorphized cats/sex?

That is a shame.



Got the wife to watch Food Wars! since its basically a cooking anime show on steroids. Very very goofy, enough said.


Quote from: guest on 08/11/2016, 09:05 AMNo. Just tedious, that's all.
Stay away from:

Los Olvidados
The Shining
Aguirre, Wrath of God
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

And countless other tedious films.


Yes, I am teasing you about your taste and your tolerance for slower pacing.

Seriously, though, stay away from every film Antonioni ever made. Even Blow Up.

Sorry to tease :)


Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind.


I'm so glad someone else played art snob instead of me this time. I'm worn the hell out putting the taste smack down on cavemen Internet-wide.

To prove I'm as low as anyone, a Family Guy reference. What was it he said when asked why he didn't like The Godfather? I can't remember.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 08/11/2016, 03:36 PMI'm so glad someone else played art snob instead of me this time. I'm worn the hell out putting the taste smack down on cavemen Internet-wide.

To his credit, he didn't take the bait



By the way, I actually am having fun watching Noragami.

I finished the first season.

Maybe I lost all credibility by acknowledging this?


Quote from: guest on 08/11/2016, 05:53 AMDid I mention I found Grave of the Fireflies tedious to watch?

Quote from: TR0N on 08/11/2016, 02:06 AM
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PM
Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
This got me thinking about when I quit bothering to even check the new anime each season in Japan. I'm thinking around 2011 was when I just gave up. I vaguely pay attention to US releases and use that as a quasi-filter now. Lately I've been rewatching a lot of older oavs.

Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fanta
Quote from: Gypsy on 08/10/2016, 10:27 PM
Quote from: shugs81 on 08/05/2016, 08:58 PMErgo proxy started well... But then got shit towards the end. 
Yeah pretty much. I had high hopes for it too.

Quote from: guest on 08/05/2016, 11:49 PMLet's face it, the current Japanese animation market caters to grade school kids and otaku. The bottom has fallen out of a lot of different markets in Japan.
Quote from: TR0N on 08/06/2016, 12:41 AMBeen watching aura battler dunbine as of late.Last year i pick it up on dvd and so i figure id watch it finally.Interesting mix of fantasy and sci-fi.This show is directed by yoshiyuki tomino of gundam fame,so yeah you will have characters die randomly out of nowhere  :lol:
I remember this being decent. 7/10 material or so, but it's been a long time and I am biased positively towards mecha.

Did you actually managed to get all the dvds btw? Vol 11 and 12 are pretty hard to find. I torrented that shit.
lost in quotation.
Damn edit wasn't working right  ](*,)
Wii U:Progearspec


I liked watching Tampopo (funny movie about a female ramen cook and for the love of food in itself) and I'm a fan of everything directed by Takeshi Kitano (apart from Blood and Bones, what an annoying waste of time).

Otherwise, to hell with any arthouse cinema bullshit. Most of these just exist to make viewers feel pseudo intellectual.


Quote from: esteban on 08/12/2016, 03:10 AMBACK ON TOPIC:

By the way, I actually am having fun watching Noragami.

I finished the first season.

Maybe I lost all credibility by acknowledging this?
I watched the first season and thought it was better at the start than at the end.  I tried to watch the second season but never got through the second episode.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: seieienbu on 08/13/2016, 02:34 PM
Quote from: esteban on 08/12/2016, 03:10 AMBACK ON TOPIC:

By the way, I actually am having fun watching Noragami.

I finished the first season.

Maybe I lost all credibility by acknowledging this?
I watched the first season and thought it was better at the start than at the end.  I tried to watch the second season but never got through the second episode.
I am going to try to watch Season 2 soon.

I also want to finish watching Full Metal Alchemist (which has been enjoyable, as well).

Quote from: guest on 08/13/2016, 03:10 AMI liked watching Tampopo (funny movie about a female ramen cook and for the love of food in itself) and I'm a fan of everything directed by Takeshi Kitano (apart from Blood and Bones, what an annoying waste of time).

