@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Topics - Kitsunexus

...but it's still cool.


Basically, a arcade-cab that holds a computer specifically designed to run the Ableton Live sequencer...

And if an arcade cab is too much, how about just a arcade control panel?

But I'd be lying if I said I didn't play it for hours, and a bigger better version is coming soon!

Off-Topic / Freerice.com is cool...
03/07/2008, 11:43 PM

It's like The Hunger Site, but it's more fun. I just found out about it today, so my highscore is 80, because I didn't play it very long.

How far can you get?
Right now, I'm listening to "Are You Sensation" by Tigercity.

What are you listening to?








I tried to make some beat em' up music, lemme know what you think! ^___^
02/22/2008, 04:13 PM
If you do not have the Unreal Tournament III soundtrack, please go to the following link and purchase a copy.

Buy the soundtrack from Amazon.

2 CDs of the greatest pulse-pounding hardcore techno-rave music EVER.

They have taken the GREAT tracks from Unreal Tournament (although no Razorback, sorry Missa) and made them EVEN GREATER. I don't know who Rom Di Prisco is, but his stuff is AMAZING, hardcore pounding techno, as is the stuff from Jesper Kyd (but come on, he's JESPER KYD, how can his stuff NOT be good)?

Alexander Brandon's stuff rules as well, I'm a big fan of his music (but not the man himself really, he never returned 2 emails) and this does NOT disappoint.

Don't listen to the Amazon reviews, this is NOT trance, and if it is, it's NOTHING that I would consider trance to be. I bought this soundtrack before buying the game (I do that alot actually) and this will RAISE YOUR ADRENALINE DURING THE GAME, it's that awesome.

Must get, 5/5, *****.
Off-Topic / Holy crap. 0_0
02/18/2008, 01:55 PM
So last night I was driving home from work, everything was going cool, I was driving the speed limit (65MPH) and Dr. Dre's Nuthin' But A "G" Thang was on the MP3 player. Well I was going along the turnoff from town, and suddenly a tire popped off the rim, and started to veer out of control.

I tried to turn into it to keep it from going crazy, but I spun over an embankment and into a dirt field. The only thing that went through my mind was "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT", which coincidentally came out of my mouth as well.

I was able to get out of the car (OK of course), and call my parents, and I took my dynamo flashlight and went around to look at the car. No cosmetic damage, but 3 of the tires were off the rim, and I freaked out because I thought an axle was broken! I tried to start the car, but every light on the dash came on and the car wasn't starting.

I was freaking out majorly, "oh FUCKING SHIT, I TOTALLED MY CAR!" So eventually Dad came and he called a wrecker. Luckily though, all that happened was that the battery died because I left my headlights on, and the car, despite being very dirty and needing three more tires will be able to drive again with no problems.

Also, on an unrelated note, the town that I live in is on the news because the refinery blew up.  :shock:
...but here's the motherlode of all synthesizer demo pages!

Seriously, 42' of television power and it makes EVERYTHING YOU PLUG INTO IT LOOK LIKE SHIT.

I am going to stick with my Emerson 20' flat-CRT TV for a LONG TIME.
Off-Topic / Well...
02/15/2008, 06:52 PM
Well I am now the proud owner of a green 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis, nice smooth handling, all the power I'd really ever care for, and a FREAKING SWEET AFTERMARKET SOUND SYSTEM. The cruise is shot, but Im getting that fixed. My dad shelled out $3800 for it, and I love it so much. :)

Off-Topic / Hey Xiphas...
02/15/2008, 12:44 AM
Why'd you shoot up that school?  :lol:
I bought Street Fighter Alpha Anthology today (like new with manual and original cover) and I'm reading the manual and it says that you can install the game to the hard drive, that would be so awesome!

Can you mod a slimline style PS2 to access an external HD over Ethernet? If so, lemme know because this is something that would be truly great.
This is not loop-based like the last one, everything has been sequenced by me. It's not anywhere near done but I want to hear what you guys think. ^_^


EDIT: If Filefactory is sucking as usual, try this:


Off-Topic / F*cking with Linksys!
02/08/2008, 04:34 AM
BWHAHAHAHA, Linxsys Live Supportis SO FUN TO PRANK! The trick is, don't be offensive, don't be stupid, just do something crazy enough to work!

