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Topics - Joe Redifer

Rene of dbelectronics has posted an article on his site about possible dangers of using flash carts with your system. Some are fine, others are not. Worst are multicarts.

His article is here:

Quote from: ReneThe use of 3.3V flash in retrogaming can lead to serious problems. Following a lengthy podcast discussion on the subject I felt it was important to elaborate on the matter by:

  • Giving technical explanations of the problem
  • Addressing common rebuttals
  • Listing devices which exhibit this problem

Let me be clear that using 3.3V Flash in a 5V system in of itself is not inherently bad; it can be done properly using level translators such as what has been done with the SD2SNES. What is bad, and what I am speaking out against, is directly connecting 3.3V Flash to 5V buses without proper interfaces such as level translators.
The 2nd version of the Turbo Everdrive is fine. The original isn't. Of course I have the original. Looks like I'll have to rebuying newer revisions of some carts and I hope Krikzz updates some of the others which have no good revisions, like Mega Everdrive X7, Master Everdrive etc etc. Apparently the Darksoft Neo Geo SD thingy is good. Not sure about the NeoSD.
This deserves its own thread. People who are buying pre-modded systems off of eBay probably won't wander into the repair/mods subforum first and very likely don't know about the glorious DoujinDance. This video from Voultar opens up one of DoucheinDance's systems that was sold for $400 on eBay and fixes everything. Watching him work is kind of like watching and listening to a vulgar Bob Ross fix PC Engine stuff. Very satisfying to watch this get fixed and enjoy his techniques. Yes, it's sexual.

Legend of the Douche: Episode 1:
I'm sure everyone has noticed that when you turn the power switch ON on the SuperGrafx a little piece of plastic protrudes from the left side of the system for no apparent reason. At first I thought maybe this would just act as a far less convenient way of powering the system off, requested by customers who hate their lives. But no. I must assume it was for that thing that the SuperGrafx was supposed to attatch to, right? So you don't remove it while powered on? Kinda like how the TurboGrafx-16 and the Turbo CD must be locked together in order to power up. Is PCE the same way with the IFU?.
Preferably decent condition, not mauled by a dog or anything. All I'd need is the console, power supply (US) but if you have a SuperGrafx pad I'll take that as well. Also you're crazy for wanting to get rid of your SuperGrafx. Name a price and maybe I'll bite.
I don't know how many of you had this promo tape. I was mailed one back in the day. I don't know if I still have it.
But you all might enjoy knowing that Tony Hawk was the one who made and edited the video. Tony Hawk said in an interview HERE that he used to do video editing when his income was low. I recognized his voice when I re-watched this video today. So I asked him if he made it. He confirmed that indeed he did.


Better than Kanye? I'd say so.
What are YOU gonna to celebrate?

Also, Ys 1 will be 30 on June 21
After Burner will be 30 on July 17
Phantasy Star will be 30 on December 20
Metal Gear will be 30 on July 13
Contra, Mega Man, Street Fighterm R-Type AND FRIGGIN' WONDER MOMO will all be 30 this year. Wonder Momo, guys!!!
Snining Force will be 25 on March 20
Ecco the Dolphin will be 25 on July 31
Final Fantasy 7 will be 20 on January 31
and most importantly Fez will be 5 on April 13
I've already Kickstarted the damn game and I've gotten 3 announcements from this forum in less than 24 hours. One more and I'll unkickstart my copy.
She wants me to interview her dad. I have no idea what I would ask him. Nor do I have any clue how I could incorporate it into my media offerings. So I never got back to her.

Also did you know NEC Avenue published the arrange soundtrack to Panzer Dragoon Zwei? What do you think of this highly controversial subject?

Also, Red Vines or Twizzlers?
Do you say "Ay-doll" with a long A like the TurboGrafx CD games say it or do you say Aadull with a short A like Xseed says it?  It is pronounced as Aadull in Japan.