Otherwise, to hell with any arthouse cinema bullshit. Most of these just exist to make viewers feel pseudo intellectual.
I've seen Tampopo. :)

Anyway, don't worry so much about other folks (there will always be silly people)...and don't worry about how something is labeled/marketed... see if *you* enjoy it.

No, I don't think you will rush out to see Los Olvidados.

But I bet you *might* find it intriguing, especially for the time it was made.

If Dracula X/Snatcher/Metal Slug were "art house gaming", would we care? (Hint: they are!)

I can pseudo-intellectualize anything: great games, crappy video games, the swirling mass in the toilet I sit upon now, the lyrics to "Sea of Love" on TG-CD, vapid anime, XaviX, all the films by Jackie Chan, etc.



Quote from: esteban on 08/13/2016, 03:16 PMAnyway, don't worry so much about other folks (there will always be silly people)...and don't worry about how something is labeled/marketed... see if *you* enjoy it.
This. Just watch what you enjoy. Too many times with anime people try to make people feel bad for what they watch. Fuck that.


Quote from: guest on 08/13/2016, 03:10 AMI liked watching Tampopo (funny movie about a female ramen cook and for the love of food in itself) and I'm a fan of everything directed by Takeshi Kitano (apart from Blood and Bones, what an annoying waste of time).

Otherwise, to hell with any arthouse cinema bullshit. Most of these just exist to make viewers feel pseudo intellectual.
GotF isn't "art house cinema". Its not 8 1/2 or even Stardust Memories. It's a really straightforward movie with only two main characters, less than 90min IIRC. If you can't handle something simple as that then forget enjoying huge portion of the best movies ever made.


Can't handle it, and I'm not ashamed to admit it in the public. I never understood why grave was so hyped. I found it acceptable, though. Maybe not as bad as I made purposefully up, for the fun. But ultimately, that film doesn't mean much to ME. I'd rather watch Aliens or the first Terminator for the tenth time, they never get old.

Don't blame me that you're enjoying a boring-as-hell movie like grave. That's ok, since it is YOUR taste, but you can't make everybody in the world share that taste.


Quote from: guest on 08/19/2016, 01:38 AMCan't handle it, and I'm not ashamed to admit it in the public. I never understood why grave was so hyped. I found it acceptable, though. Maybe not as bad as I made purposefully up, for the fun. But ultimately, that film doesn't mean much to ME. I'd rather watch Aliens or the first Terminator for the tenth time, they never get old.

Don't blame me that you're enjoying a boring-as-hell movie like grave. That's ok, since it is YOUR taste, but you can't make everybody in the world share that taste.
Well, in the form of a simple drama (brother and sister trying to survive), it masterfully delves into personal, moral, political, social, existential, economic, historical, etc. issues. It is *not* simply about war. Hell no. Yes, it deals with war, but so much more (existential).

And it does it in a *meaningful* way against the backdrop that is still relevant today (yes the film is about WWII, and yes, it has specific meanings for the pre- and post- WWII generations, but the issues in GotF remain relevant today and transcend that specific era in history).

Surely you know about the firebombings of Dresden?

Think about how that *alone* (let alone the backdrop of Grave) has relevance to 2016 and the tactics used by governments/politicians today.

Even if you were ignorant of history (I am *not* suggesting you are), nearly all viewers would still be able to engage with the moral/political/social/economic ramifications of *inequality* and GotF. Hardship is not equally distributed in a society divided by inequality.

Notice I didn't even mention "war"...because Grave of the Fireflies is *not* simply about war. It is about what is happening, every day. I worry about my flaky internet connection whilst millions of people are simply trying to survive another day.

WATCH "THE BICYCLE THIEF" .... If you find that film boring, then I understand why you would call GotF boring.

I have always thought that The Bicycle Thief and Grave of the Fireflies were connected in some meaningful way, beyond the obvious WWII backdrop.

Anyway, if those are boring films, may I suggest The Battle of Algiers as a film that might match your preferences? It is less boring, perhaps. And, more obviously relevant to issues of 2016.