Here is a transcript between myself (David, aka David Berkowitz, sonofspam@aol.com) and an operator, Roderick P.:

QuoteRoderick P. (27073): Hi, my name is Roderick P. (27073). How may I help you?
David: Hi Roderick! My WRT51AB wireless router is not working with my Amiga 500.  I am running the latest version of AmigaOS but it still will not detect the router, and when I try to run the driver CD I get the GURU error and my Amiga reboots. :( Can you please help me?
Roderick P. (27073): Hello, David.
Roderick P. (27073): Let me check your network settings for this concern.
Roderick P. (27073): Your AMIGA 500 is your modem, right?
David: I am on my XP box, not my Amiga
David: no my Amiga is my computer
David: Commodore Amiga 500
Roderick P. (27073): I see.
David: with CD drive
David: this is my computer
David: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiga_500
Roderick P. (27073): DO you have other computers working with the router?
David: no, just the amiga
Roderick P. (27073): It is running with both XP and Amiga OS, right?
David: No, I am on my XP talking to you, it is an HP computer
David: my amiga is in the other room
David: it will not except the router
David: *accept
Roderick P. (27073): I see.
Roderick P. (27073): Is that Amiga 500, a wireless computer?
David: No, the keyboard is built in
David: but it uses cables to connect to the tv
Roderick P. (27073): Okay.
David: i bought it in the hopes of connecting to the bbs trannysurprise:900 but if it wont work then i may have to tak it back :(
David: also it doesnt have a serial port on it
David: is it defectiv?
Roderick P. (27073): I see.
Roderick P. (27073): Is there any Ethernet ports at the back of the Amiga 500 that we can connect to the router?
David: No, just serial and parralell
David: i tried implementing Deskjet parts into the router in order to make it firt in the parrellel port, but it's not working. :(
David: I also tried connecting it to the PC Engine, with the same result. :(
Roderick P. (27073): We cannot connect it to the router if that is the case, David.
David: Really?
David: that's not good
David: do you think best buy will take it back since it has been only slightly modified
David: to include a printer and an N64 emulator
Roderick P. (27073): I do not know with their policies, David.
David: oh ok
David: that's cool
David: well thanks for your help
David: i'll take it back tomorrow
David: you have a wonderful evening
Roderick P. (27073): You too, david.
Roderick P. (27073): Take care there.
First things first: I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE SAVED FOR A TURBO. That's coming later.

But I bought a SHIT load of rareish games and movies, let's start the new list!


R-Type Final - Generic Gamestop cover, no manual, but HELL, it's R-Type Final! All I need now is Gradius V and Rez!

Oni - Generic Gamestop cover, no manual, Loved the PC demo, this and Myth 2 is what I think of when I think Bungie.

Neo Contra - Generic Gamestop cover, no manual, but I heard it was alright. TETSUOOOO!

King of Fighters XI - A 2D fighter for $10, how can I pass that up?

Art Of Fighting Anthology - See above, but X10 on "How can I pass that up?".

NeoGeo Battle Colosseum - See above, but X2000000! ^__^

Activison Anthology - It was there, so I bought it, may get sold again.

Burnout Revenge - I love Burnout.

Burnout 3 Takedown - See above, generic Gamestop cover, no manual,.

Disaster Report - I have the sequel, now the original. Generic Gamestop cover, no manual.

RPG Maker 3 - In what may be a SEVERE hampering to the game's enjoyment, it too has a generic Gamestop cover and no manual.

Gameshark 2 - We all cheat.


Hot Pixel - People slammed this for being too much like Wario Ware, but I've never played Wario Ware and I enjoyed the demo.

Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles - Aaron said it had a great soundtrack, that's good enough of a review to sell it to me.

Darkstalkers Chronicles - Because I'm a Felicia fanboy.


Evolution Worlds - Generic Gamestop cover, no manual, but is supposedly a cool RPG series.

Cubivore - Come on, it's fucking CUBIVORE! How could I pass it up?


Unreal Anthology - Because my UT2K4 disc was stolen, and my UT1 disc is way too scratched to install.

=DVD Games=

Thayer's Quest - Yeah, Gamestop had the Digital Leisure games, but this was the only one. The box claims it's a rip of the Halcyon version... I wonder how it supports keyboard input, or if it forgoes the advanced gameplay of the original game and just makes it a standard laser game.

=DVD Movies= (Yeah I know it's not console stuff, but I did buy movies too)

Lock, Stock, And Two Smoking Barrels Unrated Edition - To say I love this movie is an understatement of the greatest proportions.

Pulp Fiction - Probably the last Quentin Tarantino flick I will ever buy, because his new stuff is shit.

Natural Born Killers - OK THIS is the last QT flick I will buy. (Those who don't believe that it's QT...look it up).

Universal Soldier - Looked cool.

Universal Soldier: The Return - Because I hate not having the sequel to a movie, unless I hate the sequel.

Return Of The Living Dead - Because this is arguably the BEST zombie flick ever. "Send more paramedics".

