OMG! ZIRIA! ZIRIA!! ZIRIA!!! IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! 34 YEARS LATER!! The epic/legendary Tengai Makyou/Far East of Eden: Ziria JRPG has finally been localized! Supper the Subtitler struck again! Simply unstoppable, NOTHING can prevent him from TOTAL PCECD localization domination!!!! WHACHA GONNA DO BROTHER?!?!
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Messages - Joe Redifer

That seems like quite a glaring bug. I wonder if they played the game before they released it. "Oh well... it's just the Turbo. No one will ever play it."
Does the EXT port provide the digital signals directly from the PPU?
Here's the recordings of the X68000 version of Ghouls 'n Ghosts that I personally made using real hardware (not even Goldstar or Sanyo or anything but an actual SHARP... WOW!). They sound nearly identical to SuperDeadite's video. These are MP3s (sorry) at 320kbps. Click -----> 69MB download (lost: joeredifer . com/crap/ Enjoy.
Yeah that music sounds pretty damn good. Sound effects are mixed a bit too hot though. And why is the video so dark? I feel like I'm watching the Classics Collection on the Xbox.

X68000 captures are easy. Just use XPC-4.
Quote from: poponon on 04/27/2016, 09:47 AMspeaking of comparing versions, i just checked out the x68000 version with the midi module. looks and sounds amazing. I'd love to try out that version some day
Ewww. I remember the MIDI sounding a lot better than that when I played the X68000 version.

EDIT: Just checked yeah my recordings from that game's sound test use similar but better instruments. And mine are in stereo.
That button layout on that PS3 stick two posts above mine is right on! Except I don't need 8 goddamn buttons. 6 is fine.

I want to get a couple of good arcade sticks with a DB9 connector for my Supergun, but I know they're super expensive. However my requirements would be:
-6 button layout (two rows of three).
-A "select" and "start: button used for inserting coins and starting the damn game.
-Plain design. No friggin' spaceship or hyper-detailed drawing with 1,000 fighters.
-Sturdy and weighty.
-DB9 connector.

Does such a thing exist?

I find that I'm MUCH better at certain games with joysticks, mainly fighting games. And I'm used to a pad.
Agreed! It's really fun to contrast and compare different versions. It's less fun when the game is the same on every platform.
Quote from: guest"The Saturn version runs at a lower resolution, like most of its CPS1 & 2 ports. The Playstation version likely uses the correct or a closer resolution, just like most of its CPS1 & 2 ports.
Why do you think the PS version offers a closer resolution to the arcade than the Saturn version? They likely share the same exact assets. The Saturn can to 320, 352, 640 and 704 pixels wide in progressive mode. PlayStation goes up to 640 wide. I'm not sure if it even offers a 352 mode. I can only find the 320x22 and 640x480 mode online for the PS1.

EDIT: I found this in regards to the Playstation, which would still put the Saturn version closer to the arcade's 384 dots wide if they used independent resolutions:
   |  Mode | Resolution (H x V) |       Scan        |
   |   0   |     256 x 240      |                   |
   |   1   |     320 x 240      |   Non-Interlaced  |
   |   2   |     512 x 240      |                   |
   |   3   |     640 x 240      |                   |
   |   4   |     256 x 480      |                   |
   |   5   |     320 x 480      |    Interlaced     |
   |   6   |     512 x 480      |                   |
   |   7   |     640 x 480      |                   |

Any why y'all forgetting about the BEST version which is for the Master System?
I don't like the changed colors of the SuperGrafx version, especially since the SuperGrafx has 4096 colors to choose from (EGM printed this that's my source so it's true I counted each color myself). The artwork itself in the SG is obviously a lot more faithful. I also don't like how the trees blow in the SG version. Seems cheap. Would I like to have the SG version in my collection? Hell yeah I love Ghouls n' Ghosts, I want them all (already have Genesis and arcade PCB).

The Capcom Cassics Collection on XBOX is messed up, though. It's waaaay too dark. Avoid it. The Saturn seems pretty good but Arthur's feet don't go behind a few blades of grass like they do in the arcade, rendering the entire game unplayable.

SNES game is a sequel. Not the same game at all. It's OK but I prefer Ghouls n' Ghosts.
It doesn't play as well as the Genesis version I don't feel. The Genesis trumps the other versions because Arthur doesn't come to a dead stop if you inadvertently press a diagonal direction. This makes the SuperGrafx (and even the arcade) version have much stiffer control than the Genesis version. However you can still turn them off in the Genesis version if you prefer controls that are shittier. There are many details in the background of the SuperGrafx version that aren't in the Genesis version since it was a much later release and also had more memory. Many of the colors seem off, though. They also botched up the scrolling layers of the first part of stage 3. It doesn't effect gameplay, but it's just wrong. The SuperGrafx sound and music are nowhere near as good as the Genesis version.

