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Messages - BigusSchmuck

Forgot to mention there is a trailer for the remake at the end. :P
Or maybe try a iso of the golden one to see if it breaks in the same spot?
Quote from: TheClash603 on 01/12/2017, 07:57 AMI would estimate that 50% of wealthy men who go away on business, especially internationally, get a whore or rub and tug or something of the sort.  Is this a good thing?  Probably not, but is it a terrible thing?  Meh.

Just like the Clinton BJ stuff, I really don't care.  If the allegations are true, I'd be happy if Trump just admitted it and we move on.  If not true, then let's move on.

Tax plans, not golden showers, are the type of thing I care about when looking at the success of my president.
Amen. Well said.
General Gaming / Final Fantasy 7 Orgins
01/12/2017, 01:10 AM

Really great article on the back story of Final Fantasy 7. Definitely my favorite 3d FF game..
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/11/2017, 06:46 PM4chan power trolls claim responsibility for some golden shower hoax that made it all the way to our CIA... Gonna be an interesting 4 years...
If it was true, that would be the most bad assed thing I have ever heard a politician do. Seriously bad ass.
Quote from: TheClash603 on 01/09/2017, 08:17 AM
QuoteAnyone use TurboStick ?
I do. Maybe because I bought a bunch of them back in the day from tzd for $10 a piece. Good times..
Sure sign me up! Looking to be playing something different to wash out the bad taste of Deadly Towers.
Air Fortress for the NES comes to mind. Though its more of a hybrid, still a PIA.
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/01/2017, 10:21 PMI think I remember hating Hydlide (if that's how you spell it), I'll second that.
The sequels are better. Not sure if I can stomach that godawful Indiana Jonesish music over and over again, but might attempt to finish that one someday too. :)
General Gaming / Deadly Towers thoughts
01/01/2017, 09:46 PM

I finally sat down and played this through today (no cheating, just online maps as a guide). Its not as bad as everyone thinks it is, just takes forever to get going. Once you start getting the hyper equipment it becomes significantly easier. Took me about 6 hours to do it and boy the ending is about as great as I thought it would be. lol What are your guy's thoughts? Has anyone else played more than 20 minutes of this game? I suppose I should post some pics of the deed...
Honestly, I don't even pay attention to Facebook groups other than the one Bernie created. Then again, been so busy with work haven't been paying attention to much of anything as of late...
I'm sorry, but the remake for the one of the best pieces in this game doesn't sound all that great. :/
I 2nd Keith Courage fixed both of my duos and then some. :) Really one of the best modders I have ever had the pleasure to deal with.
No returns and a mortgage payment. Wow, how times sure have changed...
Hopefully $100 Kirby games will no longer be the norm and *maybe* some sanity will come back to the market. Again, if emulation hasn't killed prices on things nothing will.
Quote from: BlueBMW on 12/11/2016, 11:12 AMNow Exxon Mobile CEO for Sec of State?

I am truly curious what those of you who die hard supported Trump think about all of this?  You all were so vocal and boastful when Trump won, but now you've all gone silent.  Is this what you wanted? 

We've been experiencing increasing inequality since the 70s and the top 1% already gets 80% of all new wealth generated in this country.  Now we're stacking the executive branch with all 1%ers expecting that they will somehow help the middle class?  Trickle down economics has not worked for the majority of people.  Reagan may have been your savior, but his ideas have done naught but hurt regular working people.

I'll say it again, if you Republicans can prove me wrong and pull this off, do it.  I truly feel like we are in for more hard times though.  Wont matter though, they'll just blame Obama for it.
More info on his donors here:

Emerald, militarizing the police is never a good idea. Do they really need fucking anti aircraft guns and tanks to keep the peace?
This might be old but it brings up a good point.
Also consider all these generals taking up various positions:
And Trump promising to release military gear to the police:
War is coming.
Really enjoyed this last video. Guess its overdue to get my Master system out and play some games!
I would laugh if all it was is a modified raspberry pi with 30 roms loaded on it. Knowing modern Konami that isn't too far off from the truth...
Prices in pesos? Sounds like a deal.
Quote from: CGQuarterly on 11/25/2016, 07:27 PMThis is an awesome time to be into retro games.  Everdrives, the Rhea, the Framemeister, etc...

