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General Information - PCEFX History

PCEFX has a long history...we have been around since 1996 (previously known as “Aaron’s Homepage”), and we’ve gone through dozens of site makeovers and have contributed to the NEC console community with our info and features. We’ve had our share of ups and downs like any long-running site has, and to remember some of the past, we’ve put together a semi-history of the site since as early as possible...

For those people who have been visiting the site since before PCEFX was registered, you should know that the site was known simply as “Aaron’s Homepage” with the “PC-FX Devotional Homepage v4” and “The PC Engine/DUO Devotional Gallery v4” circa 1996/1997. During this time, the PC-FX still had a fair amount of web sites reporting on it (mostly Japanese) but the system was already winding down in Japan.

Around mid ‘97 it was time to make the site “official” by giving it a domain name...but what to call it? Since the site had info on both the PC-FX and the PC-Engine/TG, it was only logical to call it a little bit of both...thus “Pcengine-fx.com” was born.

Over the years, improvements have been constantly made to the site in all areas - graphics, layout/design, content and sections. We’ve dabbed into other console info such as the Dreamcast (with a short-lived page), Neo Geo Pocket (which was up for a while) and other non-console related content such as J-POP & emulation, but each time it seems that the page goes back to it’s roots.

The PC-FX and PC-Engine sections have always been the primary feature here at Pcengine-fx.com, and over the years the two sites have grown tremendously (with the PC PC-FX taking higher priority due to lack of content).

PCEFX is probably best known for it’s special features. Over the past few years the addition of PCEFX TV and PCEFX Radio sections have been giving the NEC console community on-demand media content, as well as new and fresh features frequently found on the site.

PCEFX will continue to support the NEC console community with new and fresh features, on-demand media, and the constantly improving PC-FX & PC-Engine/TG resource sites.

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