@GTV reviews the Cosmic Fantasy 1-2 Switch collection by Edia, provides examples of the poor English editing/localization work. It's much worse for CF1. Rated "D" for disappointment, finding that TurboGrafx CF2 is better & while CF1's the real draw, Edia screwed it up...
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Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys English Dub Patch Released!

Started by Burnt Lasagna, 09/24/2012, 06:14 PM

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Its most likely having issues loading period.  I had the same problems with LS discs.  I guess the quality of the disc itself is overlooked due to whatever reasons...  Either way, I wouldnt use em in my Duo.  You can hear it working over n over n over trying to load the game.


Even some pressed CDs these days are poor quality. My wife picked up a CD over Christmas that had way more light transparency than a good pressed disc should. It was hit and miss whether it would work in the old CD player in her car (which does, admittedly, need to be cleaned).


Quote from: Bernie on 01/04/2013, 09:18 PMIts most likely having issues loading period.
Yeah, that's what I figure. I was trying to find my big ole post on the question of "Do CD-Rs over work your CD lens?". Took a while, but basically, I still stand by what I talked about, if the disc works, that is, the game loads and the redbook tracks do not skip, there isn't any "lens raping" that is occurring. I wanna understand the physics better from those who believe the opposite and based on what I read and responded to in that linked post, I don't believe that additional wear and tear is introduced with the use of a CD-R.

Keith Courage

When there is a problem with a lightscribe disc the game won't even load or if it does load after trying over and over again it will eventually freeze somewhere else trying to load another portion of a game. I do not know for sure if it really over works a lens or not. I am just saying that your percentage of having a playable game is much higher with a standard CDR than trying to use a lightscribe disc.


Was there a new release/update on 12/25/2012?  What changed?  Also, how do I donate?

Burnt Lasagna

There wasn't a new release on Christmas (12/25/2012).
The last update to the patch was v1.1 (don't remember the exact date), which fixed a small issue that happens on real hardware.

I personally do not accept donations.
This is just a hobby of mine, not something I wish to make money with.

Though Nightwolve, my right hand man in this project, does except donations (made the text patch back in 2004).
You can donate to him at YsUtopia.net if you feel so inclined. 
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Quote from: Burnt Lasagna on 01/21/2013, 05:44 PMI personally do not except donations.
Must... resist... Urge to correct too powerful...

Burnt Lasagna

Quote from: guest on 01/21/2013, 06:09 PMMust... resist... Urge to correct too powerful...
....yeah, Homophones are always invited to typo parties.
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Quote from: guest on 01/21/2013, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Burnt Lasagna on 01/21/2013, 05:44 PMI personally do not except donations.
Must... resist... Urge to correct too powerful...
Heh-heh. I had to look at it twice to catch it but yeah! I like the "homophones..."

Anyway, as Mike indicated, I personally do not accept 99% freeloading as the default behavior of the patch-consuming public, hobby work or not, so yes, you're welcome to donate to me... ;) 99% choose not to donate, or even email a simple thank-you, that's how it is, thankless and cheap... So, choose to be in the <1% if you would. :) Break with the rest of humanity, show that there is some decency left!! ;) You would be quite *exceptional* in doing so!

There, correct usage in both cases (accept v. except...ional), so take that, Mike! Hehe!

Quote from: chadti99 on 01/21/2013, 03:48 PMWas there a new release/update on 12/25/2012?  What changed?  Also, how do I donate?
Looks like me finally announcing the project being completed on my site led to this. Nah, nothing changed, it's the same v1.1 patch. I'm just a slow poke at everything and Christmas '04 is when I released the text version of the patch, so I saved the announcement for the holiday again. This allowed for plenty of procrastination on my part, but yeah, it had been finished ~2 months prior or so and there is nothing new or any changes, etc.

With no other feedback or problems reported, I guess there isn't much to do in the short-term. We do need a real patcher instead of batch files though for those that can't handle commandline too easily. I'd like to integrate TurboRip into a NSIS GUI installer that lets you rip the disc and fully patch all in one shot and have options like one that David Shadoff had suggested of choice in font (I can do that at patch time, have a few images of the font, and patch the font memory location in track 2 according to what is chosen), etc.. That'd be a nice ideal eventually, but since things are working well enough, I don't feel too much motivation now for this, plus I have other issues I wanna get out of the way this year.

Burnt Lasagna

Quote from: NightWolve on 01/23/2013, 10:49 PMThere, correct usage in both cases (accept v. except...ional), so take that, Mike! Hehe!
Man, I feel like I'm in 3rd grade again... #-o
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Quote from: Burnt Lasagna on 01/24/2013, 12:12 AM
Quote from: NightWolve on 01/23/2013, 10:49 PMThere, correct usage in both cases (accept v. except...ional), so take that, Mike! Hehe!
Man, I feel like I'm in 3rd grade again... #-o
You have a higher than average % of finding appropriate forum pix to respond with I noticed. ;)


Man, I still haven't finished the dubbed version, between lack of time & just keep on plain forgetting whenever I do have time. :P


Hello, thank you for this amazing patch. Everything works fine except for one thing. Cut scenes (The intro when Ys is falling and such) don't play music. This is a bad thing. What am I doing wrong?