The important thing is though, this and the previous binge spending is because I CANNOT BUY ANYTHING ELSE FOR A LONG WHILE, I need to get me a car. I cannot buy anymore games (exceptions for Rez, Gradius V, Wipeout Pulse, The Misadventures Of Tron Bonne and Azure Dreams, natch.) or DVDs, I need willpower to resolve this or else I will NEVER have my own life. This will be enough entertainment until I get my own car and apartment, then I feel that I will need a Turbo in my life. ^_^

And no, I didn't get lucky this time, I spent $500. But no regrets man, no regrets.
General Gaming / Bought some games...
01/31/2008, 04:28 PM
Well took a trip down to Gamestop, and walked out $100 lighter but with:

Mega Man: Powered Up! (PSP) - Wow. The disc is good, but for lack of a better word, the case is FUCKED UP. I'll need to pick up a case at multimediarecovery.com.

Taito Legends Power Up (PSP) - A smattering of the games on Taito Legends 1 and 2, nothing really advanced like the F3 system games though. Has Rastan 1 on it, and I actually like the gameplay better but not the sound and graphics (I like 2 better for that). Has an AWESOME enhanced version of Cameltry, and the original as well.

Sonic Mega Collection + (PS2) - I have all these games on computer, I mostly bought it because I also bought...

Sonic Gems Collection (Gamecube) - No cover (generic Gamestop cover) or manual, but hell now I have Sonic R (WITH MUSIC!) AND SONIC THE FIGHTERS!!!! US soundtrack for Sonic CD, but I don't care.

Fatal Fury Battle Archives Vol. 1 (PS2) - The only reason I bought this is because it seems kinda rare, and bust3dstr8 raves about it.

Ghost Recon 2 (PS2) - I know Advanced Warfighter 2 is shit so I didn't buy that, but I played this original version on XBOX and I kick ass at it. I hope the PS2 version is just as good.

Capcom Classics Collection (PS2) - I bought it for Street Fighter 2. It looks like it might need some resurfacing.

Bloody Roar: Primal Fury (Gamecube) - No cover (generic Gamestop cover) or manual, but I have wanted this since I played it in Best Buy when the Gamecube was brand new. It's exceedingly rare, so I'm glad I have it.

Megaman Anniversary Collection (Gamecube) - I like the old Megaman games, but truth be told I bought this just because I have X Collection for Gamecube already.

And finally, Yobo Boss Battle XBOX lightgun. I don't have an XBOX, but c'mon, this thing is fucking SWEET looking!



I also bought Lost In Space (the modern movie remake), Sin City, and the Dune 3-disc collectors edition, but they aren't games so nobody cares. :P

I really need to start saving my money. ^_^
I found it at Dollar General for $15 and as soon as I saw IREM I had to have it!

It's called Raw Danger, and it looks pretty cool! It's about a city that floods and freezes, and you have to survive, basically it's a Japanese Day After Tomorrow in videogame form, not a survival horror game but a pure survival game.

I haven't played it yet, but it looks wicked. Has anyone else played it?
HOLY SHIT MY GAME WORKS LIKE BRAND NEW!!! ^_____________________^

Buy these now:

According to that, the silver disc has NO PROTECTIVE COVERING AT ALL.  :shock: So when SEGA Classics Collection was skipping a bit, I tried to clean it, and may have killed the game.

Damn you Sony.  :x
Off-Topic / Cloverfield = poop
01/19/2008, 09:23 PM
I haven't seen it, but it's a stupid movie made by the guy who made that stupid Lost show, the actors are all dumb, and it's a stupid teenage horror movie. Modern movies SUCK.
OK, this is probably pretty stupid, but in Rad Racer and Worldrunner for the NES, how can they do red/blue 3D without taking a framerate hit?

Is it alpha channel trickery or something else?
General Gaming / discdoctors....
01/16/2008, 11:28 PM
Which is better, manual crank or powered?
General Gaming / emoticon WTF?
01/16/2008, 02:33 PM
Why do we have two of the same emoticon, specifically the Liar emoticon? Click to expand:

OK,I am seriously thinking about picking up a Supergrafx (I bet you can never guess the first game I want! :P ) but I have 2 dumb questions, that you guys may think is a no-brainer, but me only having experience with American hardware would need answers to:

1. Can I play the SuperGrafx on my normal TV without any picture distortion? I know Japan uses NTSC like we do, but I read somewhere that there were some differences, and I was wondering if I'd have to get a whole new TV.

