10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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The Anime Thread: Finding Good Anime

Started by DragonmasterDan, 07/08/2011, 12:15 PM

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I figured I'd ask the board what anime they like.

I'm very particular about anime and for a long time didn't really watch much of it (largely because most of what I saw was crap). I grew up watching old Streamline distributed movies in edited fashion on local broadcast TV here in Chicago, enjoyed a lot of the movies I saw. Then as anime because more popular in the US as the mid 90s approached, I saw more and more crap and really quit seeking out good anime.

I now have every Studio Ghibli movie in one form or another and am for the most part am a fan as I'm greatly impressed by quality 2D hand drawn style animation, while I borderline detest CG animation.

In any event I was wondering what anime people here like or recommend, or watch?


I really dug Lupin. He was a serious badass.

I also used to watch the B&W episodes of Gigantor and Speed racer as a kid, so I saw a lot of the 80's stuff.

When I was younger, as far as comics, I LOVED the Comico Robotech issues, Ninja High School, and the Akira issues on Marvel/Epic which the movie left so much out of. Once I got a little older, I started moving away form the more mainstream stuff. 

Lone Wolf and Cub is probably one of my all-time favorites, but I don't think they made that into an actual movie or show.


I struggle to find decent anime these days which isn't typical teenage garbage.

Almost anything by Studio Ghibli is a must, of course - but don't forget the non-Miyazaki films such as Pom Poko and Whisper of the Heart, which is up there in my top 5 movies of all time.

In terms of series:
The City Hunter TV series is cool, although the feature length 'The Motion Picture' failed to work for me.
Urusei Yatsura is possibly the best anime series ever made.
Cowboy Bebop is just great, the dub is actually really nice.
Vision of Escaflowne was pretty good also.

Movies or OAVs:
Akira (of course).
Wings of Honneamise is thoughtful and atmospheric.
Paprika, Perfect Blue & Tokyo Godfathers, directed by Satoshi Kon are clever, mature and a bit mental at times.
I like the 2 new semi-3D Appleseed movies. Much better than the crappy original one.
Gunbuster is one of my favourite anime series ever (pity the UK version has been censored).
Bubblegum Crisis - worth it for the songs.
Metropilis is cool.
Steamboy is also pretty good, I need to watch it again though as it's been a while.
Ghost in the Shell 2 is better than 1 in my opinion. It has some lovely visuals and a cool dog in it.
Also, check out Sky Blue/Wonderful Days which is Korean (I think) and has a technique of using models as backgrounds.

If anyone has further suggestions for decent mature anime (no I don't meen ettchi), then please list them.


I'm also into older stuff, since it's mainly what I grew up on.  I find that a lot of the older shows have a lot more attention to detail, probably because many of them were made in the late 80's so there was money to dump into production budgets for anime before the bubble burst.  However, that's not to say there is not still some good stuff coming out, but almost all of it is a manga conversion or leans towards fan service in some way (I'm looking at you Gainex).

Some of the older ones I enjoy series wise are:
Ranma 1/2
Urusei Yatsura (this was essentially the Simpsons of Japan, only it stopped before getting bad  :P )
Legend of the Galactic Heroes (110 episode OVA, I'm only partway through now but it's an epic space saga)
Record of Lodoss War OVA (Typical fantasy fare, but pretty good)
Evangelion (some might say overrated or not worth the time, but the animation is great and the story is, well...)
Cowboy Bebop (Like sunteam_paul said, a classic.  Worth watching anytime)

For newer series (good animation, but better stories):
Mushishi (mysterious occurrences/situations in nature and and man who investigates them)
Mononoke (basically 2-3ep shorts about mysterious occurrences and the man who solves them) [Awesome visual style]
Plantes (It's about space debris, the people who collect it, and their lives)
Kino no Tabi (Kino's Journey-An outsider's take on many different fictional cultures)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Examination of the human condition)

Akira (again)
El Hazard (fun little OVA)
The Cat Returns (More Ghibli, but I love it)
Summer Wars
5 Centimeters Per Second (just, yeah...)