It won't work with the Duo because the Duo is not a SuperGrafx.
Does it have the UperGrafx/720p logo on the side of the screen at all times? Sure looks like it.
General Gaming / Re: Sega CD CD-Rs?
04/23/2016, 02:18 PM
I don't think BIN/CUE/WAV are allowed on most sites any more as they've switched to CUE/ISO or CUE/BIN. That way all of the music is uncompressed because cheap assholes liked to compress that to MP3.
Quote from: ccovell on 04/21/2016, 06:28 PMEGM even printed that though the Turbo was 256x216, the SuperGrafx was more colourful with a palette of 4096, but with a screen resolution of 160x146.
I remember them reporting the 4096 colors, I don't recall them reporting that resolution. Sounds like they just grabbed the specs for the Lynx (which only ever put, like, 6 colors onscreen).
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
04/19/2016, 03:37 PM
It's not Macho Man. I tried doing Macho Man at the end of the Wrestling Games episode. The voice I did in this one is basically what I call "Angry Texan". Macho Man is usually much calmer and controlled.
I like horizontal shooters more because they tend to be more creative and have much more interesting graphics. Overhead shooters are usually very plain and one-note. There are exceptions like MUSHA and Galactic Attack. Games like Soldier Blade are pretty damn sparse but at least it's fun. Blazing Lazers gets boring very quickly for me. There's not much special about it. It could benefit from levels that are a half hour shorter than they are. Horizontal shooters are just more interesting and I think they are likely more difficult to make.
So what does the TurboGrafx-16 have? The super awesome sound chip which sounds amazing or the crappy one which isn't even worth listening to and embarrassing to own? The Turbo came around about when the CoreGrafx and SuperGrafx did... hence the name.
It's a well-playing game. I didn't encounter any bugs that I recall. There is a lot of loading and I was playing it on a Turbo CD with a gear that was the original and quite worn. Said gear has since been replaced. Cosmic Fantasy 2 has just as much loading if I remember correctly.
There are many issues I have with the Framemeister. Mainly it's noisy video on certain solid colors thanks to it's piss-poor A/D conversion. Also it doesn't handle 480p input very well.
Why would you ever want to do this?
Quote from: Zeta"Why avoid YouTube?"

Man, is that seriously a question? Well, drama like this would be one reason
But here you are in this thread. Even if you had Youtube blocked at the IP level you'd still be here reading about it.

Bottom line: Watch what you like and don't watch things that are unappealing to you. Pretty simple.

Also (directed towards most people here) what actually constitutes a Youtube Celebrity and what makes them so evil?
QuoteAs I said in the thread on Atari Age, there are just a shitload of people who want their pound of flesh out of anyone who had anything to do with the project
That's what they say... from the safety of their keyboards. Memes and LULZ and all that are good and this is a project that definitely deserves the ridicule and it will go down in history and be remembered fondly for the gigantic clusterfail it is along with the people who kept trying to pass it off. But any anger from regular peeps such as forum members or Youtubers is fake or forced. Unless... they were ACTUALLY excited for this console originally and are let down. Then I could understand the anger. But the RetroVGS was not something I could ever be excited about even when it was originally announced in concept form. My apathy for the thing knew no bounds. I considered it nothing more than another Retron wannabe or the like. What about Watermelon which has ACTUALLY TAKEN PEOPLE'S MONEY and still hasn't named their Project Y game yet, many years later?
Zeta's viewpoint is his own and by his own admission he doesn't know much about Gamester to take his comments with a grain of salt. Gamester is making games for multiple platforms (including the Turbo). He was going to have his company port his games to the RetroColecovision if it ever became a reality. He had nothing to do with the system itself like Zeta suggests. It's like getting mad at a 3rd party of Nintendo for the VirtualBoy being crap. People like Zeta enjoy drama and his version of the events play to that.

