12/06/2023: Localization News - Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria!!!

OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Topics - Bernie

General Gaming / Finally getting a PS3
01/24/2016, 07:57 AM
So, thanks to braap here in the forums...I am FINALLY going to be getting a PS3.  I had held off on getting any newer consoles, since I mainly just play retro stuff these days.  However, seeing as how these can also play PS1 games, I see it as a win and why not sorta thing!  This will be console only, so I will need to hunt down cables and a controller.   :mrgreen: 

Now, I am sure there are some goodies on the PS3 that I will want to pick up, so that is the reason for this post.  Any good suggestions for me to look out for?  My genre of choice is RPG, followed by adventure/action games.  I have to admit, this will mainly be used to play PS1 games....but I am not counting out some good PS3 stuff!   :D
Does anyone here have a Godzilla manual they would be willing to scan, or lend to me so I can scan?  I dont care if its the PCE Works one or the original.   :wink:
Fighting Street / It has happened...
12/06/2015, 02:11 PM
Not sure if this should upset me or not..  I mean, they are selling an entire system...with a few games...

But, it would appear they are pushing the PCE Works games as a selling point on this..  Does this auction belong to anyone here?? 

Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: Turbo Express
12/04/2015, 07:55 AM
I recently picked up a turbo express that has been recapped.  Ive never been much on handheld systems, but thought this might win me over....it did not.  The system itself is fine, looks great and plays perfectly... but its just not for me.  My original plan was to have turbokon upgrade the screen, but I dont see the point in sinking money into something that will just sit on my shelf.  Asking 175 shipped anywhere USA for it.  According to eBay I am asking too little....fuck ebay....  :)

Sent from my iPhone using your mama
I am going to do something that I have been wanting to do for a bit now.  I currently have the second batch of Turbob Xpress repros in hand....although they have not officially been offered up for grabs yet.  I would like to propose a special raffle... 

I am proposing, that ANYONE wishing to obtain a full set of these repros, and would like to join in this raffle to get them.... send 1 US dollar to me.  But wait a second....why is Bernie doing this?  I will tell you.  ANY and ALL monies sent to me for THIS raffle, will be donated to NightWolve.  Thats right, this is the time to show how thankful we are for our translators to continue to work on projects for our PCE.  1 dollar will get you one entry.  You can enter as much as you like, so 2 USD would be two entries, and so on. 

Remember, these arent up for grabs yet, so only PM me if you want in on this raffle.   :wink:


Please PM me for the PayPal ID for this, so I can keep better track of everything.  :)
General Gaming / Playstation 1 RPG games
10/31/2015, 02:38 PM
Hey peeps of the forum....  So yeah, my Playstation has been getting some attention lately, and I would like to see if there are any hidden RPG gems I had not tried.  Give me some ideas, link me videos, send me game!!!   haha!!  :)

Congrats nectaris!

Guys, I am still in shock from me recent winnings of the Duo from Sparks, and I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation by holding my own raffle.  While not turbo related, these things are a lot of fun.

I will be building a PS2 with internal HD that boots up with Free McBoot.  Games installed will be of the winners choice, I have most of them.  With this, you can play imports, translations such as Dragon Quest V, and so much more.  I will include a few apps, and give a quick tutorial on how/what to do with them.  PS2 games are normally a few gig each, so the size of the HD will be the limit on what games I can include.  Basically, when I build it, I will need a list of games...in priority. 

Now, the rules.... 

You must have contributed somehow to these forums, in some shape or form.
You must not be in bad standing, or just a dick to other members.
You must have been a member for at least a few years... This rule is one I will be a little lenient with.

So, with that...  lets roll.  Hopefully there will be some interest....I know this is a turbo dedicated forum.  :)
Off-Topic / Hey everyone! :)
07/21/2015, 07:53 PM
So, after a fairly long vacation from the forums, I am finally ready to get back into it.   :-"

So yeah, personal issues, real life crap, ect... has kinda taken priority over online life and gaming.  While I did still game, just not as much as I would have liked to.  :wink:  Anyhowwww....that shit is coming to an end, and life is starting to get back to normal. 

I do have a few packages here that need to go out ASAP for a few members here.  henry, professor, and esteban.  My plan is to get them out the door in the morning.  This shit is severely late...almost to the point of needing a punch in the face late... I had everything ready to go for a while now, just hadn't taken the time to get it done. 