I'd recommend www.crunchyroll.com or torrents if you don't want to invest in DVDs right away.  I'm gonna stop now though, could probably talk about old anime for hours if I wasn't careful :)
Demented Clone Warrior Consensus: "My pirated forum clone is superior/more "moral" than yours, neener neener neener..."  ](*,)


yeah its all about the 80s and early 90s stuff. I tried watching some new stuff and I feal anime has lots it's charm and style.


Another couple I forgot:

Venus Wars - subtitled only, the dub lessens the experience.
The Place Promised in our Early Days - This doesn't manage to reach its potential, but it has a great atmosphere to it.


Well, I'm sure some people around here will hate some of the stuff I love, but, here goes:

Cowboy Bebop(as already mentioned)
Samurai Champloo(pretty much from the same guys that did Cowboy Bebop)
Trigun(might be my favorite series ever)
Samurai 7(steampunk retelling of the classic Seven Samurai flick, love it even more now that I've watched the original movie)
Vandread(fun & wacky)
Ys series(not the best, not the worst)
Those Who Hunt Elves(a pretty absurd series)
Azumanga Daioh(another wacky series)
The Big O(kind of interesting, it's sort of like if Batman had a mech...kinda)
Cromartie High School(very ridiculous)
Rahxephon(like Evangelion....but better IMHO)
Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z(I like them even with the filler material, but now there's Dragon Ball Kai which gets rid of the filler)
Dragon Half(good cheap ridiculous fun)
Full Metal Panic(the whole series is great, the first & third seasons are more serious, with the second season being more wacky)
Geneshaft(I don't recall much about it, but, I recall enjoying it)
Gate Keepers(in general just was a really fun series IMO)
Happy Lesson(wackiness in the same genre as Tenchi Muyo)
Love Hina(ditto)
Last Exile(it's been awhile, but, I recall really enjoying this one)
Eureka 7(serious mecha series)
Outlaw Star(just a really fun series)
Please/Onegi Teacher & Please Twins((see Tenchi Muyo)
Lupin(as mentioned previously)
Project A-ko(it's been yeaaaaaaaaaars since I've seen them but recall enjoying them)
Read or Die(LOVE this series, it's like Bond mixed with The Avengers or X-men)
Serial Experiment Lain(wierd but interesting)
Tenchi Muyo(absurd "harem" anime series)
Evangelion(there's supposed to be some kind of total reboot of the series that comes in 4 parts, but, I haven't checked it out yet)

There's more I enjoy, & there's some I just haven't sat down & watched yet, like S-Cry-ed, Excel Saga, & the Ghost in the Shell series, but lastly, ...(I'll probably get hate for this), is Naruto!  It has similarities to the DB series, but, I think it blows it away.  Plus, I'm a sucker not only for ninja's but for the underdog(probably why I love the Turbo so much!).

Forgot about Code Geass!  I loved this series, I kept craving to watch each episode, had me on my toes.


If you like 80's anime then i highly suggest armored troopers votoms  :dance:
One of the best sci-fi anime to come out of that time period.

Btw it did go out of print years ago but you can find people that sell it on,ebay and on amazon still.
Wii U:Progearspec


My first recommendation is always Grave of the Fireflies, which deals with the brutal and deliberate U.S. attacks on civilians during world war 2. Dan, I'm assuming you already have that one...?

I recently watched the complete series of yu yu hakusho with my wife. It was her favorite as a kid in the philippines. I really enjoyed the series. It was really amazing to see how the young characters matured and developed as the series went along.

I'm looking forward to watching wataru (keith courage), genesis climber mospeada (character designer Yoshitaka Amano of final fantasy fame), and the fist of the north star series, because the movie was my favorite anime when i was younger.



Those must be watched by all, they are all very short too. :)
Stronger Than Your Average Deadite


Quote from: rag-time4 on 07/16/2011, 02:37 AMMy first recommendation is always Grave of the Fireflies, which deals with the brutal and deliberate U.S. attacks on civilians during world war 2. Dan, I'm assuming you already have that one...?
Yep, I've got it.


