Rip eBay sellers a new one thread

Started by quoth09, 03/26/2009, 06:30 PM

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This thread is is for shitty ass auctions for dumbfuck sellers that think their shit is worth gold, sellers that generally overall SUCK, piss poor service, and sellers that should be dragged out in the street and beaten/shot. Feel free to make fun of people's auctions, their overzealous prices, and overall anything that needs to be noticed. Harassment is encouraged as well if warranted. It's great to see stupid sellers that have no brain get worked up over their lack of thinking and research, so feel free to post their responses here, but keep it civil; let their jackassery shine through, don't make yourself look like a fool, especially if you politely inform someone of a simple mistake; be polite, don't go off on them immediately over an honest error. If they go off on you for trying to be courteous, different story entirely.

Fine example of sellers that I am talking about should be listed here (compiled from various previous threads): - These bastards are about 45 minutes from me, fuck them. They attempted to rip off Michael, charge $2 for shipping that costs them NOTHING because they ship via UPS (which is insured for free up to $100), and then blatantly try to insult people by sending internal messages with your email in the CC: field that is supposed to go to their other customer service reps. Tons of complaints all over the net. They currently have a C- raiting on the BBB website, and previously under their old name they have an F-. These fuckers should not be in business. - Fuck this guy and his Euro copy of Rez on PS2 and his hype bullshit about it being in HD. - Fuck this guy for being a cheap ass motherfucker for leaving me a 4's across the board on DSR over $1 added to the cost of shipping for my time, supplies, gas, etc. which didn't even cover it. States he isn't a reseller - go look at his feedback and what he is selling! He basically took me as being competition, which I am not a damn arcade op/reseller, so he can fuck off, same goes for his youth group and grandmother. - Fuck this stupid hick and his lying, harassing, wigger ass. He is a shit piece. Lists on his auctions he is from California or Florida, and he is in neither of those places. I don't honestly see how his wife puts up with his sorry ass, if he even really has one. - Mint does not equal scratches and indents in a system. I still have this system, and it hasn't transformed into mint. - A fucker from the UK that Harassed me about shipping costs that were plainly stated on the official USPS website, haggled me to ship him items uninsured First Class International (no tracking), thinks that 2 Genesis cases can fit in a Flat Rate envelope, and most of all: He's a FUCKING RESELLER. Then after explaining everything to him, he starts in with this bullshit of 'why are you so bitter & angry towards me personally?' after I told him I blocked him and the reasons why, as well as calling me crazy. Reported him to eBay for harassment, twice. Obviously does not care about anything to do with the seller being protected under any provision, and as such, everyone should block him. Also claims he never opens Paypal claims and 'You can rely/trust me'...who the hell says this shit unless they are trying to be sneaky? I have been on eBay for a decade and I have NEVER heard anyone send a message to me in any form with 'You can rely/trust me' in it.

--- - Very useful tool for looking at Power Seller's negative feedback that is otherwise hidden by the numerous pages of positives. Very good for inspecting the bullshit about sellers like Erecycleronline with their 97.7% rate.

Lastly, add these sellers/buyers to your blocked bidding list:
2800yen, 2many_collectibles, 739b2e7bca368bc0730607894, akaviolence, aorian_star, arienzo1, baby-blues-2009, bargin_basement_games, basola, bear_pawjeff, beardedzone, benchards, big-b-toys, bjomama, bluebell1917, bozzspring77, br1574, caio007_123, cdad54, classicarcadegamecollector, czsoccer, dataswarehouse, ddav44, doctor_x-ray, dsaucierjr20, dupontroars24, endless201, erraticthinker, farmerjonbmx, frostadue, funhouse09, fura-philomina, gaming_freek, greatcompany026, gregkassapis, guingo, hemingrayglassgator, itchybon, jalkebarossell, johnjohn5274, kingdragonzero, leonardo160714, lolanglenn, lonebugs, loydiso, lrb7962, man_in_dream, marine_2k4, masterpiece_cd-lp, mustangclassics5, neotropolis, oldcompcollector2003, olliepompom, ovenman6677, peacefulifestyle, peyton_anthony69, poeticjedigamer, robzom617, saturn09, selina783, shagbren123, shaka818, sidtx17, skyler814, sl_dickens, snk4eva, sorin000, spacescorpion79, subzerops3,, thebigd80, thsgrllvsthtgirl, tink-a-link, usrpguk, venomdu17, whiteyflyer, wildecoyote1966, wuggelz, yianyia, yugenfu2

They are all worthless shit pieces for one reason or another. That list is from the last decade. For me to know the exact reasons on every one of them, I would have to go through a backlog of emails and other documents, which I will do at some point, but it won't be today.