Dogi combines the two in Ys 3 on the Turbo CD by saying Ay-dull. Personally I say Adol with the long A. Here's why:

-The TuboGrafx CD Ys games are better than anything Xseed has put out.

-This is not Japan. We have no obligation to pronounce words the same way they do.

How do YOU say it?
Lizard people? City built beneath DIA for the shadow government? Aliens blew up Challenger? Castro blew up Challenger? Timothy McVeigh still alive and sipping margaritas with John Wilkes Booth in Florida paid for my US government?

While not exactly a conspiracy theory, I wouldn't be surprised if United Flight 93 (the one that crashed in PA) was shot down by US fighter jets. I have nothing to substantiate this but I can understand why it could happen and it would be better than that jet crashing into whatever it was originally planning on crashing into. But telling people that it was shot down instead of crashed due to the passengers revolting probably would not sit well with most. But again I'm not saying that's what happened, just that it wouldn't surprise me.

Do I think Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy? Yes. Do I think he worked alone? No, he definitely had help in planning the event. Was he the lone gunman? I believe so, yes.

How about you guys?
General Gaming / Advice needed on MVS
07/14/2015, 02:12 AM
I have an AES and I use it to show everyone how irresponsible I am with money. But I'm thinking of joining the poor people, the beggars and the homeless and getting an MVS to get more Neo Geo action. True, I won't be 1337 any more, but whatevs.

I don't want a consolized MVS. At least I think I don't. But I know there are tons of revisions out there. I hear that the 1F board is the only one that does stereo? Mono is for retards. Also I hear that for some idiotic dumbass reason the MVS is not truly Jamma compatible despite saying JAMMA right on the mobo. I have read that using JAMMA can ruin it's audio. Is this permanent damage? Why does it say JAMMA if JAMMA actually destroys it without an adapter?

I am relying on you guys for knowledge.

EDIT: Does anyone happen to have or willing to build a 4-pin stereo adapter that fits arcade PCBs that I can pay you for? I have one Konami game that's stereo. The rest of my arcade games thus far are stupid mono.
So we're thinking about doing a Demo Disc episode and was going though my collection of demo discs figuring out what to include. Was there ever anything like that for the Turbo? Googling it, the internet seems to think the Gate of Thunder 4-in-1 disc is a demo disc. But it's definitely no such beast (thankfully). I've heard rumors of a Lords of Thunder demo disc but I've never heard any more than that. I know the PC Engine has "Special Version" demo-style HuCards but those are a bit hard for me to come by.
I may have asked this like 10 years ago, but what game(s) do you think has the best voice quality on the Turbo? I know Andre Pansie Kiss Boxing has been mentioned (or was it Champions Forever?), but is there anything else you feel is technically impressive for the system? Spoken phrases are best. In English or Japanese, it doesn't matter.

And duh, no CD games!
There are two switches on the PC-FX controller. Mode 1 A or B and Mode 2 A or B.

The fuck these for?
So I was recording some games using RGB out running through and XPC-4. Most games are fine. But JJ & Jeff spazzes out every 20 or so seconds of gameplay and the XPC-4 refreshes, putting it's stupid OSD onscreen for 20 seconds until it disappears. Unpause to try and record more and it spazzes out only seconds later. Bonk also kind of spazzes out but not as much as JJ & Jeff.

So is there something about these games that runs slower or faster than other Turbo software?
I was playing some Neo Geo games and it seems almost to be a mandatory requirement for games on the system to have flickering shadows. It's really annoying. But systems like the Genesis or TurboGrafx often have dithered shadows. Quite a few Genesis games have real transparent shadows. SNES is super powerful and therefore always has perfect shadows for its perfect games. PS3 has jaggy-ass ugly as sin shadows.

Personally if it can't do sweet-ass SNES true transparent shadows (the SNES is the bomb yo, Black Tiger told me it's his favorite system), I'd prefer a solid shadow. Then I'd prefer dithered mesh. Flickering shadows would be dead last because they're just dumb.
Off-Topic / Tummy hurts, who's with me?
12/07/2014, 03:02 AM
Oh man. I think I may have had a bad burrito. Tummy kinda hurts. I'll get over it and life will go on for sure but I just wanted to let you all know that my tummy currently hurts. Because eating burritos is wicked cool and you guys will think I'm pretty cool for eating burritos.
I'm not sure where to put this so if this is in a wrong place maybe a mod could move it to where it needs to be.

Anyway this will let you play PCE games on your Turbo and Turbo games on your PCE.

PC-Henshin Turbo
Sp aside from Gate of Thunder, Winds of Thunder and Sapphire, what are some games push the technical limits of the system?

Do NOT mention any TurboGrafx games at all in this thread, PC Engine only! Mention of TurboGrafx games in the PC Engine forum is illegal. If you want to talk about the TurboGrafx-16, go to the TurboGrafx subforum. It has absolutely no business EVER being discussed here, and vice-versa! We have different forums for a reason (what that reason is, I do not know nor can I comprehend but whatever, you guys want it that way).

EDIT: Oh yeah not Dracula X, either!
I would like to acquire said game (case, manual & disc). Payment will be immediate via Paypal.
Both of these games are extremely popular and considered the best of their respective genres, that genre being "video game". This important question can ONLY BE ANSWERED HERE in an internet forum poll!

Anyone who does not have an opinion on the matter will be banned for 30 seconds.
Off-Topic / Protos, homebrew and demos
11/24/2013, 04:15 PM
So on the 22nd of December we'll be doing a Game Sack episode dedicated to homebrew with some time for demos and hacks (but only REALLY GOOD hacks). 2 weeks later we'll be doing an episode dedicated to prototypes that were never released. I have some stuff for the Turbo/PCE but I want to make sure I have the BEST stuff (gotta be runnable on an Everdrive).

What should I have?
Staff / How do I approve new members?
10/04/2013, 03:26 PM
Seeing and approving new registrations seems to be gone. Are they auto-approved upon registering now?
Off-Topic / Can you read this?
06/09/2013, 10:59 PM
My $3 US copy of Dino Crisis says this:


It says this after the screen where it warns that the game is so violent and gory that I might just die in real life. Then the actual game never loads.

I just launched this ROM on my emulator with the sound off and no controllers plugged in. The title screen hasn't even faded in completely and I am already bored out of my mind! If I ever pay any kind of money for this game please come and cut my face off, throw it in the microwave for 3 minutes, reattach it and then shoot me because I will have lost my mind!
An editor I know from the website is creating a list of multiplayer Turbo and PCE games.

Here's what he has so far:

  • Aeroblasters
  • Bonk 3
  • Burning Angels
  • Buster Bros.
  • Cadash
  • Detana!! TwinBee
  • Double Dragon II
  • Double Dungeons
  • Dungeon Explorer
  • Dungeon Explorer II
  • Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
  • Monster Lair
  • Ordyne
  • Parasol Stars
  • Shockman Series:
  • Parasol Stars
  • Shockman (Shubibinman 2)
  • Shubibinman
  • Shubibinman 3
  • Splash Lake

Please let me know what games he's missed. Note that 2-player alternating multiplayer (like Yo Bro) does not count.

I'm wondering if I should have split this post into a Turbo half and a PCE half because I am now taking about PCE in the Turbo forum and that is against the rules.  Gonna ban myself in a sec...

EDIT:  I accidentally a word.
Here's some console porn for ya.  Some of you may have seen some of these in the past.  But much has been added.  All photographs by me.

IMGUR Album here:

Feel free to use these as wallpapers or whatever.
The Turbo is finally getting a respectable flash card thanks to KRIKzz.  Runs off of SD cards (micro SD?), no drivers, cables or any of that biznatch.