Quote from: Kilgamesh on 01/25/2013, 12:14 PMHello, thank you for this amazing patch. Everything works fine except for one thing. Cut scenes (The intro when Ys is falling and such) don't play music. This is a bad thing. What am I doing wrong?
You either didnt patch it properly, or have a corrupt image, or didnt burn it properly.  How are you playing it?  In a Duo or emulator?  If you are burning it, be sure you select the CUE file for your burning program.  This woulds cause you to not have the music because only the ISO was burned.

PM me for further help if you need it.


I'm playing it now and wanted to thank everyone for their awesome work! I really appreciate it and am grateful for making this happen. This is better than almost all of the original english dubbed games. Bravo!


Quote from: PunkCryborg on 02/26/2013, 11:22 PMI'm playing it now and wanted to thank everyone for their awesome work! I really appreciate it and am grateful for making this happen. This is better than almost all of the original english dubbed games. Bravo!
Same here. I wish they could re-dub the US release of Dragon Slayer and Ys III to get rid of the dire acting.


Ys iii would be a great idea. Acting is dreadful
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The only criticism I have of the dub so far is the inconsistency in pronunciation with 'Ys' and 'Adol'. Aside from that it is stellar work. I especially love the South Park-esque voice of the old man whose kid is partially turned to stone (Jeff I think it is), he's hilarious.


I'm playing through Dragon Slayer right now for the first time.  The inconsistent accents are hilarious.
Current want list:  Bomberman 93


Quote from: guest on 02/27/2013, 03:44 AM
Quote from: PunkCryborg on 02/26/2013, 11:22 PMI'm playing it now and wanted to thank everyone for their awesome work! I really appreciate it and am grateful for making this happen. This is better than almost all of the original english dubbed games. Bravo!
Same here. I wish they could re-dub the US release of Dragon Slayer and Ys III to get rid of the dire acting.
My favorite part of Dragon Slayer is the voice acting.
1 title needed for a complete US Turbo Grafx collection: Magical Chase
Parasol Stars High Score = 119,783,770
League of Legends Summoner Name = DeviousSideburns


Quote from: guest on 02/27/2013, 05:45 AMThe only criticism I have of the dub so far is the inconsistency in pronunciation with 'Ys' and 'Adol'. Aside from that it is stellar work. I especially love the South Park-esque voice of the old man whose kid is partially turned to stone (Jeff I think it is), he's hilarious.
Haha, glad to hear it.


Started playing this last night, and it is sooo nice.  Testing it is one thing, but actually sitting down to play it really shows the effort that went into this fan release.


Quote from: Bernie on 03/11/2013, 09:52 AMStarted playing this last night, and it is sooo nice.  Testing it is one thing, but actually sitting down to play it really shows the effort that went into this fan release. 
Thanks a lot! I watched my brother work on the dub for a very long time (I still have notes on my iPod about the project from 2010) and I'm glad that people are enjoying it.


I have a question.  I noticed that along with the save file in the Duo's RAM, there is also another Ys IV file.  I believe its YsIV ENV.  What the heck is that for?


Quote from: Bernie on 03/20/2013, 06:15 PMI have a question.  I noticed that along with the save file in the Duo's RAM, there is also another Ys IV file.  I believe its YsIV ENV.  What the heck is that for?
You need it to access the bonus feature area and get the bonus items for new playthroughs after finishing the game once.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Guys this is truly spectacular. Where would you like your checks sent ?



I've started a Lets Play of Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys English Dub.
Here is the Link to Part 1:


Part 1 doesn't work. It glitches after the first scene with Adol and Dogi on the boat. :(
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


EDIT: I guess he didn't patch over with the last 1.1 patch or something. Don't feel like loading the video up, but I'm assuming. If the ADPCM clips were filtered down to where they work on real NEC hardware, there shouldn't be any problems with all the emulators. The old version had the problems, though.

Burnt Lasagna

Well the problem isn't the patch, but the video itself. The video literally gets stuck when Adol and Dogi leave the boat, however the audio continues.
In either case, it's cool to see a lets-play, though it might be worth while to re-upload the first part terroriser :)
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Psycho Punch

I am eternally grateful for the translation. Thanks a lot!
This Toxic Turbo Turd/Troll & Clone Warrior calls himself "Burning Fight!!" on Neo-Geo.com
For a good time, reach out to: aleffrenan94@gmail.com or punchballmariobros@gmail.com
Like DildoKobold, dildos are provided free of charge, no need to bring your own! :lol:
He also ran scripts to steal/clone this forum which blew up the error logs! I had to delete THOUSANDS of errors cause of this nutcase!


Its weird, the video was broken BUT when i downloaded the mp4 it played properly. Youtube stuffed up.
Anyway link to part 1:

Burnt Lasagna

Hey guys, haven't logged in a while (haven't had much to say) but I decided to stop by and say happy birthday!


The Ys IV Dub is now 1 years old!

I'm guessing, by now, everyone here that's wanted to play this game (in complete English) has already?
I myself might attempt to replay Ys IV, since the last time was when I was bug testing the patch. I was using a hacked save file to quickly speed through the game for testing purposes, though It wasn't exactly ideal for "enjoyment" purposes. 

Anyways, cheers ye merry Turbo hooligans! It was one helluva ride!


God Bless the whole lot of thee! :)
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Happy B-Day Ys Dub!  I've still not played through it, but I will someday.  :mrgreen:
Ultimate Forum Bully/Thief/Saboteur/Clone Warrior! BURN IN HELL NECROPHUCK!!!


I actually just finally got around to playing this in the last 10 days.  I am playing a CDR on my PC engine Duo, and it was playing through mostly fine (just occasional bouts of slower loading), but after I finally beat the spider boss, the game completely froze up on me.  I tried reloading it, and it did the same thing.  It just won't work for me.   ](*,)  Now, I need to figure out a way to get this on a pressed CD rather than a CDR.

Burnt Lasagna

Good Lord, another CD-R question...

It's most likely the brand of CD-R your using or the speed at which your burning the disc. Try Verbatim Datalife Plus with AZO dye,
there essentially the highest quality CD-R's you can buy. Then try and burn at the lowest speed your drive can handle (4x speed is healthy).

That should produce a perfect CD-R for your Duo. Good luck!

EDIT: Also here's a quote from Bernie in a previous post that might be useful.
Quote from: Bernie on 10/19/2012, 04:50 PMNO!!  Only use nice shiny silver bottoms, or those Gold Archive discs. 


I use the silvers, and have no issues on my Duo.
By the way, the "NO!!" part is referring to black bottom CD-R's.
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Someone here made me a copy on a light scribe disc and it played perfectly on my Duo R. Thanks again for doing this! I had a blast playing through this and look forward to another play through in the future!


Happy birthday, Ys IV Dub!  I made myself a copy back when it got released, but haven't gotten into it yet.  For some reason, I'm waiting until I own an actual copy of the PCE version before I spend much time on it.  :-k


I know what you mean.  I have a PC Engine copy, but since I don't know Japanese, I want to play it in English.  It's too bad that my Duo despises CDRs.  I've tried several others, and it has always not worked out for me.   :cry: :cry: :cry:


I haven't finished it. I burned a CD-R of it and it always started glitching out after a while. It was a Sony brand disc I believe. Maybe I should try a different brand? Or maybe just play it on an emulator?
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Ok, i guess im just flat out retarded on this subject. Ive burned plenty of 3DO games and TGCD games, but ive never had to do any patches or anything even remotely similar... Ive read the "readme" and the how to guide on Ysutopia.net and Im lost after the first few words.

I want to burn this the a disc to play in my Duo and i dont have a physical copy of the jap one to rip... what programs do I need other than ImgBurn and what exactly do I download and where do I go from there? Totally having to swallow my pride by asking this... I have a degree in CompSci for christ sake :/
[If it's song and dance you want, song and dance you'll get!]


Ok ok... think I actually got it. Damn mechanized electronic box do-hickeys!
^^^ Scratch that, i guess i dont have it! found a .zip with a bunch of wavs and 3 isos in it: track 2 iso, track 32 iso, and just YsVI iso but thats the smallst one of them all. Found a .zip that just a bin and cue... can i make that work?
[If it's song and dance you want, song and dance you'll get!]



Hey clack attack.  Did you ever get it to work?  Also it's JP and not "JAP".
"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


Quote from: tbone3969 on 02/10/2015, 04:19 PMHey clack attack.  Did you ever get it to work?  Also it's JP and not "JAP".
Well, whaddya know, it learns. :3



You gave him a link to a fully pre-patched image and he's still at it...


Quote from: NightWolve on 02/10/2015, 06:34 PMYou gave him a link to a fully pre-patched image and he's still at it...
I am not sure if you are referring to me or clack attack but either way I am still at it.  All the images I was lead to did not work.  I really wasn't lead to any of them since I came across them many times just by searching the web before I even posted here (besides the Megan Man red book ISO that Bernie was nice enough to hook me up with... thanks Bernie).  I have gone through about 20 CDRs.  Oh well I am persistent and I believe I will get it someday.  At this point I am going to get the game off of eBay and patch everything myself then burn.  My only worry is if I get the wrong version of the game.  I know there are 2 slightly different versions of the game made. Maybe I can ask the person selling it to give me the number off of the game to check.  I really want to play on the official hardware and not through Magic Engine.  There is an auction on eBay ending soon that I think I can get for $25 shipped.  Ys IV is included.  Thanks for all the help.
"There's something out there in those trees and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die."


1) The 2 versions don't matter.
2) The ISO/WAV/CUE image at the link Hailing gave you is fine, 100%. The problem is with you.
3) With ImgBrn you set burn mode to CD and DAO if possible (SAO next, but never TAO), and choose the CUE file to burn. The slowest burn speed is best.
4) If you get it to work, please go away and take your $450 Dragon Slayer with you.


For what purposes would you recommend using Mama Lupe's (tm) flour tortillas?
Current want list:  Bomberman 93