RIP to BT Garner of He passed away early 2023 from health problems. BT was one of the top PCE homebrew developers and founder of the OG Turbo List, then Condolences to family and friends.
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PC Engine-FX Picture Thread (Formerly "Mugs")

Started by Ninja Spirit, 09/02/2005, 07:56 PM

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:shock:  a black man on the internet! Endangered species alert!  :shock:


I never knew the O RLY, YA RLY e-joke before either, but I thought the picture Ninja Spirit took was hilarious.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Ninja Spirit

This shit had me crackin the fuck up'! :lol: :lol: First time in 3 months I laughed really hard.

Some dumbass took the Leeroy Jenkins yell, chopped the sounds up and put them together to make him yell "O RLY". He also cut off the owl's face and pasted it on the "Black Knight".

I find it hilarious when YTMND portrays Leeroy Jenkins as not the Paladin from World of Warcraft, but Martin Lawrence instead.


Quote from: guyjin:shock:  a black man on the internet! Endangered species alert!  :shock:
lol  :lol:

I think I could be the only one in these boards as well.

I don't talk street though unless I'm in a silly mood. That's when my voice drifts into black comedian mode. I wish i could learn to rap though, rhyme off the top of my head.


Hahaha, Black Knight cover! I need to see that movie again. I watched it once on a free HBO weekend or something at night and it was hiliarousily cheesy. :lol:
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: "Ninja Spirit"I think the eyes on the owls' faces make the joke.
Agreed :).


My name is Domingo Montoya...
I believe that it was you who killed my father, no how exactly does one post a pic in these forums?

I've got some uploaded to shutterfly, but can't figure out where to go from there.  I can easily use the img src code on digital press, but it seems to be a bit different here.  Help please! :roll:

By the way, I pretty much look like the little South Park icon I made of myself on the left...
What a horrible night to have a curse...


Quote from: "cavein2000"Keranu...
My name is Domingo Montoya...
I believe that it was you who killed my father...
I wasn't aware of this, thinks for reminding me :) .

Quote from: "The dude who has a father I killed." how exactly does one post a pic in these forums?
You type [ img ]image link here[ / img ] , except without the spaces in the [ img ] tags.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


I still can't get this to work.  I go to shutterfly, right click on the image and copy the location.  Then  use the Img button before and after and all that shows up is the writing

-the shutterfly url here-

Ive tried enabling html amongst other things.  I'm probably just making a very simple mistake.
What a horrible night to have a curse...


The URL MUST end with .gif, .jpg, .png or any other picture format. If it ends with something like "attachmentid=0234" it will not work.

You can go to image shack and upload your images. That will work.
Quote from: Seldane on 04/21/2007, 07:28 PMDVDs are for suckers. Illegally pirated and stolen videos all the way. No menus. No "DO NOT PIRATE THIS!" screens. No fuss. Only perfection. I honestly only pirate movies because that "don't pirate this" screen annoys me. :wink:
Indeed, it's AV time. Check out: IMG! Sir, the door was open.

Ninja Spirit

I use Photobucket.


I'm up in yer face, like what?

..And if you ain't down with that - I've got two words for ya...
What a horrible night to have a curse...


Haha, you do look like your avatar, except will killer tattoos  8) .
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


More pics!!!

friend Chris, brother Dan, then me, with the fork full o' salad


Me playing GBA, with a chipmunk eating Dorritos off my beanie


Chris getting a wiff of his BO


Chris n' I goofing off, which is unusual for us



The chipmunk is too damn cute! Do you simply have to sit still for bold chipmunks to venture onto your hat -- or is this little guy somewhat "trained" for this sort of thing?  I ask because a friend of mine spent a long time convincing a squirrel to grab food from his outstretched hand. Had he lived near a park, it wouldn't have been a problem (most of the animals get used to humans and some get really bold when food is concerned), but he lived out in a really rural area and the squirrels were less inclined to get food from humans.

Well, these are my own theories on animal behavior. I'm no Marty Stauffer :)


Wow, that chipmunk picture is amazing! Please tell us how you do that, I'm impressed! I almost was able to feed a squirrel once with my hand in my backyard once, but it wimped out and I gave up. Came close though and one time at the zoo, I was able to briefly pet a little monkey on a branch. :)

PD, you gotta fess up what Gameboy game you were playing in your GBA so us nerds are satisfied :D . Also in the fourth image, do I see a Cosmic Fantasy game on that dresser? I am probably terribly wrong, but I thought of CF immediately when I saw that CD case for some reason...
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


That chipmunk, well, all of them, are in Mammoth, at lake George, & we all figure that they've been treated pretty well by other humans since their birth, so, yeah, them & the birds are incredibly bold & tame there.  They were all over us, birds jumping into our hands & eating.

As for what game that was, that was 2004, so, I'm figuring it was actually Lufia The Legend Returns.....which I haven't beaten yet :oops: , nor have I even played much thru it's sequel.  But, other possibilities are Zelda 3, Mega Man & Bass, Mega Man Xtreme, Sword of Mana, or maybe one of the Metroids.  Of all my GB games, those are ones I can specifically remember playing up in Mammoth at the lakes, which is always around Sept/Oct/Nov, it differs each year, but it's always in those 3 months, usually Oct.

As for that being CF2, nope, after looking at it for awhile, I know it's the first DVD of Trigun, one of my favorite anime series ever, & one I might note, people seem to get into, even if they're not into anime.

Here's some more pics


That's me on the left.....I think, & then friends Uriah & Chris, fishing at Rock Creek in Mammoth

left to right as always, my brothers Dan & Tim, & friends Uriah & Chris

Me & my bros. at Bodie which is a ghost town

Tim sliding down the aisle on a booster seat, in Mammoth's lone movie theater


My parents & I


Uh, .....yeah :lol:


My brother practicing proctalogy on a local mammoth

Out drinkin' in the cold



That lake George place you go to sounds great. I would love to visit a place where animals are tame like that. In Chicago, the seaquls and other birds are sort of like that since they are around so many humans.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Both George & Rock Creek have tame animals, it's really cool.

Ninja Spirit

New pics as of today (5/23/06), as I'm picking my friend up who works at the arcade, I'm chilling out during the after hours. I pass the time waiting for him to finish cleaning up by fiddling around with my new keychain digi/webcam.



A digital camera keychain?  :?:  :idea:  :o
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Ninja Spirit

Yup they exist.

got it for 15 bucks + tax at Target.

The camera sucks taking long distance but pretty damn good up close.


Wow, I may have to pick one up!

Ninja Spirit

btw since PCEFX member profiles don't show birthdates, I'd like to announce I'll be 24 tomorrow.
(May 25, 1982)


Happy birthday, man!!

And that's a nice deal for a keychain digital camera!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Well, I don't have to many pics of myself. Here are a couple of on location shots.

pcedev net/pics/pic2.jpg
pcedev net/pics/pic1.jpg
(I'm on the left)


not my idea of a vacation spot...  :shock:


Heh most of you guys make me feel so young (I'm 21).  Anyway here's me:


Don't worry I'll continue the legacy of turbografx/pc-engine once you guys are all dead and buried. ;p
Sold to: 2X4, carbon tiger, chop5, grahf, gundarN, hizaygizirlz, Joe Redifer, Keranu, MrFulci, nat, runinruder, shubibiman, steve666, T2KFreeker
ebay id: merriman_bk --> 100% positive


Quote from: PCEngineHellMyspace is a crap service that serves as a way to meet people, date or blog or whatever. I was coaxed by a skater girl that I knew into joining because she said its instant messenger was so wonderful....
Well it wasnt, it sucked, but I have found the site useful for storing the 3 pics of me I hate so much. No one looks there, keep it secret, keep it safe is the way to go, so I figure hell why not use the suckiest site around to store my pics. It works.
Lol, that's totally how I feel, myspace should be relegated to all the emo fags that seem to be lurking in the shadows everywhere I look these days. (not that I mean to offend anyone by that). Btw there's only one pic of me on the web, the one I posted, so I win. :wink:

Also, paranoiadragon those are some awesome pics, you and your friends are fucking crazy but in a good way heh.

Sad thing is I got all the references to pop culture in this thread, so I guess I'm finally in the right place.  :lol:
Sold to: 2X4, carbon tiger, chop5, grahf, gundarN, hizaygizirlz, Joe Redifer, Keranu, MrFulci, nat, runinruder, shubibiman, steve666, T2KFreeker
ebay id: merriman_bk --> 100% positive


Quotenot my idea of a vacation spot...

PD's pic of "Gay use only" vacation spot?  :lol:

 merriman_bk- you be a young'n, but its all good. Actually it's pretty cool to see new blood in the scene.

Ninja Spirit

Myspace stigmatizing is hilarious as hell.

It's not all that evil. I use it, but I got certain brackets for ppl I only accept:
>People I know in real life
>and other people from common interest message boards I see and post among on a regular basis (such as here)

Hey that's why we have a deny button for friend requests from emos.


the avatar is most recent pic <<<<<<<<<<<<


whoa dude, how was jumping out of a plane?  I'm dying to do that too!!
What a horrible night to have a curse...




scared to death and having 2nd thoughts at first but when your canopy opens up and you start to fall slowly .. I thought that was boring..

Ninja Spirit

I don't think I wanna skydive period. I never flew in an airplane before. But I gotta get over that if I want to go to Japan or Europe.  :P


Quote from: "Digi.k"scared to death and having 2nd thoughts at first but when your canopy opens up and you start to fall slowly .. I thought that was boring..
Insanity :).


Turbo Badass Rank: Janne (6 of 12 clears)
Conquered so far: Sinistron, Violent Soldier, Tatsujin, Super Raiden, Shape Shifter, Rayxanber II


Why isn't there an express in her hands? you gotta get 'em young!  :shock:

but srsly, she's cute :) does she look more like mom or dad?


Hmm, I'd say more like her dad, but, I haven't sat at my computer screen staring at the few pics I've seen of them, so maybe I'm wrong :roll:

Oh, & btw, I agree, she's cute.  I'm not big on kids, as you know, but, I suppose me recent nephew has softened me up a bit, to where I think some kids are cute, go figure :P


I would have to say dad as well from the few pics I have seen of nod and his wife. Beautiful child, nod - congrats again!
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"

Ninja Spirit

New pics as of 15 minutes ago.

I couldn't resist..


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 12/07/2006, 03:06 PMNew pics as of 15 minutes ago.  /1529383571_l.jpg

I couldn't resist..
Genius.  :P

Since Borat has made like $120 million so far domestically, I wouldn't be surprised if we finally get a Hard Gay in America film or TV special.
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!


Quote from: Ninja Spirit on 12/07/2006, 03:06 PMDOMO! HAADO GEI DESU!! FUUUUUUU!!!
I couldn't resist..
:lol: :lol: That's genius man.  That's the first celebrity figures I learned about when I was stayin' over in Japan.  When I first saw the guy, I was like, "Who the hell is this guy?"  (But I suppose that's the reaction you're supposed to have when you first see him...)  Certainly the most memorable Japanese entertainer, anyway.

Anyway, I'll jump in.  If you understood out my avatar/user id, then that means you figured out that I'm a big into motorbikes.

So here I am!  :---)

Actually, yeah right.... it's actually more like this...   ](*,)

What?  Faces?  Oh, okay.  Right after I binned the bike from above.  My hair quite isn't as long now.

Joe Redifer

I guess it is easiest to post my MySpace page which has quite a few pics.  If you're not a member, the one pic on the front is plenty good enough.

myspace .com/joeredifer



I've seen some pictures of you before Joe, but after seeing your picture on that MySpace, I have to say that you bare a striking resemblence to Stephen Baldwin.  :mrgreen:
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Keranu on 12/07/2006, 09:52 PMI've seen some pictures of you before Joe, but after seeing your picture on that MySpace, I have to say that you bare a striking resemblence to Stephen Baldwin.  :mrgreen:
Hahahhahahahahahhaa. Agreed. Just to clarify, Joe: as far as Keranu and I are concerned, this is a compliment. :)

Joe Redifer

I'm a bit more baffled that he's seen pictures of me before while just happenin' around the internet.


Quote from: Joe Redifer on 12/07/2006, 11:03 PMI'm a bit more baffled that he's seen pictures of me before while just happenin' around the internet. 
!!! Seriously, you're lucky he doesn't live within a few hundred miles of you :). He might just "drop by" for a visit.

On another note, I actually wanted to see your other pictures, but I don't have a myspace account. Keranu, could you please describe Joe's photos for me? Thanks in advance :).


I found one photo of Joe by complete random when searching for Sage's Creation on Google. Apparently Joe made some kind of remix of a tune in the Genesis game Crack Down and after noticing that he submitted it, I clicked on his username profile and it had a pic of him on there. There was some site that Joe had a bunch of pics of himself on, but I don't remember what it was called (I think it had something to do with that message board that you post your reviews on, Joe). As far as describing those pics, I guess I would describe them as personal pics of Stephen Baldwin with his friends and family. I remember one of the pics was Mr. Baldwin carrying some new Apple Mac computer.
Quote from: TurboXray on 01/02/2014, 09:21 PMAdding PCE console specific layer on top of that, makes for an interesting challenge (no, not a reference to Ys II).
Click the banner to learn more about Alex Chiu and his "immortality rings"


Quote from: Keranu on 12/07/2006, 09:52 PMI've seen some pictures of you before Joe, but after seeing your picture on that MySpace, I have to say that you bare a striking resemblence to Stephen Baldwin.  :mrgreen:
You right! If Stephen Baldwin ever cleaned himself up(although he's supposed to have kicked coke thanks to Jesus).
Justin the Not-So-Cheery Black/Hack/CrackTiger helped Joshua Jackass, Andrew/Arkhan Dildovich and the DildoPhiles destroy 2 PC Engine groups: one by Aaron Lambert on Facebook, then the other by Aaron Nanto!!! Him and PCE Aarons don't have a good track record together! Both times he blamed the Aarons and their staff in a "Look-what-you-made-us-do?!" manner, never himself nor his deranged/destructive/doxxing toxic turbo troll gang which he covers up for under the "community" euphemism!