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Topics - CrackTiger

Buy/Sell/Trade / FS: Shiawase Usagi 2
08/12/2018, 01:45 PM

Shiawase Usagi 2: Toraware Usagi Sailor Z
CIC $60 shipped within North America.

Pics available upon request.
This is the Sega brand Wondermega which has the motorized CD door. Whenever I take it out of storage, during which cables/misc sit on top of it, the CD door does not open on its own from fully closed without a gentle tap. After using it regularly again, this no longer happens. But you should buy this assuming that it will always occur. After shooting the video and then taking photos, I hooked it back up to remove the Mega-CD disc I left in and it opened fine on its own.

Comes with official ac adaptor, the composite/stereo cables I received with it (which sometimes need to be twisted into place to fully connect), tested official Sega brand Mega-CD backup ram cart, Sonic 2 game cart with case, Sega Classic Arcade Collection Mega-CD game CIC and Japanese 6-button pad.

$800 USD shipped to U.S. and Canada.
Anyone have pics of Flash Hiders?

Apparently the Turbo version was released on Feb 18, 1994. Two months after the PC Engine release.

No mention of Arcade Card support for the TTi version.

Variable Geo's date is only "1994", the year after the PC Engine version's release.
I went to try my RGB-modded SuperGrafx today and found that the PAD-113 ac adaptor I have won't fit (too narrow). It looks like this SuperGrafx takes a power supply with the same sized connector as the white PC Engine.

Is the SuperGrafx or the power supply abnormal?

Anyone know of a source for an official SGX psu or a good substitute?

This lot includes a refurbished PC Engine IFU Combo, with official power supply, composite/stereo cables (not pictured), RGB scart cable, turbo PC Engine pad, Arcade Card PRO, Fatal Fury 2 and Crest of the Wolf games.

I bought and had serviced the IFU, CD-ROM and PC Engine separately. From the best of memory the IFU has been recapped, the CD-ROM had the gear and laser replaced, something was greased and it was all tuned/calibrated.

I had the PC Engine modified for RGB output and a region mod. The channel switch is now the region switch andthe RGB jack is in the old RF out spot. When I had the mods done, I explained how my rgb-to-component transcoder at the time didn't output audio and that I wanted to take audio from the IFU. I don't know if the cable was wired differently, as I discovered now while testing that I couldn't get my framemeister to recognize the signal and hooking the scart cable to my new transcoder which does output audio, the sound that gets passed along is almost mute and tinny. My guess is that it's just the cable, but I'm just providing as much info as possible. The image quality transcoded to component on a crt is perfect. Super crisp with vibrant and correct color.

This PC Engine also works with my Turbo Everdrive version 1.1 and 2.2. It typically seems that a region mod can prevent this from happening.

I've never had any problems with the CD-ROM performance except for one game which had the redbook bgm cut out during stages. However the same game from the other region worked fine.

The included controller's I button does spring like it should, but is still responsive. It probably just needs to be opened up to have the spring uncoiled or something.

Both games play flawlessly.

$500 USD shipped to U.S. and Canada.

Here is video of various things being tested. I ran Fatal Fury 2 to show the game playing fine, but it is infamous for its long load times. Towards the end of the video you can see Gate of Thunder loading quickly. Only the games mentioned above are included. The Everdrives are not included either.

Apparently there's a guy on this facebook group pretending to be an idiot in order to steal a Super SD System 3 from the NeoSD store.

His facebook name is John Silva. Is he a member here? I'm assuming that the group was started by soneone here, since it has OBEY in the title.
Off-Topic / lukester
10/23/2017, 07:22 PM
I tried sending you a response to your recent PM, but you have me blocked. ](*,)

If this is not intentional, just lmk and I'll try again. :)
Prices are in U.S. funds and unless otherwise noted, include shipping to Canada and USA.

Newer/low post count/non-contributing/misc members will need to send payment by paypal as a gift/friends & family, but it will be an amount minus the additional fees.

Aside from my reputation here, my paypal address is the same one registered to my eBay feedback here:

Sparky labels tend to peel back along the spine of Aaron Nanto's 3D printed cases, so I used rubber cement to secure most of them. Some cases/labels might have a bit of rubber cement residue.

I will not be responding to messages/agreeing to sales in the order that I receive PMs. I will pick and choose the order, but will try to respond to each message asap to at least acknowledge that you are in the queue. If you feel that you have waited too long for a response, feel free to contact me again. I have limited free time and may very well miss some messages.

It may take me a few days to get to the post office before they close, but I will keep you updated if I am not able to ship within a day.