I know at least 2 of the names above are Nigerian scam artists back from 2006 or 2007; benchards is one of them. I don't remember the other one off hand.

snk4eva, yugenfu2 = JAPHEI. If you don't know who that is, do a search on the or Shmups forums.

spacescorpion79 is some jackass from Singapore that won a shirt from me, and my auction stated PAYPAL only. Refused to sign up for an account, and demanded that he pay by money order in HIS country's currency...he won the shirt for like $1. Even if I would have chosen to accept him doing this, after currency change over, I would have came out negative, not to mention the time waiting for his payment to arrive, which would have probably been a month.

erraticthinker - this fuck has SEVERE communication issues. Never responded to me at all about an envelope that I received from someone (to even confirm if it was him or not). I emailed and wrote him on eBay 5-6 different times over a month or so, and not 1 single response, and he was selling other items as well. So I opened up a dispute, and within a couple of days, he refunded me, not even with a single message. He then sends me a feedback revision request to either remove or change the negative feedback I left him. I obviously decline, citing that the feedback is 100% true, due to his piss poor communication. I then write him a message (which you can view at the bottom of this post: and then I finally (!) get a message back from him asking wait. so does that mean you're not going to remove the negative feedback? - nothing else, just asking about his feedback that I plainly stated in the message that I was not going to remove. Not even concerned about any other part of the transaction that I had previously tried to communicate with him on. Unbelievable. Severe lack of communication can get you a 'fuck off' in my book as well.


I don't have much to add but I would like to be the first to mention game_squad, who not only has ridiculous prices, but puts the word DUO in every single one of his TG16 auctions (including the auctions for TG16 system-only). This drove me nuts when I was shopping for a Duo.

BTW thanks for the ToolHaus link, that'll come in handy!


awesome!!! i hope they see these posts and join to comment!!!  :twisted:

F I G H T I N G  S T R E E T  R U L E S  fuck ya :twisted:


Quote from: guest on 03/26/2009, 08:06 PMawesome!!! i hope they see these posts and join to comment!!!  :twisted:
Only one problem with that; if they aren't a member, they can't view this section of the forum.

However, if any of them catch wind of this, I dare all of these worthless fuckers to come in here. I will rip them a fucking new one if any of them care to comment. I sent Erecycleronline's owner and manager a nasty letter, as well as one of the employees there. I supposedly hurt the manager's feelings. Fuck her. They are lucky they don't get their damn building blown up, and that's not a joke; they will piss off the wrong person at some point and someone will go down there and things will not go well. I'm so glad I didn't buy from them.

Business wise on eBay I would NEVER dream of doing the shit that these people do. Kinda funny that at least 3/4ths of the people that I have ever had issues with on eBay, are no longer on there. Large portion of my blocked bidders list are no longer registered on there.


Fuck this guy too:
eBay ID: beardedzone   -- what kinda fucking name is that?

Harassing me over shipping costs, wants me to send items First Class International (no tracking, no insurance), states he is a reseller, all kinds of bullshit nonsense. Hiding his feedback too. Telling me that I can put 2 Genesis games in their case in a Priority Flat Rate you fucking can't! You can barely fit 2 CDs in there with bubble wrap - Scroll down for Image proof!

never do a paypal claim either! - so says the words of the person that probably files Paypal claims every chance he can get.