Do yourself a favor and watch Deathnote.  Absolutely fantastic series.
Another douche trying to obtain a full Turbo collection.  119/146 so far.  Got a long way to go. Half way there. Hit the 100 mark. ich bein ein obeyer


Yay someone mentioned Azumaga Daioh!  I love that show. the anime show while great and has some fantastic gags is a bit too fast paced I'd advise you to read the manga first since there is a lot of stuff missing in the anime show.

another great show from the past is Fushigi Yuugi if you like shojo stuff.

if you don't mind watching a show based mostly on high school girls and lots of random happenings there is Nichijou
and.... if you are looking for a site to download subbed anime you can try this link.



also if you don't mind watching weird shit.. there is another old show called serial experiments lain.

plus if you can get hold of it.. a very very old show called Genesis Survivor Gaiarth and ah my goddess!!

Armitage III (get the ova's  I'm not keen on the movie)  average story but the music is fantastic.

dunno why.. this music along with the battle always brings a tear to my eye ;_;
plus Cyber city oedo


The anime industry has really taken a shit in the last 10 years with almost nothing of quality being released. A casual fan won't notice this since he'd be looking at the entirety of anime, but as some who's been a big fan since about 1979 I went from, "Dang, I haven't seen a good new show in a while." to "I'm starting to wonder if they even make decent anime anymore." to "New anime sucks ass".

Occasionally some good stuff comes out, but almost everything is either based on a Jump manga that regurgitates the Dragon Ball Z formula for the 100th time, or some sort of pederast school girl/maid bullshit. Things are bad, really bad. The two problems are 1) lack of money and 2) lack of talent. The two have been feeding off each other for a decade and a half and the result is that positions in the industry have been largely outsourced completely outside of Japan and the ones that still are in Japan pay very little. The producers will only approve tried and true concepts, so you get more and more of the same shit. Therefore making anime is no longer a respectable career, not even for otaku, since it pays nothing and only produces masturbatory shite.

However, good stuff still does manage to squeak through once in a while. The best thing I've seen recently is the new reboot of Mazinger Z. Since I've been a Mazinger kid for decades I can't really say how great this show would be for people who are new to the universe, but I was very very impressed. Its super hot blooded! Actual name: Shin Mazinger Shogeki! Z Hen. This is not to be confused with Mazinkaiser SKL, which was also cool, but way shorter and more abstract in an OVA sort of way. Shin Mazinger Shogeki! Z Hen the first all new TV length series with the old characters since the early 70s.

The best series I'm currently into is Gundam Unicorn. Its a 6 part OVA that will be released every 6 months until its done. If you like UC Gundam and have wondered what goes on after Char's Counterattack, you have to see this one.

Mainly my interests are 80s scifi and "adventure" anime like Gundam, Macross, Votoms, everything Miyazaki/Ghibli, ect. Things I would recommend to someone like myself grouped by release method:

TV: Votoms, Macross (OG), Macross 7, Macross F (maybe), Mospeada, Initial D, Yawara!, Touch, Nadia: The Secret of Bluewater, Z Gundam, Lupin III, Patlabor...honestly 80s TV anime is an almost inexhaustible well. I'm still finding awesome shit to watch.

OVA: Lupin III, Aim for the Top!: Gunbuster (I cannot recommend this one highly enough! Made by dudes who have read something besides manga in their life!), FLCL (pure rock and roll, I love it), Giant Robo (soooooo awesome. Best soundtrack of anything ever, amazing visuals, coolest fucking characters I've ever seen), Angels Egg, Patlabor, To-y (hah, there's one nobody else here will suggest), Megazone 23 (all three parts, but mainly the first one), Birth, Dragon's Heaven.

Film: Macross: Do You Remember Love?, Patlabor 1 and 2, Robot Carnival, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack, Project A-Ko, Lupin III, Ghost in the Shell, The Wings of Honneamise (sometimes called The Royal Space Force).

Made for TV Movie: Lupin III (there is a new one every year, more or less), Crayon Shin-chan: The Parents Strike Back (soooo nostalgic and awesome/hilarious, best Shin-chan ever).

Things that deserve specific mention:

Run Melos: This was a direct to TV anime based on, I think, an early 20th century Japanese novel set in ancient greece. Its almost totally unknown and this is a shame because its one of the best things I've ever seen. If I had to sum it up on one word the word would be "trust". This is what I sometimes call "romance between straight guys" which is actually pretty common in asian movies (think: The Killer, 1989) but almost non-existant in the west for some reason. A man loves another man, but not sexually. Very hard to explain...