It will work with both US Turbo and JP PCE systems.  Both systems will be able to run games from both regions.  There is a switch on the cart so you can tell it if it is plugged into a US or JP system.  The OS on the card will patch US ROMs to run on JP systems.
I really don't need all of the constant e-mails telling me that someone has registered.
On of the comments on the latest Game Sack video was talking about JB Harold 2 which was left only in Japan for the PC Engine CD.  I think this guy is probably full of it but I'd love to be proven wrong.  I can find no evidence of any other JB Harold game for any PCE configuration other than Murder Club.  Is true?
I still don't see how Fighting Street adds to this community.  Now we have two members going at it.  PCEngineHell (professorproferson or some shit like that) is posting pics of Turbo Star's kids and calling them ugly bastards and who knows what else. In the mean time, Turbo Star is spamming the forum with his pic of Mike Helgeson (not really him, but it does bear a resemblance).  Mike exists only to troll and pretty much lives in the Fighting Street forum.  When he needs backup he brings in Sinistron.

Normally Fighting Street works OK, but to be honest, the majority of threads could be in the normal sections of the forum (they are usually just laced with a bit more excessive (and random) swearing, no biggie in my opinion).  So please spell it out to me again, how does Fighting Street enhance
Buy/Sell/Trade / I want Out Run
08/15/2011, 03:43 PM
I need the PCE version of Out Run, complete (little foam thing not necessary, though).  Then I will have the big 3 Sega games for my Turbo: Space Harrier, After Burner and Out Run all expertly ported over.  I used to see the PCE Out Run back in the day on display (running) on a local game store's TurboGrafx-16 whenever I went in to rent games.  That and Power Drift but the latter looked awful.

So, what are you waiting for?  Sell it to me.  Make me an offer.
Off-Topic / Game Sack
07/25/2011, 05:08 PM
Alright, rather than having the videos posted sometimes in the "What are you watching on Youtube" thread and sometimes in the "Joe Redifer Reviews Presents" thread (and sometimes cross-posted between the two), they can all go here.

Here is the channel if you are interested in subscribing or doing any of that nonsense.

And here is the latest episode (July 25, 2011):
Some Cool 16-bit Ninja Games
Guess who will be the first to point out any games we missed?  That's right, it will be YOU!
I currently have in my possession a SCART (Euro) to HDMI converter which upscales incoming RGB signals to 720p. That in itself is fine and it looks great... as long as nothing is in motion.  It sends out a 720p 60 signal.  60 frames per second.  I am inputting a 240p signal, 60 frames per second.  But the converter seems to be grabbing a full frame (two fields) and then doing weird-ass stuff with it.  This causes artifacts in the 720p conversion.    I can't understand why it is waiting for a full frame when it is sending out a 60fps signal in the end.

Check out this picture from Street Fighter 2 for some system called the PC Engine:


This is unacceptable.  Does anyone know of such a converter/scaler that will scale on a per-field basis, thus eliminating any/all interlacing artifacts in the output display?  Oh, and it needs to be something that I can actually acquire, not like an XRGB of which there are only a couple hundred in existence and nearly impossible to get.  Also, XRGBs don't have a Euro SCART connection, only the wacky Japanese version.

I must use something like this because in order to record game footage from a 240p system, I must use composite.  My capture card will not see component video at 240p.  It will, however, see component video at 720p and above.  HDMI as well.  480p only over HDMI (weak).
Off-Topic / Earthquake in Japan
03/11/2011, 04:32 AM
I'm getting various reports of a 8.4 or even an 8.9 magnitude quake that hit northeastern Japan.  A resulting tsunami has been sweeping up dirt, debris, cars, houses, fires and moving them across the land.  It is amazing, and not in a good way.  I hope our Japanese friends are OK.
Staff / Lots of spam lately
01/02/2011, 11:51 PM
So why do we have so much spam all of a sudden that I need to delete?  How are these members with strange usernames getting through?
That's right, 1UP has chosen their favorite 101 gaming sites on the internets.

Click here for the page linking to Chris' site

Sad to say that did not make that list.  Even didn't make it.  But something called Xbox Achievements did.  Go figure.
Feedback / Feedback Forum?
08/29/2010, 03:03 AM
Perhaps PCEFX needs a Feedback forum for buyers and sellers.  Basically it would be a forum and a thread would be created for each member either by themselves or other members.  For example, if I had a deal with nat and nat didn't yet have a feedback thread, I could start a nat feedback thread and state how my transaction went, positive or negative.  He could do the same for me, or maybe I had already created my own feedback thread and nat could just make a post in it.  The threads could be updated with the alt names of the same sellers/buyers on other locations like eBay (for example).

Any threads you all recommend keeping (via movement to the Chit Chat forum) for any reason?  I'd like to keep the Dave Medina thread because it is useful.  How about any others?  I think there is a "What game have you beaten" type of thread in here somewhere, but it is called something else.

List threads you feel should be kept/moved here.  Arguments/complaints against closing Fighting Street will be ignored by myself.
Chick-Fil-A is closed on Sundays, not sure why.  Yet everyone loves them.  So maybe a day of withdrawal will increase the cravings for as well.

Plus, it'd give us more time to worship copious amounts of Jeezus.
You may thing that Beta or LaserDisc is "da bomb".  You may even know about RCA Selectavision and think it is "phat".  But check out some of these wonders from the past:

First we have the Toshiba LVR.  HD-DVD wasn't Toshiba's first attempt at failure. Around 1980 when VHS and Beta were already going at it, Toshiba introduced it's LVR format (it never made it to market). It was a linear head format that did not use rotating heads like VHS and Beta, but rather multiple tracks on an endless loop tape moving at a very high speed.  At the end of each track, the head would increment down to the next track.  Each track lasted about 25 seconds and there were 300 tracks on each tape, giving a running time of about 2 hours.  It did add quick random access as you were never more than 25 seconds away from any spot on the tape.


(Click the image for a larger, readable version of this image).


Now we have JVC's VHD/AHD system which tried to compete with the likes of LaserDisc and RCA's CED.  It actually had some things in common with the latter. Like CED, the VHD disks came in a protective caddy that had to be inserted into the machine and withdrawn, leaving just the disk inside. Also, like CED the reading was done with a stylus so there would be wear over time.  JVC tried to capitalize on the rampant popularity of the VHS name, so they called it VHD.  Wow.  It likely was not marketed in the US, but evidently it did have some success in Japan.  AHD refers to the digital sound demodulator that can be added to the VHD system to let the discs be used as a digital audio source (no video, but still pictures could be provided like the intensely popular CD+G format).



(Click the image for a larger, readable version of this image.)

Now for the digital audio adapter:



Off-Topic / Random Pictures Thread
02/10/2010, 02:17 PM
I couldn't find an appropriate place to post this, so I am create this.  Post any pics you like, within reason, of course.


QuoteAdmin Recovery Edit 7/15/2021:
Found (Likely Sources):
This topic has been moved to - The NEC Console Resource Site so check it out there.  We have even included the technology to take you straight there, just click below!
Fighting Street / How do you take a piss?
12/08/2009, 01:11 AM
Yeah.  It's Fighting Street.
Off-Topic / Y2K
09/25/2009, 02:26 AM
I don't know why I'm thinking about Y2K, but I am.  Do you remember how the world was supposed to end at the beginning of the year 2000 because computers running ancient code would flip back to the year 00 and they'd all crash?  Utilities were to be lost, famine was to occur and people would roam the streets in packs hunting and killing people.  You were supposed to buy lots of non-perishable food and water, guns and board up your house.

I was watching TV when the stupid New York ball dropped in Times Square at the end of 1999.  Right as it hit the bottom, right at 12:00:00, the screen went to static, but only for a second.  It was the local TV station playing the greatest prank ever on Y2K believers.  It was awesome and I started out the new millenium with a big laugh.

So did YOU fall into the Y2K hype?  Did you know anyone who did?  Any plans for the end of 2012?
Staff / Site banner
06/12/2009, 02:50 AM
The banner at the top of the page is repeated so that there are two side by side, creating a horizontal scroll bar for the forum.