This is a bad time to be a collectard shelf queen.
Good point.
Off-Topic / Re: Happy Turkey Day!
11/24/2016, 10:23 PM
Had a big ole ham and now stuck working on a e-mail migration cause the interns don't know how to do it. :/
Honestly, at least for me real life seems to get in the way more than anything. Now that I'm in my mid thirties (god I'm old) work, house, wife, etc seems to take a more of a priority than getting more games to play. Yeah every once in a while, if I see something I really want I'll get it, but god damn I literally have hundreds of other titles to play through first! lol I truly think some things will go down in price (like common shit), but the truly rare and unique items will continue to hold their value. What I really look forward to nowadays is homebrewn stuff (like Henshin Engine) and fan translations (too many to list). Its a shame I didn't get more of what I wanted when rental places like Blockbuster and the few local rental stores went under, but at the time I didn't have the income to buy up all their stock. Live and learn. :)
PM incoming...
Without monetary reform nothing will ever change. That is all.
In other news 20,000 people voted for Harambe the dead Gorilla. Seriously.
The Simpsons predicted this. Moving along..
I'm surprised no one brought this up:
Crazy cause Trump might actually win this..
Honestly, it is the least played out of my consoles. Sure its cool to play your Genesis and Sega CD games out in composite, but is it worth pulling out this monstrosity for that alone? Not really. Triad Stone is probably the best game for it. Don Quixote is quite possibly the slowest RPG I have ever played and in terms of gameplay a very small step above Dragon Quest 1. Do I regret getting one? Not in the slightest. It's still an interesting piece of technology.
Quote from: guest on 10/31/2016, 09:55 AMI'm not convinced it's going to end on November 8th.
Especially with Wikileaks claiming to be releasing more Billary e-mails.
General Gaming / Re: Civilization 6
10/30/2016, 02:39 PM
So I pulled a 12 hour marathon last night and finished with the Space Victory on Prince. Lots of crazy things happened during my play through so I'll try to be brief. For starters, I thought it would be an awesome idea to try a religion victory.So I named my religion Discworldism and used a turtle as its symbol. LOL, as soon as I did that I started getting Terry Pratchett quotes left and right for the next couple techs I researched. Kinda of funny watching the apostles duke it out with each other as they fought over my cities. Damn Russians thought they could convert my civ to Eastern Orthodox, guess again. So in the ultimate move of frustration, they decided to declare war on me. Mind you, I had 3 battleships and a frigate defending my shores. The AI was so stupid they thought they could spam Cossacks and catapults to swarm my tiny little fleet. Well, they all got took out without so much of a whimper. Russia then asked for peace and that was the one and only time I went to war the entire night. In case the Russians attacked again, I allied myself with Scythia and Sumeria and built up my hodgepodge military and fleet. Back to the task of spreading the way of the turtle I thought to myself why not go do the Space Victory instead? I know it was the wussy way out but man Kongo and Russia just love spreading Eastern Orthodox so as long as I kept my cities clean of their religion why not? So from 1am until 5am I put all my resources to maintaining a defense and building the requirements for the space victory. I even built an arsenal of nukes in case anyone got any ideas on attacking my capital but not even a peep! In short, this game is a 100x better than Civilization 5, but it still has a long ways to go to beat out Civilization 4 with all its expansion packs. I just hope the new DLCs and expansion packs fix some of the shortcomings of 6 sooner rather than later.
Convention sickness. Joe gave it to me last year, trying to figure out who gave it to me this year. :(
Quote from: Sadler on 10/27/2016, 10:53 AMLG G4 boot loop. :evil: I was happily browsing the web in bed this morning when it suddenly rebooted. It's been stuck on the LG start screen since. Safe mode doesn't work, clearing the cache doesn't work and factory reset doesn't work. Apparently this is a hardware issue. I feel so helpless without my phone.  :(
Can you take the battery out? I have had to do that before with my old Droid Razr Maxx.
Quote from: DragonmasterDan on 10/26/2016, 03:04 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/26/2016, 02:18 PM
Quote from: Flare65 on 10/25/2016, 08:18 PMYou are aware that only about 500 copies of Magical Chase made it out to the retail stores like Electronics Boutique, Toys R Us, etc... right???  Copies with the box an manual are very rare.  Even the Japanese copies of the game are few and far between and seem to sell for over the $300.00 mark.
Japanese copies are not really that rare, they've just gone through crazy inflation in the last couple of years since everyone wants SOME sort of Magical Chase even if it's not the US one.  They even did two printings of the game in Japan.  It was never really like a bargain bin game, but even a couple of years ago you could score the JP version for like $100 or so.

The same thing has happened with Lickle for the Famicom.  Little Samson is a crazy expensive grail so people go for the next best thing and buy Lickle, and look at the prices on it now :|
Price gouging on Lickle? That's quite a pickle. Someone should stop this, like the grim reaper and his sickle. And they should do so, soon like real quickle. Though some people might not like it, as they're a little too fickle.
You forgot the Piccolo pun.
General Gaming / Re: Civilization 6
10/25/2016, 07:11 PM
Quote from: wildfruit on 10/25/2016, 07:09 PMCivilization 2 smashes it. I tried 3, didn't like it as much. Haven't tried one since. Should I?
3 was probably my least favorite. It's really a tossup now between 4 and 6. If they brought back production ques I would say 6 for sure.
Quote from: Psycho Alt-Nintega on 10/25/2016, 03:09 PMI'm looking for a copy of Magical Chase and a few other turbo games, how often does MC come up for sale here? and when it does is it for same price as ebay?
It hasn't in the 5 years I have been on these forums. PC Engine version that's a different story. You could have searched for it too you know....

Played the demo at PRGE this year. Really, really catchy music and you guys set the new bar for homebrewn PCE games. I can't wait to play the full version. :)
General Gaming / Re: Civilization 6
10/25/2016, 02:13 PM
Quote from: johnnykonami on 10/25/2016, 01:36 PMCiv games are really cool but I wish the campaigns were more bite-sized.  It's just such a slow moving game, and this is coming from a guy who loves turn based war games.  Any nice improvements in 6?
I would say yeah. It seems far faster than the earlier installments. The big improvement (IMHO) is city districts. It forces you to really push for more city specialization than to have mushpots. I am on Cheiftan just to get a feel for it and I already see the AI has improved somewhat. Also civics are researched alongside with your technology. Some other cool things you get legacy bonuses if you stay as a particular government for a long period of time. One thing I did notice that was missing is the production que. :/ It really makes it more of a micromanagement nightmare mid to late game. Overall, a big improvement over 5. 5 I felt was more Total Warish while this one took the best of 5 and 4 and smushed it together.
General Gaming / Civilization 6
10/25/2016, 12:41 PM
Bad. Crack. Enough said. Who all is playing? I like it much better than Civilization 5, maybe a tad bit more than 4. Really nice they brought back unit stacking and have Sean Bean be the narrator (and you can actually skip it).
Quote from: guest on 10/22/2016, 03:13 PMI'm buying my ticket and will be around a while at least for today.


As a huge PCE fan with a couple games I've worked on being demoed, I walked away with a stack of Intellivision and Neo Geo games. :P

Sarumaru turned out to be as cool as people say, which was honestly a relief. :) Tried out Henshin Engine for the first time and it's much more satisfying than it appears in videos. The new miniboss in the latest stage was a nice surprise.
Wish I could have met up with you. Sadler and myself hung out by that booth for a good hour or two on Saturday chit chatting. Once again, we missed Aaron lol but at least I got the opportunity to meet with a few folks here. It was so unbelievable how many the vendors were this year in comparison to last year. I got a few pictures I can post of my fat arse and the Oregon Trail booth and of course kicking ass in RC Proam until some schmuck (no relation) beat out my top score by literally a few hundred points. Overall, a lot of fun and got a chance to meet with a few other youtube guys (8-bit guy, The gaming historian and Ben Heck) and will definitely make a trip there next year if my new job permits it.
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2016, 04:15 PM
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2016, 03:49 PM
Quote from: Otaking on 10/20/2016, 12:59 PMWhat price do peeps here think it will launch at?
If this can stay at $300 I'll be sold, granted there's a decent launch lineup of games. $350 doesn't seem all thaaaaaaat steep either. I want more information!!!
Kinda doubt it will be more than $400. At that price point you might as well buy a Ps4 pro or Xbox Scorpio (assuming its going to be $400).
Quote from: bartre on 10/20/2016, 01:51 PMmay I ask a favor of the someone going?
apparently the folks from Limited Run Games are gonna be there.
they're gonna be pushing some back releases apparently.
I missed 3 vita games, and if someone wouldn't mind grabbing me one (or all 3) that would be appreciated.
PM me Barte of what you are looking for. Might be able to swing something.
Quote from: Gentlegamer on 10/20/2016, 09:26 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/20/2016, 08:21 AM
Quote from: tbone3969 on 10/20/2016, 08:01 AM
Quote from: guest on 10/19/2016, 09:10 PMPm with offer please.
Sweet set up Nulltard.  What kind of speakers are those?
Thanks, those are just some cheapy Sony towers.  I've since upgraded with a stack of BIC/Acoustech F12 subs and PL-89II towers.

* Nulltard waves e-peen
Don't the magnets in the speaker screw up your CRT being that close?[/quote]
Holy shit batman! Those speakers make my puny Logitech 2.1 THX setup look like a wussy.
Deez Nuts 2016. Enough said.
I wants in! :) I remember renting this back in the day and regretting never buying it. Thanks man for the awesome raffle!
Already got one of those. Awesome for you to raffle it off though bud!
Quote from: esteban on 10/19/2016, 07:57 PM
Quote from: BigusSchmuck on 10/19/2016, 07:42 PMJust saw this:
5:00 on Saturday, the Nintendo Playstation with Ben Heck. Nerdgasm!
Ben Heck is a hack. :)

It is much kooler to hang out with the old dude who acquired the SNES PlayStation :)


What's kool is he let me make a video where I rubbed the SNES PlayStation on my left one.
I hope it didn't chafe. So you in Esteban? Or are you just giving everyone shit? lol