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: If you are into true hard scifi, not that Firefly bullshit, real scifi like 2001, Bladerunner, Solaris, Max Headroom, then you must see this. It addresses the inevitable conflicts that science and technology will bring to us in the coming decades like nothing else I've ever seen, and it does it episode after episode. Sadly the 2nd season really falls off, but the first is tremendous.


I really need to go back and watch through the stacks of anime VHS tapes I have stored away. Most of it I only watched once, but I'm sure I'm forgetting some classics.



Quote from: Digi.k on 07/16/2011, 08:09 PMah there is also Excel Saga
If you're interested in the "manic jibba jabba" genre you should check out Excel Saga's precursors, Assemble Insert and Child's Toy.


Quote from: SignOfZeta on 07/16/2011, 03:10 PMThe best thing I've seen recently is the new reboot of Mazinger Z. Since I've been a Mazinger kid for decades I can't really say how great this show would be for people who are new to the universe, but I was very very impressed. Its super hot blooded! Actual name: Shin Mazinger Shogeki! Z Hen.
Thanks for this recommendation, Zeta.  I grew up watching Force Five (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Force_Five) so I have to check this out.


If you like it hot blooded, you won't be disappointed. The first episode will melt your fucking face off.


Yeah, Excel Saga is supposed to be really great, & really random!  I have it, but, it's one of many on my backlog.  Also, IIRC, I might mention that Naruto actually has some characters that are apparently based on Far East of Eden Ziria.  I recall the Sonnin in Naruto being based on the protagnists, Ziria(became Jiraya the Toad Sage), Orochimaru(a villian in Naruto), & Tsunade.

Also, as memories start coming back, Code Geass is fantastic, it's one of those series where you really start to think about who really is the good guy & who is the bad guy.  Sometimes it seems clear, but, other times, not so much.  They just released a dvd set of the entire first season, but I'm kinda hoping they'll do a blu ray version.


As a casual fan, I mostly like the story-driven anime, rather than eye-candy material.  Let's see, ones immediately pop up in my mind are...

Salaryman Kintaro
Welcome to NHK

I *really* loved the Gundam design as a kid, and really, really tried to get in the series, but... it just doesn't hold my interest.  I started at the original UC Gundam, got to about episode 14-15 in the last 6 months.  Only reason I carry on is all the great shit I hear about Zeta Gundam, and I'd like to see the prequel before I get into this. 

Robotech is something that I also thought was cool as a kid/teenager, but never tried watching again as an adult.  Never got past the Macross saga.

I also have fond memories growing up with earlier stuff like Starzinger, Galaxy Express 999, Mechander Robo, but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy them all that much as an adult now.


For me, personally, Galaxy Express 999 will always be awesome. Its the frightening, bluesy, dark, brooding weirdest that at the same time is comforting. The concepts are so fucked up and thought provoking and sad that it will never get old for me. Also, of course, space trains are great and the designs are just beautiful.

So its like a really good Cure album, basically.


shonan bakusozoku was one of my favorites. It had a US release by the awesome company Animeigo on VHS. Too bad it didn't have a Laserdisc release.



personally, i love:
Higurashi no naku koro ni / When they cry - to date the only thing that has ever put my friends in the fetal position.
Gungrave - think Resident evil meets the godfather
Azumanga Daioh - already mentioned
GTO - already mentioned
Love Hina - already mentioned
Ah! my goddess - kind of a romantic comedy, but it's a good time.
Beck - the music alone makes this one worth watching.
Ranma 1/2 - already mentioned
Gunslinger Girl - it's about cyborg assassins, but it's not set in japan, so it's something a little different

but i hated:
Death note - it had a good concept, but after the 12th episode or so, it just ran around in circles
Lucky Star - there was no point, couldn't even give it a 3 episode test
Gunslinger girl season 2 - it ruined everything good about the first season.
Moon Phase - it seemed like it had an okay story, but there was this awkward sexual tension with a character that looked like she was 12, so that bothered me.


Samurai Champloo, the only anime I watched all the way through. I thought it was great.


Quote from: Lilgrafx on 07/22/2011, 01:46 AMSamurai Champloo, the only anime I watched all the way through. I thought it was great.
Champloo was really good, the only problem i had with it was the ending, it just fizzled out.


I think most anime fans hate the endings to most series. That's just the way it goes.


heh, sometimes i think that's true.
but 2 of the best endings ever go to gunslinger girl and elfen lied.
champloo's last episode was all like
and then
and then


So having close to run out of new anime to watch, I ordered a few movies off of Amazon, I should have "The Girl Who leapt through time" and "Project Ako" next week.


If you like the Lunar series, you should check out Nadia the Secret of Blue Water series from Studio Gainax.
Also, there are 3 series which invented a new style in the 70s (World Masterpiece Theater) and are very worth looking for : Heidi girl of the Alps, 3000 Leagues in search of Mother and Anne of Green Gables.

Those series, based on books, were directed by Isao Takahata and the Layoutman was mainly Miyazaki. This was before their Ghibli period and after they left Toei Animation in the 60s.
These series are very oldschool, but the direction and story are better than most of todays more stylish/empty anime.

The character designer of these anime Yoichi Kotobe, who also worked for Toei in the 60's was later hired by Nintendo and created all the definitive designs of Mario and Zelda franchise and gave advice for the animation process, back then. It's obvious for the art style of Wind Waker, Nintendo was inspired by the animation movies Kotabe had worked on in the 60's. In Animal Treasure Island, in addition to character design, he was in charge of the stylish water animation.

Animal treasure Island http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/video/other/ld-ati-front.jpg
Hols Prince of the Sun http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/video/other/ld-hols-front.jpg
Puss in Boots http://www.nausicaa.net/miyazaki/video/other/ld-pib-front.jpg


Quote from: Arm on 07/27/2011, 11:10 AMIf you like the Lunar series, you should check out Nadia the Secret of Blue Water series from Studio Gainax.
I actually own the Nadia movie and have watched the first episode of the TV series. Very similar art style to Toshiyuki Kubooka who did the Lunar character designs and art.

Kubooka also did Giant Robo (and it's spinoff Ginrei).


Nadia the Movie is rather bad. You should first watch all the series which is much better :)
The character designer/animation director of Nadia was Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (He's the major influence of Studio Gainax). He also designed the characters of Evangelion, The girl who leapt through Time, the movie Wings of Honneamise and the video game series . Hack.
Kubooka was also an animator at Gainax. He was storyboarder and animator on the Nadia series. He was also the animation director on Gunbuster.


Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 07/27/2011, 10:48 AMSo having close to run out of new anime to watch, I ordered a few movies off of Amazon, I should have "The Girl Who leapt through time" and "Project Ako" next week.
I was going to get The Girl Who Leapt Through Time until I noticed it was a Manga Video release. Just can't trust them.

Has anyone watched Irresponsible Captain Tyler? I saw one episode at a convention years ago and it looked quite funny.


Yeah, the Nadia movie is pretty terrible. The series is great though. It has an ending that is ABSOLUTELY worth sticking around for. I mention this because a lot of people lose interest when they get to the "island episodes" which are kind of boring and drag on forever. Back in the day, when this series was only available as a fan sub, the group doing it actually skipped the island episodes completely to conserve their resources. Its that boring.

Project A Ko is fucking GOLD, btw. Very well animated, tons of funny in jokes, great action, I love it. The sequels are also pretty good, but the 2nd OVA series "The Versus Grey/Blue" is not very good. Its not the worst thing out there, its just a huge step down from the first few.

The complete lack of anything even half as cool as Nadia or A-ko in the "adventure" or "comedy" genres in recent years is depressing.


yeah Zeta is right, Ako is totally awesome. I love the soundtrack too. They even did a great job with the US soundtrack.


Quote from: Arm on 07/27/2011, 11:10 AMIf you like the Lunar series, you should check out Nadia the Secret of Blue Water series from Studio Gainax.
I am currently watching this show right now.. It's very similar to laputa.  It's not a bad show and just finished watching upto episode 20.

I am trying to get hold of patlabor tv series but only managed to download 1~10


if you don't mind watching high school girls and moe stuff you might enjoy Lucky Star which has a very similar vibe to Azumanga Daioh


"I am currently watching this show right now.. It's very similar to laputa.  It's not a bad show and just finished watching upto episode 20."

Actually, the Nadia project had originally to be handled by Miyazaki in the 70s. It never happened but he eventually created Conan and then Laputa, incorporating ideas he had planned for Nadia.


Quote from: Arm on 07/27/2011, 05:06 PM"I am currently watching this show right now.. It's very similar to laputa.  It's not a bad show and just finished watching upto episode 20."

Actually, the Nadia project had originally to be handled by Miyazaki in the 70s. It never happened but he eventually created Conan and then Laputa, incorporating ideas he had planned for Nadia.
Isn't Nadia based on 20,000 leagues under the sea?


Quote from: Arm on 07/27/2011, 05:06 PMActually, the Nadia project had originally to be handled by Miyazaki in the 70s. It never happened but he eventually created Conan and then Laputa, incorporating ideas he had planned for Nadia.
If this is true at all, it can only be true in the vaguest of senses. Like, someone at NHK liked the idea of a modern 20,000 Legues. The end product is so much different from anything Miyazaki ever could have proposed that I doubt there is any resemblance to anything Miyazaki could have actually put to paper.

The series certainly has a Miyazaki-esque, steampunk vibe to it, but that's because it was made after Laputa, Holmes, Nausicaa, etc. A lot of people were going for that look, especially with NHK projects.


I suppose it would have been completely different if the project was handled by Miyazaki in the 70s, the 2000 leagues under the sea story being more used  as a general theme. The story of Laputa was inspired by Gulliver's Travels from Swift.
Gainax founders being fans of Laputa, Conan, Nausicaa and Space Battleship Yamato, I guess this is reflected in the current Nadia series.


oh I wonder if the op will like these too:

Big O
Elfen Lied
Fushigi Yuugi
Darker than Black
Full Metal Alchemist
The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

I got a lot of anime catching up to do myself..


Quote from: guest on 07/27/2011, 12:20 PMHas anyone watched Irresponsible Captain Tyler? I saw one episode at a convention years ago and it looked quite funny.
I went through it back in 2001 or so, and quite enjoyed it.  It is indeed quite funny.


Quote from: Digi.k on 07/27/2011, 09:03 PMoh I wonder if the op will like these too:

Big O
Elfen Lied
Fushigi Yuugi
Darker than Black
Full Metal Alchemist
The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

I got a lot of anime catching up to do myself..
Back when I was still in college and didn't have to work in the morning I often left the usually terrible programming lineup on Cartoon Network called Adult Swim on as background noise.

While I just stated it's usually terrible, Adult Swim did have a few anime shows running on it I did like. Big O being one of them (it's a ripoff of Batman TAS with a giant robot, I love Batman TAS), I also like FLCL and Lupin the Third a lot. I've also seen Full Metal Alchemist and never got into it. I am unfamiliar with the others you mentioned.


Jossshhhhh...Legendary TurboTrollX-16: He revenge-bans PCE Developers/Ys IV Localizers from PCE Facebook groups and destroyed 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Josh and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner (extortion/blackmail!), never himself nor his deranged, destructive, toxic turbo troll gang!


I don't really watch anime much anymore.  Most of the new stuff just doesn't appeal to me.  I think the detail and animation was better back in the day when they were using cel animation.  Now it's all digital.  I feel the detail can get lost doing it that way.  When I did watch stuff it was usually Streamline pictures stuff if it was dubbed.  Regardless of translation, they brought over some great movies and had good voice actors.  I am big on 3x3 Eyes, Robot Carnival, Fist of the North Star, Akira, Venus Wars, Wicked City, Goglo 13, Doomed Megalopolis, Crying Freeman, Castle of Count Cagliostro, Lensman.  I really love Lensman.  Titan A.E. is a total rip off of Lensman.  Also I am a huge Doc E. Smith fan, so it was nice to watch Lensman back when Streamline brought it out.  

Non streamline stuff I love is Green Legend Ran, Genocyber, Guyver, Baoh, Mermaid Scar, A.D. Police Files, Record of Lodoss War,  Dagger of Kamui, Battle Angel Alita, Otaku No Video, All of the Lupin anime, the Captain Harlock stuff, Crusher Joe, Project A-ko, Gunbuster, 5 Star Stories.  

Not really new, but it is newer than other anima I listed.  I love Spriggan.  The animation is freaking amazing!  Plus, I loved  the comic when Viz brought it over.


Quote from: geise on 07/28/2011, 03:11 PMI don't really watch anime much anymore.  Most of the new stuff just doesn't appeal to me.  I think the detail and animation was better back in the day when they were using cel animation.  Now it's all digital.  I feel the detail can get lost doing it that way.  When I did watch stuff it was usually Streamline pictures stuff if it was dubbed.  Regardless of translation, they brought over some great movies and had good voice actors.  I am big on 3x3 Eyes, Robot Carnival, Fist of the North Star, Akira, Venus Wars, Wicked City, Goglo 13, Doomed Megalopolis, Crying Freeman, Castle of Count Cagliostro, Lensman.  I really love Lensman.  Titan A.E. is a total rip off of Lensman.  Also I am a huge Doc E. Smith fan, so it was nice to watch Lensman back when Streamline brought it out. 

Non streamline stuff I love is Green Legend Ran, Genocyber, Guyver, Baoh, Mermaid Scar, A.D. Police Files, Record of Lodoss War,  Dagger of Kamui, Battle Angel Alita, Otaku No Video, All of the Lupin anime, the Captain Harlock stuff, Crusher Joe, Project A-ko, Gunbuster, 5 Star Stories. 
Did you get started watching the Streamline stuff on TV?

Here in Chicagoland in the early-mid 90s we used to get edited Streamline movies late at night on weekends on local TV. Also random other anime that wasn't Streamline showed up occasionally.


oh there was another show I really enjoyed called El Hazard check that out if you can.

I am currently watching Fushigi Yugi (or Fushigi Yuugi,) aka the Mysterious Play while downloading Nadia episodes (although this show is kinda expensive to get hold of now, and runs at 52 episodes). 

It's also one of my favourite shows.. especially if you can stomach lots of melodrama, love triangles and japanese middle-school girls who start of being bested friends who mysteriously  get transported back into ancient china and then end up trying to kill each other... O_o


This main Heroine Miaka with her 7 bishonen Celestial Warriors

and this is the opening theme song of Fushigi Yugi / Fushigi Yuu... anyway I really love this show but then I like stuff like Sailor Moon..


Quote from: Digi.k on 07/28/2011, 05:20 PMoh there was another show I really enjoyed called El Hazard check that out if you can.

I am currently watching Fushigi Yugi (or Fushigi Yuugi,) aka the Mysterious Play while downloading Nadia episodes (although this show is kinda expensive to get hold of now, and runs at 52 episodes). 

It's also one of my favourite shows.. especially if you can stomach lots of melodrama, love triangles and japanese middle-school girls who start of being bested friends who mysteriously  get transported back into ancient china and then end up trying to kill each other... O_o


This main Heroine Miaka with her 7 bishonen Celestial Warriors

and this is the opening theme song of Fushigi Yugi.. anyway I really love this show but then I like stuff like Sailor Moon..
I checked YouTube for Nadia episodes and all I am finding is dubs ugh.


@DragonmasterDan:  No I didn't watch them on TV.  Around 1989 was when I started buying all the Streamline Stuff on VHS.  Most of the comic shops in the Cleveland area sold them.  We didn't have an awesome local station that showed that stuff.

The Hakkenden was another one I forgot to add.  I need to buy them on DVD.  I still own all the pioneer vhs tapes of these.  Haha I need to get with the times.
The original story by Kyokutei Bakin is amazing!


Quote from: geise on 07/28/2011, 05:55 PM@DragonmasterDan:  No I didn't watch them on TV.  Around 1989 was when I started buying all the Streamline Stuff on VHS.  Most of the comic shops in the Cleveland area sold them.  We didn't have an awesome local station that showed that stuff.

The Hakkenden was another one I forgot to add.  I need to buy them on DVD.  I still own all the pioneer vhs tapes of these.  Haha I need to get with the times.
The original story by Kyokutei Bakin is amazing!
Heh, the local TV station was, outside of running those Streamline movies anything but awesome. They mostly showed old 1960s and 1970s reruns of sitcoms. It was only at midnight on Friday and then later Saturday nights if my memory serves me correctly that they aired censored Streamline movies (really only blocking out boobs and bush) peppered with commercial breaks of literally nothing but phone sex ads. They called it Japanimation, eventually the station switched formats to a Spanish language only station and around 1996 or so we lost the show.