Looking forward to catching up on you peeps.  Some of ya have kept in touch with via FaceBook, so that's been cool.   :mrgreen:

I see over 33 pages of unread posts....nuh-uh...Not doing that.  HA! :-#
I have a Sega Model 2 with Model 2 CD attachment for sale.  Comes with everything needed.  The system is in really good condition, very clean.  I have a few CDr burns of some games I will throw in there as well.  This system played them with no issues at all.  I don't have any pics of it, but I can take some if needed.  Asking $120 shipped anywhere USA.

Opened this up today, its the Turbo Duo I bought off eBay listed for parts or repair.  Seller didn't have a controller or power supply to test it.  But, I don't know if these are stock caps or not??  Looks really clean in there,

Got a freebie up for grabs.  Dracula X, with the 1st version of BL's dub.  The only differences are minor.  The final version had some slight text changes in the intro, some of the dubs were changed, some signs were translated, and I believe thats it...  Anyway, I am giving this away to anyone that wants it.  No manual, or inserts included..just the disc and a case.


Don't forget that some Duos, mainly the black ones, have issues playing these sometimes.  It plays fine in one of mine, but the other unit doesn't like it.  If you have a Duo R, then you should be problem free.  Just reply you would like a shot at this, and I will choose a winner sometime in the near future.....
Off-Topic / My game room overview
02/07/2015, 12:07 PM
Here is a temporary set up of my game room in the house we bought recently. It's a work in progress, but it is functional as is for now.
I have one TG-16 controller, that I bought new, and used a handful of times.  It's basically still new really.  If ya want in this raffle, you MUST tell me to go fuck myself, and be sincere about it too you bitches.  I can tell if you are only doing it to get in the raffle....   [-(  I will give it till end of this weekend, so one can have it by Christmas.  Now, lets get it on!   :twisted:
Bought one of these bad boys a few weeks back, as I put my game room together slowly.  I seem to remember some here stating differences between the models, mainly sound issues??   I chose the model 2 set-up for a couple reasons, but mainly due to price and reliability.  Anyway, any Sega nuts here care to inform me of the major differences between the models, if any?  The searches I have done online, really have not told me much, other than the model 2 has stereo built into the A/V port already.  Thanks guys.
Forgot I had this stored in my closet.  Got an extra black case, in good condition.  If anyone needs/wants one, please PM me.  I cannot remember what I paid for this, as I have a few of em.  I will consider any offers if someone is interested.  Being as bulky as it is, I will ask for exact shipping.  Keeping it in the USA...unfortunately USPS is now in the business of highway robbery when it comes to shipping, even to Canada... 

RetroGameCave Turbo Duo/PC Engine Duo power supply.  I paid 23 shipped for it, bought it as an extra.  Asking 16 USD shipped.  Those who have one of these know how nice they are.  :mrgreen: 

And a RAFFLE...  1 pack of HuCARD sleeves and 1 half pack.  From seymore onion.  These are really nice sleeves, specially for replacing the yellowed ones that are most likely in your cases now..  :)  To be in the raffle, just reply you want in for the sleeves.
Got three goodies for the PC Engine SCD up for grabs.  Would like to see em all go at once, and I will price them accordingly.  All 3 are in great condition, no marks on discs, and are complete....NO SPINES however.   I will list em below, and use links from the PC Engine Software Bible, along with Video Game Den for descrips.  :mrgreen:


Bomberman '94 Special Version



I am going to ask $100 shipped for the three together.  Payment through PayPal via gift option please.  If interested, just PM me.
Off-Topic / Check it out. :)
06/27/2014, 12:58 PM
Imported this CD in from Japan, and they included a couple packs of green tea, and an actual hand written note.  Gotta tell ya, it impressed me.  Anyway, I've always been a huge fan of SLASH, so when I seen this, I jumped on it.  Gotta go unseal this biatch!!!!

Gonna raffle off 3x3 Eyes, and it comes with the VHS and box.  Want in, just sign up below.  Game and VHS and box are all in pretty good condition. 

Necromancer is the winner here.  See my last post in this thread.
I know there have been some topics on TG-16 to USB before...  But I found a guy that actually makes a connector, that uses your tg-16/pc engine controller, without having to cut and solder.  Ya just plug n play.  This is the site, http://www.bliss-box.net/Bliss-Box/products.html  I got in touch with the guy, and he is making one for me.  We always see stuff like this for Nintendo and SNES...but hardly ever for the Turbo.  Kinda excited, and his price wasn't bad either.  I will update on how it looks/works once I have it in hand.