You can rely/trust me - sounds very similar to what the Nigerian scam artists say... :-k



Dear quoth09,

Hi, i understand the shipping & tracking rules/issues but i'm sure Priority does not guarantee delivery confirmation in order to be able to win a paypal claim?
Sometimes is shows as delivered & other times not, but this is all up to you, but you'll not get any International customers on cheap Genesis games by only shipping Priority!
You can use a flat rate envelope for 2 games too & that costs around $12.00 & also the 2 games would weigh 1lb as i have them both on my scale at home in front of me, 2lb is for 4 light complete Genesis games, i'm a power seller in the U.K so i know all the prices & weights & all the rest about almost anything & if i get a game & it's as described i always leave awesome feedback & never do a paypal claim either!
I can only pay for Priority if i win a large amount of games so i can make it back upon selling some of the items again, othwise all my profits just go down the pan on shipping.
You can rely/trust me so if you'll ship by 1st class @ 1lb = deal.

- beardedzone


Dear beardedzone,

Yes, but all of the Priority packages I ship out can and are insured. If it doesn't arrive, the postal service is supposed to investigate and I can file a claim. I'm well aware that it deters some people as the shipping costs are high, but like I said, I don't make those. They are plainly listed on the USPS website. Those Flat Rate envelopes are barely big enough to ship 2 CDs in, much less even 1 Genesis box. Those envelopes aren't that big, and don't allow for objects that wide to really go in there with bubble wrap, and trust me, your box would be destroyed if I did that. I just weighed these; both of these games before packing is 12oz. After packing it would be over 1lb. It does not matter if it is even 1 oz over 1lb, they will charge 2lb rate, and for it to be packed properly, it would be over 4oz of packing (the box would probably weigh more than 4oz alone). Sorry, but no I won't ship First Class International, nor am I going to continue being asked such. Lastly, I don't care for resellers; you people run the market into the ground with your inflated prices. I'm not here to make you money. I'm getting rid of these because I have the MegaDrive versions. You have been blocked from bidding on any of my future auctions as a result of harassing me over shipping prices, as well as all this garbage about 'your profits' - I don't care about 'your profits'. I have heard all this garbage before of 'You can trust me! I'm reliable'...I then had to refund the last person that said that $20. No thanks. I'm sure even if I did offer to ship these via First Class, you would next be wanting me to break the law by stating on the customs form that this is a gift, or that the value is lower than the auctions would end at, which I am not going to do either. Furthermore, why are you hiding your feedback? Apparently someone has something to hide. If you write me again about anything, I will be reporting you to eBay. Please save us both the trouble and time.

- quoth09

He then wrote me back again despite my statement to not do so.

Dear quoth09,

Hey why are you so bitter & angry towards me personally?
I've done nothing wrong but yet be totally honest with you here which i didn't need to do!
Private feedback is perfectly fine & is a choice for all eBay members so don't even go there buddy!
You need to lighten up a bit & improve on your seller communications & attitude, you also have no idea who i am, or where i'm from, or what i do/can do, so don't judge a book by it's cover as it's very foolish & not nice.
I'll leave you stuck in your ways with the bitter taste still left in your mouth, and i'm glad i'm blocked + reporting me to eBay would be futile too as i've done nothing wrong at all!
Good luck mr nice guy & all the best for the future with your huge incorrect Priority prices & weights!

- beardedzone

I have reported him to eBay for harassment. I wrote him back, but my reply isn't worth even posting here. Below is not my reply, just comments.

My communication sucks? Sure it does...that's why everyone praises me for it. I have sucky communication because I go out of my way to tell people their tracking #'s without asking, when their item will be shipped out, etc., as well as reply to all emails the same day I receive them 9 times out of 10. Yeah it sucks alright. Sucks for people that write me garbage and argue with me about what is not possible.
I don't care who anyone is that that is harassing me about thinking my shipping rates wrong, or for that matter where they are from, or what they THINK they can do.
Yeah, mmmhmm, my shipping rates and prices are wrong. I guess the official USPS website must be wrong.  :roll:

Just like I'm so sure that 2 Genesis cases can fit in a Flat Rate envelope...this coming from someone in the UK that doesn't have have access to the damn things.


Mmmhmm, they sure fit in there. They fit great in fact. So great that you can't even close the envelope, or put bubble wrap anywhere.
Maybe this guy should try and fit 2 Genesis cases up his ass, that might work better.


Dear quoth09,

Your plain CRAZY that's the bottom line, no more emails from me i'll just buy elsewhere from a nice U.S seller, not like you.
Take care & god bless!

- beardedzone

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm crazy, but this guy thinks that 2 Genesis cases will fit in a Priority Flat Rate Envelope?

Joe Redifer

Just a suggestion:

Maybe update the original post each time with the newest bad user on top (or bottom, whatever works) so everyone can see everything all in one place instead of having to search the thread, and then bump the thread so people can see there has been an update.  I like how you linked to the other threads on the forum about each eBay user.  It's nice to have all the info in one place.

Personally I do not like the eBay seller nebrazca78.  He often sells huge amounts of Sega Master System games.  I won Out Run 3D from him.  He is a slow shipper and when it finally arrived it was Out Run.  Regular old $5 (if that) Out Run.  It took him forever to respond  to my e-mails (he always claims he is too busy to respond) and I finally got the correct game, but damn he is a pain to deal with and I do not browse his auctions any more and I certainly don't deal with him.  He is a motherfucking asshole.  The world would be a better place if he died.


I will continue to add for as long as I am allowed to edit my post. Added beardedzone (mentioned above) to the end of the top post as well.

I need to find the fucker that bitched about the shipping on an Atari Jaguar Alien VS Predator cart that I sent to him back in 2002 or 2003, because of the customs fees that he ended up having to pay. He won it for like $70 which I marked on the customs form, and he blamed me for them. Said I was profiting from it and the money went to me or something to that effect. Been so long now I barely remember. I may not even have the emails for that anymore. I have pretty much every single transaction archived back to 2005, as well as a good percentage before then, but nothing before 2001. Buying included.

Back before I started primarily using Yahoo mail I was using POP3 mail via Agent 1.91 or 3.0 (for those of you familiar with that) in lieu of my ISP at whatever time. I archived all of those emails as well, but to nowhere near the extent that I do now. They are saved in some kind of special format that only Agent uses, so it will take me a long time to go through them, but hopefully here soon. I have been thinking about making up a master list of everyone I have ever dealt with as far as I can find. Would come in very handy, and I'm pretty sure that no one else has such a list, at least not that I have seen. There are a bunch of people in the past that I didn't leave negatives for that I should have, or filed claims on. I didn't start really buckling down on that and being really strict until around a year before I signed up here. After a while, you get sick of shit not arriving in the same condition as stated.

Either way, anyone else that has issues with a seller trying to fuck you over, or you just don't like them for whatever reason, please post here. Honestly, I don't want this thread to just be me. Besides, why be polite when they aren't playing fair in the first place, like they are SUPPOSED to be doing? I don't know about any of you, but eBay has never been a flea market or a garage sale to me, yet some people seem to act in the same fashion as such when selling items.


You know, I was looking at Turbo games on ebay, and I just realized that it would make a great drinking game!

Overpriced Common Game = 1 Sip

Buy It Now of $100+ = 1 Can/Bottle

Game Squad Item = 1 Case/Six Pack

You'll probably be drunk off your ass in less than 15 minutes, but isn't that the point? :twisted:
He who dings the Gunhed must PAAAAY!!! -Ninja Spirit


Quote from: quoth09 on 03/29/2009, 03:06 AMI need to find the fucker that bitched about the shipping on an Atari Jaguar Alien VS Predator cart that I sent to him back in 2002 or 2003, because of the customs fees that he ended up having to pay. He won it for like $70 which I marked on the customs form, and he blamed me for them. Said I was profiting from it and the money went to me or something to that effect. Been so long now I barely remember. I may not even have the emails for that anymore. I have pretty much every single transaction archived back to 2005, as well as a good percentage before then, but nothing before 2001. Buying included.
I received my very first and only one of a few negatives on eBay from a guy who had to pay customs fees for his package. He sent me a crazy e-mail saying:

You goddamn son of a bitch! I already paid you for the stupid movie, WHY did you send the package C.O.D.? Now I can't pick it up unless I pay YOU another $10!! NOT going to happen! I look forward to making the rest of your miserable existence on E-bay a living hell. Until then, how about a nice big fat negative review, followed by a neutral? You might have gotten away with stiff-arming people in the past, but to quote myself "You done messed with the wrong one this time mother fucker".



P.S.-I'll get that movie without paying a dime, because I'll kick down the walls of the post office to get to it

His feedback comment was:

Simply put: no good. No response whatsoever. Disappointing.

Even though I was still using only my Saturn Netlink back then, I posted his full e-mail message to a webpage with an explanation of what really happened and put the link in response comment.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!



I wonder how that plan to get his movie from the post office worked out for him.
Wayback - - Reviews of over 400 TurboGrafx-16/PC-Engine games


Quote from: nat on 04/05/2009, 06:43 PMI wonder how that plan to get his movie from the post office worked out for him.
Really. I wanna know too. Maybe he did it with the power of Karate!  :?:

EDIT: Added 'erraticthinker' to the blocked list above. Bought some stickers from him about a month ago, then I received a ripped open envelope from him (or someone?) on March 20th. It had been caught in the USPS machines. Fair enough. I was expecting a payment from someone at the time, so I was afraid I was going to have to tell them the bad news that their payment was stolen, and that I really hope they sent a Money Order. Nope, that guy had not even sent off his payment yet. So I started looking about, posted a couple of places to see if anyone sent me anything, and nothing came up. Finally figured it out a couple of days later, because the return address was from the same area as the guy put on his location. I wrote the guy (which I had already anyway prior to that, asking when he sent off my item), and I asked him if the envelope was his, or if the address was his, etc. Not a single fucking response. I wrote his ass 5-6 times within that whole time period and NOT A SINGLE FUCKING RESPONSE.


That is the shit I received.

I ended up having to open a dispute the other day for $1.49. Yes, you read correctly, a Dollar and Forty-Nine cents. He didn't even fucking write anything on the dispute, he just refunds me yesterday or something. WTF. I wrote him a damn letter and told him he sucks more or less, and that he does. It probably took him longer to refund me the $1.49, than it would have to write me and say, 'Yeah, the address is mine'. I guess he was too fucking embarrassed or something. What a cop out. I guess Paypal or eBay doesn't require you to communicate with people as long as you give them their money back. The thing is, I still don't know who this envelope is from. I just have to assume it's from him. Either way, I'm sending it back to whomever is on the return address this next week.

UPDATE: Just left this guy negative feedback and a follow up response as well. Apparently someone else got an empty envelope and someone else left him a negative for the same shit. Talk about going down hill fast.

UPDATE 2: Got a feedback revision request from this guy, which I promptly declined. Maybe if he had communicated at some point, yeah sure, I might have been inclined to change my feedback to a neutral or remove it all together, but the feedback I left was 100% true, and should be left considering my piss poor experience. I sent him a message via eBay after declining the request:
Dear erraticthinker,

You should be ashamed of yourself. You can't even be bothered to respond to me via email or on here, and yet you expect me to just remove my negative feedback I left you, just because you refunded me AFTER I had to go out of my way and file a dispute? I don't think so. I'm not sure what is going on in your life that you can't even be bothered to take 1 minute to even respond to my messages prior to the dispute, or the dispute itself, but if you can't be bothered to do that, then maybe you deserve the negative as well as the 1 star for communications on your DSR. You never even confirmed that the envelope was from you. Apparently I'm not the only person this happened to, and the other person it happened twice, so nope, you aren't getting your negative removed. You have also been blocked and banned from ever purchasing from me; a bad seller = a bad buyer. Sorry if this comes along as sounding rude or whatever else, but I don't do this to people as a seller myself.

- quoth09

I got a reply an email reply back (a FIRST!) after I sent that:

wait. so does that mean you're not going to remove the negative feedback?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't know if the guy is naive or just stupid and can't read. Either way, I mirrored some of his communication skills right back at him, by not replying. Wonder is an awesome thing for people that tend to give it to others.  :P


Quote from: quoth09 on 04/05/2009, 05:28 PMDid his feedback for that transaction get removed?

That is his eBay ID right?
His ID is pyugo. I don't see the feedback I left for him. I remember at one point certain feedback got erased under certain circumstances years ago or something, so who knows (it was ten years ago). I've never been a feedback blackmailer, so I should've left him positive feedback before mailing his package. I know that back then I received quite a few uncashable U.S. money orders for payment after specifically describing what I could accept both in the auction description and the e-mail notice. So maybe he actually got the item for free in the end. :-k
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!