Turbo Games:

Sherlock Holmes 2 New/Sealed $65 shipped

Price of Persia CIC $45 shipped

BlaZing LaZers CIC $45 shipped
Dragon's Spirit CIC $35
Bonk's Adventure CIC $40 shipped

Legendary Axe II CIB $70 shipped ON HOLD

Takin' It To The Hoop MIB New/Sealed $40

Shadow of the Beast $60 shipped -Canadian UPC sticker has been peeled off the tray liner/insert. ON HOLD

Time Cruise with Aaron Nanto 3D printed case, Sparky label, Sparky cover with instructions on the inner side and Seymour Onion HuCard sleeve. $40 shipped

Fighting Street / Who is itsatarp?
08/23/2017, 01:47 PM
I'm sure that there will be many more suggestions.
The forum is loading slow and chugging bad when I try to compose a post using different mobile vrowsers on different phones. All other forums are gine.

athere is a few second delay on most key presses and its so bad that I cant even login on other browsers, because my password is always wring.
Buy/Sell/Trade / FS/FT: PCE Games
07/04/2017, 09:21 PM
☆ I am interested in trading for a CoreGrafx II! ☆

Prices include shipping by Canada Post:

Spriggan mk2 $60
Rayxanber II $50
Kiaidan 00 New/Sealed $100 (seal has a tear)
Valis Phantasm Soldier $50

PCE game photos:
Fighting Street / Warning about cjameslv
05/23/2017, 07:47 AM
A few months ago, I listed a bunch of games for sale on atariage after occasionally posting them here and other sites with no luck. I was shocked when I got messaged by over 20 people in one day and the pms continued to flow in. Everyone wanted multiple games and they all crossed over the lists of what others were asking to buy. So I sent everyone a polite message briefing explaining the situation and that I completing or ruling out transactions in order of who contacted me first.

I didn't realize that it was cjameslv who had messaged me when I gave him the same response. I think that I thought it was the jamesv (or whatever) guy who spams forums asking for help completing sets and them flips them once they're ready. I still didn't let that affect my actions. Since he asked for literally all of SMS games, which were the most popular games people wanted, they whittled down to all being sold before I worked my way down the list back to him.

Inevitably, a few people got overlooked while I tried to get back to everyone, as atariage has messages listed as "conversations" and the latest response pushes them to the top, keeping them out of chronological order.

The email notifications there also rarely work for me, so I was surprised when I came back to my sales thread to update it and found a couple posts by cjameslv.

The first message was posted 12 hours after he messaghed me at 3:00am:

"I pm'd this guy last night and yet to hear back..."

The second one further down is:

"This guys a flake or a fake... I pm'd him back on the 5th to buy well over 20+ games, he never did get back to me with prices and shipping info."

The only response he had received from me at that point, was that I was dealing with everyone in order. I never told him that anything was available and we had never even begun any kind of transaction.

That's when I recognized the username and confirmed that it was the same infamous guy from pcefx.

I bought a 3D printed Turbo Everdrive shell from cjameslv which never arrived. I asked him about it weeks later, not too concerned over something relatively inexpensive, because unlike his posting history here, I'm not interested in drama. He first said that he had a receipt with tracking and would look into it. When he got back to me he said that he couldn't find it, but had totally sent it, but that didn't matter because he was either about to send a second shell or already had.

Nothing ever arrived and he soon fled the forum after failing to send the winner of his raffle their copy of New Adventure Island.

I was shocked that the guy who ripped me off and reneged on a raffle he posted for the attention had so quickly tried to ruin my reputation on atariage over a nonexistent transaction. I expect that he has a long history of doing all of these things.

He has one additional post besides his new digging up drama thread on here and it confirms that he's still been lurking to scoop up deals. I may not have publicized what happened between us because I didn't think it was worth it, but I'm still surprised that he publicly confirmed shopping on here after bailing on the forum just to avoid following through with his raffle (and likely other private transactions).
If you always wanted the prestige of being able to gloat to other omega tier collectors that you own a physical copy of Magical Chase, but were turned off by the prospect of beautiful packaging and presentation, you can now get in on the ground floor of what will soon be the most valuable and appreciating holy grail in the amazing world of 8-bit game collecting!

Just as exciting, if you missed out on investing in the official Magical Chase soundtrack from a few years ago, you can now pay much more for an official PCEWorks knockoff!
Buy/Sell/Trade / SOLD: TurboBooster
04/20/2017, 11:31 PM
TurboBooster comes loose without any cables.

$50 USD + shipping by Canada Post.
First there was yet another re-release of Sapphire without custom packaging, along with SFZ and Rockman, which both fooled enough people into paying thousands for. Now there are 5 more, with one game being sold for 120 Euros on its own.

Last time I checked, HappyConsoleGamer still had that PCEWorks ad up telling everyone that they're so great because "they don't make them look like the originals and would never do that".

The worst part is that even if I tried to make bootleg guides for all of them, collectards will still sell the known bootlegs to each other for hundreds of dollars as "the rarer second print versions".
I finally got the last of my free/giveaway games sent off yesterday. The service they're going by usually takes 10 business days to arrive in the U.S. The service for the ones going to Europe takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months.

I have a bunch more crap (including more TurboChips) to giveaway after the new year, but am going to do only one at a time from now on.
The recipient of this game is xcrement5x.

I'm going to announce recipients to all of my free game giveaways this weekend. If you want in on this new one, please opt in asap.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
Prices are in U.S. funds and do not include shipping by Canada Post.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Sega Mark III game lot  $90

Cart + Manual + Box:

Great Football
Family Games
Megumi Rescue
Blade Eagle

Space Harrier: boxed (worn box)

The Pro Yakyuu Pennant Race: loose

Sega Saturn

Virtual On Netlink Edition $20
Boxed Sega Netlink $30

Capcom Generation 2 (Ghouls n Ghosts) $30

Saturn game pics:
Has anyone ever figured out more or less what the exact RGB color values are for PC Engine?

Everything I've read says that they're "close enough" to values of 36, but after seeing how far off Genesis shades get on the lower and upper end, I'd love to know if PCE shades aren't consistent either.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free Game: Vigilante
08/14/2016, 08:19 PM
The recipient of this game is Medic_wheat.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

If you decide to part with this game in the future, please ralle it off in the forum.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free Game: China warrior
08/14/2016, 08:19 PM
The recipient of this game is Damon Plus.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

If you decide to part with this game in the future, please ralle it off in the forum.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free Game: Sonic Spike
08/14/2016, 08:18 PM
The recipient of this game is Johnpv.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

If you decide to part with this game in the future, please ralle it off in the forum.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
The recipient of this game is Gredler.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

If you decide to part with this game in the future, please ralle it off in the forum.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free Game: Tale Spin
08/14/2016, 08:08 PM
The recipient of this game is blueraven.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

If you decide to part with this game in the future, please ralle it off in the forum.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
Buy/Sell/Trade / Free Game: Dragon Spirit
08/14/2016, 08:07 PM
The recipient of the first copy of the game is technozombie.

The recipient of the second copy of the game is shugs81.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

This is a loose TurboChip.

Recipient pays for shipping by Canada Post. Game will be sent in a bubble mailer without tracking or insurance. If it gets lost, that's the risk you take.

Shipping to the U.S. is usually $4 USD.
No more games are available.

Loose TurboChips:

Neutopia $30 ON HOLD
Dungeon Explorer $10
Ninja Spirit $15

Dragon Spirit $10
R-Type $10
Bomberman $25

Galaga '90 with worn manual $15

Exile Wicked Phenomenon case with manual (no disc): $50


Ordyne TurboChip in nice shape
Various manuals and cases
I just replaced the repro map that came with my copy of M&MIII with an original, so it's now free for anyone who wants to pay for the shipping.

As usual, anyone can opt in and I'll determine the recipient however I choose.

The rules are don't ask for it if you already have a repro or original. If you only have the PCE version, that's fine. If you ever decide to part with it, it must be given away in the forum again.
Preferably 600dpi, but I'd appreciate anything that anyone can provide.
Quote from: guest on 06/19/2016, 01:48 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/19/2016, 10:47 AMThe big difference between us though, is that I paid the imaginary "wishful thinking" prices that people like pp say don't exist or you'd have to wait "forever" for.
Yeah, right. A long time ago... Who cares?

P.S. Its been nearly a year since you bought 20 dupes or more from Oscar. Did you get a good flipping price for them? You clearly didn't offer them up to the community.
I explained in my previous comments when you carpet bombed your baseless theories in multiple places back then. I can't find it all, so I'll explain one last time, so I can just link to this thread the next time you make up stories.

Quote from: White Supremacist DarkKobold on 06/21/2016, 06:53 PM
Quote from: guest on 06/20/2016, 11:59 PMIt's not stalking when someone makes up stories.
Which part is a lie? The part that you bought dupes from syphic, or the fact that they were never offered up to the community? I don't know if you flipped them after getting a great deal or not, which is why I asked. I noticed you avoided that question, just like you locked the thread last time. Maybe you flipped 'em, maybe you didn't. Who knows for sure. You desperately tried to change the conversation last time, accusing me of getting in to your personal business, just because syphic consulted me before he sold you Beyond Shadowgate.

Hell, you even admitted you had extra stuff...
The first part that you lied about and was your original basis of your accusation that I'm "looting the forum of all the deals". You declared that everyone knows that I've had a complete set of Turbo games (by whatever your definition of that is) for years. This is where you show that you're only pretending to stalk me and haven't bothered to look at my posts. I've never said anything like that and regularly mentioned over the years how many Turbo games I thought I had and which ones I might not end up getting. You used this as "proof" that anything I buy is strictly to flip for maximum profit.

If you didn't spend most of your time here in the Market sections and Fighting Street, you'd be familiar with what I've said over the years about various things and how ridiculous the idea is that I'd be flipping common Turbo games to make money. I've got a decade long history of just straight up giving away lots of much more valuable things both privately and publicly. Years before the first raffle thread around here, I just offered people games, hardware, misc privately when I read that they needed them. Several times people have also contacted me after figuring out that I might have a spare item they want and I told them honestly that it's not worth it to me to sell it, so I'll just ship it to them for free if they give me their address. I'm not bragging or saying that this would justify any action in the future. The point is that I've done this for more people in the forum that you have public supporters/tolerators here. They aren't partners in crime who will have my back no matter what, they're just part of the majority of people who have been around long enough to know me and how ridiculous your leaps off conclusions are.

I also have a long public history of selling things for what I feel comfortable parting with them for. This usually means less than what most people here think is fair which is far less than what market enthusiasts such as yourself keep insisting is the true "fair market value". And by selling, I really mean advertising. I try not to talk too much about it, because I don't want some people to feel slighted or others to try to take advantage... but I don't usually ask buyers here for the full asking price + shipping. Especially the more someone buys at once.

I recently advertised a SuperGrafx + an extra shell for $180 + shipping. The buyer is someone I admire because of their genuine passion for playing games. We're not close online friends and haven't ever had any one-on-one conversations or anything. Because I thought that it was the best home for it and wanted him to have one, knowing he'd play all the games, I told him to only send $160 when he's comfortable and I'd cover the pricey shipping by canada post. Again, this happens regularly and my point isn't to brag or pretend that this is some sort of service to the community. The point is that each time I do something like this, I'm essentially giving up more than I ever could have made flipping a handful of the most common TurboChips.

I also have purchased items like the Super CD-ROM I have listed for sale, that were advertised as being in better condition or without issues that I noticed after receiving them. Instead of flipping them to get my money back or make a profit, I list them for less with brutally honest descriptions of imperfections.

Around the same time you think I bought those games to flip, I talked to a member who had a fully modded PCE GT they wanted to sell. He only wanted $150 for it. I told him that he should ask at least $250 for it and that he could get much more for it if he really wanted to. He said he would be very happy to sell it to me for $250, So, although he never brought it up at all, I insisted on promising that if I ever got tired of it, I'd sell it here in the forum again for no more than that. Which I recently did.

When a situation came up and I suddenly had to buy a house within a week, I parted with a dozen or so games. Many were ones that people like you argue with me about what they really sell/"go" for. In theory, that is the kind of situation where I should try to at least get what most people believe is "fair market value", but instead I sold most of them for no more than I paid for them (of the ones I could even remember what I paid) and in general, no more than I think that they're worth.

If I'm the type of person would sell Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari for $50, why would I be in the business of buying worthless games to flip?

Most of your lying stems from all of your accusations based on things you either know are not true or things you know that you don't know at all and are just stating wishful thinking as fact. As I said before, I was only buying some games, cases and manuals that I needed from syphic and misc at the time. You have an excuse to explain how you came to know a bit about the details of a couple private transactions between myself and someone else, but you displayed your oblivious morality by spamming it and your proof/theory across multiple threads. I have nothing to hide, but it only damages your credibility.

And of course, since you continue to distort the details, you either never knew them fully and just started calling me out anyway, or are just knowingly lying on purpose. I know that I don't need to show any of this, but I really don't care if anyone knows about it and the point of this thread is to link to it the next time you spam your fantasies about me as fact.

This is a complete list of everything I bought from syphic between two transactions:

Beyond Shadowgate -I did not own at all.
Dungeon Explorer - CIC $18 -I only had the loose TurboChip and bought for the case/manual.
Cadash - CIC $65 -I did not own at all.
Blazing Lazers - CIC $20 -I did not own at all
Legendary Axe - CIC $15 -I bought for the case, but I think that I found myself without a copy, even though I gave away a couple in the past.
Double Dungeons - CIC $15 -I bought for the case. Can't remember who I traded or gave it away to. Might still be lying around. I don't remember selling any TurboChips in years.
China Warrior - CIC $8.00 -I did not own around the time, but do now have a spare TurboChip.
Vigilante $11 -I did not own around the time, but do now have a spare TurboChip.
World Class Baseball Box $7 -it's a box.
TV Sports Basketball Box $7 -it's a box
The Adams Family - CIC $20 -For a long time I only had a copy missing the tray liner. That copy I tossed in with a sale to a forum member.
Sonic Spike - CIC $15 -I did not own around the time, but do now have a spare TurboChip.
Galaga 90  - HuCard & Manual Only $18 -I did not own at all.
Ninja Spirit - HuCard & Manual Only $25 -I bought for the case.
Talespin - CIC $35 -I bought for the case.
Dragon Spirit - CIC $25 -I bought for the case.
Fighting Street - CIC $25 -I bought to replace my scratched copy.

I agree with what you said at one point, that I overpaid for Beyond Shadowgate. But as I've said as long as I've been online, I don't mind paying a premium when I want something sooner. I just don't pretend that I couldn't get it cheaper if I really wanted to. Lots of syphic's prices are great deals compared to other forums or eBay, but aren't always the best around here. But that makes them still pretty fair from what I've seen. When a fully complete copy in better condition came up, I bought it and sold the incomplete copy for what I felt was fair. It's nothing against syphic or what other people here I've bought from and later sold the items for less. It's just what I like to do. But this is another example of an opportunity to flip a game for real profit, but instead "took a loss" for as much as I could have made flipping those common TurboChips for. That all happened around the same time and you still thought it plausible that I was getting rich off of a few commons through private sales or something? :P

Also, if you can count, you'll notice that it was 15 games total, not 20.

Here's a pic of my spare TurboChips I've been saving for trades, along with the spare cases I haven't stuck Sparky labels on yet:


Again, if you didn't spend most of your time in the market sections and Fighting Street, you'd have seen my many posts since before I bought these and regularly till now, talking about my plan to to buy the rest of the pre-TTi TurboChip cases I can at prices I'm happy with and then just stick Sparky labels on recycled original cases for the rest. Not that you care, but as I've been very open about all along, my plan for the TTi releases was to combine Aaron's 3D printed cases with Sparky's labels.

I've also talked openly all along about having this stack of games, along with a bunch of manuals, PCE crap and games/hardware from other platforms that I want to trade or sell, but haven't had the time to. As you could see if you were really keeping tabs on me, I have picked out larger items and things that are worth more, to get the ball rolling. These leftover TurboChips aren't worth the time for me to sell/trade yet. They're literally some of the most worthless spare stuff I have to get rid of at some point, but I'm trying to eliminate space more than anything and these are also the tiniest. I'm still hopeful that I can trade some of the games and manuals I have for some of the cases and manuals I don't have, but it's really not a priority right now, given my limited free time.

That R-Type was replaced by a complete copy I bought from galam. I just noticed it was a double, but I don't know if I'll part with it, because it is my copy from bitd and has sentimental value. Same with spare copies of Neutopia and Dungeon Explorer I have. Neutopia I bought complete off eBay. I bought a sealed Darkwing Duck for a decent price from a member a few(?) years ago and then raffled away my loose copy.

I've offered to trade some of those pictured games to a few people who have posted Trade threads.

My spare Fighting Street was raffled here:

Beyond Shadowgate was sold in this thread:

I offered esteban his pick of the spare games pictured above as part of my TG-16 Super CD System Card case/manual raffle:

Of course, the important part of this thread is to address the real problem here:

Quote from: White Supremacist DarKKKobold
QuoteI've already talked about how I have been picking up pieces of games to add manuals and cases to some of my TurboChips which need them and how the remaining pieces will get added to the extras I already have to trade for some of the pieces I still need.
It wouldn't surprise me if one of the loudest voices decrying gougers was actually a secret gouger. That would be delicious irony.
Quote from: White Supremacist DildoKKKobold on 02/14/2016, 06:58 PM
Quote from: sparky on 02/14/2016, 06:38 PMYou're pathetic, he started it because some fool was after him because his wife f*cked up.
Go back to DoxPhile.
Aww, the wittle baby is mad his butt-buddy left. You are a pathetic dog, all bark and no bite. Go back to drowning yourself in alcohol.
I'm willing to believe that you possibly posses a shred of empathy, act like a decent human being outside of this forum and as some kind of therapeutic release, you vent as a troll here. But that still wouldn't excuse your general behavior here, nor make it healthy. You have shown too many times, how nothing brings you joy more than the misfortune of others. To the point of actually fantasizing about people being terrible and working over others. You're actually wishing for me to be some kind of super villain who has being taking advantage of everyone here. You gleefully danced on Mike's grave after he was no longer here to respond.

I would have thought that your sociopathic narcissism would have at least led you to fake being a decent person, since you want to get into PC Engine development. Instead you continue to look for every opportunity to be a creep and further alienate a majority of the PC Engine community. To the point of spinning tall tales about people, so far removed from reason that you justify them by proclaiming their lack of justifying your b.s. with a response is somehow proof that what you pulled out your ass must be true!

If you're mentally ill, I hope that you've at least been diagnosed and are simply on and off of effective meds. If you are otherwise somehow capable of controlling yourself, I'll just repeat what I posted at the end of the "Rrob78 the Raffle Thief" thread:

If you truly did come to this PC Engine/TurboGafx-16/PC-FX community to discuss PCE/Turbo/PCFX with cool people, then why not begin doing so and become a true member of this communuty? Hopefully your past behavior will be eclipsed by your contribution to discussion in the forum.

You'd be surprised by how forgiving and willing to forget that most active members are around here when someone stops negative behavior and genuinely contributes in an ongoing basis. But ignoring what really happened and lashing out with the kind of language you have used is only counterproductive.

It's never too late to turn things around.
I'm on my phone and can't get a good look at the pictures. This is supposed to be an unreleased PC Engine game, but from what I could make out, it looks like Linda3.
General Gaming / Pure collectard gold
04/05/2016, 10:50 AM
I know that too many people post links without descriptions, but trust me, this one is worth seeing for yourself.

Not surprising, given the company, the product and their target customers. But it's still just an ultra limited edition bootleg frankenstein.
Fighting Street / Who is gynt?
03/26/2016, 08:19 PM
Who is gynt?
I'm trying to get at the component board installed in my SCD, so I can try adjusting the pots. I've located the board on the underside, behind the bottom shielding plate. Where the shielding hooks into the pcb, it looks like it's soldered in place. Is this normal and would I have to desolder and then resolder it in place in order to adjust the component board?
I'll be updating this thread soon with more games and misc crap.

North American Saturn:

Pandemonium $25
Powerslave $80

Sonic Adventure 2 10th Anniversary set $40 (Japanese)
Evil Twin $80 (European -runs fine in ntsc)

Custom controller: Neo Geo Gold AES stick with pass-through to simultaneously use an Intellivision pad: $100

This NES Top Loader system has had composite and double mono jack installed, as well as an LED inside of the power switch.

The image quality is slightly better than my model 1 NES system and doesn't have the picture problems that stock Top Loaders do.

Comes with SMB/Duck Hunt cart, official dogbone pad, AV cable and third party multi-console power supply.

$150 + shipping by Canada Post.


I actually forgot to test the SMB/DH cart and it is sold as-is.

I'd consider taking various TurboGrafx-16 manuals and cases in trade, but only need rarer ones.

I'm also looking for the tray/liner insert for Cotton and the outer sleeve and map for Vasteel.

This MSX2+ system supports FM sound and plays both disks and carts. I bought it last year from a dealer who refurbishes them and the belt had been freshly replaced when I got it. Comes complete (I'm told) in box with the pictured books/docs.

Comes with the MegaFlashRom SSC+ 2 slot SD + 512K RAM cart (retail price = $170). This is the full featured flashcart which allows you to not only play cart and disk game roms, but it also upgrades the RAM of your MSX system. Not pictured is the flashcart's box, which is also included. Altogether, I believe that this combo will play all MSX based software except the Turbo R enhanced mode supported by few games.

Also comes with Hudson's Joycard Super II controller, composite/stereo cables and scart RGB cable.

I'm no MSX expert and this setup was my attempt to get into MSX gaming on real hardware and I wanted the best overall setup I could find (I paid about $700 for everything). Feel free to correct anything I've said about support and such. I wasn't able to figure out how to get the flashcart (which I bought new) to play games, although I've since heard that there is a much friendly operating system to use with it. I got a different operating system working fine, just running games from that was my issue. My disk games (not included!) play fine though. Picture quality is amazing through RGB/component and the Joycard is the perfect pad.

Price is $450 + shipping by Canadapost. SOLD
The CoreGrafx II/Component modded SCD lot is the last PCE hardware I currently have for sale and it is now on eBay with 5 games included:

CoreGrafx II with component-modded Super CD-ROM, official SCD power supply, CoreGrafx II pad, official AV cable, SuperGrafx power cable (so you can use a SuperGrafx with the SCD and only one power supply) and spare replacement CD-ROM lens.


More photos further down.

Here is what the forum member I bought it from had to say about it:

QuoteIt has never failed to play a single CD be it an original game, pressed bootleg, homebrew, burned game, you name it.  The only thing wrong with it is the LED doesnt come on when a disc is playing, but it hasn't bothered me enough to fix it.

Since I have owned it, I have replaced all the capacitors and installed Turbokon's V1 component video PCB.  I used a 8-Pin DIN socket in the place of the factory socket, so an original AV cable (which is included) can be used instead of the custom component cable if you want.
Here are screenshots capture from component off of the SCD and from composite off of the CoreGrafx II while running the same game at the same time:



720p 60fps video capture on YouTube. Includes switch between component and composite towards the end.

I'm very picky with picture quality and am not keeping this as I prefer mickris' RGB mods to turbokon's component board. The pots should be tweaked to get emulator perfect color and the top edge of the screen looks brighter than the rest, but gets cropped out altogether on some TVs. Still about as nice a picture as you'll get from anything other than mickris' RGB mod and infinitely better than anything doujindance does.

My last crt had a number of problems and after replacing it with a Sony Wega, it works just fine when passed through a component splitter and looks great.

It works with the TED v1, but not the v2.2 I have.

More photos:
Super Darius contains a Darius Alpha mode, among other cheats/tricks.

It makes sense that it would include the code for SuperGrafx support, since it would require work to take it out of Darius Plus. Maybe they just didn't put the extra time into setting each stage/boss load to check for SuperGrafx hardware?

Even if it could only be unlocked with a hack, it would be cool if the SuperGrafx support is still in there and it could be turned into the only SuperGrafx CD game.
These aren't complete, but just to get things started.


Mosaic effect on skull boss.
Scaling post-boss explosions.

Parodius Da!:

Player sprite scaling

New Adventure Island:

Mosaic intro to each stage.

Gate of Thunder:

Scaling sprites during opening cinema.

Card Angels:

Mosaic effect on cards.

Mode 7 map effect during intro/misc.

Private Eyedoll:

Scaling dialogue text.

Magical Chase:

3rd boss scaling balls.

4-in-1/ PC Engine Catalogs/Misc demo disc:

Scaling bgs and scaling & rotating bgs.


Scaling player sprite.

Star Parodia:

Scaling sprites.

Post-stage Mosaic screens.

Bomberman '93:

Battle Mode Victory screen scaling.

Art of Fighting:

Scaling title.

Various Hudson games:

Scaling Hudson Soft logo.

Quote from: guestHere's Chiki Chiki Boys:


And here's an earlier stage in Terraforming with a subtler, better looking wavy background effect:


These things? -


There's quite a few enemies that scale up out of the background too:


< edit >

I forgot ze baseball:


Dragon Egg

I've had mixed results when a TED has actually played an .hes file renamed to .pce and straight .hes files in general.

Too many sound like they're missing sound channels or just aren't playing right. Although it's still hit and miss, I've found enough examples now of hes files playing better on the v2 TED than the original. It sucks that the v2 TEDs don't work on so many modified setups, but here is one more reason to keep a cheap unmodified core unit and v2 TED.

I'd still appreciate an hes player or compilation CD (or a rom size padder) more than any other homebrew. As it is, I still have to idea how to record the music from Legend of Xanadu II.
Wonder why so many Sega ports to PC Engine seem better overall than Genesis versions? It's because Sega themselves made them!

I can't quote the key sentences, because SegaNerds' don't want their exclusive insider info being re-posted.

Their logic that having the "having the original developer in the driving seat" is why the port turned out so well, doesn't make sense when you take into account the games which aren't as impressive on Genesis.
The winner is Bernie!

I also have another North American Nintendo 64 that anyone can have for free, if you happen to live somewhere that it's worthwhile to pay to for the shipping. It doesn't have any hookups and I swapped the innards into a different shell. When I put it back together, I missed a couple tiny pieces of shielding for around the expansion port. It likely works fine, but I can include shielding if you want to open it up and stick them back in.

I have a Nintendo 64 system modified for RGB by the famous doujindance. Once again, I figured I'd give him one last chance, since the other RGB modded systems I found at the time were overpriced. Unfortunately, once again, I can't make use of the RGB with my component transcoder, framemeister or RGB monitor. Once again, he said that I must use official Japanese Nintendo RGB cables on an official Japanese RGB monitor or TV and that he tested it before shipping.

Since he has a legion of fans who love his work and many people here talk about how happy they are with his systems, there should be some people here who will have no trouble using this system and hopefully some of you are interested in the N64. It is just the base console, without any hookups. It is a Japanese system.

As with most of my giveaways, anyone is free to opt in and I'll choose the recipient however I like.

"Winner" pays for shipping by Canada Post.
The window is kinda small, so I'm guessing that it's not HuVideo.

Is it a fourth unique format of PCE fmv?
Fighting Street / Who is Mr_x?
09/30/2015, 06:49 PM
Way too obvious of a joke account.

Is this an attempt to show raffle/deal hungry n00bs how they come off?
So I finally got a Super CD-ROM and before I try running a SuperGrafx on it, I want to make sure that I have the power supplied correctly.

The little cable which runs from the CD-ROM to a CoreGrafx doesn't fit. Do I need to hook the SGX power supply directly to it AND use the SCD power supply separately, like some kind of 32X setup?
As with my other game giveaways, there aren't any rules* and I'll decide the "winner"/recipient however I choose. Once again, it will most likely just be a raffle including whichever names I choose to include. I won't be listing who is included or excluded, so everyone is free to opt in. I will choose the recipient whenever I feel like it, but it will likely be affected by the point at which entries begin to dwindle.

The game available is Fighting Street. It comes with game disc, manual and tray liner in a jewel case (aka CIC). The disc has some of the worst scratching I've ever seen, but has never given me any problems, which is why it took me so long to get around to replacing it with a more collectible copy.

*I only ask that you only opt in if you are serious about actually trying to play through the game and are not simply looking to fill a hole in a collection. Obviously, that means you do not currently own it and are not planning to just give it to someone else.
08/26/2015, 10:01 PM
I'm sure that you're all crying yourselves to sleep each night, lamenting over how there is nothing more for a collectard to do once you've completed collecting all the sets in existence.

But what about beyond existence? What if we could begin piecing together sets of concepts and imaginary possessions?

Nintendo really fucked the elite over when they began selling Virtual Console games for standard prices. There is hope of a brand new infinitely collectible future though. Our friends Topps, the trading card company, truly appreciate what makes us better than anyone else and they've finally figured out a way to make all our dreams come true.

Digital Collectible Trading Cards

If we're lucky, we can pay twice as much for even rarer O-Pee-Chee versions of the exact same cards.

Lets all renew our nightly prayers to the Great Butter Monster [-o&lt;, that someone, perhaps Microsoft(?), will release limited random quantities of digital Turbo games in the same proportionate rarities as the useless hard copies. I know that I'd much rather pay $10,000 for a Complete-In-File digital Magical Chase than a fourth MIB hardcopy.
This Analogue walnut CMVS system features unibios 3.1 and comes with power supply, component/stereo cable, Neo Geo CD controller with box and Super Sidekicks 2 game cart in a bootleg shell with an old style worn shockbox. Everything works perfectly.

$600 U.S. + shipping by Canada Post.


Here are some RGB screen shots taken from this system playing other games, which are not include in this lot:


This raffle is for the yellowed case and manual seen in the pics below. I have photographed my non-yellowed case beside it so that you have a good idea of the extent of the yellowing. Because of the lighting, you can't tell how yellow the manual actually is, but the difference between each manual is the same as between the cases.

When I got the case and decided to raffle it off instead of my own, I had planned to use the same rules as mickcris' raffle. But because of the recent barrage of creeps invading the forum, I am going to stick to my normal giveaway entry rule of anyone is welcome to opt in, but I'm only going to include whoever I choose and will not make those names public. I will decide the winner by drawing a name from the pool however.

I am automatically entering the following people. If you are on this list and wish to decline, just let me know.


Pics of the case:

I had been waiting until I could sort out all of my spare games and cases, but it's going to be a while longer, so the winner can pick one of the following games as well:

I will pay for regular shipping in a bubble envelope or something to Canada or the "lower 48 states". If the winner would like fancier shipping or to another location, they can pay for the rough total cost.
Beyond Shadowgate comes with everything pictured. $180 U.S. + shipping by Canada Post.

:!: This copy of the game is not completely complete, even though it has as much as most games come with. The game was originally sold in a double disc case and included a fold-out poster. :!:

I don't remember if this is one of the articles posted during the past year, but I know that the author is worshipped as a retro-gaming expert and an authority that too many people turn to for 16-bit facts.

QuoteThe mid-generational technology of the TurboGrafx made it ideally suited for shooting action ? the hardware had the power to push lots of sprites, but at the same time it didn't have the ability to render quite as much color and detail as the Genesis and Super NES, which made for a cleaner look ? a godsend for fast-paced shooters crammed with countless fast-moving objects. The system has become something of a legend to shooter fans, and rare or Japan-only releases like Sapphire and Magical Chase command impossibly high prices.
The lower-color and lower detail 8-bit graphics make PCE games better suited to shooters, since the extra color and detail is obviously what causes Super Gradius III to constantly chug.

If Magical Chase is already so expensive, imagine how much a Turbo version would go for today if it had actually  been released in North America!

Quote"I really think the arcade-oriented library of the system really makes it unique for the time period," says Bunch. "The NES was definitely not focused on those burst, pick-up-and-play for 10-20 minutes type of games, nor are the Genesis or SNES libraries for the most part. TG16 has the shooters, arcade ports like Splatterhouse and Cadash, arcade-ish games like Parasol Stars and the Crush pinball titles... sure, if you're good, you can last a while, but the console never struck me as the home of the mascot platformer like its counterparts ended up being. Even things like Bonk or Keith Courage are definitely not the norm for the console library, to me.
The reason I as a Genesis fan at the time, who resented the TG-16 for being competition, fell in love with the console during my first real interaction with it, is because it was exactly what I had wanted all along from the Genesis: 16-bit console-style games and not what the Genesis was known for: arcade-style games.

QuoteThe bundled game we got, Keith Courage in Alpha Zones, might be the worst pack-in game in history," says TG16 enthusiast Marshall Martin. "At least, it was the worst until that point. Much too 'Japanese' for a seven-year-old to appreciate.
Seven year olds were apparently more interested in games like Las Vega Poker Black Jack, Snail Maze, Gyromite and World Class Track Meet or the common pack-in of "nothing".
All nu retro game fans turn to youtube talking heads to learn everything they know about obscure collectible consoles like the "stuck-in-time" PC Engine. Thankfully, there is a never ending stream of experts who make rarely known facts easily digestible by sprinkling them throughout hilarious comedy.

If you are dead inside and can't appreciate humor, you can jump straight to the first sentence of the actual game/console commentary at 3:45

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC ENGINE) VS Dracula X (SNES) Pt. 1

Part 2 opens with another technical explanation of why the SNES Drac XX looks so good compared to the NES-looking Rondo of Blood.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (PC ENGINE) VS Dracula X (SNES) Pt. 2

Later they explain why the PCE game doesn't have any parallax in it. What inspired them to explain it, was playing through a section of the SNES game featuring some very plain horizontal parallax, the kind found in many NES games. They point out how that section has so much 3D depth and how the PCE game doing the exact same thing more times than the SNES game does, is so flat and primitive and non-existent. To be fair though, that SNES game section immediately followed a parallax laden recreation of the crumbling bridge section of the PC Engine game... only with less parallax. They then enter the main areas which make up the bulk of that stage in the SNES version (which features completely flat parallax-free backgrounds).

In the end, to prove their hardcority and biaslessness, PCE Drac X gets a 9 while SNES Drac XX gets a 7 ("too much platforming").

This is why youtube personalities are the go-to source for retro gaming info.