And it is here!  Gotta tell ya, I am impressed with how it looks.  Very well made, and even the color black.  I have already hooked it up to my PC and tested it in emulation, and it works perfectly!  The guy building these charges 35 bucks shipped, and I honestly feel its worth it.  Here are a few pics of the BlissBox.

Picking up a Duo, and making space...  :)  I have up for sale a Turbo Grafx 16 system with the CD attachment.  The system has been component modded by turbokon, and also retains the original composite if desired.  CD unit has been refurbed with new gear too.   :wink:

Going to go ahead and break this up to lower the price. 

The system= $300.00 shipped
The 3.0= $150 shipped
Extra CD Rom2 attachment, USA one.  I replaced the gear, but never hooked everything back up.  Its all there, just needs someone to reconnect the wires.  Make me an offer on this one.

Open to offers. 
Ok peeps.  Here is a goodie for ya.  I will be holding a raffle for the Turbo EverDrive, fully loaded with my own set-up.  This is open to all SENIOR MEMBERS here.  If you have to ask yourself if you are one of those, you most likely aren't...   :wink:  This is one of my ways of saying THANK YOU!!  to the wonderful folks here at pcefx.  You know who ya are.  Just sign up below, and I will close this in about a week. 

Bunch of losers and a winner.

Keith Courage
Old Rover

Here we go.  I decided to do it simple.. Cuz I got lazy..


I won't be posting this in two places, as I don't see the sense in it.   8)  However...I will be selling some of my gaming library, and it is a mixture of pce and turbo.  All are CD/SCD/ACD, as I do not have any HuCARD games.  If anyone is interested in adding to their library of turbobs, PM me your email and I will send out an excel sheet.  Nothing drastic here, just stuff I dont play or have played through and have no interest in playing again.  Anyway, anyone interested, just PM me an email so I can get the list to ya.    :P 

Gonna go ahead and put a small list here.  I will edit and add prices here in a bit.  Gotta make sure I don't have anything listed on here that I already let go. 

Here is an updated list folks.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/dxevyfakkaq71jr/Copy%20of%20My%20Turbobs.xlsx
I have two, 6 foot controller extensions for the TG-16.  One is an OEM cable, I bought new about 2 months ago.  They both are black, and work fine.  Asking $10.00 each plus shipping.

Gone bye bye.  Thanks for the interest guys.  If I didn't PM ya back, don't take it personal.  I got a ton of replies asking about em.  I did a first come first serve on em.
Does anyone else take a game or two or three to the potty when they go?  I always grab a handful to look over the manuals and artwork while taking a nice poo.  Be nice to know if I wasn't alone.....   :wink:

For those that have bought from me before...I know what ya thinking...  lol   :-k
I have a white Wii that I have soft modded, up for grabs.  Comes with a SD card, and a 500 gig external HD.  Tons of goodies installed, including virtual console content.  The HD is fully loaded with installed Wii games, as well as games from other systems.  ie the Tubob...  Asking $200.00 plus shipping.  Includes two controllers, a charging station by Energizer along with two batteries, all manuals and box.  Basically everything you need to enjoy your Wii for Wii games and emulation.  PC Engine, Sega, NES, SNES ect.. emulation on this machine is perfect, and is already set up for the user.  I also have Homebrew Browser installed in case someone wanted to add more to it.  Any questions, PM me.   

Forgot to add, it also comes with the Wii Classic Controller.  The Pro one.  Using this with the emulation is a really nice touch.
I sold an extra system with CD attachment I had bought on eBay (just so I could have an extra CD unit).  It came with everything, including the US 3.0 system card.  I gave the 3.0 card to Old Rover, kept the CD Rom2, and sold the rest on eBay.  Now, we all know eBay and their weird shipping quotes.  It would not allow me to select more than 15 bucks.  It ended up costing me 30 bucks to ship it standard post, as Priority would have been 63 bucks.  ( This came with the clamshell case too, and it went all the way to CA )  I work a new job, and i was not able to get it out in a timely manner, so the buyer is upset now.  If he decides to return it for a refund, is anyone here interested in it?  I will not be relisting this on the bay due to  the issues I just had.  I knew I shouldn't have taken it to the bay.  But it is what it is.  I am sure I will end up with a negative now, screwing up my 100% feedback..  ugh...  The buyer is totally not being understanding, even though I kept him as informed as possible as to why I wasnt able to get it out as fast as I would have liked.  Lesson learned I guess.
I am sure some of you have heard of this, but how many of you have actually played it?  PC Genjin aka Bonk for the PS2 looks amazing, and surprisingly, they kept the sound pretty much the same.  I loaded it up onto my HD for play in my PS2 earlier, and was really surprised by how good it actually was.  Here is some video of it, not me playing of course, but gives you an idea.
How many of these Hudson Volumes did they release?  I may hunt more of em down.
I know someone here made these at some point, and I am wondering if there was any way I could get one??

Went to one of the best, Old Rover.  I will get it out soon as it arrives, and I have tested it Rove.  :)

Well, the Game system is going to someone here in the forum, so all I have left is the 3.0 card.  It's loose, and once it gets here, I will clean it and verify it works.  Taking offers on it.  PM me if interested.

I was able to pick up a TG-16/CD set-up last night, for a decent price on the bay.  I only wanted the CD ROM2, so I can have a backup, but I couldn't pass this deal up.  I will be letting the rest of it go, including the 3.0 card.  Of course, I want to get it first so I can test/clean the unit.  But anyway, what will be up for trade..
TG-16 with CD Dock minus the CD ROM2 unit
USA Version of 3.0 Super System Card loose
Hard Clam Shell Case

This unit did not come with a power supply, so you will have to provide your own.   :wink:  I will be testing it with my own power supply. 


Looking to trade for certain CD games, be it PCE or TG-16.
Buy/Sell/Trade / SOLD!!: USA Turbo Duo
03/23/2014, 07:11 AM
Ok ole timers, before you beat me up... I am selling this ONLY because I want a complete boxed unit, and I was informed by "the BOSS" that I could not get one, without getting rid of one of the ones I just got.  lol.  Now, on to business.

I recently bought a Turbo Duo from turbokon.  The unit has been totally recapped, has a region mod that was already existing but works fine, and has been component modded.  The system works flawlessly and anyone that needs a good system will be happy. I am asking what I paid for it, no more.  Comes with all cables, OEM power supply, and a Turbo Duo controller.  Asking $335.00 shipped anywhere USA.


Buy/Sell/Trade / Raffle: Spines
03/14/2014, 05:42 PM
Been adding spines left and right, and not feeling like updating which ones... lol.  I will draw someone soon.

I have a small handful of spines I have gotten in lately.  You guys know I dont keep them, so I will raffle the lot off.  Below is the list.

Far East of Eden II Maru
Neo Nectaris- New
Side Arms Special
Gulliver Boy- New
Populous Promised Lands- New

I have no rules, if you want them for your gaming collection, just sign up below.  I will be letting these go in one lump, and will do the same in the future as I get more in.  I do reserve the right to pick and choose how I want, but I am a fair person.  Except for Storino...he no can have...
I may be selling my Xbox 360 Limited Edition Star Wars Console.  I bought this new from a guy, that only wanted the Kinect and Gold controller.  So, it is basically new with very little use, as I already have a Slim 360.  This comes with the 320 gig HD, 2 black Microsoft wireless controllers, power supply, HDMI cable, and all manuals/paperwork with box. It does not come with the white kinect or gold controller. 
So, has anyone ran into this issue?  I have a TG-16 set-up with CD, and a Turbo EverDrive.  It will boot all system cards and regular CD games with no issues, but the 3.0...  No go.  Both Japanese and USA versions, I either get a system card error, or nothing, depending on what Super CD game I try to boot.  Kinda sucks, as I did not get this system region modded, and I cant see myself buying the SUPER UBER RARE USA card.  No biggie really, as I have a Duo as well.  I just found this curious.  Anyone else come across this?  The flash drive itself works perfectly, booting all HuCARD games with no issues and every CD I have thrown at it, except ones requiring the 3.0
Hey, I know someone here made an insert for this game that was the Duo pack-in.  I seem to remember a few of em actually, and I THOUGHT I had saved all that mess...  Can someone point me in the right direction?   ](*,)
I cannot explain how damn good it feels knowing I have a system coming to me soon, and will be able to sit down and enjoy some turbob soon.  Many of you know, I had to let my stuff go last year, and luckily most of it stayed right here in the community, thanks to some of the good guys out there like Bardoly, Syphic, Rob, ect..  Karma is nice, as the TG-16/CD set-up I am getting, is actually one of the units I sold right here in the forums, so that is exciting news for me.  I think one of the first play throughs I will do is an oldie but goodie, Cosmic Fantasy 2.  (thanks BlueBMW!)  One thing I will do different this time, is I wont be getting any HuCARDS.  I have the Turbo EverDrive, so I will just play those games that way..  Wait, I lied..  I WILL be getting any HOMEBREW HuCARDS!!  The Homebrew scene is a very important part of this community, as quite a few of our guys are pretty damn good at what they do, namely Old Rover, Arkhan, Bonknuts, ect..  I plan to support any and everything they put out, and hope everyone else will too!  [-o<  This keeps the scene alive, and keeps the devs motivated!! 

Right now...all I have is Mysterious Song, and an empty clamshell for the TG-16/CD.  Kinda sad, looking all lonely and shit..  But SOON, it will be game on my friends!  Thanks to turbokon and MotherGunner for that!  :P 

Yeah, I am bored..  I wanna play Turbo now...but if I do I will have to via emulation.  Sick of that..I want the real motherfu$%^% deal man..   8)
Buy/Sell/Trade / WTB: CD games
02/20/2014, 07:44 PM
Well, the hardship has passed, and now that I am actually back on my damn feet, I'd like to try and regain some of the games I sold.  Most of my stuff stayed right here in the community, so that made it easier for me to part with it.. Now I want it all back damn you!!!   :P   Just kidding...

Seriously though, I am in the market for CD/SCD games.  Not messing with HuCARDS, as I have an EverDrive, so its not an issue.  I don't care if it pce or tg16, if you have some CD games for sale, please PM me.  Besides the ones most people try and grab... I am also looking for the Ys games, Dragon Slayer, Shadow of the Beast, ect..  Anyway, yall get the picture.   :mrgreen:
This.. aetherbyte.com/aetherbyte-reflectron_for_pc-engine_and_turbografx-16.html

Bernard, happens to be my real name..  THIS must be fully developed into a released full length game.  :) 

QuoteYou are a Biological Entity Remover Node And Repair Droid (or B.E.R.N.A.R.D. for short), working for the evil robot overlord on his deadly mobile space station. Charged with maintaining the primary laser cannon, B.E.R.N.A.R.D has, however, developed something of a conscience. Instead, he has chosen to defy his master and do his best to stop the cannon's DELTA CRYSTAL from charging up by destroying the MEGA PROTONS with his cranial gun. Will he be able to stop the cannon from decimating another innocent world?

Reflectron is a simple, addictive arcade style high-score action game which is free to download and play on a PC Engine emulator of your choice (such as Magic Engine, Mednafen or Ootake) or flash card.
Hey guys, I am currently looking for the black clam shell hard case that came with the TG-16 CD unit.  I was recently able to get back my old system, minus the clam shell.  So, if anyone has one up for grabs, please PM me.  I looked on eBay, and egad.....   [-(

Thanks everyone!!
I have some things ill be parting with.  The Ouya has basically taken care of most my retro gaming needs.  If interested in anything please PM me.  Systems come with all hookups.

NES with EverDrive and SD card, fully loaded with Roms.  $130 OBO
SNES with Super EverDrive and SD card, also fully loaded. $130 OBO SOLD

Both systems come with power supplies OEM, and repro ones from Retro Game Cave.  Controllers and AV cables included.
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS.
08/09/2013, 01:02 AM
Got up for sale a boxed, matching serials Turbo Duo with all paperwork and original cables, plus the Turbo EverDrive.  The EverDrive will come in a case, and have a micro SD card with ROMs already on it.  This unit has been refurbished, and region modded by one of the techs here.  I also had av ports added to the rear.  Comes with Two Turbo Duo controllers, a boxed Duo Tap, and extra power supply from retro game cave.  
Off-Topic / Dragon Warrior/Quest tunes
08/02/2013, 11:54 PM
I came across the tunes from the Dragon Quest games, ripped from the Super Famicom games, I thru VI.  They are well organized and tagged properly.  If there is an interest, please PM me and I can get you the files.  Whoever originally put this together really did a good job.
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: More Turbo goodness.
07/13/2013, 09:03 PM
Off-Topic / Party pooper....
07/10/2013, 08:32 PM
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just came across this, and I must say I am pretty stoked.  This is something I would love to see made for the Duo, but here is one for the PS1 system.  :)