Why avoid Youtube? That seems dumb. Unless the channels you watch are the ones talking about this stuff all the time. Just "hanging out here" is not a great idea as this forum is drama-central. Well maybe not as much as Atari or Nintendo Age but there's plenty of drama here almost 100% of the time. When did classic gaming become so complicated? I think I'll just stop visiting forums and enjoy my hobby in my closet. Shit happens, dude. Like I said there's really nothing to be ANGRY about in this whole situation. But many "LULZ" to be had. Nothing complicated about it. Avoiding conventions will do you no good. Youtubers don't go at each other's throats at conventions. They do it from the safety of their own keyboards (or cameras).
LOL, I just checked and it looks like Pat blocked me on twitter. I wonder when he did that? I really can't say. Could have been today or 6 months ago. I never really spoke to him on Twitter and I never followed.
He does do a lot of sponsored stuff, yes. Mostly stuff that Stone Age Gamer sends his way. Stone Age Gamer also offered Game Sack a similar deal but I noped out of that. And I know Nintendo doesn't like Gamester because he covers emulation stuff or whatever.
Pat is a cunt to the nth degree, trust me when I say that. But even then, he seemed a little too angry about the system in his video and his demands for apologies from everyone was nothing short of absurd. As a result of that video, people started throwing Gamester81 under the bus for something he really had no part in. Plenty of comments condemning Gamester on Pat's own video but Pat is nowhere to clarify. His silence speaks volumes. Pat has blocked people on Twitter for calling him out about this. He likes blocking any form of dissent. He's childish. As for Gamester's video, the starving children, ISIS, etc comment was geared towards the outright ANGER people like Pat are displaying towards this. Yeah it's a clusterfuck and deserves to be made fun of until the end of time but I don't think there's really anything to be angry about. It's more about LOLs (or THE LULZ as we say here) than anything else, really.

Here's AlphaOmegaSin's video making fun of the system and in the latter half Pat's video (though he doesn't mention Pat by name it's pretty clear who he's talking about). At least his video will get shit tons more views than stupid Pat's.
Got 3 or 4 comments on my Turbo video so far from Kanye fans and maybe 200 new views. Shit is spreading like wildfire and it's out of control. There are now more Kanye fans who are now Turbo fans than us REAL Turbo fans who have dibs on everything Turbo. Fuck it, I'm banning Aaron.

Q: "OMG collecting for the Turbo is gonna get expensive now!!!"
A: IT ALREADY IS, YOU FUCK! Also this is not likely to have a long-lasting effect and his fans are not likely to pay high prices for said games. They'll emulate or most likely watch Youtube videos.

Q: "Our forum is gonna become shit!"
A: Ain't no one gonna register for these forums because of Kanye.

Q: "What will be the long-reaching effects of this?"
A: Not much, just some cool notoriety that someone who's currently famous actually has legitimate fond memories of a great system. Should we throw contempt his way for liking the Turbo? That would make us a horrible community. The biggest impact is that there will be lots of searches on Google and Youtube for "Turbo Grafx 16". This might last a few days. Kanye will increase the $$$ in my wallet next month. I will buy a yacht despite being in a landlocked state.
You hate him because he likes the Turbo? That's pretty silly.

I'm just happy he spelled it correctly (though he's missing the hyphen and he added a space where it needn't be but whatevs). He even spelled Blazing Lazers correctly. I've seen so many butcherings of both names.

HappyConsoleGamer is uploading a video with his thoughts. I will post it here when he's done.
Actual tweets:


Link to tweets:
Lost: twitter . com/kanyewest/status/703447606299594752 (tweet reveals Blazing Lazers was his favorite game of the console) -> Screenshot-recovered via HappyConsoleJohnny's video!

Guess it won't be a super-exclusive club any more. Outsiders will know of the console. GASP! WE CAN'T LET OTHERS KNOW OF THIS CONSOLE IT IS FOR US ONLY!!!!
They may call you Pepsi can (Coke's better) but they call me Tic Tac. And who doesn't love a Tic Tac in their mouth?
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 02/21/2016, 10:14 PMWhen you have a government job and the old color you have on is around your neck lol.
You have a government job? I hope that you enjoy it. Most people I encounter who work for the government seem to hate their jobs... and possibly their lives.
Yeah it probably was.
Do you say "Ay-doll" with a long A like the TurboGrafx CD games say it or do you say Aadull with a short A like Xseed says it?  It is pronounced as Aadull in Japan.

Dogi combines the two in Ys 3 on the Turbo CD by saying Ay-dull. Personally I say Adol with the long A. Here's why:

-The TuboGrafx CD Ys games are better than anything Xseed has put out.

-This is not Japan. We have no obligation to pronounce words the same way they do.

How do YOU say it?
Since Japanese law demands each vowel to be their own syllable, it should be pronounced as Vee-eye-gyoo-ess and it should be said with a perfect Japanese accent otherwise fanboys will murder you.
Off-Topic / Re: Random Pictures Thread
02/09/2016, 11:32 PM
Quote from: Warbucks on 02/08/2016, 09:55 PMBest way to watch Jaws

Disagree x1000!!  Look at that shitty screen. Just look at it. It doesn't even have any masking! The contrast completely sucks. I can get a better picture from VHS no contest. The sound system is likely just as bad if not even worse. Can you say "Shittiest way to watch anything" ? I can.
What an asshat! Any proper RGB mod will work with component transcoders and a Framemeister. It's not rocket science. All you need are some amps and that's it. They're super cheap and you can get a ton in a single shipment. Just run the wires in from the video chip, bypass the encoder and wire straight to the AV jack. DONE! Or you can do it without the amp and just have dark RGB by running the wires straight from the chip to the AV jack. This guy clearly isn't doing it right. The reason the Framemeister doesn't see it is because it can't use shittily-done RGB.

Whoever wins this needs to open her up and expose the shitty mod job this guy did.
QuoteThe s02 gene, located deep in the anus, is responsible.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/12/2016, 07:33 PM
Quote from: technozombie on 01/12/2016, 05:36 PMJoe any chance you'll be going to the Retropalooza in Houston? I prefer to make my asinine comments to your face. aaaaaawwwww yyyeeeeeeaaah
Ha ha, no. Unfortunately we won't be able to do any conventions this year.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/12/2016, 04:47 AM
If we do another wrestling episode, at least now I can stay away from the mega-popular ones that I struggle to maintain interest in and instead cover something like Ringside Angel which I played after the episode was completed. It was actually kind of interesting. Not an amazing game by any means, but something I'd find more interesting to talk about. We're in no hurry to do that and I totally understand this not being a favorite episode of some people. It's not one of my favorites, either. But at least it's better than that Call of Duty episode we once did. Dave wanted to nab some of the modern gaming market and he chose a couple of FPS games to do it. I think it might still be our least viewed episode despite me cramming some retro stuff in there. I think we can nab an audience who ALSO enjoys some modern games as well as retro stuff by just talking about interesting games no matter the generation. Just because it isn't retro doesn't mean it isn't good. In fact I just got the Target Earth remake on the PS4 and it's pretty fun!
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/10/2016, 11:01 PM
Gentlegamer I'm not sure why you're always so pissy towards me on any given forum, but it's definitely something consistent that I've noticed. Do you have something you wanna say? Just get it out right here and now.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/07/2016, 02:40 AM
QuoteAlthough, the Jurassic Park BD (at least the non-3D version I own) has some noticeable film grain.
Film grain is inevitable when a movie is shot on film. I'd rather have film grain than a method which smears out the grain (like the early Predator Blu-ray release). People seem to think film grain is a bad thing... likely because they don't understand it. Blu-ray is about resolution, not lack of grain. Though way too many movies do try to de-noise the grain and that makes the movie look much less detailed as a result. Some movies are just grainy whereas others are not. It's all about film stock. Ghostbusters, for example, is SUPER grainy. Especially if you were to watch the 70mm film version of it. Don't fear film grain. Instead, fear compression artifacts. Fear the digital sharpening that many movies add to the visuals which add "halos" around higher contrast areas to make it appear sharper (but again, losing detail in the process). The fucking home audience seems to demand this bullshit and it ruins it for everybody but they don't know that they are ruing it because they don't know any better.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/04/2016, 04:20 PM
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/03/2016, 02:51 AM* Hm, don't think I recognize the source of the arrangement of the Ys track he concludes this promo with. Definitely an Ys track though.
Well, at least you're on the right system. Think "Arcade Card" and what is the first game that pops in your mind?
Yeah I rarely watch internet videos. But my question had been answered before you posted but thanks anyway. Even though it's digital only I'll for sure get it.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/01/2016, 07:43 PM
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
01/01/2016, 02:35 PM
Nobody can like everything.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/31/2015, 05:12 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/31/2015, 09:55 AMHey Joe, I wonder if it is possible to order an autographed Blu-ray (by you and Dave) directly from you?
Unfortunately no. Amazon is handling all of the shipping and they are shipped directly to Amazon from the plant.

Quote from: guest on 12/31/2015, 05:06 PM
Quote from: guest on 12/31/2015, 02:19 PMNo more fighting game episodes puh-leeeeze!
Too bad because it's gonna happen! Many more times in fact.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/30/2015, 05:06 PM
I will have to figure out how subtitles work for that to happen. Not sure if it's possible but I'll look in to it.
Off-Topic / Re: Game Sack
12/28/2015, 02:25 AM
Quote from: HailingTheThings on 12/27/2015, 10:51 PMSo... I got my copy of Game Sack Volume One today... Even though its Sunday. lol
That's weird! Hope you enjoy!

Quote from: GentlegamerThese fighting game episodes make perfect opportunities for Joe v Dave action, but it never happens.
What kind of skit would you have in mind? We're always open to ideas.
Yes indeed. It will be interesting to hear what they come up with because Monster World tracks are usually pretty laid back but extremely catchy (at least in the case of Wonder Boy 3 The Dragon's Curse).
LAME! You're supposed to give them an updated version with extra levels and enemies that we all missed out on! And it should be uncensored, too. But I see that the dolphin still isn't nekkid.