2. Would I have to get some sort of funky power adapter converter?

Thank you! ^.^
General Gaming / I FUCKING HATE SONY! >_<
01/15/2008, 03:16 PM
OK, so I'm playing Ape Escape 3 in my slim-style PS2, trying to beat it again for a second time, and when I die, it doesn't go to the Game Over screen, it just goes black, so I'm like "WTF!?" and I look at the disc and IT LOOKS LIKE A FUCKING SANDER WAS TAKEN TO IT!!! The disc is lost, it has multiple surface abrasions oddly in a straight line up and down the disc (looks sort of like the laser assembly >_<).

I am so fucking pissed right now, that was honestly my favorite game for PS2 and I was SO CLOSE to getting a 100% completion ratio! I don't even know If I want to play my other games in the system, I don't want to wreck my other games.

Am I the only one who has experienced this, or by buying a slim PS2 have I made a horrible mistake?

This always comes back to the mantra that I always ignore: "Don't trust Sony". I think I'm going to listen this time.
Why is this game the worst ever? It seems like all of you are saying "Oh yeah, that game sucks. Well, not really, but we got used to saying it sucks so it sucks".

What makes it a bad game? It has awesome graphics, awesome music, and if it's an Afterburner/G-LOC/Top Gun/Galaxy Force style game, it HAS to rule?

I think I might try to get a Supergrafx and Battle Ace for my first foray into NEC.

Why do you all think this game sucks?

EDIT: I just downloaded the ROM, this game DEFINITELY DOES NOT SUCK! I have lost faith in your reccomendation skills.  [-(

EDIT EDIT: YOU FREAKING ROLL TO AVOID MISSLES! It's not like other games, where you just shoot them! THIS GAME RULES!!!
OK, before you start saying well "XX game is in the wrong place! The game is WAY better than that!", this is NOT about the games, but about the game cabinets. However occasionally they do mention the sound, and umm...sound isn't part of cabinet design, but whatever.


Do you agree or disagree? Personally, I'm more of a fan of the modern cabinets, but it was cool to see Exterminator featured as well as T-Mek and Sinistar.
OK, so I found my favorite form of the SEGA Genesis:


It looks COMPLETELY awesome, but the only thing more awesome is this:


WHAT IS THAT GAME!? THAT IS HANDS DOWN THE COOLEST CARTRIDGE EVER. I NEED IT IN MY BODY. would like to find out more about this game, if possible.
No word on what arcade board it will be using, however:

01/09/2008, 04:53 AM
 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:


That marshmallow assault rifle is VERY tempting.
The early 90's shit is just AWESOME. Screw DNB, screw trance, classic rave hardcore is where it's at.
There's a bunch of tracks over at http://www.backtotheoldskool.co.uk/rave_history_index.htm but here are some of my favorites:

Trigger - Stratosphere

Isotonik - Different Strokes (I <3 this song so much)

L.A. Style - James Brown Is Dead (yes, we listened to this on the day he died  :lol:  :twisted: )

Human Resource/Joey Beltram - Dominator (Beltram Remix) (This song makes ANYTHING cooler)

Bizarre Inc. - Playing With Knives (Quadrant Mix)

U96 - Das Boot (featuring the Atari ST)

Acen - Close Your Eyes (Optikonfusion!)

NRG - I Need Your Lovin' (yes, this is HOW YOU FUCK WITH A SAMPLER (according to NRG, the Ensoniq EPS-16+)


Ratpack - Lords Of The Dance

DJ Ron/EPQ - Crackman the Return (fucking catchy)

Hyper~On Experience/Foul Play - Lords Of The Null Lines (Foul Play remix) (this just RULES)

Orca - 4am (I get this stuck in my head a lot)
Yeah, I was all excited about my PS2, now I have some different thoughts. Here's what I think of my games after owning them for a while:

Raiden III: Crack. Pure 100% unadulterated crack. With awesome music.

Rogue Galaxy: I'm in the freaking Zerard prison, and I haven't gotten out, that boss battle with the warden is damn hard, and I didn't get enough healing potions. I haven't touched this for a while.

Ape Escape 3: I'VE ALMOST CAUGHT SPECTER! This game STILL freaking rules, the production values are through the roof, etc... I really don't understand why this game isn't loved as a classic, it's damn near FLAWLESS. Oh yeah, I keep making enough money in the game to buy the extra things, and they're freaking sweet! Four words: REMOTE. CONTROL. EXPLODING. PUDDING. Hell yeah. ^_^

Black: This game pisses me off, but I ENJOY it when it pisses me off! The second stage is some sort of wooded area/jungle at night, it's fucking AWESOME! "This game has awesome graphics" = understatement.

Shining Force EXA: I have not played this since I first played it for 2 minutes. This game is utter shit.
General Gaming / WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!
01/04/2008, 04:25 AM
Wipeout Pulse has been released on December 12, yet I can't find a review, or more importantly, a place to purchase!!!!!

Ok, this kinda sounds like a really stupid thread and it probably is, but what does the TG-16 do when the cartridge is inserted and the switch is turned on?

And don't reply "IT PLAYS THE GAME, DUMBASS." I figured THAT much on my own.

What I mean is, when power is applied to the TG-16, what instructions does it execute first? Surely even the TG-16 has a BIOS, so that's loaded first, right? Then would the TG-16 load graphics and shit into it's memory or begin streaming it, or does the game engine code take care of that?

Can somebody give me an event by event list of what the Turbo does when it starts up? This wouldnt be the Turbo cd, just a normal American TG-16.

Does the system do sort of hidden diagnostics? Does it strobe the controller input to see if anything is plugged in? Are there certain varibles that have to come back as 1 or YES or positive or something before the game is played?

It has been boggling me for a week now... :(
General Gaming / I think this is fake...
12/31/2007, 03:25 AM
...and even if it isn't I wouldn't spend $30,000 on it:


EDIT: It is from this SNES CD prototype:

Off-Topic / I am pathetic.
12/29/2007, 03:29 AM
I am currently rocking out to Sapphire - Track 4 in my car, parked on the side of the road.

This car is in GTA: Vice City. :(
General Gaming / HOLY SHIT!
12/28/2007, 09:42 PM
Everybody seems to rag on this game, but I think it looks awesome!

Check this video for evidence:
In this game, we have:

  • Awesome use of sprites and scaling!
  • Totally generic fantasy world, which may turn off some but I love generic fantasy worlds!
  • Despite it being totally generic, YOU GET TO FIGHT TREES! FUCKING TREES!  :dance:
  • Third person hack and slash, making it pretty much like Zelda.
  • The soundtrack samples, if my ears don't fail me, were provided by an E-MU Proteus/2 orchestral synth module (or technically the Emulator III orchestra library).
  • SCORE! How many RPGs, let alone GAMES these days have a score counter?

And in the other video, we see that this game has SLIMES! SLIMES! So yeah, VH's framerate may suck, but if you don't want this game, I will gladly buy it from you. I DIG THIS GAME.

EDIT: APPARENTLY THIS GAME HAS A RANDOM LEVEL GENERATOR! I have never played this game before, but it is my duty to give it a 10/10.

Crossing my fingers for a PSP port, with no enhancements.
Is there any sort of hardware SoundFont player that is NOT a Soundblaster Live and is NOT a Muse Research Receptor?  :-k
...but I did:


Does anybody else have like this crazy fantasy of pulling one over on the Internet by like either making a completely fake game or completely fake console, and flesh out all the details so it seems like some long-lost forgotten game/console? I've always wanted to do that.
Off-Topic / Is it just me...
12/28/2007, 01:15 AM
...or is Youtube decreasing the performance on their videos when embedded in other sites? I was watching a video on a freshly-cleared Firefox cache, and embedded into a site, it seemed to take AGES to load. I got the URL of the video, cleared the cache again, and this time watched it directly on Youtube and it loaded completely in under 30 seconds.

This, with the in-video advertising (that cannot be completely removed) implanted on all new uploads, is making me very pissed off with Youtube lately. They're too busy putting shitty videos of cats and video blogs on the Featured list to care though. :(
Who programmed the TG-16 emulator in the Wii, Nintendo or Hudson???
General Gaming / CPU Bach for 3D0
12/27/2007, 05:39 AM
If you don't know what it is, here's a good rundown:


Can anybody post a video or maybe an MP3 of what this game sounds like? I'm curious as to how good the softsynth in this thing really is.
As for me, I want Project 5 because it comes with Dimension Pro.

Why do I want Dimension Pro?


What do you want?
...so let's start one!^ Doom inspired pwnage by the Manny Charlton band!
Yes, K-Fed, you've met your match. His name is Fokissed.   :shock:

And, you, yes you sadistic motherfucking bastard cunt of a person, YOU can send someone a Hip-Hop Gram to spread the holiday cheer and ensure that NEXT CHRISTMAS ALL YOU GET IS FRUITCAKE!


Featuring the classic hit "Let's Roll A Snowball". Yes, fucking let's Fokissed. Lemme roll a fucking snowball AND DIP IT IN BLEACH AND CRAM IT INTO YOUR EYE-SOCKET.

Off-Topic / Wow...
12/21/2007, 04:37 AM
...it's like been fucking DEAD lately....

Well Valdius, I guess it's up to you and me to repopulate Earth.  :cry: