Sega Lord X reviews the Street Fighter II Champion Edition PC Engine port.
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Messages - Joe Redifer

Has anyone seriously listened to the voices that say "Rayxanber!!!" at the beginning of the title screen in Rayxanber II ?  Just listen to them.  Every time I hear them, I think a bunch of old retarded men are saying it:

Translate this, mofos:


Sorry it's so blurry, but if I use the flash then everything is completely blown out and can't be seen.
I work for FEKA and it is always our master plan to take down that wretched Johnny Turbo.  His real name is Jonathan Brandstetter.  And he looks like this:


Now his life is ruined and FEKA can finally proceed with selling its CD system to hapless kids!

Seriously, we can't be stopped!
Keranu - The TurboGrafx-16 CD-ROM says "PC" and is exactly like the picture you posted.  In fact I think the PC Engine CD-ROM and the TG-16 CD-ROM are the same player, only with a slightly different lid and, of course, the color.  I bet one unit would work on the other.  Wouldn't that rock to see a PC Engine or CoreGrafx with a black Turbo CD player sitting next to it?  Or a TG-16 with a white PC Engine CD-ROM sitting behind it?  Of course it would rock.


Anyway, my avatar is from the PC Engine title screen of Shinobi, the most popular game ever made (except for the other games that are even more popular, of course).  My signature is non-existent because I hate sigs.  I am glad that I can turn them off with this new forum software so I don't have to see all your guys' sigs!
Exile 2 has a cardboard sleeve type thingy.  I took a picture of both sides JUST FOR YOU!  Feel special and send me $100.  Thanks.


I wonder how much this little sleeve type tingy increases the value of the game?
I did the same thing with Sol Feace.  I still have my (really crappy) artwork as the back insert for it and the 4-in-1 disc and Sherlock Holmes.  I also cut the instructions to those discs as well to fit in the case.  On REALLY STUPID thing I did with early Sega CD games was to cut the front and back of the cardboard paper boxes to use them as inserts/covers for CD jewel cases.  UGGG!!!  The manuals fit the larger Sega CD cases and the boxes could have been scanned.  Oh well.  :(

Here are the Sega CD games that came with my system.  If I cared more about these games, I might design new covers.

Yeah, so anyway here is my real Gate of Thunder insert that I made.  Not the best but it'll do fine.


Mine is better, though:

I scanned it for ye.  Click to see bigger picture.

Spared ?  No way man, you missed out!  Check out the AWESOME dialog and acting in the MP3 below I just made.  It increases the game's enjoyment tenfold and it is fun to begin with.

Click here to download the awesome 2 MB MP3!The last part about the shuttle and ozone layer wasn't even used in the game.  Instead Dr. Garcia runs out and takes off to space in a space shuttle, and Guy Kazama runs to a spare space shuttle (which apparently had the key in the ignition) and takes off towards space as well.  This game is a complete riot!
I'm pretty sure the US version of R-Type runs in a slightly different horizontal resolution than the Japanese version just by eyeballing it on my TV screen. 

Confirmed!  Check out these two pics grabbed from the same emulator:

Japanese version - 352x240

US version - 336x240

What the hell ?
One thing that always chapped my ass (until the Duo came along, anyway) was the  fact that it was necessary to buy extra equipment if you wanted stereo sound and simple composite video.  That was just plain stupid of NEC or Hudson or whoever decided that would be a fantastic idea.  Also stupid was the fact that they limited themselves to composite unless you hack open the console.  The Sega Master System even had RGB which can easily be converted into S-video or component.  I wish they would have at least had a real RGB jack.  I was so happy when I modded mine for RGB.  Finally that flickering hair at the end of the Ys opening scene no longer flickers at all!  The scrolling is no longer fuzzy in Legendary Axe and every other game.  Fantasy Zone no longer causes epileptic fits due to the flickering sky.  You know you've got some bad composite when it's flickering and it looks like it's supposed to be flickering.


Evil flickering!  Begone!  With RGB, it is gone.

Somebody should go back in time and fix these issues.  C'mon, the Genesis and SNES had composite and RGB out of the box.
joeredifer .com/crap/dip.gif


I just made this GIF about 3 minutes before I saw your post.
Here ya go!!
I tried to upload it to Youtube, but they have some retarded 10-minute limit.  Assholes.

Anyway I am able to upload this QUICKTIME version.  You don't have Quicktime ?  TOO BAD!  It should work with Quicktime 6, but you might need Quicktime 7 to hear the sound.
63.8 MB
15 fps (had to cut corners somewhere)
Sorenson 3 Pro video codec
MPEG4 audio (AAC) - mono
17 minutes, 53 seconds

The video features this little dipshit:

I have the Saturn version as well as the 32X version (the sound is almost identical between the two).  I also have the Genesis version and the Master System version which has the melodies.  Does the PCE version have the melodies ?  I really hate how they removed the melodies from After Burner 2.

Oh, and just for fun, more colors simultaneously doesn't always equal spooge-fest graphics.  It is probably more important to have better colors to choose from in the first place.  Here are some pics of a couple of Genesis games that put more than 64 colors onscreen simultaneously:

71 colors

70 colors

75 colors

95 colors

105 colors

163 colors
Quote from: Digi.khaha someone post some genesis screenies of Afterburner and compare it.
haha ok:


Now before you start doing handsprings while singing "Genesis sucks" be aware that these two games here really don't take much advantage of either system.  Both could do much, much better.

Quote from: TurboXrayBut we all know that any graphics the Gen can display(colors and res), the PCE can do as well
For still screens, definitely.  But what people seem to forget often on this board is that the Genesis could display an extra background whereas the Turbo had to use sprites to accomplish the same effects.  Because of this I think flicker was more prevalent in Turbo games that did this (***waits for someone to bring up Lords of Thunder***) and the Genesis didn't need to spend unnecessary sprites.  But if all you look at are colors and resolution, of course the Turbo can match and exceed the Genesis by quite a noticeable amount.
QuoteCould you post a pic of the trace that you had to make as I would like to see what all had to be done to get it to work.
Of course I can!  Fortunately the thing can be taken apart by hand without tools and it won't get messed up as a result.  Here is the underside of the board:


The two pins that the arrows are pointing to seemed connected.  I have no idea why they would be.
I cut them and the Arcade Card Pro worked perfectly, and so far every other PC Engine
game that I've tried still works as well.  Before you go slicin', make sure it doesn't work for you first!
Really ?  Let me check -- Yeah they seem to work, but they seem to be a really tight fit.

What I do is I buy as many Quarterback Clubs as I can for the 32X.  They are super cheap and have great plastic boxes.  I toss the game and keep the box.  Here's some examples:


When I don't have a 32X box, a regular EA box will work, but the cart tends to slide around a bit.  You can get EA boxes super cheap since they made so many awful sports games.

Speaking of EA boxes, if you get one of the super fat ones, you can use it to house Sonic and Kuckles!


PS - Thanks Pixeljunkie!!!!