Web page:  http://www.psio.com.au/

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/PSIO/393370060736975

What are you guy's thoughts on this?  I for one, think it is pretty damn cool.  :mrgreen:
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free: Final Fantasy IX
06/27/2013, 07:42 PM
I happen to have an extra copy of FF IX for the PS.  It is the greatest hits version and it is complete.  Free to who ever wants it, just PM me.
Buy/Sell/Trade / SOLD: PCE CD games
06/22/2013, 08:19 PM
Got a handful of PCE games I am going to let go.  Games are all complete, minus spine, and in good condition.  Prices do not include shipping.  Items available to anywhere USA, and certain folks International.  :wink:  PM me with anything ya want.

Altered Beast- $15
Cosmic Fantasy- $10
Fray in Magical Adventure (XAK)- $30
God Panic- $35
Legend of Xanadu- $5
Magicoal- $15
SideArms Special- $15
Wizardry I-II  $12
Wizardry V- $12
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego- $10

Or, $80 for the entire lot of what is left.

Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: Vasteel
06/18/2013, 01:17 PM
I have a complete and clean copy of Vasteel up for grabs.  The game is complete with manual and map, and comes with a Sparky repro sleeve.  I would like to get $50 plus $6 priority shipping for it.  PayPal gift preferred as payment, and buyer will get tracking info when shipped.  PM me if interested.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Looking for a SNES
06/16/2013, 01:08 PM
Hey guys, I am looking to get a SNES to play a couple games I have came across.  If anyone happens to have an extra, please get with me via PM.    :mrgreen:
Buy/Sell/Trade / Rafflle: pce RPG games
06/08/2013, 09:39 PM
I am going to hold a raffle for some random turbobs.  Winner pays shipping, and must be an active member here, for at least several months anyway.

Dragon Slayer II
Might and Magic

Plan to run this for a week or so.  Just reply if you want said items.
Many of us, like myself, got rid of all their Turbo stuff years ago not thinking we would ever look back and be like..."Oh SHIT"!  So, I have a game now, that took me a while to get again, but I JUST had to get it for various reasons.  1. I loved that game, durp.  2. It just held such a nostalgic memory in my heart and mind, that it literally killed me that I couldn't find it at a decent price.  I wouldn't mind hearing what some of you guys/gals stories.  Here is mine.

Back when TZD was mailing pamphlets out, I happened to get them.  Still not sure if they were just mass mailings or what.  But I started ordering from them, so of course they continued to come.  One game that jumped out at me was Beyond Shadowgate.  I had to get it, and I did.  I believe they were having a buy one get one 1/2 price or something like that at the time, so I grabbed Beyond Shadowgate and Might and Magic III for that purchase.  Anyway, I loved that game.  I played it literally every day, multiple times so I could see the different ways to do things.  My only gripe with it, was it was sooo damn short..  :(  Anyway, I ended up letting my Turbo Duo, which I still had the box and all paperwork, and all my games go to a friend at work.  She had a handicapped son, and he was bound to a wheelchair.  She couldn't afford the newer stuff coming out, so I let her have everything I had Turbo related for $125.00.  That was in like late 1996 or early 1997. 

Fast forward a few years, it is now 2000 and I am no longer married.  I have internet now and started messing around on eBay and things like that.  It was all new to me believe it or not.  Somehow, I came across some Turbo stuff, and it peaked my interest, bringing back memories.  However, it wasn't enough to make me want to get it all back just yet.  However, in 2007, I started to mess around with Magic Engine, downloaded some games, and started playing.  I was hooked, and I had to get the real thing.  I ended up finding this place and after what seemed like forever, I was approved to join.  Systems and games flowed in between eBay and awesome members here, but one game eluded me due to price and rarity, not to mention so many people wanting it.  That is where our fellow member BlueBMW comes in.  I was able to get the game from him in a trade, and I never regretted it.  :)  One cannot imagine my excitement once the deal was made final, and that package came in the mail.  A lot of folks hate on the game, Beyond Shadowgate, but I simply cannot get enough of it.  For me, it is an excellent sequel to the original NES version, and deserves to be played and enjoyed.  Thanks to BlueBMW :mrgreen:, I can do that any time I choose now.  :)

What are some of yalls tidbits?  Do share..   :wink: