10/31/2023: Localization News - Dead of the Brain 1!

No, NOT a trick, a Halloween treat! Presenting the Dead of the Brain 1 English patch by David Shadoff for the DEAD last official PC Engine CD game published by NEC before exiting the console biz in 1999! I helped edit/betatest and it's also a game I actually finished in 2023, yaaay! Shubibiman also did a French localization. github.com/dshadoff/DeadoftheBrain
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Messages - PCEngineFX

I've just updated the Tapatalk plugin on the forum and made sure it is working on my phone.  There is still some funky stuff going on with accessing the site via the phone App which I'll be tweaking tonight.
Well I agree that the width is limiting and should be fixed.  Glad at least there is a workaround for the meantime.
Quote from: elmer on 03/09/2015, 11:47 AMI love all those PC-FX photos ... thank you!  :)

But I'd really love to know where to get that Super GRAFX photo ... that's a great photo, too.
Sure - I'll post up the original + extra angles.
Lemme re-visit looking into changing the width again....may just have to ditch the entire theme to do it though.
The Outlet stock is now closed - I'm no longer selling any of these items.
- COLORS now available!
- Original post re-vamped with updated layout & graphics
- Black is currently sold out w/3-4 week lead time on new orders
Added 4 more photos to my first post.
Quote from: esteban on 03/05/2015, 01:01 PMThese photos are great.

I have a PC-FX beauty shot on my desktop, but it's from an advertisement.

For some reason I like that advert....I think it is how they have the CRT TVs in the background which is cool.

...and nice wallpaper of the SuperGrafx there if I do say so myself ;)
I did a quick test setup and have Lords of Thunder looping in realtime on my stream now.....I think it looks pretty good: http://www.twitch.tv/pcenginefx

Not sure what I'd use it for though.  If anything I'd setup some kind of pre-recorded programming (like a TV network) and stream it but again, be a ton of work and not sure if the value is there vs. just providing it on YouTube.
I've love to try this out, but I got so much stuff going on....akk!
Over the years I've been commissioned to provide high-res photography for print magazines that covered the TurboGrafx-16, PCE and PC-FX systems.  I was looking through my vast archive of NEC-related media and came across a selection of high-res "beauty shots" that I took of the PC-FX & games circa 2008.

I haven't done anything with these yet, but if anyone would be interested in ordering prints of anything I post up, I'll see what I can do.

First image is (at least to me) a really beautiful shot of the PC-FX.  In this image I wanted to make the FX appear tall and elegant, without blemish.  I remember the lighting was really tricky on this one as I needed the right amount of bounce light illuminating the side so that the detail wouldn't get lost.  The graduated background near the top is also done in-camera - no Photoshop work!  Looking back at the image now, I probably would have rotated the console a little bit more towards the camera as the logo on the front is almost illegible.


The next shot here is of the PC-FX launch games.  Again, tricky lighting as the games were standing on top of a reflective black surface (again, no Photoshop...I like to do as much in-camera as possible).


This is another beauty shot of the FX.  For this one, I wanted to include Rolfee in the shot somehow (she was the mascot after all) and so I used a 60" plasma HDTV in the background with a custom Rolfee graphic that I put together in Photoshop.  After everything was framed the way I wanted it, the last bit was to get the lighting in the front and side of the console just right.


Pretty simple plain shot of the FX against black.  Nothing crazy going on here.


For this shot, I was showing how the PC-FX front expansion slot worked with the FX-BMP.  Had to get a hand model for this one.


No PC-FX article can be complete without mentioning Zenki, which I feature in this games photo.


Yep, there are adult games on the FX...(again, FX articles usually like to mention this point as well).

I just posted up a video detailing the case as well as applying a spine label in my selling thread.
I'll be processing the first batch of inquires tonight FYI.

I also realized I made an error in my pricing for 3+ packs.  All prices have been adjusted (all lower than originally listed).

EDIT: Just put up an overview video showing off the case in more detail, assembly and applying one of Sparky's spine labels!
Quote from: FiftyQuid on 03/03/2015, 01:03 PMThese really do look beautiful.  I just wanted to say that.  Very nice work!
Thanks for the complement!
Quote from: guest on 03/02/2015, 01:21 PMDo you happen to still have the STL or something for the first version of the clip you made that would fit the original case?  My library district offers at cost 3D printing so this would be a godsend to just be able to print them myself locally. 
Unfortunately I don't have the version I originally created that may have fit the original HuCard cases - I can however see if I can re-make the model and offer them for those who just want the clips.
Quote from: henrycsc on 03/02/2015, 10:13 AMIs the clip compatible with the original cases, and would you sell just replacement clips?
I originally modeled the exact diameter of the 2 pegs on the clip, but after testing the pegs would snap if your flexed the arm even slightly...so I made them much larger for my model and are not compatible with the original HuCard cases.

Something like this though shouldn't be too hard for jelloslug to create and sell since the part is small enough.

Quote from: blueraven on 03/02/2015, 12:04 PMWow. Put me down for a 6-pack! :mrgreen:
PM me if you're serious :)
Quote from: blueraven on 03/02/2015, 12:05 PM=D>

Well done, Aaron. I can see you've put countless hours into these.

And it couldn't have come at a better time :D

Yeah, it has been a long road but glad they are done!
Quote from: Medic_wheat on 03/01/2015, 10:52 PMSQUEEAL!

Counts loose Hu Cards. 

Dang I got 24 of them lol...
Well, you can always just order one pack to see how you like them :)
I've always wanted to do a modern remake of the LoT promo VHS tape......but eh, never did.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Re: Placeholder
02/28/2015, 05:17 PM
HuCard 3D Case - Title.jpg

I'm happy to finally announce the availability of my 3D printed HuCard case!  Creating the case from scratch and bringing it into reality literally took hundreds of test prints, detailed measuring, and months of trial and error to get to this point and now I'm making it available exclusively from pcengine-fx.com!

History of the case: pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=17972.0

Colors Available - Title2.png

Colors 01a.png

All colors are sold in bundles of 3 and may be mixed.  When ordering, please indicate which colors you would like and how many.  Each case also comes with a new CD jewel case lid - just insert your loose HuCard and manual and you'll be all set!

NOTE: "Turbo Orange" comes with a solid black HuCard case arm, while the black case comes with a semi-clear arm.

Pricing - Title.png

1 Pack (any 3 cases)
  • USA: $24 (includes Priority Mail flat rate shipping)
  • CANADA & INTERNATIONAL: TBD (please contact for pricing)
2-8 Packs (bundles of 6 to 24 cases)
USA (includes Priority Mail flat rate shipping)[/s][/s]
  • 2pk/6 cases = $48
  • 3pk/9 cases = $66
  • 4pk/12 cases = $84
  • 5pk/15 cases = $102
  • 6pk/18 cases = $120
  • 7pk/21 cases = $138
  • 8pk/24 cases = $156
INTERNATIONAL: TBD (please contact for pricing)

For orders beyond 9+ packs, please contact for pricing.

Printing of cases will start once payment is received.  Printing may take up to 2 weeks (all depends on my workload).  If international, lead time may be longer.

How to Order.png

Please PM me with the following info:
  • Full real name
  • Mailing address
  • # of packs & color choice
I'll then PM you back with PayPal payment instructions.  Once payment has been received, your order will go into the queue for printing!

- Why are you including a CD jewel case lid?
Due to the nature of personal 3D print technology, the HuCard case fits a particular brand of CD jewel case lid.  To avoid fit issues with other case lids, one was provided for you that fits the case properly.

- I need the spine stickers for the cases!
You're in luck - Sparky sells them here! pcengine-fx.com/forums/index.php?topic=5150.0
FAQ - Spine Labels.jpg

- Hey none of your colors match the exact color of the original HuCard cases!
I never intended for the case color to match the original, so this is expected.
FAQ - Color.jpg

- What are these fine lines on the case?
Personal 3D print technology works by melting plastic (called "filament") and "drawing" the 3D model of the object onto a heated piece of glass, one small layer at a time (in this case, each layer is 0.2mm thick).  This means that yes the finish of the physical model will have fine lines which is expected.
HuCard 3D Case - Detail.jpg

- Will your case fit on my CD shelf/TurboGrafx game box?
Yes!  The case is only a fraction thicker than the original HuCard case, but will still fit perfectly in any CD holder/shelf/TG game box just fine.  The slight additional thickness was added to the case for rigidity purposes.
FAQ - Box.jpg

- Can I order the case in different colors?
Yes!  See above...

Just PMed you esteban...
Quote from: Waterclocker on 02/27/2015, 04:00 PMGreat video!!  So glad I picked one up from TZD back in the day!  Still have it in minty condition, but it has a dead/stuck pixel, grrr!
Thanks for the comment!  It was one of my really old videos, but still cool.  Can't do one now as all of my TE's have bad screens :(

Taking some photos....
Quote from: blueraven on 02/26/2015, 12:52 AMI'd be interested in a few of these.
I'll have an official buy thread once the cases are ready to sell.
Made topic sticky....I'll be recommending these once I start selling my HuCard cases!
Made topic sticky.
Quote from: wildfruit on 02/24/2015, 10:27 PMWow this is beautiful. I just hooked it up to my Lumia 520. Makes me wish I had a bigger screen. Windows phone 8.1 is so smooth I would seriously recommend it to anyone. Hopefully one day the app store will catch up to apple/google and then it could truly dominate.
One thing i do notice doing this tile art is the lack of transparent tiles on some major apps like ebay, audible, twitter. Bit of a downer.
Glad you enjoyed it!  Yeah, not all 3rd party apps have transparent tiles but at least you have the total freedom to pick and choose where you want the artwork to go as well as tile size and location.
Quote from: guest on 02/24/2015, 11:59 AMWhere's the download link for your tile art? I'd like to use it with my Lumia.
Put it on my OneDrive for yah: http://1drv.ms/17Vyn2P

Quote from: NightWolve on 02/24/2015, 10:18 AM
Quote from: Joe Redifer on 02/21/2015, 03:05 PMGood job! And it's right at home on Windows Phone. Just like the TurboGrafx-16, Windows Phone is pretty much completely ignored by the general populace while the big two fight it out.
HAHAHA! Well, Aaron did work for Microsoft so loyal to the very end! ;)

Pretty cool work Aaron... So, is there an equivalent app for my Android KitKat phone to make use of your snapshots ?? :P
I still work for MS :)  I used to work on Xbox 360/One accessories (controllers, headsets, remotes) but was moved off of that to work on the Microsoft Band which we released last Nov.

Feel free to download my source files (link above).....not sure if there is anything on Android that can replicate the TileArt look....
Quote from: esteban on 02/22/2015, 05:08 PMUPDATE FROM AARON:

Each case will be approximately $90+$3 shipping.

Order 5 or more, $89.50+shipping.
Oh yeah, I forgot the cases are 24K gold plated.  BONUS!
UPDATE 2/21/15 - I'm happy to announce that I have completed the final tweaking/fitting phase of the model and so far have 3 fully assembled HuCard cases!  After I get a few more done I'll then be finalizing ordering details, taking photos/videos and all that good stuff.....we're close!
As I was waiting for my latest revision of the HuCard case to finish printing, I decided to take on a quick project - #TileArt for Windows Phone:

Made a custom lock screen featuring the artwork and title treatment from the game intro in front of the stars from lvl 1.

Upon unlocking the phone, you see select sprites from the game in front of a parallax scrolling background as you swipe up - check out my video to see it in action:
Here are the rest of the photos:


To see some REALLY cool #TileArt, check out this video from the guy who created the app:
I'll most likely offer all of my colors that you see in the photo as special orders but I did want to ask first if there was any interest.

If anyone REALLY wanted a wood case, I can try it out (printing wood filament is tricky) but I'd have to charge 2X the cost of whatever I end up selling the cases for as it is expensive.
I have decided to include the top clear lid as part of each printed HuCard case - so all you'll need to do is stick your manual and HuCard in the case and you're good to go.

Question for everybody.............would anyone be interested in me offering color HuCard cases?  Like in any of the colors below? (ignore the first color on the left - that is wood filament)

2/18/15 UPDATE
Spending some extra time right now to find ways to cut down on print times for the case (takes about 2h45m currently).  I think I can cut this down by 30-45mins without sacrificing the quality of the finish or changing the print resolution but will require a few extra days of testing.  At the same time I'm tweaking the model to tighten up tolerances for when the top case is attached.
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/18/2015, 11:15 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/18/2015, 02:56 AM
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/17/2015, 11:20 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/16/2015, 11:28 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/16/2015, 09:56 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/16/2015, 09:41 PMThanks guys!  Sorry I changed the thumbnail to say that it is the "HuCase Arm" being printed.

The HuCard case itself takes 2h45m to print so probably won't put up a making-of vid of it....
What resolution is that at? I mean if there's no major detail, can you run this at .2 or even .3 to save time?
I might be able to print at .3 (currently optimized for .2mm).....will try it for fun to see how it turns out.
Yeah interested to know how it will turn out and at what speed.
So at 0.3mm, the case took about 1h45mins.....so shaved off an hr from the print.  As I expected, the quality in more detailed areas (such as the holes or short angles) is more rough.  The surface finish is fine, but the smaller details suffer enough that the fit with the top of the case would be iffy.....so, I think I'll keep with 0.2mm quality.
Wish the quality didn't suffer so much in short angles, saving an hour on a print is huge.
Oh yeah.........the time saving is great, but just a little bit too much sacrifice in quality.  Think of 0.3mm as "draft" mode and 0.2mm as "normal" print mode (and 0.1mm as "fine").
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/17/2015, 11:20 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/16/2015, 11:28 PM
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/16/2015, 09:56 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/16/2015, 09:41 PMThanks guys!  Sorry I changed the thumbnail to say that it is the "HuCase Arm" being printed.

The HuCard case itself takes 2h45m to print so probably won't put up a making-of vid of it....
What resolution is that at? I mean if there's no major detail, can you run this at .2 or even .3 to save time?
I might be able to print at .3 (currently optimized for .2mm).....will try it for fun to see how it turns out.
Yeah interested to know how it will turn out and at what speed.
So at 0.3mm, the case took about 1h45mins.....so shaved off an hr from the print.  As I expected, the quality in more detailed areas (such as the holes or short angles) is more rough.  The surface finish is fine, but the smaller details suffer enough that the fit with the top of the case would be iffy.....so, I think I'll keep with 0.2mm quality.
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/16/2015, 09:56 PM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/16/2015, 09:41 PMThanks guys!  Sorry I changed the thumbnail to say that it is the "HuCase Arm" being printed.

The HuCard case itself takes 2h45m to print so probably won't put up a making-of vid of it....
What resolution is that at? I mean if there's no major detail, can you run this at .2 or even .3 to save time?
I might be able to print at .3 (currently optimized for .2mm).....will try it for fun to see how it turns out.
Quote from: CPTRAVE on 02/16/2015, 10:55 PMWhat the Heck, I mean how, where is the extra plastic coming from. :-k. I see it moving but what is it feeding from to create it. I'm so lost :?
Check out my other 3D print video (this is my older 3D printer but you can see where the plastic feeds into the print head :)
Thanks guys!  Sorry I changed the thumbnail to say that it is the "HuCase Arm" being printed.

The HuCard case itself takes 2h45m to print so probably won't put up a making-of vid of it....
Real-time video of the HuCard case arm being printed (6m43s):
Quote from: cjameslv on 02/12/2015, 10:29 AM
Quote from: Pcenginefx on 02/12/2015, 01:32 AMUPDATE 2/11/15: Print quality out of my new 3D printer is finally where I want it so one issue down - now I'm back to putting the finishing touches to the model and verifying that it fits correctly with the top case.....
Very nice! You will have to throw us some pics of the new machine at work.
UPDATE 2/11/15: Print quality out of my new 3D printer is finally where I want it so one issue down - now I'm back to putting the finishing touches to the model and verifying that it fits correctly with the top case.....
UPDATE 1/27/15:  New MakerGear M2 printer has arrived and is still being broken in.  Not getting the surface finish I want yet from the printer so still in the tweaking stage.  No ETA yet until I can get the surface finish that I expect.
Yes, my sign IS the one in the video.

Crazy how the sign and the video have just now popped up!
Quote from: esteban on 01/14/2015, 07:44 PMI'm really queasy.

One thing I like about the Gear VR store is that in addition to a rating, they also tell you how "comfortable" the game/experience is for you:


I'm pretty good at not getting sick playing FPS's so almost everything I've tried on Gear VR has been pretty good.  There is this one horror game called "Dreadhalls" which is rated "comfortable for few" and I agree - I could only play for like 5mins before getting sick (may have been my config though):
Quote from: PCEngineHell on 01/14/2015, 06:19 PMThis Samsung ad was brought to you by Nanto, the king of net advertising.
Hey, when I talk about something, I mean it :)

Samsung actually just started TV advertising of the Gear VR during last week's NFL games.